#Funato arc
cocktailjjrs · 2 years
FYI contains a few minor manga spoilers. 
So, I finally caught up with Boruto anime from Funato arc onwards. And let me say one thing;
I mean what was even point of this whole thing? I had actually started liking in him and then they go of and kill him? I thought he was going to become Mizukage, what happens to that now?
This arc was by far the one with most deaths. We had,
Taiki - the ship captain that was killed 
Kobasoza - the one who killed Taki then killed himself to avoid being interrogated
Kagura - (Why! Oh! WHY!) Stabbed in the chest by Funamushi
Tenma - Avoided his brothers warnings and launched attack on the Mist ships, only to be cut down by Chojuro and fall overboard
Hebachiigo - Killed by Funamushi after trying to restrain him (I really did not think even she would die and to think she was actually starting to make friends and have a free life)
Funamushi - (Okay, I admit, this one i was happy for and hoping it would happen) Rasenganed by Boruto and then stabbed by Buntan
Seiren - Died of injuries in hospital 
Isari - Killed by his own father with his own weapon while trying to make peace aggrement
Not to mention the airship that crashed initially that killed many
I can also see a pattern here. First we had an arc with Iwa, where the kill count was also high and now we have Kiri. What next? Kumo or Suna? 
And at the end Boruto offered his own life to stop the war (Though i knew he won’t die), for me the whole ending felt a bit hollow. I mean we have seen Naruto use Talk no jutsu, but i felt Boruto didn’t say much or anything at all, i had so many things he could have pointed out for Ikada to consider. 
The whole ending felt very anti climatic to me. 
And then there is the new Op. While it contains few wholesome shots, it also contains this one:
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And this one reminded me of this: 
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So, we are getting Code arc soon it seems. 
But before that, I just want the Uzumaki’s (and when i say Uzumaki’s it consists of Kawaki without a doubt) to have some bonding time. For the kids to remain kids a while longer, because things are gonna go down real fast & soon.
Manga readers know the pain and suffering (plus some ridiculousness) that is to come. (That reminds me of the last chapter we had, it seems Amado is going to reveal why he is so obsessed with Kawaki to both Eida and Konoha; so does that mean Eida will be an ally?)
Anyway, by far my most favourite episode from the recent ones was (I’m sure its not just mine) Ep 258!!!
We get our Sunshine family just enjoying. This is what the Fourth Great Ninja War was for; to let the upcoming generations live without the fear of a looming war or deaths awaiting (though in Boruto’s case, the death and war still looms over)
Anyway, that aside this episode was so wholesome. We Got Hinata!!! And Hima, she is way too pure for this world.
And we also have a family pic,
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I laughed so much during the whole episode, not to mention they were actually haunted by that ghost, LOL!!!
Well, i guess a few more light hearted chapters like this wont hurt before we finally move onto the Manga canon (Though i dont want like 50 fillers before that)
Hope for the best, i guess. 
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kirfuffel · 4 months
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misttiddies · 2 years
may I drop upon you, for ship bingo, Isari/Jibiki, if that's okay OvO
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i think i was the first one to write this ship on ao3 because i wrote it after like episode 3 of that arc and my interpretation of the characters has Drastically changed. I have written more since then! it just hasn't been finished :p
they are important. my sweet bois. the height difference. the running away and mutinying together. the loyalty to each other!! they have jokes together! they are so precious to me, i hope they are cuddling on a hammock on a beach somewhere right now...
thank u!!! i was just thinking abt these lads, i was at target and saw fish/crab print onesies and i was like yes.. themb.. so look out for that :p
ship bingo original post
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migila · 2 years
Boruto episode 255
So... the war’s over? Just like that? And the arc ends? I mean, I’m glad the deathly arc is over, but with how many people died, the ending feels insultingly anticlimactic... but I suppose life just is like that sometimes. For real.
Still, if everything that happened in the arc is never mentioned again, then I’ll count it as a fail on the animators’ part. Such big things, including Kagura’s death and Boruto’s almost death, should leave life long impressions and effects on the kids.
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bestnarutoduo · 8 months
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Here we go! Another poll, this time with a focus on character’s outfits.
Voting will start tomorrow at 10am (MST)
Left side
Mei (blue dress) vs Gai (Retired fit)
Sasuke (Chunin exams) vs Bee
Temari (Shippuden) Vs Sakura (Blank Period)
Kiba (Shippuden) Vs Karui
Sai Vs Utakata
Tenten Vs Kankuro (Stone of Galele)
Kakashi (Green Jumpsuit) Bs Gai (Speedo)
Anko Vs Naruto (War Paint)
Ino (Shippuden) Vs Genma (Kid)
Kurenai Vs Gai (Teen)
Fuen Vs Izari Funato
Deidara Vs Kakashi (Retired)
Naruto (Shirtless) Vs Gaara (Shippuden)
Gai (regular fit) Vs Hako Kuroi
Akatsuki Cloak Vs Temari (Og)
Right side
Temari (Boruto) Vs A
Rock Lee (Og) Vs Hinata (The Last)
Shino (Shippuden) Vs Mirai
Sukea Vs Guren
Kushina (Kid) Vs Ino (Blank Period)
Kimmimaro Vs Hinata (Red Dress)
Izumi Vs ChoCho
Sasuke (Shippuden/Non slitty edition) Vs Neji (Shippuden)
Gaara (Og) Vs Obito (Fourth Great Shinobi War)
Karin (Shippuden) Vs Kankuro (Shippuden)
Lee (Crescent Moon Kingdom) Vs Sakura (Crescent Moon Kingdom)
Madara Vs Naruto (Pein Arc)
Sasuke (Shippuden/Slutty edition) Vs Sasori
Tsunade Vs Kakashi (Kannabi Bridge)
Sakura (OG) Vs Kakashi (Chunin Exams)
Choji (Boruto) Vs Temujin (Stone of Galele)
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scarletofspring · 1 year
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(inspired by the last Funato arc episode)
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Sarada wears Blue and White color dress (Mitsuki's theme),her glasses are yellow(Mitsuki's eyes) and with black pants(again like mitsuki).
Now with this...
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Imagine how much these two affected each others and also the animators who tease us MitsuSara shippers constantly with all hints and many parallels with SasuSaku😭
In the past,i had my doubts regarding them end up falling in love with each other after timeskip but now when i think about it,mitsusara is most likely going to be endgame.
Especially considering the fact that Sumire is the first character to show her true feelings(also Sarada saying Boruto is like her brother in funato arc finale),Mitsuki and Sarada have already had so much history together to make one of greatest power couples in animanga history,same for BoruSumi.
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r0semultiverse · 1 year
Another writing thing that was weird/inconsistent (and proof of mismanagement/miscommunication) about the Boruto anime writing team is them not giving Sarada her 3 tomoe sharingan during the Boro fight.
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She unlocked her 2 tomoe sharingan here (can’t remember when she had the 2 tomoe in the manga) instead of the 3 tomoe which would suggest that the anime writers had big plans for the 3 tomoe evolution of her eye. The anime just went on hiatus and there’s no big Sarada events that’ll happen to evolve her sharingan aside from the mangekyo at this rate.
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That begs the question... where were they planning on giving her the third tomoe? Was it a cut arc that the writers weren’t able to get approved? Was it perhaps the Funato arc where she literally watches Boruto jump to his watery grave right in front of her? I think the latter is the most likely scenario. Character moments were happening left and right in that arc.
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We know that there’s been miscommunication with the writing team before as they built up Kagura as an important successor character only to kill him off after all the build up.
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We know that the people in upper management for the anime are absolutely shit at communicating with their employees and the animators they hire because it’s all last-minute changes, updates, and additions with little-to-no time to make them. That’s why the quality on the animation started going down. They’ve been splitting their resources too allegedly; so, that’s probably why the writing team’s decisions have been strange or inconsistent. When the animation team is getting fucked over you can bet that other teams involved are probably getting fucked with as well.
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So what could they do to fix this third tomoe sharingan problem? You’re gonna hate this, but an anime-only flashback arc of some sort showing when she got the third tomoe. Alternatively or along with it, an anime scene retcon (they did this with the Code & Isshiki scene and Code’s design as well as Utakata fighting Pain in the past in Shippuden) of something that happened like the Boro fight.
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Not sure where the anime team would fit this into the episodes upon its return from hiatus, but they’ve done random flashbacks before. Maybe they’ll do an anime recap episode as the first episode upon the anime’s return and fix the Boro sharingan thing. There was absolutely some miscommunication between the manga team & among the anime team though.
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narhinafan · 7 months
I always used to think that salad blushing at boruto's comment about protecting her at hokage mountain scene parallels narusaku but it also parallel neji hina promise when they were kids and also sasuke blushing at itachi's comment.
Borusara was officially dead when salad called boruto her brother in funato arc.
All nejihina and sasuke itachi are sibling dynamics. Every borusara moment screams incest.
I think it was dead the moment Sarada said she didn't like him when Sumire asked her. Her calling him a brother only cemented the fact.
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raveneira · 2 years
Still cant get over how dirty Kagura was done in the Funato arc....no matter how many months goes by I just cannot believe they really did something SO stupid even by THEIR standards I NEVER thought they could ever do something THIS bad.
And the worst part is now its pretty widely believed that Buntan is gonna be the new Mizukage which does have a high possibility of happening, which makes it all the more disrespectful to Kagura because 
1 Kagura is related to the OG Mizukage which set high expectations for him 
2 Chojuro chose Kagura to succeed him 
3 Buntan is related to an SP created swordsmen w/ minimal relevance
To have Kagura have such a huge tie to an OG character of great importance be expendable but a woman related to essentially the anime studio's OC of way lesser importance is beyond disrespectful and downright infuriating, if anything it should've been the other way around.
Yes, Buntan should’ve died instead of Kagura, it would’ve shown the change in her that Kagura worked hard to gain her trust to build, her dying to protect him and everyone else would’ve been far more meaningful and showed his efforts DID pay off would’ve been WAY more impactful than Kagura dying because what impact did that really have? they already knew how far Kagura would go for them and that he genuinely considered them friends to the point of risking his life for them, they didnt need his death to realize that
And whether or not Kagura died they still would’ve protected the civilian village because it was just the right thing to do since they couldnt defend themselves, and if your wondering about the whole revenge plot it still happens regardless because Kagura kills Seiran, Funamushi kills Buntan, Funamushi seeks out Kagura again and kills Heibichigo, and instead of Buntan avenging Kagura it’d be Kagura avenging Buntan and Hebichigo by killing Funamushi, and the EXACT same cycle of revenge plot would ensue.
This was just lazy and cheap shock value because ppl cared more about Kagura because of his ties to Yagura than they ever would somebody like Buntan who is just SPs OCs love child, of course they couldnt kill her off and bring in any sort of reaction so they sacrificed one of the very few new gen characters with some actual potential and important role in the story [literally Yagura’s, the former Mizukages grandson and the next in line to be Mizukage by Chojuro] yea lets treat him as expendable and give our OC love child this important role instead because fans are gonna love that.
Fuck SP and anyone who praises this garbage arc.
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chidoroki · 2 years
Boruto EP254
aka: emotional damage
“If it means getting you killed, that’s a different story. I can’t afford to lose you.” Aren’t you sweet Mitsuki.
Yeah, kinda figured the Funato clan was gonna get a couple of hits in on Boruto before they actually plan on killing him.
Oh Kawaki you better be careful yourself with whatever you have planned.
Aahh the emotion in both Sarada & Mitsuki’s voices.
They put so much detail into everyone’s eyes too.
They really got him walking the plank.. so pirate like of them.
Oh, if team 5 sails in just in time to catch Boruto falling into the sea then this whole build up is gonna be pointless.
He even spared Kobuna getting blood on his hands by jumping off the ship himself, how nice of him.
The real coward is the fool whose spear just grazed Sarada’s cheek. You fool, how dare you!
Poor Mitsuki is so pissed he almost went sage mode but had to hold back for Boruto’s last wish.
“Ever since I was little, he was always by my side. We played together and got into many fights. Even if we weren’t related by blood, he was like a brother to me.” Oh the feels!
“We are sad! I’m so sad my chest feels like it’s getting crushed!” Bro her voice actress is doing so well.
Yo Ikada jumped into the ocean so quick no one could even register it was actually him.
The similarities between Ikada saving Boruto the first time they met til just now was a nice touch.
That’s a pretty damn impressive jutsu Ikada has.
Pfft I love how Sarada gives Boruto a hug while Mitsuki is totally pissed off at him with “I never want to experience this ever again!” He is always so chill the poor guy isn’t used to feeling intense emotions.
Yeah it’s great the group of men who were following Ikada decided to lay down their weapons but ya still got the giant cannon to worry about.
Ah Kawaki showing up at the last possible moment. Wait, dude! Did you just slash Araumi’s throat??
Boruto’s talk-no-jutsu finally worked out.
Good to see him and Ikada just talking again, yet it does kinda suck we waiting so long for the finale of this arc to not have any large fight scene, though I guess the emotional stuff made up for all it.
Preview thoughts:
Ah we’re finally back home in Konoha! What a welcomed change from all the sea we’ve been seeing for the past however many months.
Still chatting about Ikada and Chojuro though so still got the aftermath of the arc to deal with I guess.
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Kawaki been kindly in sarada a lot but a little on his little sis.
I think, he has also a soft point for Himawari as his little forster sister. It only exist a few moments between them. But these few moments are heart warming and Boruto confirmed surprised in the Funato arc, that Himawari likes him.
We get new moments between them in the new transition episodes and in two of them we will see them together again.
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yamanaka-shin · 2 years
1. Mangetsu because holy shit he has such a rep but we never saw anything from him! Not even a voice line was provided (I'm taking the time to present my selective mute hc for him, now that the topic has come up). I need to know about his upbringing, his relationship with his brother, who exactly he worked with in the Seven, his standing in Kiri, all about his death, and literally every other detail possible. I love and respect this man even if I barely have any canon presented reason to.
2. Shin because [gestures to my entire blog] literally WHERE do I begin with this poor fuck. In such a short time, life was just not good aside from having Sai as company. But they were such a good person and loving sibling. Sai's survival and safety meant more to them then trying to ease their illness (let alone cure it) to such a degree that dying for his sake was the option they leaned towards probably the entire time. Selfless, sweet, and gone wayyyy too soon. Also according to Sai a total bastard which is the best possible archetype out there. So not get me started on Shin.
3. Kohan Yamanaka simply because (and here's my transfem hc in action) I like her a lot and want to see her on the job more often. I wanna know how all the Barrier Team stuff works and I trust her very much to be the perfect person to shadow of I want to find all that out. She's pretty and very calm and I would definitely enjoy spending time with her no matter what's happening.
4. SUIGETSU IN THE CURRENT ERA ESPECIALLY. Canon has mishandled this fool for most of his time existing in it. But now, having to be a lackey for his abuser, oh I hate it. You can see that "I really don't want to be here right now" look on his face while he's doing lab work instead of being allowed to fuck around and find out literally anywhere else. And like his brother, I need to know in depth how he felt about being a sibling. I wanna know what those two were to each other AND I wanna know about their parents. I want to ask him, too, the process of changing his dynamic with Karin because I'm so impressed that the two don't throw hands anymore. I miss this idiot. I want him back so badly. Also why isn't he a goddamn DILF, canon please.
5. AMEYURI MY CRAZY WIFE 🧡 like she's another for team Terminal Illness Of Unknown Description. Gone too soon. Short, insane, sexy, and wicked powerful (bonus about how her dub voice actress is literally my favorite one ever). I need to know when she existed in the timeline too now that Raiga is truly embedded in canon. I have my theories, but those are simply hcs. Show me the reality canon wants me to believe! We didn't even get ONE flashback to her when she was alive, man. And that also means I don't know who else in the Seven was around when she was. So I can't imagine the dynamics that would have to exist. I love her so very much.
💋 I'll give you my top 15 but it won't be in much order besides the #1 spot. Keep in mind there are SO many others who are so goddamn good looking. It's a constant struggle to decide on even a top 15. Shin and Mangetsu remain the absolute best, at least.
1. Shin
2. Mangetsu
3. Santa Yamanaka
4. Urashiki
5. Shibuki
6. Kurama
7. Isari
8. Suigetsu
9. Karin
10. Ino
11. Killer B
12. Ameyuri
13. Shizune
14. Sai
15. Inoichi Yamanaka
🌊 I already answered this but again I'll reiterate my love for the two Kiri arcs in Boruto. the way they expanded the cast and showed us the state of affairs (including how it's developing in real time) in the village that has had the most gruesome history we are aware of. It gave us a new clan (the Funato), it gave us a new Seven, it gave us another Karatachi, it gave us time to see Chojuuro in his role as Mizukage, it gave us his aide/guard Misuno (or Tankan) who I genuinely adore very much, it gave us one of my favorite villains ever (Shizuma) among SO much else. I particularly need to highlight the way I am so happy with what was done with Gokai. The struggle of accepting the war is over but still wanting to fight because that's "the Funato way" even if his superior often mistreated him. And then, after learning that hard lesson, not holding things against said superior's son but instead stepping in as a father figure. He's literally just some guy and he was handled VERY well. If I am allowed to get into more about these two arcs we will be here all damn day. I'd say blame my partner Des for why I'm like this but tbh it's only HALF their fault. I know good content when I see it.
Thank you so much for this 🧡🧡 I love all your Kiri content a lot. Especially all of the perfect trans Tenma section.
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This funato arc has been decent. I also really like the visuals for this opening song
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bestnarutoduo · 8 months
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misttiddies · 1 year
i still can’t believe minamo funato was a character. she was only there for 20 seconds but she had so much going on. “my beloved wife maybe we shouldn’t bring our baby to an active warzone” “dw it’ll be fine :)” *immediately gets shot, telling her husband to protect the baby bc he’s the future of the clan and he TAKES THIS AS A PROPHECY THAT IT IS HIS INFANT SON’S RESPONSIBILITY TO SAVE THEIR CRIME FAMILY FROM CERTAIN DOOM despite minamo clearly having no ability to see the future, because should she have had that, she wouldn’t HAVE BEEN SHOT WITH THE ICE BEAM*
and then there’s the fact that she’s still in the same place under the ocean, in one piece in that icicle, and araumi periodically leaves her pearls that are ALSO ALL STILL THERE IN THE SAME PLACE as if ocean currents do not exist, when a factor of this arc is that kiri is trying to make ocean currents not exist and everyone thinks that’s Bad
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