a-beneficial-union · 2 months
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Part 1 of Found Vessel's reference sheet, I wanted to segment them for reasons that will soon be fairly obvious.
Fou'sse is a Ren from the seventh branch, one who's course corrected his timeline to make it less hostile towards him (read: so he wouldn’t be hunted for aport by his countrymen). These corrections (and some medical care) landed him, as many others in his situation, in a gaglaton of debt to Eon's Aid. After Eon's fall, Fou'sse's debt was used for temporary servitude.
The left features her without his hologram, the right showcases him with it. She was given the standard issue version (useful when trying to hide bumps and bruises from the masses, especially before his actions were public knowledge). All of his clothes are stained with ectoplasm but these, along with blemishes of the skin, are hidden with the hologram. Her veiled self lacks his paller, as it also covers over most visually obvious signs of sickness.
He is a laid back, somewhat lazy young adult who needs to learn a thing or two about self-discipline, or so his coworkers are led to believe. Those closest to him know her as a workaholic control freak with a bad habit of hovering and an even worse habit of ignoring forgetting her increasingly hampered limits as her chronic conditions cause him more and more trouble.
(Fou'sse's pronouns are he/they/she.)
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a-beneficial-union · 5 months
Which version do you like?
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I think I like…
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a-beneficial-union · 2 months
I realize that I never posted this;
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Fou'sse's briar marks have a ringed and ribbed pattern, localized almost entirely in areas easily obscured (with the marks on his face and chest being accidental stains).
He has accumulated false flesh marks from wounds he's accepted, rather than intentionally triggering respawns after becoming injured. The false flesh have a slightly beautified, opalescent sheen and are sometimes viewed in the dimension hopping community as being a sign of vanity. One bit of false flesh he has is from a Y incision, likely obtained through Albedo.
Per having a phase two Omni, Fou'sse's eyes have a green shimmering sheen— he is intent on not progressing further, willing to tolerate his omni's current level of encroachment within his body and unsure what to do if it tried to venture further.
He can remove the Omnitrix's outer casing for a few hours at a time, but tends to keep it close out of fear of losing it and the functions it offers. While the Omnitrix has branched off to be partially inside of him, they still need the power source and access to the Codon Stream. The Omnitrix makes clear to Ren it's displeasure by inducing miasma whenever the watch is removed. For similar reasons, Ren must transform at least once a day or deal with ever intensifying aches and species dysphoria.
He has a cornicello gifted from a family member (I am undecided as to who it would be from), who did not know what it was but figured Ren would like the cool red fang lookin' pendant. Ren cherishes it, especially given his family's recent Italian background (and his difficulty identifying with his own species, let alone heritage), and goes on to use it as the base for some rather vital enchantments.
While Fou'sse is a germaphobe very tidy person, he is also perpetually frazzled to some degree and this carries over to his appearance. Sans hologram, he has a sickly pale complexion, often bloodshot eyes, disheveled hair, and stained (clean) clothes.
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a-beneficial-union · 23 days
Have a comparison shot:
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Ren is zoned out in their own little world, being playfully pestered by Cujo, and the two in-progress pieces are an experiment in how Ren percieves her surroundings and how others see him.
In the first image, Ren's headphones are the same colour as the background, drawing a barrier between him and all that is around her. Cujo is portrayed as a more realistic puppy, shaded and slightly coloured. The background observer (Drew Saturday) is lost to the surroundings.
In the second image, Ren is seen from behind, inhuman features given central focus. Here, Cujo is seem as more akin to a blob rather than an actual animal. The observer is unseen, as she is from which the perspective comes.
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