#Everything about Prapai and Sky felt so real
respectthepetty · 13 days
Pride Petty Watch - LiTA (Sky/Prapai) 3/3
I'm watching Love in the Air for the first and ONLY time as part of my Pride Petty Watch, so I'm recapping my suffering experience. The previous recaps can be found here, here, here, and here. I made tea from Long Island *wink* and even though I am not mentally prepared for what's about to happen, I'm ready to finish this, so I can have a break from The Whores Horrors™.
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*sign of the cross*
If I wasn't so upset at everyone but Sky and Sig, I think I would have really enjoyed the colors and the ways characters' positions showed power dynamics, but here I am, Bird Box-ing my way through the visual rhetoric.
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Love really is blind because I feel Sky would stab Prapai if he heard Prapai call him "gentle" but Prapai has proven to not let reality get in the way of his vision.
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I will keep repeating that when Prapai is good, he is the best. He is enamored by Sky picking out stationary. He is happy Sky remembered what he likes to eat. He is worried about Sky at school and his health. His flirty banter works in this setting. Everything is perfect (except Sky's shirt which I refuse to show because it got enough screen time without me adding to it).
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How about we just stop here? Just like with Rain and Payu's story, this is a clear point that the story could end, and it would make sense, but noooooooo. The story needs TWO kidnappings because unlike telenovelas, apparently one was not suffice.
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To think that Don't Say No was a choice for my Pride Petty Watch, but I'm here, suffering for my actions and watching Prapai forget who he slept with from his former roster. It happens to the best of us, 'Pai.
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This is an odd comparison, but this is Last Twilight all over again for me. They just told each other how they feel with big declarations, and one hour later it all goes up in flames simply because the narrative demands it without it making any lick of sense.
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AND WE ARE BACK IN THE RED!!!! This show gives me no peace and no relief, yet this time was less jolting because I felt it coming, and somehow him crying in the car repeating that it is happening again is more upsetting.
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Get in, Slut for Christ! We're going to confessional, so you can pray for the sin of not taking no for an answer in a show full of people not taking no for an answer.
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Not to stereotype, but you are wearing a holographic butterfly shirt, my dude, so what in the Lisa Frank bullshit are YOU doing in sex trafficking? You are not allowed on the Pride float this year, and if you dare to step on it, I will push you off of it and make it look like an accident AFTER I take the shirt off your body because you don't deserve nice things.
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Prapai, you are better than this. You have displayed a mild sense of awareness regarding Sky, so having Sky breaking down right next to you without you acknowledging his pain is not your fault, but the story's, and I'm getting real salty about the way this plot wants me to like you yet simultaneously does everything to make me hate you. Was MAME fighting with herself when she wrote this?
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Perfect example! Prapai has consistently followed up after the party because he knows something is off from Sky's responses, so he immediately questions if HE did something wrong instead of assuming it's Sky. He still sends Sky food. He goes by to check on him once. Then he brings out the burner cellphones.
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As much as I complained about this behavior, it makes sense in this situation because it aligns with exactly who Prapai has been shown to be, a stalker (affectionately here, derogatory in previous episodes).
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It's not even about the *thing* for me. It's about the lack of consistency for the sake of, what? drama? Prapai talked about swindling a key from Joy, so I'm not surprised he made his way into the apartment without Sky's knowledge, but for Prapai to use the key for this doesn't make sense with his previous behavior. Desperate times call for desperate measures, but Prapai has been desperate before and he consistently showed up at Sky's apartment to bother him. He tricked Rain into giving him information. He showed up ON CAMPUS to hound Sky. He sent flowers. Yet he does none of that here. Payu went to Rain's mama's house to hunt that boy down, yet Prapai doesn't get the same treatment. Payu got the opportunity to lock himself in a bathroom stall with Rain and sniff him after making a surprise visit to campus when Rain was avoiding him, yet Prapai must commit a crime to get to "I love you"?
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And on that topic, the long break between Prapai stating he no longer liked Sky - while Sky was bursting with tears and started to cry harder - and Prapai saying he loved Sky was unnecessarily long. In fact, it was cruel. And as much as I hate Prapai's aggressive tactics and crass flirting, he has never been intentionally cruel to Sky, so Prapai ignoring Sky repeating "please, stop" again and again only to end with "I love you" doesn't work for me because that "please, stop" will rear its ugly head again when the ex enters the plot. Having Prapai do something very harmful to Sky who slowly crumbled down to the floor begging Prapai to stop, only to end with him doing something very loving and them smiling on the couch is an emotional beatdown that makes telenovelas jealous.
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My boy Sig wasn't perfect because he defaulted to telling Sky to cheer up, but he asked the good questions, he let Sky stay with him as he worked through his feelings, he told Sky that Prapai loved him, and he told Sky to cry. He is a saint among cockroaches, and even though I do not believe in the institution of marriage, I would marry this man in a heartbeat and fully commit to the bit.
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UNLIKE RAIN WHO IS NOW TRYING TO PROTECT HIS FRIEND AFTER HE WAS THE ONE WHO OFFERED UP SKY'S NUMBER AND APARTMENT KEY! I'm glad the story acknowledged that Rain's stupidity was pivotal to making this ship happen, so I'll acknowledge that both ships shift around yellow and blue as their love story develops.
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---Episode 13---
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I thought we were past this lighting and coloring, but this is a reminder that I'm in hell.
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I completely forgot about the whole "Wipe Down" controversy in this show, and now I am fully judging y'all because out of all the SHIT that has happened in this show, especially in episode 13 so far, this is what y'all was upset about it? This was the battle y'all picked? The hill y'all wanted to die on was this moment? Y'all was mad because we were shown Prapai wiping down his partner as a basic form of care after sex? Prapai who stalks and breaks into apartments? THIS is the behavior of his that got y'all so riled up that you chose to write 2,000-word think pieces on and lower the show's rating on MDL with the long-ass comments?! THIS?! I hope your cardigans always snag, your soup always burns your tongue, and your glasses always have smudges on them because some of y'all do not deserve small joys or everyday whimsy. Shame on you, shame on your ancestors, and shame on your cow.
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Prapai is checking that his helmet didn't hurt Sky when he hugged him, and I'm quickly coming around to the fact that "I don't hate you because you're problematic. You're problematic because I hate you the story hates you"
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I refuse to show this man's face or any of these scenes, but he is wearing a cross earring and the Sluts for Christ would like the record to state we do not know this man nor claim him, so we will be handling this situation promptly. However, we only need the ear, so if any other members of the delegation need anything specific, please add it to the Gay Agenda, and we will make sure to get those requests fulfilled in a timely manner. Thank you, and have a blessed day.
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Prapai just yelled at Sky, and I'm not even mad. This is where I'm at in the plot. Prapai ripped out the eyebrow earring, and I'm cheering him on. Payu stopped him, and I pissed. Prapai is rich. He will not go to jail. LET HIM MURDER!!!! He has already committed other criminal offenses, so what is murder to the list?! Mostly murder under these circumstances! THE CHARGES WON'T STICK!
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"I'll cry for you" - My therapist will be sending you an invoice, LiTA
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Chai, I knew I liked you. Your name is "Tea" and as a tea drinker, you have provided me the same level of comfort I get from a nice warm cup of spiced chai and I would also like you in my mouth. I fear you and respect you, so I know the sex will be fire and as the spokesperson for the Sluts for Christ, we have something you want, well . . . pieces of it anyway, so if you would like to exchange numbers, I can share with you any information I know perhaps over drinks . . . or under you. Whichever you prefer. I'm open to suggestions.
And commands.
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Oh, thank God, I'm done! I am free. There is no more trauma to witness. Slytherin earned a point and passed the course. I never have to see him or these weather boys ever again!
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*special episode pops up*
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bird-inacage · 2 years
Love in the Air: At the Mercy of Love (Sky x Prapai Confession Scene)
So the confession scene is easily one of the most important and pivotal scenes in Sky x Prapai’s storyline, and I have a lot to say about it. This scene left me quaking because it’s very, very layered. I’ve had to delve deep to truly try to understand the emotional perspectives of both characters in this moment.
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From Prapai’s point of view, Sky has just attempted to ruthlessly hurt him, which was incredibly out of character. Prapai knows this isn’t his Sky. Knows Sky wouldn’t say and do things like that, but he doesn’t understand why Sky is saying this. And Sky is a person who comes with a lot of ‘whys’ that Prapai doesn’t yet have all the answers to. He decides not give up, because his love and concern for Sky far outweighs his own pain.
I’ve tried picturing how Prapai felt when he read those words in Sky’s notebook. The first few pages are sweet and endearing, Sky’s notes begin purely as a record of facts. Slowly those become more telling, more revealing in how much Sky values Prapai’s presence, but also how much good he sees in Prapai.
Up until this point, Prapai has been putting his everything into pursuing Sky, in the hopes that Sky may at some point reciprocate even a fraction. Even in the previous episode, when Prapai gets angry, he says, “I might be a psychotic stalker in your eyes, but please understand how worried I am of you”. Despite how assured he comes across, Prapai is actually very insecure about how Sky feels about him. He has no real grasp on Sky’s true feelings. Though he suspects Sky returns them, he doesn’t actually know for sure. Sky’s notes reveal that he’s taken note of every gesture, every act of devotion that Prapai has made thus far. Nothing Prapai has done has gone unnoticed.
Prapai must have felt overwhelmingly validated and touched, that the person he loves has equally treasured every single moment of his presence. All the effort, all the time he has poured into Sky, has been seen, and is absolutely worth it. But Sky wanted to keep all this hidden. He didn’t want Prapai to know. And that fact was likely going round and round in circles in Prapai’s mind, whilst he sat there in the dark - stewing, and getting increasingly angry and hurt by the entire revelation.
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Which leads onto the part which devastated me. Sky insecurities, fears and anxieties laid raw and utterly unfiltered in excruciating, heart-breaking detail. Sky’s complete sense of worthlessness couldn’t be any clearer. Prapai knows there’s a shadow chasing Sky but he still doesn’t know what that shadow is. He loves Sky but Sky doesn’t love himself, and you can’t simply re-programme someone’s mindset like a switch. It doesn’t matter how much you love someone, that isn’t enough to convince them to love themselves as much as you do. Sky truly doesn’t feel worthy of Prapai’s affections, and so that entire final passage is Sky pleading, bargaining for Prapai’s attentions to stay with him. It’s the most agonised, distraught, desperate cry for someone to stay and not abandon him.
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Sky is so determined to project a strong façade. To have his worst fears being read out to him by the man he loves, the man he thinks no longer wants him anymore - is like hearing the taunting voice of his demons being actualised through Prapai. An echo of what I assume his ex intentionally may have done to mentally torture him. This whole exchange proves to be downright unbearable for Sky, because his attempt to maintain any semblance of control or strength is utterly shattered. The only thing he could withhold from Prapai were his true feelings, in order to protect himself. Now Prapai knows everything. Utterly everything. He’s completely at Prapai’s mercy. And he promised himself he would never let that happen again. Sky, who is overcome by a vision of his worst hell, can only dread what comes next, that Prapai could use his fears as further fuel to hurt him.
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Now my interpretation of Prapai’s response is that he is fundamentally still fuelled by anger (again out of concern and heartbreak for Sky). The tone he uses throughout is absolute admonishment, ‘You really thought that you could be the bad guy? You? Who were you trying to fool? Why were you trying to make yourself out to be the worst when I know you’re not? Why would you even try to get me to hate you, resent you, be angry at you?’ The fact that Sky even attempted to turn Prapai against him, to save himself from actually seeing Prapai do it of his own volition, is again a huge sign of self-sabotage.
We’ve seen Sky do this before. He’d rather try to hasten what he considers is the inevitable, taking the choice and control out of the other person’s hands. So yes, understandably Prapai is furious. He’s so helplessly angry because Sky tried to stop him from having any say, to stop him from having any choice in the matter. Sky jumped the gun and cut him off, and to top it off, tried to make Prapai completely hate him for it. To Prapai, what dealt the biggest blow, what was potentially the most hurtful, the one thing he could not accept - is even if Sky truly didn’t want him anymore, he has no right to take away Prapai’s love for him. ‘Don’t you dare try to make me hate you, when you have no idea just how much I love you. You are not allowed to take that away from me. You have no idea how utterly impossible that would be.’
Along with Prapai’s anger, is also fear. The thought that he may have never known, never heard these thoughts and feelings. The thought that he may have never found out, or been willingly told by Sky himself, had he not come across the notebook. Knowing what he could have lost, missed, passed by, had he not decided to persist. That Sky was going to take away his right to know. And the anger, pain and frustration at the thought that Sky would keep that from him. That one thing he values above all right now, which is Sky’s love.
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Within Prapai’s tone, there’s also a degree of, ‘Why would you do this to yourself? How could you be so cruel to yourself? Do you even know how you sound? Why?’ Prapai hates the fact that Sky keeps bringing himself down. Sky’s self-esteem is already sitting at rock bottom and for some reason Sky (being his own worst enemy) only continues to reinforce this. I think Prapai reading out every word was a way of hitting it home to Sky, that there’s no way on this earth that he could ever convince Prapai or anyone else that he doesn’t care. Because someone so broken, so insecure, so desperate of love - someone who wrote those words, thought those words, could never.
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I also believe Prapai’s hurt here stems from annoyance at himself. Annoyance that he ever, even if for one second entertained any doubt. That he ever thought badly of Sky, because this, THIS, is stone cold proof that Sky could never do anything capable of hurting him. Every word in that notebook is probably like a stab in the heart. And perhaps Prapai reading it out loud was to remind himself that he shoulders the blame. For not being able to get through to Sky, for not being able to be everything Sky needs.
Now, I think the almost interrogative way that Prapai reads the notebook whilst Sky breaks down is an attempt to tear down every wall and façade that Sky has remaining. We could see this as an act of ‘tough love’. Prapai has tried coaxing, and soothing, and being soft and gentle with Sky. But maybe the anger in this particular moment led him to try being blunt for once. Prapai so desperately wants Sky to be completely unshackled, unburdened, stripped down to his most basic fundamental. The Sky he was before all the pain was inflicted on him. The Sky underneath it all who wants him and loves him. The instant Sky confesses, Prapai’s face immediately smooths over like he’s finally gotten through. There’s an instant register of relief like ‘there it is, there you are.’
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I feel like the purpose of this scene was to be a moment of catharsis for both characters. As much as I do feel Prapai went in pretty hard, I also recognise that he’s been dealing with a lot of pent up frustration, fear and worry, that he hasn’t been able to direct anywhere. And to the man’s credit, he has been incredibly patient and understanding with Sky thus far. He refuses to let any of it out on Sky, so all of that worry has been kept largely to himself. The revelation of Sky’s true feelings just unleashed all that coiled up tension. For both of them actually.
To date a person who is dealing with severe trauma is not for the faint-hearted. I’m really glad this was addressed, because trauma may manifest as instances of misunderstanding or miscommunication, that will inevitably cause issues, disagreements, and possibly fall outs in the relationship. Sky will always be prone to think and assume the worst. All those fears don’t just go away as soon as you’re in love. Their relationship is going to be a real challenge, there’s no skirting around that. I do think this was a great dose of reality for Prapai, because this was the first real instance where Sky’s demons have manifested into an actual obstacle. Before that, Prapai has always been pretty steadfast and unfaltering. This completely hit him out of left field, and he realised that yes, he can be shaken too. He’s not invincible. He can also be subject to doubt, hurt, and anger.
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What I am really appreciative of is that this scene acted almost like a reset. It allowed them to be completely honest and laid bare. Now there’s no question to be had how they feel about one another. And that’s a good place to move forward from.
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fortpeat · 2 years
I truly don't know where to begin.
So many things happened in this episode. So many feelings. Anger, Joy, Grief, Relief etc. Can't pinpoint a single thing at the moment. Still riding the emotions but I have to put it all here before it gets all jumbled out. I have to say Thank you to Fort and Peat for bringing the absolute best to the screen and giving life to Prapai and Sky and the relationship that is Prapaisky. It's been a real journey to watch their story unfold. They truly gave their all and nobody could have done it better. 🥹🥹
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Now talking about the name that shall not be mentioned. HE DESERVES EVERYTHING WORSE THAT P'CHAI WILL BRING UPON HIM. I have never felt this visceral anger over a character. Everything about him gave me the absolute creeps. And every time he said Sky's name I was screaming at him to stop. He is a fucking monster and I want him to suffer for eternity in the deepest depths of hell.
The scene between Pai and Sky in the condo made me cry like UGLY CRY ON CRYING. God I have no words to describe how I feel. The way Pai handled the situation and Shouting at Sky to "Answer him" as a way to get him out of the space that Sky was trapped in, to begging Sky to feel something anything to cry I was beyond speechless. Pai crying for Sky. Feeling Sky's pain being there for Sky in every way he could, meant so much to me.
And later on at Pai's house when Sky said "I am a trash, I am damaged goods" I fully broke down. Every word felt like a stab to my soul that I need a week or more to recover from. And when Pai said " I won't make any promises, I won't make any vows but I will prove through my actions" I was laughing through my tears because this is it. This is what everyone wants because it's easier to make promises but so much harder to keep those promises through actions.
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The strength in Sky being able to smile and open up after everything that happened is only something I can hope I have a smidge of. Sky my sweet sweet child you are the brightest soul the Galaxy has ever bestowed upon.
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The sweet moments in between felt like a Balm to my already heavily wounded soul. It was everything I wanted and more. Thank you Prapai for loving My Sky with everything that you are.
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Can't wait to see the special episode
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sonnburn · 2 years
LITA is over and I don’t want the last thing I post about it to be negative but I gotta say— WHAT THE HELL did Mame have against Rain!?
We all fell in love with Sky because he was the sassy-yet-supportive best friend to Rain as he went through his journey. Rain told Sky that he loves him during his arc, clearly their friendship is very important to him, and he was shown to be actually scared to lose him upon coming out to him. Rain cared so much about Sky during his own arc.
WHERE WAS THAT DURING SKY’S ARC!?!? Rain was completely reduced to a clueless baby who had no idea what was going on and couldn’t do anything to help his best friend while Sky was struggling. Rain was never a smart character, but he was never THIS bad. And Rain was already established to be a determined character if nothing else, so even if he didn’t know what was wrong with Sky he still could have confronted him about knowing that something was going on and stubbornly tried to be there for him even if Sky continued to push him away. It really felt like Mame threw Rain under the bus and straight-up sacrificed his character to get him out of the way for Prapai to come in and fix everything.
And just— WHY!? That hadn’t been necessary during Rain’s arc. Sky’s involvement and role as ‘best friend’ didn’t detract from Payu’s role as the love interest, so why was Rain written so badly? It’s my only real criticism of the show. I was looking forward to the role reversal and Rain getting to step into the supportive best friend role for Sky when he needed him. But instead he was dumbed down and pushed to the side, and I’m really annoyed about it.
Rain, I’m so sorry they did this to you, you didn’t deserve this slander.
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My Top 5 BLs
Some of my favorite BL series and some small details on why I enjoyed them. I'm gonna try and remake one of these every few months to see what's changed after I watch some new series and finish the ones that I'm currently watching. *may contain spoilers*
Until We Meet Again (2019)
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This was the first bl I ever watched, I went in with zero expectations and didn't read the synopsis before I watched it. I honestly fell in love with the characters instantly, especially Korn and In, every aspect of their relationship was so detailed and crafted perfectly. If you ever feel like shedding a few tears, this should be your first choice, whether you want to cry or not with this series you definitely will. Even on my first time watching it I felt a sense of nostalgia and it felt very familiar, I felt very comfortable and at home with this series.
The Untamed (2019)
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If you'd consider this a bl then it should definitely be in everyone's top 5. Everything about this series is perfect from the characters to the cinematography. While watching this series I felt drawn in and like I, myself was inside the series, every time a character cried, I cried with them, shared a connection with them, and felt their pain. I've always loved the theme of soulmates and that's a very obvious theme in The Untamed, Lan Wangji loses the one closest to him and longs for him for 16 years, and upon Wei Wuxian coming back to life Wangji is one of the first people he thinks about. They never left each other's side, they always fought for each other and always chose each other first, that's the definition of soulmates and I can't think of a better example other than them. On my first time watching this I was so into it that I watched all 50 episodes in four days, small note when watching this prepare tissues.
KinnPorsche (2022)
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Let me start this off by saying the acting in this series is absolutely amazing, it feels almost real. By the time my friend told me about this series, there were already nine episodes out and I sat there and binged them all, KinnPorsche kept me on the edge of my seat and never made me bored. They also did a fantastic job with the casting everyone was very skilled and extremely good-looking. This was only Be On Cloud's first series and after seeing how good this was I'm looking forward to their releases in the future. I loved the theme of Kinn and Porsche being "Ride or Die" and never turning their backs on each other, the story was executed perfectly and all the actors really brought the characters to life.
Word of Honor (2021)
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Finished this within less than three days, directly after I finished The Untamed. This is another series involving the theme of soulmates on this list as soulmates may or may not be my favorite troupe. Wen Kexing's willingness to give his life and anything else for Zhou Zishu, them willingly giving up living amongst other humans to spend eternity together, is more than enough to consider this a bl. Although there are many heart-shattering moments, there are many moments spent happily and some humorous moments to lighten the mood a bit. I'm not sure if there'll ever be a season two but I'm hoping.
Love In The Air (2022)
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I'd consider LITA to be top-five material not because of the plot, but because of the characters and their depth to them. Specifically, Prapai and Sky as they have so many sides to them and we get to see more into their personalities than what's on the surface. I liked this series because I felt it was balanced between funny and serious, it didn't have too much or not enough of either element and that's something I really enjoyed. The writers made it realistic and showed the issues that people may face in life and in relationships instead of making it all sunshine and rainbows, I applaud them for that. I don't just want a season two I NEED a season two, most of my posts so far have been about LITA and that'll give me plenty more material to write about so hopefully we'll get it and my writing career doesn't end right here.
Honorable Mention
3 Will Be Free (2019)
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This isn't a bl but I just have to talk about it. One of my favorite things to see in the series is strong friend groups and that's what we see in this one. Three young people on the fringe of society still trying to find their way in the world and bonding through shared faults and mistakes. They may feel upset with one another at times but they still will come to each other's aid no matter the situation, this is without a doubt the trio we needed.
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chocolatecakeandbl · 2 years
Hello Darling, I just wanted to thank you for what you wrote on your top five LITA scenes post, in particular about the scene where Prapai listens to the story of Sky’s trauma. I relate to the healing elements and I think it might be my favorite scene in the whole show. Like, I love SO many scenes but that one shot right into my heart and permanently lodged there.
The power of Prapai attuning to Sky as he holds space for him. It’s not like Prapai is going to singlehandedly heal Sky’s trauma, but he WILL create safety for him so he can do it. That look, that closeness, that care and respect? So healing. Also, it is just so powerful to have someone cry WITH you about your pain. Prapai does that without making the moment about him at all. Stunning.
Fort nailed that scene and I couldn’t be more proud of him.
Anyway, thank you sweetheart, Dow your beautiful honestly. You deserve to be heard and attended to just like Sky 💜💜💜
Awww Honey, Sweetheart lemme hug you!!!
Right? I mean, it's that. It's not Prapai miraculously healing Sky, but it is Prapai giving him the space for it. No, wait, let me rephrase. He is opening a space for him to heal. Where Sky can willingly step into knowing he will be held safely and securely. Where Sky won't get looked at weirdly or condescending. Where no one will tell Sky off for what happened to him. I think that's the beauty of the scene. The bubble that was created without many words but through action, through a show of deep understanding what Sky needs right this moment. We literally see the connection thrumming between them, the way Prapai looks, not missing a single reaction, reacting calm even though he must have felt everything else than calm. It's as if you feel the love between them running over your own skin. The effect it has is beyond words. There is no therapist, and no words in this world as powerful as real love. And I think, this is what we got in this scene. Unconditional Love in its most perfect form. Love and Trust. Safety and Security. The moment of 'I accept you as you are.' I might be a cheesy romantic with a need for cuddles 24/7 but even if I were none of the former two, I would still melt because of this scene.
The acting was superb. I don't know how both of them made it possible but I am glad they did. Last but not least: THANK YOU SO MUCH. I nearly cried at the last paragraph *showers you in hugs and love* (as the social inept I became I have no idea how to respond the right way to it, uh, sorry. Uh. lemme think for some more moments) I definitely wish you the same! I hope you are showered in love <3
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moaserendipity · 2 years
love in the air ep 9 messy review
we have arrived at episode 9 of love n the air. Let's dive deeper in Sky & Prapai's lovestory.
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We start of with Pai dressing himself and admiring himself, lol why am I not surprised that his siblings are an exact copy of him. I love this though! I love the bond between the siblings. Also Pai's confidence is out of this world but to me it's funny!.
Sky in his boxers and sleep shirt, i love that he doesn't care about changing before going out. He seems so carefree when he does this, sadly for him he runs into Pai, who doesn't mind this as well, which I love because that means he takes him the way he is. The way he tries to walk away from him but he should know by now that this will not work at all. I love how Pai teases him about the flowers, knowing fully well he bribed P' Joy.
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okay this flashback of Sky scared me, the way the entire mood changed. Like I was immediately aware something was wrong and my heart just felt uneasy. The way Pai snapped him out of it and the way you could tell Sky was not okay at all.
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The way Sky is trying to keep Pai outside of that huge wall, it's kind of funny but sad as well. The way he puts himself down, sigh my poor Sky, that why I love Pai because he likes him because of him, he doesn't care how he looks like. ALSO WHAT NIPPLE PIERCING?! Now he probably got them when he was with his ex so I will not say a thing about it but hello! I love how Pai gets under his skin and dumps all this information on him. The Way Sky pretends not to listen but we all know he will remember everything he tells him.
Sigh my dear Sky, he is persuing you out of curiosity, because he thinks you are cute, also you rocked his world and the way you are rejecting him is definitely something he is not used to but most of all he just likes you because of you!. he doesn't want a sex buddy or FWB, he wants a real relationship. Lol credits to Sky though he does seem to know Pai because before all this Pai was a real player, so fair enough.
Pai and his curiosity. Rain won’t be able to help you in any way though.
I hate how tired he looks, he must be suffering a lot and I don't like that at all. Then you have this super cute best friend who tries to put in a good word for Pai and accidently mentions your ex, which unlocks more damage then anything. I feel bad for Rain though because how could he know about his Ex if he never said a thing, not that it's Rain's business but it's not okay to go off to him about it, if you never said a thing.
Okay I know it's super serious but the way Rain goes back to his own drawing desk, made me giggle, this boy is too cute for his own good.
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I love Pai but he needs to calm down. He is pushing too much, Sky will have a meltdown. My poor Sky and I do get him.
Ugh I hate this so much, I want to protect him at all costs against these nightmares. The way he has to keep telling himself that everything is okay. My heart is literally breaking for him. The thing is he likes it but doesn't allow himself because he thinks he is not worth the attention. Is this really how Sky spends his nights, not sleeping but working on his projects, just to avoid nightmares, gosh..
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Lol this moment with Rain who is in shock that Sky's ex is a guy. The way he taps Payu's thigh and Payu is just looking at him with adoring eyes. I still want what they have, darn it!!! Pai is worried and I love that because it means he actually does care and doesn't see him as just another guy.
Sky is not okay, he is not sleeping! The way Sky pretends to be okay in front of his friends, also can I say I love that black sleeveless shirt on him!! This friends group, I love it so much! The way they all crash at Sky's place, just sad to see that he isn't sleeping at all. Please don't ignore your heart, not all guy's are bad.
P' Som scolding them is totally uncalled for and not cool and they way Sky looks, ugh can we wrap him in bubblewrap? I love how Sig tries to make things okay. This friend group does really care about each other. hate that he needs to keep telling himself everything is okay.
These nightmares, my heart is really crying for him. I really really wish I could make things better for him. Pai please I know you mean well but it's too much for Sky...... I am literally crying for him, please someone just help him. (The thing is Pai really means well, so I can't be mad at him but he really shouldn't push so much.)
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P' Som really acts like that because Rain snatched away Payu! How childish. The way they all changed as soon as they saw Sky looking sick. Someone get him home. He must be literally exhausted. Pai really really cares about Sky and that's what I love to see. I want him to take care of Sky but also I hope he doesn't push him too much.
Finally Rain is protective about Sky. He literally makes Pai promise he won't do anything before he even gives the room key.
Poor Sky is all shivering. He must be stuck inside that nightmare, sigh, the way he grabs Pai and begs him not to go. I mean he doesn't even know it's Pai but the way he holds him tells me he makes him feel safe in some way. Lol he thinks Pai is his dad, this is kind of sweet though. I can't say this enough but the way Pai takes care of Sky, without misbehaving even though he had a moment he wanted to but thank you Rain for making him promise he wouldn't do anything.
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Now I am super curious to next week because I believe we are going to see Sky warm up to Pai a bit but for now I am satisfied that we see Pai changing from player to a caring bf(even though he isn't yet)
I do want to praise Peat for the way he portrays Sky, I think he is doing it brilliantly.!!
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that-bl-bitch · 2 years
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#bad buddy the series - 23 posts
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Longest Tag: 140 characters
#yeah listen im no macau stan but when thier dad was like 'yoh and macau' i was taken aback and was like vegas ok but what did macau do sir??
My Top Posts in 2022:
The fact that all the fluffy scenes we saw in the beginning were of the future and not the past is still blowing my mind, that was so smart! like we thought we watching all the good times before it all came to a end when Jiwoo left but we were really seeing what they going to be when they finally got back together. Insane
57 notes - Posted July 3, 2022
Even know they’ve both had like the same amount of episodes or whatever, for some reason it just feels like We’ve gotten less of prapai and sky compared to payu and rain and it also feels more rushed, idk maybe I’m just being dumb and I’m the only one feeling like this plus I mean their not done yet but I just feel like when I was watching payu and rain at this point I feel like it felt better paced, I mean it could also be that their stories are both very very different even down to how it flows and develops which now that I’m writing this out this actually makes a lot of sense and I was being dumb cause sky and prapai are dealing with traumas and obstacles that payu and rain just didn’t have, ok so fuck everything I said before I had my revelation it doesn’t feel rushed and payu and rains was not “better paced” it’s just a completely different story and I shouldn’t even be comparing them
60 notes - Posted October 26, 2022
Also did anyone else get mad suspicious vibes from Teacher Sani, she was weird when she walking around the school and when she ran into Teacher Chadok but she was ESPECIALLY weird when she was talking to Wat asking him about Akk and the prefect group and like I feel like she is using the fact that nobody really takes interest in Wats passion of film cause shes the first person he has found that has taken a real interest and she using that to hide the fact that she's looking for some sort of information, I don't know if she suspicious because she working against or for the school but sus acting nonetheless this episode
71 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
One thing I would like to put out just because I thought it was curious detail was that Kim cleaned up before he left like Chay was kidnapped but he made sure the house was cleaned cause in the morning we see the couch bed pulled out blankets on it and stuff from them sleeping the coffee table moved if I'm not mistaken but then when Vegas and Porsche go to get Chay it's all nice and neat and I just found that interesting just imagining Kim being all scared for Chay not knowing exactly what's all happening making the call to Kinn and just going back into the house to tidy up before he goes to kill some bitches
77 notes - Posted June 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ok so I decided to do a favorite bl dramas of 2021 even though no ones asked lol, although looking back at everything I watched this year I really didn’t watch that many at least compared to 2020, like I really slacked on my bl watching this year like at one point I was watching 12 or 14 at one time (this included like older completed ones too as well as airing shows) now if I’m watching 5 or 6 I feel overwhelmed which is so frustrating so if I was setting a bl related resolution it would be to get back to that 12-14 territory, anyways I've watched around 20 something dramas give or take some short films and movies but just to focus on the dramas of it all for this list, although I didn’t watch that many this year I still feel like I watched some very good ones and I very very happy with every single show on this list that being said let’s get into it.
**DISCLAIMER** these are not in any specific order like best to least or anything like that cause it would absolutely break my brain and my heart to rank them
**P.S** spoilers for some of the shows I’m gonna talk about if you haven’t got to them yet
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Ok not much to say about this one just really solid and I really enjoyed it and the fact that it’s only 6 episodes but felt like a full long series is really something, great story, great acting, great chemistry a full chefs kiss
See the full post
153 notes - Posted January 2, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bird-inacage · 2 years
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I did feel for Rain’s friendship trajectory this episode. He had multiple shockers in succession, and probably felt like a really bad friend to boot.
1. Sky’s ex is a guy. This is news to Rain, who had no idea about Sky’s sexuality. On top of that Prapai makes it crystal clear he intends to pursue his BFF. I thought that Rain had begun to tweak when Prapai asked for Sky’s number and proceeded to turn up outside their university. But clearly not.
2. Sky’s “son of a bitch” ex. Due to the little he knows, Rain was completely unaware of the minefield he walked into by mentioning Sky’s ex. Rain proceeds to hangs his head in shame like a wounded puppy when Sky scolds him. This reveals to Rain that Sky’s previous relationship was not a happy one. I also imagine that Sky isn’t often blunt towards Rain like that (if ever), as he looks visibly taken aback.
3. Sky falling very seriously ill. Rain is thrown by how unwell Sky is and how he attempts to push through it. Rain must be both worried and guilty (yet again) that they have been working closely with him for days and didn’t pick up on anything amiss.
4. Sky refusing proper care. Sky insists on being taken home to recover rather than in hospital. This is clearly someone who requires supervision. Rain would do it himself but has work to do, and so tries to find the next best alternative. Rain takes a punt in entrusting Prapai, though is evidently very hesitant and conflicted about this. He already feels bad enough, and does not want to leave his already vulnerable friend in the hands of someone he doesn’t trust.
I do still believe that Payu has probably vouched for Prapai’s character behind the scenes. And that the inner conflict Rain has whilst handing over Sky’s keys is also because of everything he’s discovered about Sky of late, causing him to feel particularly guilty and therefore more responsible for ensuring Sky will be okay. He doesn’t trust Prapai quite completely (yet), but in a way this is a test to see if Prapai can be the real deal for his friend.
Rain probably feels terrible on multiple levels. For not knowing these things about Sky. For Sky not feeling comfortable to share these things with him in the first place. For not picking up on any signs himself regardless of Sky choosing not to disclose anything. For validating his worst critiques of being a bit ‘dumb’ and ‘slow’ on the uptake.
I think Rain will play a bigger role in ensuring Sky moves towards a happier place as he’ll want to make amends and prove his worth as Sky’s best friend.
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