#Force Garrison to pretend she was Constance's mom?
sophieswundergarten · 8 months
Cannot believe one of Curtain's evil plans was to forcefully adopt his brother's daughter via some rich shmuck he had in his pocket.
How did he think that was going to go? Certainly not well, I hope, knowing Constance.
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nobodysdaydreams · 5 months
I know it's late for this, but here's how I think characters in the Mysterious Benedict Society would have reacted to the solar eclipse.
Nicholas- obviously he'd be so excited for this. The world goes dark, he passes out with joy.
Rhonda- buys everyone eclipse glasses and makes sure they understand the dangers of looking at the sun
Number Two- complains about the traffic because tons of tourists are coming for the eclipse and her mom has a ton of weird conspiracies about what the eclipse means, but once the eclipse is happening, she very much enjoys it.
Milligan- happy that he's able to experience such a unique and special moment with his daughter that he will treasure forever
Miss. Perumal- educates the children on how solar eclipses happen and bakes cookies for the watch party
Kate- climbs a tree so she can be closer to the sun and get a better view
Martina- was planning on forcing the tetherball team to practice through the eclipse, but begrudgingly cancels practice to join Kate in the tree
Reynie- is excited about the eclipse in a very average, but endearing way.
Sticky- is fascinated by and excited for the eclipse, but then he saw a video about what happened to that one person that stared at the sun and even though he knows that won't happen to him because he has the right glasses, he still can't get the thought out of his head. His friends help him calm down, and he ends up enjoying the eclipse.
Constance- pretends she doesn't care about it that much, but she actually does and writes an incredibly beautiful poem about it afterwards which she shows to no one.
Nathaniel/Curtain- cancels classes at the Institute to view the eclipse and somehow turns it into a metaphor about himself. I don't know exactly how he would do this, something about the moon being the darkness of Nicholas that blocks out the brilliance of the sun (himself), but the sun is all powerful and shall surely rise again, I don't know, something like that. However, if this happened during season 2, he would 100% incorporate it into his cult's doctrine just because he can. He'd make that the day and hour of his evil plans just for the symbolism.
Jackson and Jillson- they also saw the video about the people who stared at the sun and they have made it their personal mission to warn everyone about proper eye protection
SQ- he's happy to be able to spend the day with his dad watching the sky. He later draws a really beautiful picture of the eclipse.
Jeffers- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage despite being warned multiple times
Dr. Garrison- fascinated by the eclipse for scientific reasons, but takes advantage of the distraction to escape and begin hatching an evil plot
Marlon- does not care at all that the eclipse is happening but goes along with whatever Curtain wants
Captain Noland- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Cannonball- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy Noland believes
Number Two's mom- views the eclipse as a sign of coming doom
Number Two's brother- is 100% on board with whatever conspiracy his mom believes
Number Two's sister- doesn't care at all that the eclipse is happening, but goes along with whatever her mom wants
And I know I've been doing mostly show characters, but...
Crawlings- stares directly at the sun and suffers permanent eye damage. But he only stared at it with one eye because he kept the other one closed thinking that would somehow save him from being burned, so now he wears an eyepatch over his bad eye, but that's not the same one as the one where he lost his eyebrow, so it doesn't cover that damage either, he just looks like a mess.
The Rest of the Ten Men- think Crawlings is an idiot for looking at the sun and claim they don't care at all that the eclipse is happening (Sharpe lowkey does, would never admit it).
Seymour, the orphanage cat- continues being a cat. Is very confused when it is suddenly nighttime. Then when its daytime again, he shrugs it off and goes about his business.
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