justiisms · 4 months
"Little Koko, are you in here? I just wanted to tell you that dinner is almost-!!" *and within the span of a second ichiban has gone from sticking his head into the tiny detective's room to standing right in front of shinigami's slime hat!! his eyes are practically sparkling as he looks it over without touching it, the man on the verge of vibrating with pure excitement!!*
"I didn't know you were a fan too! Which one is your favorite?! I've only played up to to the sixth one so far, but I know the others will be just as good! Oh, but there's so many spinoffs too, I don't know if I could choose a favorite myself, hehe~!!"
"Ah, yes! Thank you, Uncle-!!" Yuma blinks in surprise when suddenly seeing his Uncle Ichiban enter his room in a flash!! Though as he sees him stare at Shinigami's slime hat with so much excitement, he can't help but smile~ And Shinigami, of course, huffing proudly since it's her amazing hat!!
"Heh heh, a nice hat, right? Y-Yeah, I guess you could say that! Ahh, I see... you truly are a die-hard fan, Uncle! N...No kidding, I was shocked to learn just how many there are, main series and spin-offs and all... s-so yeah, it's hard for me to choose a favorite, too! The ones I'm familiar with, are all pretty great, too. But I still wouldn't call myself an expert at the series so soon, so I'll definitely be curious to learn more about it from you or watch you play some of the games, Uncle...!"
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("It's thanks to yours truly that you even know anything about such a glorious series, kyahaha~ Hmm, I miiight just have a fun new target to possess for next time... it wouldn't look out of place for him to burst about his love for Dragon Quest, after all~! And then sometime, I wanna play with him! I've found my fellow Dragon Quest enjoyer, after all!!")
("Y-Yeah, it really is thanks to you, Shinigami. W-Well... I guess it's better than you trying to possess Uncle Pikachu... but even if you do decide to play with him one day, still don't use him, please!! Uncle Pikachu, that is... just use my body, instead.")
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