#Erik Destler imagine
Erik Destler Imagine
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Imagine working at the brothel Erik visits, and you quickly become his favourite because you don't attempt to glimpse his face, and you dont mind the blindfold he wants you to wear- you dont mind him imagining someone else. Everyone falls for someone that doesn't want them back at least a couple times in their life, so if he wants to call you Christine that's alright.
Eventually he specifically asks for you every time he comes and it becomes routine. You say hello and you ask him how he is but don't pry, then you dutifully tie the blindfold over your eyes.
He's a very mysterious person. He doesn't give anything away. But... you think he must be quite sad. Profoundly sad. There's something about the way he touches you that's... different to the regular case. It's not so much that he isn't greedy... its more where that greed comes from thats different. He must really love Christine, you think. Poor man...
This is the same for a year, maybe even more then that. Eventually Erik starts to respond to you more, though, beginning to tell you how his week went, a little (He's still very mysterious). And eventually he asks you about yours.
At some point it's like an old friend is coming over not a client, and you're excited for Erik's visits. You flash him a big grin that warms his cold insides and take his hand and lead him to the room and you start to tell him little jokes when you get there. He's so sad, you're still thinking even now after all this time. Its not fair. You need to- you want to help him! He doesn't really laugh... but he listens. He sits there at the end of the bed and listens- doesn't reach out to start touching you, doesn't tell you to shut up, doesn't remind you you're wasting his time... he seems content listening to you. And watching you.
Still, you put on the blindfold always- no arguments, though he does begin to apologise for it. It's okay ^^
... One day, you're lifting the familiar strip of material to your eyes when he stops your hands. Wordlessly shakes his head. Takes the blindfold from your hands and leaves it on a dresser.
"We won't be needing that anymore... Y/N... "
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I Guess I'll Miss The Man~ Erik Destler/ The Phantom {Requested}
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(Warnings: Illness)
Coming Up Next: Hugo Jackson X Reader,
(Your POV)
Tear flooded down my eyes as I cried into my sisters corset. She shhhhhed me gently and rubbed small circles into my back. "You really are better off without him Y/N. He was a killer. He was using you."
He wasn't.... Truly.... He couldn't have been..... Could he?
Yes..... Yes he did....
But still I'll miss his face
And wonder if misses mine
Some days he wouldn't say a pleasant word all day
Some days he would scowl and curse
But there were other days when he was really even worse
"Sing!" He commanded as I closed my eyes, hugging my chest as I attempted to hold out the higher note as he demanded, "No. Y/N, you are sharp. Again." 
I sighed and looked down, ashamed, refusing to meet his eyes, “I am sorry..”
“No!” He hollered, but then began to recollect himself, “No. It’s fine let me help you.” He stood, placing his hand on my back and another on my chest, assisting me to straighten up my back. He than began to help me with proper breathing and I could smell his ora which I had managed to fall into.
Roses. Ink. Darkness. But my was the darkness intoxicating. 
“And raise your eyebrows.” He sighed, stepping away to his piano, “Try again?” I nodded as I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath before beginning.
“It's not a love story. It's not a coming of age. It's not the kind of thing you put into a play. It's just a small story. It’s just two friends all grown up. It happens. It happens. It happens one day. Why today?“
I coughed, not being able to continue and the Phantom stopped playing instantly helping me into calm and relax state by helping me sit and getting me water, to which I happily took and downed, muttering a croaked, “Thank you.” Before I set the glass down, gripping my head and closing my eyes.
“It’s getting worse isn't it?” He asked, pacing away as though afraid that I would crack if he got to close, “Does Christine know how bad it is?”
I chuckled darkly and looked at him with bitter and sadness, “Chrissy doesn't even know.” I looked down, trying to fight the tears filling my eyes, “No one knows except you. No.. I do not want pitty or to be told to ease myself dow-”
“You are working yourself to death.”
“Says you!” You spoke sternly, going to stand only to fall back into the chair exhausted.
The Phantom echoed my dark laughter, “Look at you. You cant even stand, let alone make it up the st- Your nose!”
The blood hit my dress before I could even react and suddenly I felt dizzy, lights going on and off around me as I swayed. “E-Erik...”
And suddenly, black.
Some men are hero’s
Some men outshine the sun.
Some men are simple good men.
This man... Wasn’t one.
I was only awoken from my sickly slumber by a scream.
Chrissy.. No...
Forcing myself up, ignoring the pounding of my head as I grabbed everything to make my way towards the main area near the piano, the screams getting louder and my head and vision fading in and out as I went with it, tears flooding my eyes.
“Ch... Chris-” Stopping in my steps, I felt myself fall into a coughing fit that knocked me to the ground along with a candle stick, a male approaching me with haste, dropping something before picking me up in his arms, “H-H-H-H-H-”
“Shhh... Y/N? Y/N.. Don’t look... We gotta get you out of here.” He, though was trembling, even though he tried to keep a strong face, attempting to hide the face though he was obviously crying. It wasn’t working.
I looked up at him, reaching at last to touch his face, causing him to stop in his tracks. Even if I couldn't see it, I could feel it, and I wished I could see his face. I wish I could feel safe. I wish I could talk. I wanted to help him. “Ph-Ph-
He shhhed me, stroking my hair as he moved quickly along the way, “Actually it’s uh... Erik. Erik Destler.”
“Erik...” I smiled, looking at him as the lights shut out and I fell into blackness, wishing to stay in his arms and never leave them.
And I won’t miss his moods, his gloomy solitudes, his blunt, abrasive style.
Alone in the house I once stayed in with Chrisy, I shivered, not helping but feeling as if I was rotting, though I was grateful at the genoristy of my sister and her husband... Though I knew they were doing it because they knew I wouldn't last.
Doctors said it was only a matter of weeks now, increasing the medical staff, as well as normal staff. But I couldn’t stop thinking Erik. His eyes, and all the reason I shouldn’t love him, and evermore, all the reasons I did.
It was insane, constantly being surrounded by loves and suitors, and family, but longing to see one more before I passed. Even if it was just glimpse.
And one night, my wish came true, as a dark cloak made its way into my room, waking me from my slumber.
“Oh God.. I thought it wasn’t true.” the voice whispering, and I instantly recognized the voice of my love, “Sweetest angel.”
“Erik.” I coughed, opening my eyes, coughing weakly as I tried to reach for him, “Er-”
“Shhh.. Most gentle angel.. I should have never came. To wake you is such a sin.”
I grabbed his hand, “Please take me away.” I coughed again, squeezing his hand as I tried to sit up, “I am rotting. I would rather die in your arms than die here.” He knelt beside me, “I love you. I love-”  He felt himself begin to sob, cupping my cheeks as I coughed widely, kissing my cheek, only to be surprised when I moved my lips to his, his tensing up causing me to pull away. “Erik.. Erik I know I’m not-”
And I was cut off by his lips fast on mine, groaning slightly as he picked me up, only pulling away to let me breathe.
And with that, he swept me away into the night, leaving only a note in return for my sister to read.
But please don’t get me wrong, he was the best to come along, in a long, long while.
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Imagine The Phantom/Erik asking you to dance with him.
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