#Fun fact: When I drew kokichi it was when I really hated him
milkcartoncatkid · 1 year
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and here’s the analysis of his design :3
name: aspen
pronouns: he/they
species: chaos demon, half baku
age: ageless
agere: yes
likes: making friends with apparitions, video games, multiverse hopping, tricking people, music, poem writing, those cookie ice cream sandwiches, kisses, hand holding
dislikes: alc0h0l/drvgs, loud noises, bright/flashy lights, crowds, clocks, dresses
universe of origin: anti-void (hi undertale fandom)
multiversal friends(I AM CRINGE BUT I AM FREE): Tsukasa Yugi, Magolor, Marx, Taranza, Susie, Kasane Teto, Rin Kagamine, Kokichi Ouma, Carlos De Vil, Pearl Houzuki, Frye Onaga, Callie Cuttlefish, Una Otomachi, Idia and Ortho Shroud, Killer!Sans, Horror!Sans, Ink!Sans, Mizuki Akiyama, Emu Otori, Saki and Tsukasa Tenma, Flamberge, Francisca
lives: goes back and forth between universes to Planet Popstar, Splatsville, and Empty Sekai
spends a lot of time on Planet Popstar, but often retreats to Empty Sekai if things get too overwhelming
they always spend Splatfest weekends in Splatsville, and will occasionally take the train to Inkopolis
he HATES clocks. they remind him of Bad End Night, and Galactic Nova
loves to cause chaos, but usually runs from it pretty quickly as he doesn’t like the aftermath
”DAMN bitch you on dat ZAZA OR SUMTHN??” - Aspen during Magolor’s boss fight
loves plushies and WILL steal them
im gonna make a special age regression post about him someday
they actually were on a lower level of the tower but did witness the events that happened in the Hell Of Mirrors in the tbhk universe
can only universe hop about three or four times a day, or else he gets really sick and nauseous (the exception is the anti-void; they can get here whenever they need to with ease)
he can also jump around timelines.. spooky dude
may or may not have been the reason Lor Starcutter crashed…….. dont ask
has a special music box, it plays Isabella’s Lullaby from TPN, but it was a birthday gift from Susie
CHARACTER DESIGN (rlly bad srry)
his hair is messy becuz i like messy hair, the horn thingys are inspired by both Taranza and also Tamari from Reckless Battery Burns/Qualia Automata, the wings are inspired by Meta Knight and Marx (when retracted they look somewhat like Meta Knight but when extended they look more like Marx), the clothing is inspired by Tamari, the shirt design is supposed to be like the warp star from Kirby, the jeans i mention i just thought of becuz i like the jeans a girl named Kaitlyn usually wears in history, just any random sneakers will work when drawing him, and the sleeves are over his hands becuz one im too lazy to draw hands two it fits that alt art style and three it just looks cute, and i drew a star on his face to represent the Star Allies Sparkler from Kirby Star Allies in tribute to it being the first (and so far only) Kirby game ive finished
i rlly like his design and fun fact the first time i drew his final design today was on the back of a statewide testing material for science :3
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(V3 Boys) Embrassing Alibi
How would the V3 Boys react their s/o lying about their alibi in a class trial and they think that their s/o might be the blackened, until their s/o reveals their true alibi, they’ve saw the boys doing embarrassing while alone during the murder and their s/o was hiding when they saw that?
Eh? Me? Finally growing the balls to do this request after what... ten whole days? Etc? More? Well! More likely than you’d expect! (I don’t have much of an excuse other than math being a pain, nyeh... alongside... roleplay stuff, fun fact- Mod Shumai does that.)
But let’s end this hell cycle...! Once and for all!
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Kiibo didn’t want to believe it... of all people it couldn’t have been you who committed the crime, he placed his trust in you- his belief that you would both make it out... together! But with the way Rantaro stylishly pointed the evidence that pointed out you could have been the mastermind his heart sunk by each passing moment...
That is until you finally spoke up, avoiding his eyes he was certain it be the end, but... what instead came out of your mouth are words he’ll never forget.
“... I... I was... watching Kiibo in his room, I was already in the room... I hid in the closet because I didn’t think he be there so soon... you know those... “Power Rangers” well... he was impersonating them, with the poses and everything... “Super-Robot Kiibo”... or... so I think.”
Then all eyes turned to him, his systems began to overheat- if he had tear ducts he would be crying out of pure shame and embarrassment.
At least you cleared yourself for suspicion, right?
Shuichi Saihara
You didn’t have an alibi, Shuichi felt his heart sink as soon as he realized this... but what he hated was how this was the class trial... belief in others, was nothing more than a weight he have to push through... he needed to find the truth.
... He begged you, no matter how terrible it was to admit the sight you saw- the alibi that concluded you weren’t the killer so he wouldn’t have to lose you.
You uttered words that made him... regret his words. “When... I tried to come to your dorm room Shuichi... I found you holding onto that “Helping Yachi” toy and sobbing... and... yelling a bunch of... things... “Why are we stuck here...?” “Boohoo... Kokichi’s so mean...!” Stuff... like that.”
All that he heard after it all was the coo from some of the students who found it cute, but the feafening laughter of students like Kokichi- who teased him about this his... alibi.
S... So what? He just has to vent to some people too, y’know! D-Don’t judge him like that!
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma knew it was a possibility, you being the killer... course he did, he just didn’t want to accept it... he... liked you, more than the others... you... understand him.
... He didn’t want to believe you were the killer so he remained silent, but after a declaration like that in the last ditch effort to finally prove your evidence... even his poker-face broke.
“... I... I-I was just... I-I was watching Ryoma snuggle against his pillow in his sleep- mumbling about... wait... “jeez... if ya’ wanted to muzzle against me all ya’ had to do was ask, yare yare.” I-It was just- TOO cute?! O-Okay?! I-I didn’t want to admit it because he would actually kill me-?!”
The courtroom drew to silence, the only sound being heard being the crack that came from Ryoma slamming his stand, pushing his hat down- and feeling his soul perish.
“We don’t talk about this, ever again.”
Kaito Momota
Doubt you? Do you really believe Kaito Momota would ever doubt you, it’s just impossible even... if you didn’t have an alibi, or so it seemed he fight for your innocence no matter what!
“S/O! If you have an alibi- don’t hold it back, just tell them and prove your innocence already ya’ dummy!” Oh... the way you looked at him, he should’ve known... should’ve known that was a bade choice.
“... I... I... well... Kaito... I-I um... was already in your room, you just... didn’t notice me... I was gonna announce myself... but then you started to slick your hair back with that hairspray of yours and... and made it like Shuichi’s before shouting: “NO THAT’S WRONG” at the window a bunch... I-I snuck out and...-“
“Wait... you make your hair like that... PURPOSELY Kaito?!”
Rantaro Amami
That’s it, that’s... what he has to do, it’s his goal in this killing game to survive so whatever things he has to do to... live have to be done, he didn’t want to believe it was you... but you just wouldn’t... you were suspicious... he wasn’t... sure if you were or weren’t the killer... he begged for you to tell them all your alibi... you finally snapped.
“... I... Rantaro... I’m so sorry... When I came by... you were already in your bathroom... doing your... eyelashes... a-and I didn’t know what to do besides watch... I-I’m sorry I had to figure out you had fake eyelashes this way... but I guess that explains why you had... ink in your tears the last class trial.”
“HIS EYELASHES ARE FAKE! I KNEW IT!” “JUST AS ATUA FORTOLD! YOU OWE ME TEN BUCKS MIU.” “Nyeh... I knew it... his eyelashes are fake, not like my magic...”
“(S/O)... I was supposed to die with that secret, how could you?” Sarcasm drilled out of his voice, but honestly... he was just glad that... you had an alibi, you weren’t the killer! So what if he was called out?
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta didn’t want to believe S/O was the killer... you were better than that, kind, gentle, compassionate towards Gonta... how could you do something so awful and despicable? He just didn’t understand...
... Especially with how you suddenly started asking Gonta for forgiveness mid-trial... why would you do that?
“... I... I-I was hiding in Gonta’s dorm... I wanted to surprise him, y-y’know? As a gift... I-I has a gift... I didn’t mean to... I-Iiiiiii didn’t mean to... walk in on... Gonta... Oh... GOD Gonta... W-Working... on those compliments... YOU WERE DOING A GREAT JOB... JUST...”
“... Oh! You mean the “pick-up-line” Gonta learned from Miu? Oh’ wait! That truly does mean... that you are innocent!”
Despite that... you still made another choked out sob at the end of it... Gonta doesn’t know why!
Kokichi Ouma
Kokichi didn’t care you were suspicious! So what? You were the killer, you’d die... then time go on! He didn’t give any care to it, it happened to the best of us.
... You hated that attitude of his, he hated your attitude of refusing to tell your alibi for “his sake” or whatever, so why not? Let’s just throw you to the fishies, or maybe you can burn!
“... Kokichi? I was... going to... visit you? Yet... never did? Well, I did, was under the bed to give you a taste of your own medicine but then you started to ramble... you should know what it was about, I’ll disclose nothing else.”
“Oh... Oh my god, you were there when I was... was rambling about... about... the UNMENTIONABLE THINGS that shall NOT be brought up?”
“You mean about how jealous you were about Kaito for having more friends than you, somehow?”
Korekiyo Shinguuji
He observed that was the type of person that Korekiyo was... but even he was starting to work up a sweat at this trial...you were clearly being suspected, he... tried his best to remain calm...
The embodiment of it... you glanced in his direction, odd, you asked if you had permission to say your alibi... the one you refused to tell? Well of course he gave you permission... only for him to realize why you asked.
“... I was in Korekiyo’s room... I’m... sorry for ruining the surprise... you were setting up for me, Kiyo... y’know the one with... with the...”
... Oh shit you found out his murder plan!
“Oh my god! Korekiyo Shinguuji- your the killer!”
Ah, how embrassing... he was found out for being the true killer.
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blackjacketmuses · 6 years
hc; kokichi 7
(from this meme) @multiimuse said to blackjacketmuses: 1-22 for Kokichi, 23-42 for Komaeda 
1. Love
Kokichi is...not a person who would ever willingly say ‘I love you’ to anyone, not even his ‘family’ at the institution let alone anyone he’d be romantically interested in. It’s a terrifying phrase, one that implies that he trusts and believes in that person implicitly, and he cannot bring himself to do that, not all the way. Not to anyone.
He’d maybe be able to show it in actions, lying less to people he cares about and being more open, but those words are something he may never be able to say aloud.
2. Hate
He hates killers. Hates them. Hates the concept, hates the idea, hates everything about it. Hates blood and death so, so very much. He hates himself for signing up for a reality show where people die or become killers and hates himself for thinking he’d get out with his hands clean.
Most of all, though, he hates the man who traumatized him in the first place. He hopes he’s dead.
3. Hopes
Kokichi...doesn’t really hope for a lot? The word hope kind of lost a lot of meaning after the Game. Hope and despair both, really. They’re words that have a lot of loaded meaning, and he’s not sure he likes either of them.
He prefers hope over despair, at any rate. At least hoping lets you move forward instead of feeling sorry for yourself.
4. Fears
Aside from Game-induced severe claustrophobia (thanks hydraulic press) and bugs, Kokichi isn’t really scared of much at all. It’s not that he’s fearless, he has a healthy level of caution, he just isn’t afraid of much. He’s the kid who’d happily stick his hand in a snake tank or pick up a rat or run happily into a haunted house and critique how scary it is.
(Though...he is scared of death, blood, and dead bodies, even more so now than before.)
5. Crying
Kokichi has mastered the art of fake-crying, to be honest. He’s so good at it isn’t actually hard for people who don’t know him to tell when he’s actually crying for real, and this means he comes off as a lot less sincere when he’s actually being genuine.
His tell, however, is the face he makes when crying. When he’s fake crying, he cranks up the kicked puppy pout and sticks to it, and doesn’t change or vary expression much. If he’s crying for real, he tends towards being a lot more expressive, even if those expressions tend towards frustration or anger; he’s a very angry crier when it’s for real, as opposed to his kicked-puppy fake tears.
6. Laughter
Kokichi’s signature laugh is...well, he’s not doing it on purpose, that’s just how his evil snicker comes out. It was one of the other DICE kids who pointed out it sounded like a horse, and Kokichi thought that was the funniest thing in the world given he has the kanji for horse in his name. He ran with that, to be honest, and it’s 100% where his jokey horse thing came from.
7. Travel
If there’s anywhere in the world Kokichi would like to travel to, it’s America. Specifically either New York or Las Vegas, because of all the pictures and things he’s seen about all the shows and live performances and stuff. It sounds cool as shit. 
8. Dreams
He doesn’t...have any? None that he feels are really overarching Big Dreams. He likes just where he is right now, with the other DICE kids and Miss Abe and his new friends, Shuichi and Kaede and the others. He’d love to make sure the Institution is safe and comfortable money-wise, but other than that he doesn’t have any big dreams in mind. Just running DICE for the rest of ever seems pretty great.
9. Music
He likes really loud dance music, like energetic and catchy and with a good beat, and he likes Vocaloid stuff completely unironically, especially the stuff with really creepy or weird PVs that go with it. 
10. Art
He can draw very childish cartoonish chibis, but other than that art is not his forte. That’s fine with him, though, his plans are still legible even if his art still looks like a five year-old drew it!
11. Best Friend
He would never, ever, ever say it out loud on pain of death, but he considers Shuichi, Kaito, and Gonta to be his best friends.
12. Worst Enemy
He’d joke about being his own worst enemy and actually halfway mean it, but other than that, he’d probably consider that role to belong solely to Team DR.
13. Hair
He....he brushes his hair! Occasionally! It just kind of naturally flips up like that on the sides no matter how hard people have tried to get it to sit down, so he and everyone else mostly gave up. He thinks it looks cute, but it’s no real big deal to him otherwise.
14. Eyes
His puppy dog eyes are lethal. Do not test him, he will turn them on you and pout and you will melt into a puddle of goop. They don’t really work on his friends from the Game (most of the time), but otherwise they are a terrible weapon of mass manipulation.
15. Hands
He has very small hands and very deft ones, and he’s very good at sleight of hand and other tricks that require a lot of coordination and quick fingers, like lockpicking and tying knots. He also bites his nails a lot, so his nails are always short and chewed on, especially his thumbnails.
16. Smile
He’s as good at faking a smile as he is at faking tears, and honestly it’s a 90%  chance that if he smiles at you it’s not real. But if it is, you can tell, and consider yourself a very lucky person.
He’s also really, really, really good at sinister smiles, and even if they don’t literally look like the nightmare-face sprites, he aura he gives off when he grins like that is enough to make up the difference.
17. Scars
Like all of those who died in the game, Kokichi has two small scars on his temples, just past his hairline, from where he was connected to the VR Pod. They all know how lucky they are that they just got away with some scars and trauma, given what happened to Miu in-Game, and Kokichi for one is glad they’re not really visible. They’re a little upsetting.
Other than that, he has a scar on the inside of his left arm near his elbow from when he cut his arm open climbing over a fence when he was nine.
18. Winter
Kokichi loves the winter for snowball fights and snowmen (no one ever introduce him to Calvin and Hobbes, he would do the Calvin snowmen in a heartbeat), but other than that he hates the cold. It’s not fun and he doesn’t like it, and he much prefers burying himself in blankets and playing video games.
He does like Christmas gifts though, and though he really only gets obligation chocolate for Valentine’s Day that’s great anyway, because he still goes and buys the leftover chocolate the day after when it’s mega cheap.
19. Summer
Summer is his favorite time of year, because beaches and warm weather to run around outside and pull pranks, and and vacation days without school, and it’s just awesome and the best, and all the festivals like Tanabata and Children’s Day and Obon are fun.
20. Spring
Spring is almost as good as summer, honestly. It’s less hot out, but there’s still school, so less time for pranks, but it’s cool out, so.... 
Really, Kokichi tends to tell the seasons by how many days off he gets and how many holidays there are.
21. Autumn
Autumn is in between summer and winter as far as he’s concerned, like spring, but to be honest autumn wins just by virtue of the fact that Halloween is in autumn, and predictably enough that’s Kokichi’s favorite holiday, and he and DICE go all out on Halloween. You don’t want to be his neighborhood for the entire week before Halloween. He’s intense about it.
22. Family
Despite that Kokichi has no biological family, only the other kids at the institution and the woman who runs it, Miss Abe, he considers them his family and even if he can’t say he loves them, he cares about them as if they were family. It took a long time for him to warm to them to that level, but he’s ride or die for DICE and Miss Abe, and he’s very protective despite being 5′1 and tiny.
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