#Epilepsy doctor in thane
STN-DBS versus GPI-DBS – Which DBS location is better
Worldwide, the most common DBS location is a brain part called the Subthalamic Nucleus (STN-DBS). So, most doctors think it is better.
But in some patients, an alternative location may be better. This alternative location is the Globus Pallidus Interna (GPi). In fact, some doctors think that GPi-DBS is better in all cases!
Your doctor will do this thinking for you. He/She will tell you the proposed location.
But, its good to know how he/she thinks!
Let us learn quickly about the pros & cons of these locations.
What do you mean by DBS-Location?
DBS passes a small electrical current into a small brain part.
The small brain part is called the DBS location. Many doctors will call it the DBS Target instead.
Look at the picture below
READ MORE...Best Neurologist In Mumbai, Thane- Dr Kharkar, NeuroPlus Epilepsy & Parkinson's Clinic
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nurvinaari1 · 6 months
HIGH-RISK PREGNANCY: What to Do and What to Expect? Why to Worry?
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High-risk pregnancies sound daunting. It is common in women with a medical history, a chronic illness, substance addiction, and other mental or physical health conditions that put the mother at a higher risk of miscarriage or pre-term labor. So, what exactly is a high-risk pregnancy? Does it mean you are supposed to seek help from the best obstetrician-Gynecologist in Thane West? Does it mean your child is at risk of abnormalities after birth?
Causes of High-risk Pregnancy
Pregnancy is the most beautiful yet unpredictable phase in a woman’s life. But, things get pretty complicated for those diagnosed with a high-risk pregnancy. To protect yourself and the child, you need to be extra careful with your medication, diet, health, and lifestyle. But, what exactly causes high-risk pregnancy, and who is at a higher risk?
Women above 35 years
Alcohol or drug addiction, smoking, and sedentary lifestyle
Chronic diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, epilepsy, irregular thyroid levels, kidney diseases, heart diseases, asthma, or an existing infection
Complications during pregnancy, such as abnormal placenta position
Women carrying twins
Prior pregnancy complications, such as a history of miscarriage or premature birth
Some women might have a healthy pregnancy in the first trimester but may experience complications later. So, it is important to stay in touch with the gynecologist to monitor your blood sugar level, blood pressure, and thyroid levels. In addition, regular health checkups every few weeks are highly recommended for pregnant women.
How Can You manage High-risk Pregnancy?
High-risk pregnancy doesn’t mean you cannot have a healthy pregnancy or a healthy child. It, generally, implies you need special care and regular health monitoring. Here are a few things to consider to manage high-risk pregnancies.
Plan Your Pregnancy: A planned pregnancy can save you and your child from many pregnancy complications. It isn’t only for women exposed to high-risk pregnancy, but every couple trying to conceive should visit the maternity care in Thane to discuss their health with the gynecologist before getting pregnant. The doctor will recommend health supplements, especially folic acid, so you can gain weight before you get pregnant.
Get Regular Prenatal Care: Prenatal care is important for pregnant women, in general. But, it is a necessity for women with a high-risk pregnancy. Your gynecologist may refer you to a specialist to monitor your and the fetus’s health.
Avoid any Harmful Substance: Alcohol, drugs, and smoking increase your risk of miscarriage and pose a health risk for your child. Your gynecologist will give you a list of the items you need to avoid during and after the pregnancy to keep your baby safe. These mainly include alcohol and drugs. You should also aim to follow a healthy lifestyle with a nutritious and balanced diet.
Are Special Tests Necessary?
The doctor recommends additional tests for women with a high-risk pregnancy. It includes:
Targeted ultrasound
Prenatal screening
An ultrasound for cervical length
Lab tests
Invasive genetic screening
Biophysical profile
Note that certain pregnancy tests, like amniocentesis, should be taken only if prescribed by a gynecologist.
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drkharkar · 3 years
Best Neurologist in Mumbai Helps Parkinson's Patients Recover Faster
If your loved one is showing symptoms of Parkinson disease it is best that you consult a neurologist for immense relief. According to a study it is possible that people with Parkinson's disease can live longer if treated by a neurologist. Consulting the best neurologist in Mumbai can help Parkinson’s patients recover faster. Moreover when consulted by an expert they are less likely to be placed in nursing home. There are fewer chances of slip and fall because properly diagnosed Parkinson's disease patients receiving treatment are less likely to slip and fall.
If you are already seeing a neurologist for your loved ones make certain that you are choosing the best neurologist in Mumbai as they are more aware and more knowledgeable about possible side effects and complications. Seeing a neurologist is the key to treatment and people with Parkinson's disease and thus they must consider seeing a specialist for their care. Neurologist does make a difference in Parkinson’s disease care as they live longer and reflect improvements.
Better known as a movement disorder specialist is a neurologist with additional training in Parkinson’s disease and other movement disorders. Doctors specializing in Neurology have extensive knowledge of Parkinson's therapies and ongoing research. Today with technology at helm patients are benefited to connect with these specialists.
It is common scenario that people with Parkinson’s disease (PD) go to a general neurologist for their care. While a general neurologist might treat patients for neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease it is advisable to consult a specialist. Usually a movement disorder specialist focuses primarily on Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders, such as dystonia and tremors.
Having extensive experience in treating Parkinson’s disease the movement disorder specialists are often best equipped to customize care plan for you and your specific needs. It is prudent to consult the specialist neurologist earlier as you see the symptoms in your loved ones rather than wait until the disease progresses. Just by seeing this specialist early in your treatment it is helpful for the best neurologist in Vile Parle for Parkinson’s disease to help you prepare for potential changes and adapt to these changes as soon as they happen.
You can find the best neurologist in Mumbai for Parkinson’s disease through internet and even ask your primary care doctor. Choose a specialist having extensive experience in the field and one who understands and listens to you, as it is crucial.
Dr. Siddharth Kharkar at Thane Mumbai is a leading and best neurologist who is visited by a large number of patients suffering from brain conditions. Dr. Siddharth Kharkar is a board certified Neurologist experienced in stroke, Epilepsy, Parkinson disease and other movement disorders, Headache, Memory problems, Paralysis and Dizziness / Vertigo.
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 What Is Deep Brain Stimulation How Does DBS Work Deep Brain Stimulation For Movement Disorders - Drkharkar
DBS is the short form of “Deep Brain Stimulation”. DBS is one type of Parkinson’s Surgery.
DBS works by passing a small current into the brain. This current is passed into only to a small part of the brain.
The doctor selects one out of two brain parts (either the GPi or the STN).
DBS works by changing the electrical currents in these areas. At present, we cannot mathematically calculate these changes.
But, empirically (as-seen-with-our-own-eyes) – DBS improves Parkinson’s symptoms.
Let us learn more about these topics:
READ MORE...Best Neurologist In Mumbai, Thane- Dr Kharkar, NeuroPlus Epilepsy & Parkinson's Clinic
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 Best Epilepsy Treatment In India, Mumbai Resistant Cases Treated With Epilepsy Surgery In Mumbai
Best Epilepsy Treatment in India at Mumbai, including Epilepsy Surgery
Dr. Siddharth Kharkar is an internationally trained Epilepsy specialist in Mumbai, India who runs the NeuroPlus Epilepsy & Parkinson’s clinics. He is noted as one of the best Epilepsy doctors in India. He provides the best Epilepsy treatment in India itself, including Epilepsy surgery in India. He is available at Nanavati Hospital in Mumbai, India and in clinics around Mumbai.
He finished his MBBS from KEM hospital, MHS from Johns Hopkins University, USA his MD Neurology from Drexel University, USA. He completed his 2-year fellowship in Epilepsy surgery from the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), USA which is one of the centers offering best epilepsy treatment in the world.
He was part of the Epilepsy faculty at the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) before returning to India. Since then, He has been recognized as one of the best neurologists in Mumbai by India Today & Outlook India magazines.
READ MORE...Best Neurologist In Mumbai, Thane- Dr Kharkar, NeuroPlus Epilepsy & Parkinson's Clinic
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nurvinaari1 · 1 year
Preparing for Pregnancy: Why a Pre-Pregnancy Checkup is a Must
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People often may not realize they are pregnant in the first few weeks. You must be healthy and prepared for pregnancy before you conceive. You should see the Best Gynecologist In Currae Hospital Thane if you find pregnancy symptoms. Here, you can learn what to know before a pre-pregnancy checkup. 
Why should you visit?
Visiting a healthcare provider for a preconception checkup is essential for anyone planning to get pregnant. This checkup ensures that the individual and their future baby are in good health and addresses any concerns or conditions that may affect pregnancy. The checkup involves discussing medical conditions, lifestyle changes, and more. It also includes vaccinations, genetic testing, and the importance of folic acid.
What happened at the checkup?
Firstly, the checkup involves discussing any existing medical conditions the individual may have, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, epilepsy, anemia, or allergies. The doctor assesses how these conditions may impact pregnancy and advise on necessary treatment plan adjustments to manage the condition effectively before and during pregnancy.
Lifestyle changes are also addressed during the checkup. It emphasizes the value of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It includes eating nutritious foods, exercising regularly, and potentially losing weight. Unhealthy habits like smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, or drug abuse are discussed. The healthcare provider offers support, counseling, and resources to help individuals overcome these habits if necessary.
Medications, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, are reviewed to identify any risks during pregnancy. Certain medications can potentially cause severe birth defects, so discussing them with the healthcare provider and receiving appropriate guidance is crucial.
The checkup also ensures that the individual is currently on their vaccinations. Particular emphasis is placed on rubella and chickenpox vaccines, as contracting these diseases during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage or birth defects.
Genetic testing is discussed based on the individual’s and their partner’s family medical history. The doctor assesses the genetic risk factors and may recommend genetic testing to identify inherited disorders such as Tay-Sachs disease or sickle cell anemia. Additionally, genetic counseling may be suggested for those who have experienced multiple miscarriages, are over 35, have a child with a known inherited disorder, or have an increased risk of passing on a genetic disorder due to family history or heritage.
One essential topic covered during the checkup by your Top Lady Gynecologist In Thane is folic acid intake. The healthcare provider ensures that the individual takes at least 400 mg of folic acid daily. It is imperative, as folic acid significantly reduces the risk of certain birth defects affecting the brain and spine, such as spina bifida and anencephaly.
When to visit?
You can schedule the preconception checkup with Dr. Sujata Rathod several months before attempting to conceive, although it can be scheduled up to a year in advance. It allows time to address any issues that require attention before pregnancy and ensures a smoother transition to prenatal care. It is advisable to schedule the checkup with the healthcare providers involved throughout the pregnancy. 
Now you know what to expect during your pre-pregnancy checkup. It’s time to find a gynecologist. You can contact Dr. Sujata Rathod. She provides excellent maternity care to help you plan and manage your pregnancy. She will help you deliver a healthy and happy baby. 
Source : https://nurvinaari.com/the-pre-pregnancy-checkup-why-what-when-tips-by-best-gynecologist-in-currae-hospital-thane/
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