#For the record we're talking about taking like 5 fries or smth not stealing all the food
Most to Least likely FFXV character to steal food off your plate
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (Assuming you’ve got different dishes in e.g. a restaurant)
Gladio. He won’t do it if you’re complete strangers, but after that, everything goes; he fully expects you to steal a fork full of his stuff, too, though. He’ll probably do it just ‘cause, no matter what kind of food you’re eating as long as he doesn’t find it too gross
Aranea. She will only do it if she likes the food on your plate, but then she will without hesitation if you don’t defend it.
Noctis. He will at least put his veggies on your plate in return? Which means you actually end up with more food. Still, it’s probably not the trade you planned for.
Prompto. He will only do it if you’re friends, and will probably ask first unless you’re really close (or you stole some of his food first)
Lunafreya. She’s not gonna steal it unless she’s feeling particularly mischievous, but might ask to try some.
Ignis. The boy has manners, though he might take some if you offer, and would be willing to let you try his food; he will probably ask to try yours if it’s a dish he hasn’t tried out yet.
Ravus. He doesn’t mind letting you try some of his, but he’d expect you to ask first; probably wouldn’t get the idea of stealing someone else’s food, usually. Possible exception being if he’s purposefully trying to piss someone off.
Impossible to rank: Ardyn. He’s kind of a wild card because he can be all nice and proper when he wants to, but he can also be a huge jerk, and everything in between. If he’s trying to woo you, or pretending to be a Gentleman, he won’t steal your food at all, though he might offer a little bit of his; if he’s being playful (e.g. Past!Ardyn) he’s probably between Noct and Prom; if he’s in Jerk Mode, like when people are forced to spend time with him while unable to really do much against him, and he knows it and wants them to know it too (Think his first scene in Kingsglaive), he will probably eat half your food and not even apologize.
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