#Everytime we're just trying to make it just a little bit longer bc we have something to help
So, we have money set aside that we cannot touch for a place to live. We have incomes coming our way. We are simply trying to survive until we can secure housing. But we don't have the funds yet because we're waiting on approvals and such. We're going to try and stay at hotels until then, because sleeping in parking lots is scary with a car full of girls.
Especially when we break down and have to push the car. One of those nights we managed to get to a parking lot and most people kept their distance even with greetings. But while I was getting something out of the trunk, bend over looking for something, someone was trying to talk to me and calling me beautiful and it was gross. Saying things to me and my sister but she didn't notice. The only reason he left us alone was because some other guy shooed him away which I grateful for. But a lot of the times there aren't people willing to do that you know? And that was like at two a.m. or something, not an hour of politeness.
Plus it's been raining and that in itself has made me want to curl up in a ball and stay away from cars. Got too much car trauma for that shit.
Basically, trying to avoid more trauma for myself and my siblings, and my mother. If anyone could please help, whether it's a dollar or five, just whatever you can!! We appreciate it greatly!!
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