peachy-kisumi · 4 years
The Rendezvous [Haru/Kisumi]
Unsaved Number [4:43pm]: Haru!! It’s Kisumi!! Shigino Kisumi ✨💖
Unsaved Number [4:50pm]: I got your phone number from Makoto, I hope you don’t mind that I did! 💫
Unsaved Number [4:57pm]: There’s a karaoke bar in town, just four blocks from Hidaka! The boys and me are gonna check it out and I want you to come! 😉
Unsaved Number [5:08pm]: Let me know, Haru! 🥰
Kisumi Shigino finally put his phone down on his desk and leaned back in his chair, hands clasped behind his head. It was just like Haru not to answer his texts- he hardly acknowledged him in person. That didn’t deter Kisumi; he liked what he saw in Haru, in more ways than one. His nonchalant exterior wasn’t enough to hide his passion, at least not from Kisumi. Not to mention that Haru was gorgeous, and Kisumi wasn’t the type to pass on someone of his caliber.
Besides, Haru was just playing hard to get. That was why Kisumi was so diligent in trying to get his attention. He knew that he could charm the socks off of Haru, whether Haru was aware of that or not. It was just a matter of time, and he’d have Haruka Nanase wrapped around his finger. Now, all he had to do was get some alone time with Haru to work his magic.
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orcx-nus · 3 years
@freestyleharu ♥︎’d for a royalty starter!
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         All of his life’s work so far, all of his training, had been for this exact moment.
         Makoto was officially being assigned to be the prince’s personal knight and bodyguard. 
         Ever since he was young, his destiny had been decided for him. The brunet came from a long lineage of knights, after all, some of whom even served directly for the royals of the kingdom throughout the ages. As a matter of fact, his own father had been the personal knight for the current king. So it was only natural that Makoto, being the oldest son and heir, would follow in his father’s footsteps.
         Not like he minded, however. If anything, he was practically born to become a knight. He was kind-hearted and noble, honorable and ready to defend those dear to him to the death. It was no surprise, then, that he had passed his years of training with flying colors and become one of the top knights in the kingdom -- earning the position as the future king’s protector, just as his father had been for the current king.
         The prince.
         Makoto had only met him once when they were both quite young, and purely by accident. It had been during a short visit to the castle with his father, upon which he had gotten distracted and subsequently lost within the giant domain. Scared and alone, the small brunet was near tears as he walked into one of the many gardens when he suddenly realized he wasn’t alone amid the flower bushes. He had disturbed the young prince, beautiful and serene, and before he knew it he was being guided hand-in-hand by the other back to his worried father’s side. 
         It was a memory that never faded from his mind. The prince had been so brave and kind in his eyes -- from that point on, Makoto swore he would do anything to protect the future king.
         And now, as he stood before the prince in the throne room, both grown up and looking completely different than when they first met all those years ago, Makoto wondered if he was even remembered.
“... It’s an honor to be in your service, your highness.”          the knight finally spoke, quickly dropping down into a kneel and bowing his head. “I vow to serve you loyally with my life.” 
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stylesofh2o-a · 4 years
   “Is all of that really necessary?” Kisumi asks, shouldering off his hoodie to toss on top of his bag. Hands go to adjust the waistband of his swim trunks. He’s sheepish, it’s showing. Eyes dart to the pool and then back to Haru, who’s got an impressive array of floatation devices in front of him. He lets out a nervous chuckle. “Like really! I know how to float just fine, isn’t that enough? The pool can’t be that bad,” his gaze shifts again.     The silence speaks louder than words, but Kisumi opts for the paddleboard. It’s small compared to his frame. He’s seen his little brother use one of these quite frequently to work on his kicks and stamina.     “Besides, I’m not trying to become a professional or anything, I just... y’know,” his voice falls short, smile softening as he fidgets with the board. He pads over towards the end of the pool and sits at the edge. “I just wanna make him proud of me too,” which is crazy for him to say as his brother idolizes him. But just as his friends always say to each other -- he wants to be able to swim with his little brother too. 
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swimmingforthegold · 4 years
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                          —— » [ @freestyleharu​  @jikyuuryoku​]
♒      —  “Wow, ok, you know what, screw you guys.”
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swimprize · 4 years
❝ Hold it right there, don’t move. ❞
          Barking orders from behind a Halloween pumpkin more than twice the size of his own head, Natsuya made speedy work of gutting its bright orange intestines from a hole carved into the top. Reclining in his seat, the knife clasped in his hand is held up and used to frame Haru’s face with from afar, feeling the muse charge through his body at the sight of such a sulky expression!
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❝ Yes perfect, keep pulling that face it’ll scare kids for miles around! ❞
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penquincutie · 4 years
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“Haru-chan~ let’s plan for the festival during break! There’s an ad in the flyer saying there’s gonna be a raffle too~!”
/// /// /// 
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jikyuuryoku · 4 years
@freestyleharu asked:
Makoai and Haruai!
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
makoai has been one of my favourite rarepairs since the beginning of time; for me it s tarted in season 1 with the thought of “two supportive friends who are never given the respect they deserve” lmao. i think they have a lot of similarities but also differ just enough to really make it an interesting dynamic; ai is headstrong and a little stubborn whereas makoto is more pragmatic bordering on passive. it’s fun!
ship: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
haruai for me is what happens when ai looks past his infatuations with rin to the things that motivate rin -- that is, to haruka. it definitely has a similar dynamic to rinai for me from ai’s perspective: that is, a root in idolization with a bit of “i think i know what’s best for you” sprinkled in. difference being is haru himself; haru and ai are both the types to be stuck in their heads, but whereas haru turns introverted bordering on cold/aloof, ai is really great at being a sounding board (a bit too great at being a sounding board). for me the interest is in them splitting that personality difference and finding middle ground!
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despacitotm-a · 5 years
@freestyleharu : Kiss 15 (Rin) 15: Reunited Kiss
Normally, Rin doesn’t like airport send offs and welcome backs. He’d be an embarrassing mess in public, crying and sniffling while insisting that he’s doing neither, but today, today he was eager to be greeted at the airport, since Haruka insisted that he does. It’s Golden Week for him, and he had a whole week to vacation, while Rin’s school was on their own sort of break, and Mikhail is putting him on a light taper, ready to buckle down and get him ready for more time trials when the week is over.
But that’s a whole week away.
Right now, Rin had just passed through customs, and the baggage claim line, red eyes eagerly looking for those sea blue eyes--
His head instantly turns tot he sound of his boyfriend’s voice, staring off with a light jog, then breaking into a light sprint, tossing his bag aside and knocking them both over when his body collides with the other. It’s all a cover though, as soon and they fell, Haru’s head cradled by Rin’s hands, soon to have a heavy stinging pain that can be ignored for now, Rin kisses him with all the pent up feelings he’d stored since the day he left Japan.
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Rin sits up, breathless, red faced, and maybe with one or two tears running down his face but he doesn’t care right now. He laughs softly.
“I’m home, Haru.”
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enixum · 4 years
𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 / 𝐂𝐎𝐌𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐓   ♡   𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒  | |  @freestyleharu​ murmured: “ No matter what anyone else says, you are so important to me . ”
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“  HARU ...  ”
THE NAME LEAVES HIS LIPS IN A SOFT BREATH, then Rin falls silent again. Uncertainty bubbles beneath his skin && he shakes his head, as if he could rid himself of the feeling if he tried. What Haru said both warms && hurts him. Here Haru is: earnestly sincere, a RARITY  -- --  yet Rin finds it hard to reciprocate. He can’t, not when Haru is expressing to him that he is important. Rin, who has nothing but his passion && his dream, who has selfishly wrangled Haru along on his path MORE THAN ONCE.
He’s not deaf to the rumors that inevitably arise around them. Being such noticed swimmers invites talk, && Rin is usually good at ignoring any public speculation that is more damaging than flattering, but ...
But sometimes, he is not completely immune. His past rears its ugly head at him often. Rin knows he is no longer the same person as he was back then, yet it still manages to make him hesitate on his worst of days. On those days, having people talk about it doubles the feeling of guilt tightening his chest; the regret that clutches his heart in a vice.  (  && then he finds it hard to breathe.  )
“  Thanks,  ”  he finally says, soft. The smile that he directs at Haru is wry, but raw, an open expression of gratitude amongst the mess of emotions that he has simmering in his veins. Perhaps on a better day, an easier day, Rin would have poked fun at Haru for being so forward && reassuring.  (  But then again, on such days Haru wouldn’t have said something like this, would he ?  )
Rin appreciates him. && it’s the least he can do to say as such. So he gentles his expression, eyes softening as his lips curve easier.
“  Right back at you, Haru.  ”  && he means it.  “  You’re important to me too.  ”
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backstrokes · 5 years
freestyleharu replied to your post: Makoto is into just edgy types “…Ah.”
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“I think it means like someone who tries hard to be cool or who’s really dark.” Bit like Rin or Sousuke then.
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foraltruism · 4 years
@freestyleharu​ : -knock knock- Guess who travelled to Australia to surprise the birthday boy~~~
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Who’s knocking on his door so early in the morning? He’d managed to get today off from swimming, and he doesn’t have any classes to take care of either. It’s his birthday, the one day he allows himself to slack off from his tight schedule just a little bit, and he’s still waking early...
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The knocking on the door again makes him groan, swing his feet out of bed and onto the floor as he pads towards the entrance.
“I’m coming. Just hold on a second.”
Within that second he opens the door and stares. And stares... until the figure in front of him turns out not to be some sleep hazed apparition and it’s really Haru at his front door with bags and pamphlets galore. Rin sputters and chokes in shock, looking him up and down.
“H-Haru? Wh- what are you doing here? Why didn’t I hear anything about you coming?”
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peachy-kisumi · 4 years
[ Send in a ❣ for a random kiss. ] 
4. a nuzzle kiss
⟼ Kisumi was a morning person, now that every morning began with Haru. In the quiet and the early sunshine that made everything in the room seem golden, Kisumi would roll over and admire Haru’s sleeping face. Tranquil, beautiful.
Today, though, Haru was turned away from him and all he could see was the slope of his defined shoulders and the curve of his elegant neck. Deciding to take advantage of the situation, Kisumi drew Haru’s sleeping figure close to his body and nuzzled his nose indulgently against the back of his neck before kissing the nape in a slow, sweet motion.
“Good morning, Haru~”
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stylesofh2o-a · 4 years
💋 (Kisumi uvu)
Send 💋 to straight up kiss my muse!
    There’s no hesitation in the way that Kisumi melts against the tentative press of lips from Haru. Hands extend out, bracing against the small of the other’s back as a small smile creeps along his lips. He presses further, returning the kiss with a bit more certainty. It’s a surprise, how their relationship has developed over the past few months, and when he begins to think about Haru leaving for Australia  -- his stomach twists in a way that makes him nervous. He’s yet to put a label on whatever this is, afraid that it’ll only hurt worse if they do.     “What a pleasant surprise,” Kisumi croons, bumping his nose against Haru’s cheek once they part. 
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swimmingforthegold · 4 years
{— ❥   50 Types of Kisses    — || accepting }                                                                  —— » [ @freestyleharu​ ] said:                                             ❝ A lingering kiss before a long trip apart. (Rinharu~) ❞         46.   A lingering kiss before a long trip apart. 
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♒️  —  It was never easy. Rin knew that his family and friend were supportive with his decision in returning back to Australia, they all knew he was just getting closer towards his dream, and that there was no way he would back out now, not when he was so close to reaching his goals.
But seeing them at the airport to watch him leave, it always felt like he shouldn’t go; yet he knew he had too...not only for them, but for himself as well.
After saying his teary goodbyes to everyone, it was Haru that stayed with him at the last minute. The others left to give them some privacy, and Rin took hold of his hands, squeezing them gently.
       “Don’t go on and slack off, I’m coming back and we’re going to race, and I’m going to win.”
He sniffed, doing his best to hide his tears but he knew he was failing, seeing how Haru’s own eyes were glistening.
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Rin then leaned over to gently kiss the raven, pulling him closer and letting himself remember every sense of Haru. His taste, his smell, his touch, the noises he made, and how beautiful he was.
Hearing the announcement of his flight, Rin lingered in kissing him a few more moments, not ready to let him go yet before the last minute.
Slowly they parted, but Rin smiled his teary smile, turning around and leaving to his flight.
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whalesharx · 5 years
@freestyleharu continued from x !!
Sousuke was pleased that the weather had been so cooperative that day. There was finally a break in the heat wave that had been absolutely terrorizing the area, and he wanted to enjoy the outdoors. When Haru suggested that they take a trip to the amusement park, he was both thrilled and surprised.
So pleased was he with the breeze that passed through his hair, Sousuke took an extra long time to meander into the park. He looked up to a nearly cloudless blue sky, smiled at the children running past him, and eventually realized that he lost track of where he was oriented. He never was great with directions. He spun around a few times, and at last, he saw Haru making his way toward him.
Haru looked tense, but Sousuke figured that he must look nervous, too. After all, it’s not like he and Haru were the best of friends. Still, something about the way Haru couldn’t quite meet his gaze made his heart flutter.
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❝ Hey. I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long, ❞ he tried with a smile.
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jikyuuryoku · 4 years
@freestyleharu​ said:❛ just close your eyes and kiss me… ❜
With those gentle words, Ai could feel at least a few of his nerves dissipate; being close to Haruka like this, it was hard not to get lost in his own head. Does he really want this? To kiss me? Am I sure this isn’t a mistake? Of all people, me?
And it isn’t as if they were short for time, but-- for Ai, at least, it felt as if they’d been tiptoeing around it for months. Close, but never touching; locked gazes, but neither willing to lean in. But maybe Ai’s apprehension and doubt had become apparent, and Haruka had grown impatient.
So, he does as he’s told.
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He closes his eyes, takes a breath, and leans forward.
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