tigerfush · 2 years
“I became so incensed and personally frustrated at the rejection I was receiving by just trying to get people’s attention. I was made so aware of the silence, this huge, loud silence regarding AIDS, how no one wanted to talk about it and no one wanted to become involved. Certainly no one wanted to give money or support, and it so angered me that I finally thought to myself, Bitch, do something yourself. Instead of sitting there getting angry. Do something.”
She traveled around the country visiting the department stores that sold her perfume, and she vowed to visit AIDS hospices in every city that she could. But there were two caveats: She did not want any press to interrupt those private visits, and the perfume company and the department store would have to donate money to each of the hospices she visited. She vowed to match their contributions.
At the Coming Home Hospice in San Francisco’s Castro District, nurses were told in hushed tones that Taylor was on her way. She stopped in each of the hospice’s 15 small rooms, and she spent several minutes talking with each patient. She asked them if she could arrange to have their dogs walked; she asked if she could call their mothers for them or write letters for them.
Some patients cried when they saw her, said Guy Vandenberg, a health care worker and AIDS activist who was at the Coming Home Hospice when she visited. After she met with patients, he said, Taylor sat with the handful of staffers in their tiny kitchen and asked them how they were taking care of themselves. “How do you support each other?” she wanted to know.
-Elizabeth Taylor had many problems and was not a perfect person, but she did so much good and was generous and loyal to friends. If she lived now she would be totally cancelled but she would not care and I think she would still have done everything the same.Impressive woman.
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bookclub-reads · 2 years
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Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit and Glamour of an Icon
What do you think of when you hear the name Elizabeth Taylor? Old Hollywood? Scandal? Several husbands? Those are the things that I originally thought of before reading this book. Little did I know she was so much more than just a sex symbol in Hollywood. She was a woman who loved life, her family, and friends. Elizabeth stood up for the people who, at the time, were considered outcasts by society. She was a woman who knew her worth and demanded respect.
While she put on a brave face for the public, privately she struggled with many battles. This includes drug addiction, abuse, and alcohol addiction. This book reveals it all, from childhood to after her death. It really makes you think about what really happens to child stars when the camera turns off.
I originally read this book because I love old Hollywood and its history. I only knew Elizabeth Taylor through what people had told me and through the little research that I have done through the years. Now I see her as an actual human being and a woman who was looking to be loved. This book is full of both laughs, heart breaks, and reconciliation with the past. I recommend that everyone reads this book. Is it long? Yes. It is over 400 pages and took me a week to finish, but it was worth the read. I now have a bunch of her movies that I’m adding to my watch list now that I know the stories behind the roles. Note: When adding this book to your reading list, bring a box of tissues because this book was a roller coaster of emotions.
I really hope you enjoy this book as much as I do and let me know your thoughts.
Until next time! 📚🍷
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softerly · 12 days
“Dearest Elizabeth,
You asked me to write you the truth about us…Prometheus was punished by the gods forever and is still suffering in all of us for inventing fire and stealing it from the gods. I am forever punished by the gods for being given the fire and trying to put it out. The fire, of course, is you. I cannot put you out…you will always be like some ineradicable, ineluctable, sulfur in my inadequate and vulnerable hands.”
- A love letter from Richard Burton found in chapter 11 of Crazy, Stupid Love from Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit and Glamour of an Icon
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lovelyloveday · 1 year
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Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon by Kate Andersen Brower presents a mesmerizing depiction of an exceptional woman. Elizabeth's life was a more captivating saga than any film could ever be.
Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon by Kate Andersen Brower  https://bit.ly/3EKUKKr  
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don-lichterman · 2 years
How Elizabeth Taylor Redefined Celebrity Activism – Deadline
How Elizabeth Taylor Redefined Celebrity Activism – Deadline
Kate Andersen Brower’s Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit and Glamour of An Icon is billed as the first-ever authorized biography of the legendary actress, as her family and estate gave her access to Taylor’s private letters, photos and diaries. What Brower found was new insight into Taylor’s later-in-life emergence as an influential activist, using her star power to help push forward legislation to…
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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newzzwired · 2 years
Elizabeth Taylor’s Campaign Against AIDS
Elizabeth Taylor’s Campaign Against AIDS
On this week’s episode of Inside the Hive, author Kate Andersen Brower joins Emily Jane Fox to discuss her new authorized biography, Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon. Andersen Brower takes us inside the lesser-known sides of one of the most famous women of all time. Andersen Brower, who interviewed 250 people for the book and combed through thousands of never-before-seen personal…
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astratv · 2 years
Ο εθισμός στα χάπια, οι αμέτρητες συνταγές των γιατρών και η μάχη με τον αλκοολισμό
Αποκαλύψεις για τη ζωή της θρυλικής ηθοποιού, Ελίζαμπεθ Τέιλορ φέρνει στο φως, η νέα βιογραφία της Κέιτ Άντερσεν Μπρόουερ, με τίτλο «Elizabeth Taylor: The Grit & Glamour of an Icon». Είναι γνωστό πως η σταρ του Χόλιγουντ πέρασε μια περίοδο, κατά την οποία κατανάλωνε υπερβολικές ποσότητες από διάφορα χάπια. Μάλιστα, η κατάστασή της ξέφυγε τόσο πολύ, που η νύφη της, Αϊλίν Γκέτι, έφτασε να…
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