#Federal labor law posters in Illinois
stubcreator · 1 year
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creepingsharia · 5 years
A Month of Islam in America: June 2019
Another month, and another step forward for sharia in America as more censorship was exposed. A whistleblower leak confirmed that @Pinterest protects Muslims and censors any reference to “creeping sharia,” and many other non-liberal topics.
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Click any link below for more details and link to original source.
Jihad in America in June
Brooklyn: Muslim Immigrant Sentenced to 20 Years for Attempting to Join Islamic State (ISIS) Mohamed Rafik Naji was sentenced to 20 years’ imprisonment by United States District Judge Frederic Block for attempting to provide material support or resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a foreign terrorist organization.  Naji pleaded guilty to the charge in February 2018.
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Brooklyn: Muslim Woman Who Helped ISIS Gets 4 Years, But Will Be Out in 18 Months
With credit for time served, Sinmyah Amera Caesar will end up only serving about 18 months in prison after pleading guilty to charges accusing her of using social media to help recruit IS fighters under the nom de guerre “Umm Nutella.” She had also admitted violating a cooperation agreement with the government a — betrayal that infuriated prosecutors.
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Illinois: Bosnian Muslim refugee and mother of 4  jailed for sending money, supplies to ISIS
Mediha Medy Salkicevic, a/k/a Medy Ummuluna, a/k/a Bosna Mexico, 39, was sentenced to 78 months in prison for conspiring to provide material support to terrorists.
Salkicevic, aka Medy Ummuluna and Bosna Mexico, espoused the ISIS philosophy that infidels should be killed and once said that unbelievers should be buried alive.
At the time of her arrest, she was working for an air cargo company at Chicago O'Hare Airport...
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Illinois: Two Muslim converts convicted of aiding Islamic State (ISIS)
Joseph D. Jones and Edward Schimenti proudly waved a terrorist flag during a photo at a Lake Michigan park in Zion, had plotted to attack the Navy’s main U.S. training center near North Chicago and once had their eyes on planting an ISIS flag atop the White House.
Now Jones and Schimenti, both 37, have been found guilty of providing material support to ISIS.
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Indiana: Yemeni Muslim who tried to join Islamic State terrorists gets 8 years in prison
U.S. District Court Judge Sarah Evans Barker handed down the 100-month sentence Friday afternoon in the case against 21-year-old Akram Musleh, U.S. Attorney Josh Minkler announced.
He admitted in the plea agreement that from about April 2016 through June 21, 2016, he offered himself to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham, also known as IS, knowing it was a “designated foreign terrorist organization.”
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Pittsburgh: Syrian Muslim Refugee Arrested for Planning Jihad Attack on Christian Church
Mustafa Mousab Alowemer, 21, a resident of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, was arrested today based on a federal complaint charging him with one count of attempting to provide material support and resources to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization, and two counts of distributing information relating to an explosive, destructive device, or weapon of mass destruction in relation to his plan to attack a church in Pittsburgh.
“Court documents show Mustafa Alowemer planned to attack a church in the name of ISIS, which could have killed or injured many people...”
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Ohio: Jordanian Muslim Immigrant Sentenced to 15 Years for Trying to Join Islamic State (ISIS)
A Dayton, Ohio man was sentenced today in U.S. District Court to 180 months in prison and 25 years of supervised release for attempting, and conspiring, to join the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS). 
Laith Waleed Alebbini, 28, was convicted following a bench trial in November and December 2018 before U.S. District Judge Walter H. Rice.
Alebbini attempted, and conspired, to provide material support and resources to ISIS in the form of personnel, namely himself.
Alebbini, a citizen of Jordan and a U.S. legal permanent resident, was arrested by the FBI on April 26, 2017, at the Cincinnati/Kentucky International Airport, as he approached the TSA security checkpoint.
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South Carolina: Muslim - twice convicted for attempts to join ISIS and kill Americans - gets 20-year prison sentence
A federal judge has sentenced a South Carolina man who tried to join ISIS to 20 years in prison.
Zakaryia Abdin, 20, pleaded guilty in September 2018. The Ladson man was arrested in March 2017.
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New York: Bangladeshi Muslim immigrant arrested in Times Square terror plot
Ashiqul Alam was arrested Thursday after arranging through an undercover agent to buy a pair of semiautomatic pistols with obliterated serial numbers, prosecutors said. Police Commissioner James O’Neill said that development was “a clear indicator of (Alam’s) intent to move his plot forward.”
The defendant, a legal resident born in Bangladesh, moved to the U.S. as a child about 12 years ago...
He talked about wanting to “shoot down” gays, referring to them with a slur; using a “rocket launcher, like a huge one,” to cause havoc at the World Trade Center; and obtaining an enhanced driver’s license so he could walk onto a military base and “blow it up,” the documents said.
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Illinois: Muslim Arrested for Threatening to Bomb Aurora Casino for Allah
A recently released affidavit and search warrant claimed that 30-year-old Musatdin M. Muadinov,  while detained by police on Feb. 12, vowed to “pray to Allah” to “destroy the casino.” He further demanded to meet with President Donald Trump, saying that if his demands were not met, “we would all meet Allah,” according to the affidavit obtained by the Daily Herald.
Muadinov — who was dressed in what police described as “Muslim attire” when arrested — waived his right to remain silent.
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More Jihad in America in June
Florida: Suspect sent bomb threats to judges ‘for cause of Islamic State’
Nebraska: Heavily armed Marine arrested trying to enter Air Force Base
Arizona: Muslim shared terror propaganda before attacking police officer
Brooklyn: Muslim in Jail for ISIS Support Pleads Guilty to Slashing Correctional Officer
South Carolina: Man who pledged allegiance to ISIS hid explosive device in teddy bear
Arizona: Witness in probe of 2015 Islamic jihad attack on free speech event convicted of lying to FBI
Libyan National Found Guilty of Terrorism Charges in 2012 Attack on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi
Iraqi Muslim who orchestrated jihad attack that killed 5 U.S. troops gets 26 years prison, then release to Canada
Immigration Jihad in America
Minnesota’s first Somali Muslim cop gets 12 years for murdering Australian woman
Minnesota: St. Paul’s first Somali Muslim city council member says criticizing his homophobic comments is… Islamophobic
New York: Brooklyn Mosque Blasts Islamic Call to Prayer to 20 Block Radius (VIDEO)
Somalis have Changed Minneapolis
New York: Thousands of Muslims take over two city blocks in Brooklyn to pray in the streets
Four Muslim ISIS suspects arrested in Nicaragua, likely headed for US
Islamization of America
Pennsylvania: 167-year-old Catasauqua church will become Islamic mosque
Pennsylvania: Former Easton church is now a Sunni mosque
Pennsylvania: Former daycare in residential Salisbury to become Muslim “community center”
Virginia: Residential home in Annandale to become a Muslim funeral home
Education Jihad in America
New Jersey Public School District to Students: “May Allah Continue to Shower You Love and Wisdom”
Maryland school fails Christian student for refusing Islamic prayer
New York: Cornell Univ. Muslim Students Demand More “Prayer Rooms”
Stanford administrators say advertising for conservative event threatens Muslim students
The Muslim Brotherhood’s Muslim Students Association: What Americans Need to Know
DOE Investigating Elite Colleges For Hiding Saudi, Qatari Cash from Regulators
Islamic Slavery & Sexual Jihad in America
Virginia: Three Muslim family members arrested for conspiracy, forced labor, and document servitude 
Detroit Imam: Wife-Beating Serves to Remind Her That She Misbehaved (VIDEO)
Dhimmitude in Elected Office
Trump Admin Sues Greyhound for Banning Muslim Driver from Wearing Full Length Islamic Robe 
Democrat majority passes defense authorization bill that funds transfer of remaining Gitmo jihadis to U.S.
Minnesota: City of Bloomington allows terror mosque to flout local laws (VIDEO)
Minnesota city council votes 5-0 to ditch Pledge of Allegiance (to avoid offending Muslims)
Diversity is our Strength Alert
Minnesota’s first Somali Muslim cop gets 12 years for murdering Australian woman
Minnesota: St. Paul’s first Somali Muslim city council member says criticizing his homophobic comments is… Islamophobic
Boston Police Dept’s First Muslim Captain Put On Administrative Leave Amid ‘Anti-Corruption’ Investigation
Minnesota: First Muslim congresswoman Ilhan Omar fined by state for unlawful use of campaign funds
Minnesota Muslim Rep. Ilhan Omar filed joint tax returns before she married husband
Fraud for Jihad
Connecticut: Muslim Grocery Store Worker Pleads Guilty in $3.2M Federal Food Stamp Fraud
Massachusetts: Muslim Restaurant Owner Pleads Guilty to Tax Fraud Conspiracy
That’s just what we had time to compile for just the month of June.
Far too many steps forward for the sharia, and only a few pushbacks, but worth noting:
New Jersey: School District Scraps Posters Calling upon “Allah” to “Shower” Students with Blessings After Threat of Lawsuit 
Rather Than Go to Trial, Terror-linked CAIR Settles with the Victims They Defrauded 
Tunisian Muslim who swore allegiance to ISIS removed from U.S.
New York: Albany mosque imam convicted of terrorism is deported back to Iraq It’s almost midnight and Americans are losing their first amendment rights to sharia supremacists and the big technology, media and politicians who support them.
Please share this report before it’s too late.
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Protests Fuel Fight For Federal Reform Of Police Department And Law Enforcement
By Addison Burns, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Class of 2021
June 26, 2020
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As cries rally nationwide, following the death of George Floyd, all part of the catalyst of the movement to reform police forces and victims of police brutality, frustration habitually emerges over lackluster government (state and federal) responses. Police brutality, particularly targeted towards African American and Latino males, is not new- it has been prevalent throughout most of the United States’ entirety. While there have been some changes  to curb police brutality, collective efforts on a national/federal level have yet to happen in regards to reforming the current police system, however, are occurring on a state-level all over the United States.
Police brutality was traditionally an issue dealt with on a case-to-case basis, resolved internally by local police departments and authorities. However, by the mid-twentieth century, the federal government became involved in preventing unconstitutional misconduct by local police departments nationwide. This shift resulted from years of systemic misconduct at the hands of local and state-level police departments, as prior to the involvement of the Federal government, complaints and cases were being dealt with internally, often involving bargaining and pay-offs, (Rushin & Garnett , 2017). The U.S. Attorney General gained the ability to seek reparations against police brutality in local and state police departments in 1994, when the U.S. Congress passed the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act, just one component of the omnibus crime bill designed to reform police misconduct, (Rushin& Garnett , 2017).
Although the U.S. Department of Justice and Federal Government became involved in correcting the systemic misconduct at the hands of police officers, it was not until 1997 that the Department of Justice intervened for the first time with 42 U.S.C. § 14141in an attempt to correct the misconduct in response to the beating of Rodney King, (Rushin& Garnett , 2017). The lack in response efforts, and amount of time it took for the Federal government to take action against police brutality after initially passing off cases of police misconduct to state legislatures and authorities (roughly 40-45 years) highlights one of the main problems of the current system in which cases of police misconduct are dealt.
Protests are currently sweeping the United States, ignited by viral footage of the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis Police Department and a failed system. Outside of state and federal interventions and involvement with policing officer misconduct and brutality in the United States, activist and protest-groups have been fighting systematic racism and police brutality for decades. Social movements such as the Civil Rights, Chicano, and United Farm Workers movements all received harsh backlash from authorities, police departments, government officials- especially in the form of police brutality and misconduct, (Greenblatt, 2020). The issue of police brutality was present long before Ferguson protests consumed national headlines and news.
The federal government has the power to mandate changes in how police officers are screened, trained, employed, and funded. At many ongoing protests, signs and posters painted: “DEFUND THE POLICE” can be seen, suggesting that one solution to end police brutality would be for police forces to be completely defunded. Entirely defunding the police force in the United States has obvious implications- hence the campaigns 8 Can’t Wait and Campaign Zero have provided eight adjustments police can make to end the cycle of violence.
The campaign, 8 Can’t Wait, a project of Campaign zero founded after protests in Ferguson Missouri in 2014, is devoted to bringing about immediate change and reforming police departments across the United States to reduce police brutality, (Yglesias, 2020). The campaign, 8 Can’t Wait, provides and supports eight policies meant to reduce harm caused at the hands of police officers. The campaign is publicly supported, applauded and endorsed across several platforms and by various celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey and Ariana Grande, (Yglesias, 2020). The eight policies are as follows, (pictured below):
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SOURCE: (Yglesias, 2020)
The goal of the campaign is that by implementing the eight policies, pictured above, police will reduce the amount of force they use by approaching confrontations and methods of force used while training and policing on and off duty. The first policy bans chokeholds and strangleholds, because the likelihood of something going wrong and turning tragic is significantly higher when the latter are used, whereas training officers to utilize alternative restraint methods reduces the amount of deaths resulting from chokeholds and strangleholds, due to alternative methods of restraint being safer options, (Yglesias, 2020). Requiring police officers to warn before shooting, and use shooting as STRICTLY a last resort will reduce the overall amount of people shot by police officers, which will reduce the amount of people killed after being shot by the police. Another policy requires bystander police officers to intervene if they witness police officer misconduct, abuse of power, or any misuse of position. A similar group, the 20/20 Club is an organization with the goal to bring police brutality and criminal justice a primary issue in the presidential campaign platforms to initiate change in the coming presidential term, (Greenblatt, 2020).
While various changes have taken place over the years in an attempt to reform law enforcement, the root of police brutality has not been solved. One law, or policy, takes months if not longer to pass through federal courts, therefore, most cases regarding police misconduct or abuse of power are handled internally in small courts or local departments. In order for widespread change to occur, the reform needs to happen at the federal level. The Civil Rights Movement took years of protests and rallies before segregation in the United States was banned nation-wide, following a federal mandate. For decades people have been fighting police brutality in small courts involving local police to no avail. Thanks to booming social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram), and 24/7 access to world news, celebrities, and content- stories such as those of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Trayvon Martin have made national headlines, spreading awareness and demanding change.
Rushin, S., & Garnett, A. (2017). State Labor Law and Federal Police Reform. Georgia Law Review, 51(4), 1209–1227.
Yglesias, Matthew. “8 Can't Wait, Explained.” Vox, Vox, 5 June 2020, www.vox.com/2020/6/5/21280402/8-cant-wait-explained-policing-reforms.
Greenblatt, A. (2020, May). Turning Black Lives Matter Protests Into Policy. Retrieved June 16, 2020, from https://www.governing.com/topics/politics/gov-black-lives-matter-protests.html
Photo Credit: RGB
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anntyler3 · 5 years
An Employee's Guide to Federal and State Minimum Wage Laws
Labor Day is right around the corner,  a welcome day off from work (for many of us) and a time to reflect on the rights of workers won by the labor movement, like the 40-hour work week and minimum wage. Minimum wage laws, in particular, have been getting a lot of attention recently as states and cities continue to raise the floor of what employers must pay. With federal, state, and local laws overlapping, it may be difficult to determine what the minimum wage is where you work.
So, here's a primer on current minimum wage laws, and how they might apply to your job.
The Federal Wage Floor
The Fair Labor Standards Act sets the minimum wage from coast to coast lays out the rules for overtime pay. That wage is $7.25 per hour for covered nonexempt employees, and applies to any employer that has at least two employees and either "an annual dollar volume of sales or business done of at least $500,000," or "hospitals, businesses providing medical or nursing care for residents, schools and preschools, and government agencies." There are a few exceptions and exemptions, like students in retail or service establishments, agriculture, or institutions of higher education, and certain service industry workers.
The FLSA also mandates "time and a half" overtime for work over forty hours per week. However some workers (like executive, administrative, and professional employees; farm workers and seasonal employees; and casual babysitters and some elder care workers) are exempt from minimum wage and overtime pay statutes .
State and Local Labor Laws
As the Labor Department's Wage and Hour Division points out, "Federal minimum wage law supersedes state minimum wage laws where the federal minimum wage is greater than the state minimum wage. In those states where the state minimum wage is greater than the federal minimum wage, the state minimum wage prevails." Therefore, states can set their own minimum wage laws, as long as they are higher than the federal minimum.
A total of 29 states -- plus D.C., Guam, and the Virgin Islands -- have minimum wage rates higher than the federal minimum wage, and many of them have scheduled annual adjustments to raise wages. Five states, however, don't have a state-mandated minimum wage, so they must adhere to the federal statute. State minimum wages range from New Mexico's $7.50/hour to Washington's $12/hour and the District of Columbia's $14/hour.
Several cities and counties have enacted minimum wage ordinances higher than that set by their respective states , from Berkeley ($15.59), Los Angeles ($14.25), and Sunnyvale ($15.65), California to Seattle ($16.00), Washington, and Chicago ($13.00) and Cook County ($12.00), Illinois. In response, 25 states have passed minimum wage preemption laws, prohibiting local governments from setting their own wage laws higher than the state minimum.
Employers subject to minimum wage laws are required to display a poster detailing their wage and hour requirements where employees can readily see it. To find out whether and which federal, state, or local minimum wage laws apply to your job, or if you think your employer is violating wage laws, contact a local wage and hour attorney for help.
Related Resources:
Find Wage & Hour Lawyers Near You (FindLaw's Lawyer Directory)
5 Things a Wage & Hour Lawyer Can Do (That You Probably Can't) (FindLaw's Law and Daily Life)
Which States Increased Their Minimum Wage This Year? (FindLaw's Law and Daily Life)
A Labor Law Primer for Employees (FindLaw's Law and Daily Life)
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8246803 http://blogs.findlaw.com/law_and_life/2019/08/an-employees-guide-to-federal-and-state-minimum-wage-laws.html
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ncmagroup · 5 years
By Laura Handrick
  A new hire checklist helps to ensure that you don’t miss any important steps when you add new employees to your team. If you’re adding an employee to your business for the first time, you may be unsure of what’s required. To help you, we’ve provided a free downloadable checklist that includes these important hiring tasks that you can check off as you complete them.
If you want to ensure a smooth onboarding process, use an integrated HR management software like Zenefits. Employees can complete 100% of their onboarding online—including signing offer letters, filling out I-9 and W-4 forms, and enrolling in benefits—all before their first day. Zenefits automatically populates this information to its payroll, benefits, and time-tracking tools so your employees can get set up in minutes.
  New Hire Checklist Template
Using the 10 checklist steps we’ll describe below, we’ve created this simple template you can download and customize. Use it to ensure you’re prepared for your first employee. If you’re hiring a 1099 contractor instead of a W2 employee, read our article on using an employment contract to hire a contractor instead.
Download the New Hire Checklist Template as a DOC or PDF
Once you’ve set up your employer identification number (EIN), taxes, and workers compensation’ (steps one through five below), you can modify the template above by omitting most of what’s in the first section since you’ll already have completed those first few steps.
The rest of the template can be used for each additional new hire to make sure you don’t miss a critical hiring step.
The 10-step New Hire Checklist
There are five essential things you need to do before you hire your first employee, from obtaining an EIN to setting up taxes and insurance. Then, there are another five tasks like obtaining I-9 forms and other documents that you need to complete with your first and all subsequent new hires.
If you have already started that first new employee, you really need to get these done before your first payroll. We’ve documented these 10 tasks into a step-by-step checklist template that you can download and customize.
For Your First New Hire
Step 1: Obtain an Employer Identification Number
EINs are used by the IRS for tax administration. Before you hire your first employee, you’ll have to apply for an EIN on the IRS website. Due: Before you hire your first employee
Step 2: Register for State Taxes
If you haven’t already, make sure your business is registered for state and local taxes. Your state will likely provide you with an ID or number that you will need later when submitting payroll taxes. Due: Before your first hire (in most states)
Step 3: Obtain Workers’ Comp Insurance
Most states require businesses with one or more employees (besides owners) to purchase workers’ compensation insurance. This can typically be purchased through the state or through a private carrier. To find your state’s policy and agency, check out the National Federation of Independent Businesses (NFIB). Payroll software or a PEO can help you set up your workers’ comp. Due: Before your first hire (in many states)
Step 4: Post Required Notices and Posters
Depending on the state you’re located in and your industry, you’ll likely be required to post labor law notices around the workplace. These are called labor law posters and include things like at-will employment, minimum wage rates, and anti-discrimination laws. Most federal and state agencies will provide these posters for free (or at least give you PDFs to print out). The United States Department of Labor has an interactive questionnaire that will help you figure out which federal poster you need. You’ll also want to check with your state office for other required notices. Due: On or before your employee’s first day
Step 5: Determine the State Unemployment Tax Rate
Your state unemployment insurance (SUI) tax rate often varies from year to year, depending on salaries or wages. You should be given your SUI tax rate each year in the mail, or log into your state tax registration website to find it. New businesses will use a default rate. Due: Before your first payroll
For All Subsequent New Hires
Step 6: Conduct Any Pre-screening or Background Checks (Optional)
While not required, it’s a good practice to ensure the employee you’re hiring has been truthful during the application and interview process. Therefore, consider conducting post-offer, pre-hire background tests or drug screening (if legal in your state), so there are no surprises. Due: Post-offer and pre-employment
Step 7: Obtain Signed Federal W-4 Form
Have your employee fill out and sign a Federal W-4 form on or before his or her first day of work. The W-4 is where an employee specifies his or her tax withholding preferences. You can find the form here on the IRS website. You do not have to submit this to the IRS but should keep a copy on file. Due: On employee’s first day
Step 8: Obtain Signed State W-4 Form (If Required in Your State)
This is relevant only to states that collect income tax (such as California, New York, and Illinois). You can find your state’s W-4 form or equivalent on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website. Due: On employee’s first day
Step 9: Have Employee Complete Form I-9
The Form I-9 verifies an employee’s eligibility to work in the U.S. You do not have to submit this to the government, although you do have to keep it on file for three years after the date of hire (or one year after an employee’s termination, whichever is later). Due: Within three days of hiring
Step 10: Register with the New Hire Reporting Program
All businesses need to report their new employees to their state’s New Hire reporting program. The purpose of this registry is to help the government enforce child support payments, among other purposes. Each state has its own center, which you can find on the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) website. Due: Within 20 days of hiring
A Final Step: Document Storage
As a final step in our new hire checklist, you’ll also want to designate a safe place to store personnel files. In particular, I-9s and W-4s need to be kept on-hand. We caution against storing paper files in an unsecured location for confidentiality purposes, so we recommend using a secure electronic provider like Zenefits to house all of your employee files.
Other New Employee HR Resources
As your business is starting to grow, you may want to consider looking at a few other employee-oriented resources in our HR section, including:
New Hire Employee Forms
Offer Letter Template
Non-disclosure Agreement
Non-compete Agreements
Employee Handbook Sample
Employment Agreement Template
Best HR Software Comparison Guide
Outsourcing HR
Best Payroll Software Comparison Guide
Federal Labor Laws Every Small Business Should Know
The Bottom Line
The 10 steps of our new hire checklist with the template above may feel overwhelming for the small business owner who is just beginning to hire staff. However, go through these steps in sequence to ensure you don’t violate any state or federal labor laws. Once the employee is hired, you can move forward with onboarding and training your new employee.
  Go to our website:   www.ncmalliance.com
New Hire Checklist & Free Template By Laura Handrick A new hire checklist helps to ensure that you don’t miss any important steps when you add new employees to your team.
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ecompaniesusa · 5 years
Checklist for Forming a Corporation in Illinois
Illinois Incorporation and company registration.
Contact the Illinois Secretary of State to determine if the proposed corporate name is available for registration. The proposed name of your corporation must be “distinguishable upon the records” of the secretary of state. A name is not considered to be distinguishable from another name if the only difference is:
a) reversing of words (e.g., Fast Copy, Copy Fast);
b) use of Arabic numbers or Roman numerals (e.g., Jim’s Sales I, Jim’s Sales II);
c) use of possessives (e.g., Thompson Auto Body, Thompson’s Auto Body);
d) phonetic spelling (e.g., Quick, Kwik).
2) Determine the availability of the proposed corporate name in any other states in which the business will operate.
3) File the articles of incorporation with the Illinois Secretary of State, Business Services Division.
1) The name of the corporation must end with “Company,” “Co.,” “Corporation,” “Corp.,” “Incorporated,” or “Inc.”
2) The articles must indicate the corporation’s principal office—city, village or township, and county.
3) The articles must state the number of authorized shares that can be issued and their express terms. NOTE: The number of shares authorized determines the filing fee.
4) If the corporation plans to have an initial stated capital, it must be included.
5) You may appoint the initial board of directors in the articles.
6) The articles must be signed by all incorporators.
4) Incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, should start a corporate minute book by acknowledging the filing of the articles and including the original of the filed articles.
a) Incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, should authorize the issuance of shares.
b) The investors should sign a subscription agreement, the agreement in which the investor agrees to buy the shares for a given price.
c) The incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, may set the value of noncash assets in payment of the subscriptions.
d) The incorporators, or the directors if named in the articles, accept the subscriptions.
e) The incorporators must give notice of the first shareholders’ meeting.
5) Consider electing a “Subchapter S” corporation status for federal and state tax purposes. See Sections 1362 et seq. of the Internal Revenue Code.
a) Use IRS Form 2553. File with the Internal Revenue Service Center, within the 16th day of the third month of the beginning of the tax year.
b) Shareholders and the corporation must file a notice of the subchapter selection with the Illinois Department of Taxation.
6) If the business will operate under a name other than its corporate name, a fictitious name must be filed with the Illinois Secretary of State.
7) Make sure your business complies with the Illinois securities laws. The most common exemption from the Illinois registration requirements for small businesses is a small business equity investment to ten or fewer investors. To comply with this exemption, the subscription agreement must include statements that:
1) the purchaser is aware that no market may exist for resale of the securities;
2) the purchaser is aware of any restrictions on the transfer of the securities, and
3) the purchaser declares that the purchase of equity is for investment purposes and not for redistribution. If there are non-Illinois investors, check with their resident state security regulator.
8) Make sure your business complies with federal securities laws. Registration is required unless an exemption is available. Following are the two most common exemptions for small businesses:
a) Intrastate exemption
b) Private placement exemption
9) Obtain the taxpayer identification number from the Internal Revenue Service. Submit Form SS-4. See the procedure set forth on the IRS website: www.irs.ustreas.gov. Note that any person filing a Form SS-4 other than a corporate officer must be designated as the Third Party Designee on the Form SS-4. To handle any other tax matters for the corporation, a person must also file Form 2848 with the IRS.
a) By filing the Form SS-4, the corporation is automatically pre-enrolled in the Electronic Tax Payment System.
b) By filing the form SS-4, the corporation will receive the IRS Circular E Employee’s Tax Guide – Forms for Payroll.
10) Take the following action at the first shareholders’ meeting or by written consent of all
a) Elect directors.
b) If the directors named in the articles have not done so, the shareholders should adopt
the code of regulations for the internal government of the corporation.
c) Consider adopting a close corporation agreement
d) Set value for any non-cash payments by investors to the corporation.
e) Consider adopting a shareholder’s buy and sell agreement.
f) Set the fiscal year for the corporation.
11) Take the following action at the first meeting of the board of directors or by written consent of all directors.
a) Elect officers.
b) Set up a bank account by adopting a bank-provided resolution.
c) Consider adopting benefit plans.
d) Consider adopting a group term life insurance plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 79).
e) Consider adopting accident and health insurance plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 105[b]).
f) Consider adopting medical reimbursement plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 105[b]).
g) Consider adopting a death benefit plan (see Internal Revenue Code Section 101[b]). h) Consider adopting a Section 1244 plan. This allows the stockholders to take an ordinary tax loss rather than a capital loss if the business fails and the stockholders lose their investment (see Internal Revenue Code Section 1244).
i) Adopt a resolution for leasing business space.
j) Adopt a resolution for the purchase of any real estate.
k) Set compensation of key employees
12) Consider requiring key employees to execute employment agreements with covenants not to compete.
13) Issue stock certificates or transaction statements for paid shares.
14) Consider adopting policies about the following issues to protect the company, the directors and the executives:
a) sexual harassment;
b) non-discrimination;
c) trade secret protection;
d) company ethics (e.g., corporate gifts, anti-kickbacks);
e) email, computer and Internet use;
f) compliance with environmental laws;
g) compliance with the anti-trust laws;
h) compliance with the worker safety rules;
i) development of procedures to prevent the hiring of illegal aliens, and
j) political contributions.
15) Obtain the following posters to be placed conspicuously in the workplace:
a) Illinois Civil Rights;
b) Fair Labor Standards Act – Minimum Wage poster;
c) Employee Polygraph Protection Act – poster advising employees of federal rights when confronted by a request from an employer to undergo a lie detector test;
d) rights of employees under the Family and Medical Leave Act poster;
e) posted notice of the company’s anti-discrimination policy and anti-harassment policy (sex, race, national origin, etc.);
f) Federal Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA) poster (states the rights of employees under OSHA);
g) Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission poster;
h) Illinois Wage and Hour requirements poster
16) Apply for an income tax withholding agent. File Application for Registration as a withholding Agent, with the Illinois Department of Taxation.
Starting a new company in Illinois. Ecompanies USA offers fast & easy Illinois Incorporation, LLC and Business Name Registration services to domestic entrepreneurs and foreign companies wishing to operate in Illinois.
Illinois Incorporation Service
Illinois LLC Registration
Illinois Fictictious Name Registration
The post Checklist for Forming a Corporation in Illinois appeared first on Ecompanies USA.
from Ecompanies USA http://bit.ly/2vjBmAs
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leroyanitaus · 7 years
Federal Labor Law Notices Solicitation?
Federal Labor Law Notices Solicitation?
Lately I’ve received a series of notices that seem to state that I need to buy some OSHA like posters to hang in my “new business”. However I’m not so sure these are legitimate and seem like third party solicitations.
Earlier this year I created a DBA within the state of Illinois. I do not have an LLC, S-Corp, EIN, etc. I’m simply a dude who wanted to get checks sent to a “business name” rather…
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from Fanning Plumbers http://ift.tt/2uBl1UW via http://ift.tt/19pTFXB
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fanningplumbers · 7 years
Federal Labor Law Notices Solicitation?
Federal Labor Law Notices Solicitation?
Lately I've received a series of notices that seem to state that I need to buy some OSHA like posters to hang in my "new business". However I'm not so sure these are legitimate and seem like third party solicitations.
Earlier this year I created a DBA within the state of Illinois. I do not have an LLC, S-Corp, EIN, etc. I'm simply a dude who wanted to get checks sent to a "business name" rather…
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2017 Illinois Labor Law Poster $16.87 & Free Shipping
2017 Illinois Labor Law Poster $16.87 & Free Shipping
2017 Illinois labor law poster that meets all Illinois state posting requirements for employers workplace. Free shipping. 30 day money back guarantee.
Please note that both state & federal posters are required by law. We recommend our customers to buy state & also a federal poster. Failure to post both can result in heavy fines up to $17,000.
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