#Even knopp's crazy ass that somehow made me fond of him
meduseld · 3 years
Hi, not sure if you answered this already but I just caught up with The Lost Symbol, have you finished the first season? What did you think?
Hey! I have now lol. I still hold with the reviewer (Polygon I think) that said it was Carmen Sandiego for adults. Though honestly with the Langdon&Nuñez dynamic maybe more like Jonny Quest (as in they're Dr. Quest and Race Bannon imo). It's just a fun time to not think to hard over. Ridiculous but not in a bad way and what really saves it is the character dynamics and the chemistry of the cast (SatoxAdamu totally bounce to a beach for a while right? Bc phew that hospital scene, it was loooove) And the fact that they decided this Langdon is a bambi limbed nerd going through it and consistently failing at social interaction (sidenote, if you are a whump fan this show is for you. There's a lot of stuff that seems primed for fandom/fan creations and I hope with the NBCmove we may see more of it bc. Potential potential for fic let me tell you). Basically if you go into it with the mindset of not taking it seriously because this is gonna be wild and weird and have that particular Dan Brown flavor you will like it.
I do have to note though, people with not awesome relationships to religion might want to skip it. Bc (the Christian) God is in fact shown to be very real here, in Dan Brown fashion, and its almost like a sidenote? Like there is divine intervention on screen and literal magic/psychic powers and such but everyone just goes on like whatevs, so what if God spoke to me I got stuff to do. I watched with a group and we were all like "okay that's weird". Still it mostly shows up towards the end but I know that's a dealbreaker for plenty of people and that's fair. It's just the show is bonkers so it was easy to go lol at.
Finally I liked the open ending! Flexible enough for new adventures but essentially enough closure for the season. That being said, I don't care that it doesn't make sense and Langdon has a new girl and crew per book, bring back my bb Nuñez pls and don't disappear the Solomons from the face of the Earth.
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