#Fuck man. im indigenous I don’t want to leave my fucking land where my people have lived for millennia
corvid-420 · 5 years
I do not care for the "but there's poor people/poc there" sentiment either but it does leave a bad taste in my mouth to advocate for something that would result in the death of any and all indigenous communities which have survived the ongoing genocide against indigenous peoples in North America. The US is occupying indigenous land and Im genuinely curious what your approach to this is. Im not trying to be like how dare you because I agree almost entirely! Just want to hear you out more in depth
I’m glad you’re able to move past how something’s appearance makes you feel and try and deal with it more in-depth rather than just lashing out and making up lies. Really, no irony or sarcasm, that’s good. It’s apparently rare.
But here’s the thing: one, i get that sometimes I use a lot of Latin-based words, so to speakers of the market pidgin that is English who are thus acculturated into perceiving Latin-based words as hostile, foreign, and imposing (Caesar really fucked them up when he told them to take a bath and the Normans weren’t very nice about subjugating them either), I can come off as a bit more imposing than I really am.
I’m just a long-term unemployed blogger passing time while I listen to career dev/skills training videos and job search. What does it matter what my approach to this or that is? Like I know i’m contradicting myself, having admitted that I say what I say in a calculated way to provoke, but hopefully we can all learn a lesson about knowing how to respond to provocations rather than the emotions they elicit, which you have so good job.
So I’ll explain: want to know why I have such a large reserve of Latin-based words that make me sound villainous to English-speakers? Spanish is my first language, and I don’t mention this much because it’s truly none of any of our business, but my grandfather was an indigenous man, though not in USA, but in Mexico.
If you’re indigenous, you should know that there’s no One Indigenous experience. Hell, you don’t have to be part of any group to know that such groups are unstable, heterogeneous, rife with contradiction, etc. My grandfather benefited from programs that brought literacy to indigenous communities and found upward mobility by becoming a cop and marrying a conservative, petit bourgeois mestiza woman.
That’s because until neoliberalism arrived in the 80s (thanks to the United States and Mexican comprador bourgeoisie), Mexico maintained a far less … maximalist approach to its indigenous relations, ie, it didn’t explicitly outline in its founding documents that its purpose was to exterminate the indigenous.
But even so, there were and are plenty of injustices, racism, and so on, so for many indigenous people in Mexico who negotiated with the state differently than my grandfather, they would never consider themselves “Mexican.” So if someone said, “Fuck Mexico, fuck Mexicans, they’re racist, etc.” they wouldn’t go, “but what about our communities, who’ve survived centuries and-” nah, that wouldn’t make sense to them because they wouldn’t feel like they were the target of that derision. why would they, they don’t see themselves as mexican. if they did, then a hit dog would holler and the question would be, “what’s more important to you: your identity and the benefits you feel it grants you, or the people who pay the price for your sense of belonging to a group that subjugates them?”
What does this have to do with your question? Easy: do you really think I’m referring to indigenous people when I say, “can’t have nuremberg without dresden” or “what happened to Dresden should happen to DC suburbs?” 
you really think i’m referring to fuck idk the paiute languishing in some prisontown in california?
Like, do you really think - and i mean think, not just whatever y’all are doing - that the targets of the American empire and not its american beneficiaries are who i’m referring to? like are there so many indigenous tribes thriving in the wealthiest county in america, in fairfax - where arms dealers, spies, generals, and lobbyists live - that you think they’re who i’m talking about when i refer to the american bourgeoisie, or labor aristocracy, or petit bourgeoisie, etc. as a viable target for retribution?
Listen to yourselves, your asses are so collectively chapped that your lifeless idols are being dragged through the mud that you’re imagining yourselves as victims of some powerful imposing figure that doesn’t even exist lol
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musiccosmosru · 6 years
I’m writing this publicly because I feel the need.
I am feeling a pull to leave the UK to go to the US so strong now it’s becoming painful.
My entire life I lived a life with a gift I couldn’t understand with a life purpose I had no clue about.
Until now. Now I understand why I am. Who I am and Where I am meant to be.
I feel an end is coming with us because as your training has been ramped up and all our lives seem to be converging in some fucked up cosmic awesomeness I’m going to need only those who stood with me in training to stand beside me in battle.
I have to help these babies.
I have to help America guys. I don’t know why but I just feel like America needs me.
I feel her pain and I can do something about it. I know I can.
I need to teach people how to do what I do so we can all work together to bring these kids home and remember the ones we don’t.
I feel them so strong. The ones that are alive. The ones who aren’t don’t leave my side.
You know my story. You know my Predictions. If I am a part of the fight to help bring the evil that surrounds our children down then I have to do it.
I really want to do late night talk back radio. I want to broadcast on the internet and live stream it.
I want people to ring in so I can help them. I want to write my book, and publish articles, I REALLY want to go around giving talks to people.
If I can explain death and the Elites from the perspective of the dead with the science behind it, then America will be braver to face what’s coming.
I didn’t have the confidence to do it before but I do now.
My mind, my body and my soul are one.
I made peace with my past. I let so much go in the last 2 weeks and I feel liberated on a level that now makes me think “Is it this even humanly possible to be this at peace for someone who has no money and nowhere near where she wants to be next to her husband with her family by her side?”.
It just feels like something is coming for me that’s making me nervous, anxious and excited.
I feel like I’ve got a rubber band on my lungs and stomach and it’s stretched beyond capacity and the last fibre of the band is about to go *PATOING* and everything changes.
So I find it more than curious you all just came to me individually and without the knowledge of the others and said “Let’s do this…….I’m ready”.
Ready for what?
The thing is. I know what’s going to happen. I know what’s going to be required of you.
Its called a Leap of Faith.
I told The Council “As long as I have the support of those I need to help guide me”.
So now your all meeting your faith.
I know your all going through the exact same situations with jobs and home life.
Your feeling the rubber band almost go PATOING too.
But I’m serious about doing something to help these children.
I’m serious about setting up my school of the Psychic Sciences to help the Empaths of the world.
I’m serious about my charity for veterans, ex felons and homeless men.
I don’t know why America but it’s been this way since I was 7.
Its nothing disrespectful to New Zealand who bore me and Australia who helped raise me or the UK who protected me.
Its just…..my heart has always felt like it was home.
I just want to do good and the best of the good is there.
It starts there. I need to be there.
And I can’t go until you let go too.
I need you to let go of all the things your afraid of and trust me.
My dead never let me down.
I have to help find these kids and I need to be there to do a better job and doing it.
I just know what is there, brings it all down here. It can’t be done from here first.
I’ve got to do what I’ve got to do.
And it starts with these Hollywood Predictions and visions I have and what the kids tell me.
Im seeing so many dominos falling in line, so many things make sense, clicking into place, cogs turning and I’m pretty sure it’s all about to snap the last strand of the band.
If I could help the President I’d do it for free just a visa.
I just need to be there to do it.
Its a magnetic thing. Its the way I trained myself to tune in to organic things.
I feel vibration, see it, taste it, hear it.
It helps me see time. If I’m IN America I heal it better because who I am, how I am as a person needs to be seen to be believed.
My words are more express when you SEE the emotion behind it.
Which means I’m around death in ways that my expression and behaviours better exhibits the point.
I’m going to be putting myself around some darkness that I’ll need your help with because you know me best.
You all instinctively know what to do.
You all have your way different from the others and you all take me aside to slow down when you know I’ve been up all night waiting for the influx of children to stop for the day.
I need that. I need you.
You stop me doing stupid things while encouraging my stupidity.
I need that too.
I’m gonna be hard work because I won’t stop until I know I’ve done something to help these babies.
I’ll not stop until I help these boys who served either time or their country and got thrown aside can hold their heads-up and feel useful again.
I’m gonna wanna love everyone. YOU just need to make sure I don’t love the wrong person and end up in 8 dumpsters.
I’m am trouble unto myself and I need you to make sure I don’t be naïve to the point of it costing some Arab Prince 10 camels for.
Some of you will need to sit in on meetings.
Some of you, actually all of you will be subjected to scientific testing because if I can get my hands on equipment to see exactly what it is I am then I’m doing it to you too to prove or disprove my theories lol
And I’m going to cross stuff over, explain the dead to people and investigate their homes and experiences and prove or disprove activity by explaining it so the people or families affected aren’t afraid anymore.
I’m going to help people not be sad or scared anymore.
And I can’t do it on my own anymore.
This is why I need you guys.
This is why your training was ramped up I think.
Because I need you guys to help me and do the things I no longer have time to do for the people who need it.
I don’t know what’s coming, I just know it’s coming.
I’m not afraid either.
If it’s my destiny to die for even just the life of one of my babies it’s all been worth it.
You know the rules if that happens.
But I don’t think it’s anything that dramatic.
I just know our lives are about to converge and I need to know your ready for me.
Its gonna be painful emotionally so you all need to let go of any baggage, prejudices, fears or attachments that no longer serve you.
You all need to surrender to your Intuition and trust that Spirit, your ancestors and higher selves know what they’re doing and your protected.
We know how this ends. We know not to be afraid.
But you can’t heal others while your still broken.
You can’t preach faith if you don’t show it yourself.
The biggest thing we will bring to the table is to have faith in the connection we have to death. Integrity is paramount.
Preach what you practice and practice what you preach.
Live the example you want to be.
If we’re going to teach people how to do this they need to trust us.
If you don’t trust Spirit, noone will trust you.
Our lives are identical right now and converging.
Your decision on what happens next decides your fate within the clan.
When you get the call from me to get ready to go to war with the darkness what will you say?
Because I’m going to need an immediate response.
Your my foot soldiers once that happens.
And our fucked up patchwork quilt of bits and pieces of a clan will cover everyone who needs it and keep the warm.
We are Immigrants, Muslims, Catholics, felons, military, royal, grew up in the system, indigenous…… we’ve all come from ancestors who knew oppression and persecution from the Elites.
So I don’t find it odd we found each other and most of us are related in some way.
We know three of you are connected to each other by bloodline and two of you might be connected to me.
So this means it’s up to us to build an army to go help these children and the broken hearts that came before and come after it.
We need to be the voice of the dead together. I just had to shout loudest to get everyone’s attention. ( Actually….we all know it’s my boobs that get the attention lol my mouth just happens to be attached lol).
I want to show people how it’s perfectly normal to live with Voices then they can find the kids too.
The more I teach the louder the kids voices will be heard the more people to go find them then we find them quicker.
The thing is……many of them will be abandoned. Their watchers will flee.
Their sitters will get arrested away from safe houses that the locations of which will never be divulged.
Some of them are locked away. They won’t know what’s going on.
I’m scared they won’t get rescued.
I’ll do it for free. I’ll sleep in tents on the street if I have nowhere to go.
I’m an Army brat. I can live off the land. I can read a compass and stuff.
I just need to be there.
I need your support.
Just don’t give up on me. Anything you can do to help me get there.
I need to get my name out there.
I know where to start.
I just need to know your on board and ready to go.
Its gonna be tough because of what I know I’ll see but with you all beside me I’ll be so much braver be because I’ll be safe in the knowledge you know the plan should anything happens to me.
I feel like my life has been leading up to this moment.
I’m like a greyhound now. I can smell that fuckin rabbit and I’m ready to chase it down and rip it’s throat out.
Some Hispanic looking man kills the babies by picking them up by their feet and smacking them against a wall.
The heartless non emotion these people have for these innocents is terrifying.
I always think to myself “Who broke you so bad that killing a child is so effortless for you”.
But these victims are taught to kill from a young age. They break their minds like twigs. The victims become employees.
Most of them won’t even remember who they used to be their minds are so far gone.
I just know I need to help these babies.
I have to help bring Hollywood down.
I have to give these kids a louder voice.
Whatever it is I need to do to bring this to the forefront I’ll do it.
I just need to know if your ready?
Because it’s here, whatever it is.
Something I do or see is about to matter for my babies.
But I was told today that only those who release their fear are meant to follow.
Because once we get together your path with your gift will never be about you again.
Whatever I have to do I’ll do it.
I just need to know if your on board or not.
Because the band is going PATOING and I’m grabbing only those with their hands up as I go past.
So you have some soul searching to do and let go of whatever baggage holds you down.
I can’t carry anyone’s burden if I’m weighed down by the burdens of others. So please release your burdens.
Healthy mind, healthy body, healthy soul.
I’ll wait your response.
I love you and I really truly am, not afraid.
If I help one victim of the elite or paranormal conspiracy my life will have been worth it.
My heart isn’t just full, it exploded I’m so happy at the thought to be able to do this.
Because I’ve seen what they’ve been doing since I was a child.
So it’s vindication for them from way back too.
I love you.
Get me out there and then come for the ride.
These kids talk. They’d tell on everyone if I could talk without needing food and sleep.
I just need to know your with me in this.
I promise never to put myself before these kids and I promise to defend and serve them and the dead to the best of my ability.
I serve my life for truth and for freedom in America. It has to be America. They are the last bastion of hope for the rest of the world.
It will be a proud day for me to call it home because it means I’m there doing what I set out to do. It means I made it. I finally get to be doing what I need to do which is help.
I will not walk on Lady Liberty as an immigrant. I will instead defend her with my life.
I’ve been doing it for 2yrs anyway lol
I lost everything for it and I wouldn’t change a thing.
I’m ready my babies.
I’m coming. I’ll crawl if I have to.
Get ready America.
The Storm is coming and I’m heading for Hollywood.
If you can help [email protected]
@Kiwi_Psychic on Twitter
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