#Funny Uncle {Datz Ar'bal}
xmfxne · 2 years
[legalbrats] !❆! Datz with Nahyuta
Send me !❆! for my muse’s reaction to yours shoving them into a snowbank (Accepting!) @legalbrats has dunked a monk.
Nahyuta had been walking with Datz, and going over details of whatever case he was working on, to relay to Apollo, of course, when suddenly he was pushed back into a large mound of white, fluffy snow.
He was certain he had a dumb look of shock on his face, and he sort of just laid there for a few seconds, dumbfounded.
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xmfxne · 2 years
[legalbrats] trace "Huh," Datz sounded surprised, "I don't remember those before."
Send “trace” to purposely touch one of my muse’s scars (Accepting)
@legalbrats hasn’t been told yet...
Apollo winced, lying shirtless, back facing Datz, on the bed. It'd hadn't even been a few months since everything went down, and Apollo moved to Khura'in, and there was still unrest, unease, so it wasn't a huge surprise that it'd find its way to the courtroom. Apollo just happened to be unlucky when getting those abrasions to his back, and they needed to be disinfected, of course.
It wasn't pleasant for him. It was like having to do everything over, but without Klavier. Well, no, this wasn't as bad, but mentally, it was. Then, he felt a touch at his scar. It was left from a metal support hidden in one of the chunks of the concrete that fell on him- he'd been impaled, and needed stitches after it'd been removed. He was pretty sure most of the nerves there died, he hardly felt things there, but this he was feeling, and winced, expecting pain. "Ah-! Oh, that? On-on my side?"
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xmfxne · 2 years
Ghosts of the Past
     It was late... or, rather, it was early. It was around 11:55 or so, and Apollo was just trying to get a bit more work done. All was going well, things were calm, for about five minutes.
      Apollo hadn’t even given the time much thought. He thought he’d heard the door creak open, but figured it was probably Datz coming in late or some such. Nothing unusual. What was strange was how Apollo felt a hand on his left shoulder. 
      Now, a hand on his shoulder wasn’t the strange part, but his left side was typically blocked off by a wall, with his bed behind him. Apollo turned to look at the hand, expecting to see Datz’s skin... only to see a skull-like scar on a fair-skinned hand. 
      Apollo jolted to a stand, a sharp, fearful gasp killing any scream that’d come out. He tried to back away, only to trip against his desk and fall back into the wall. 
     Nothing was there. 
      No one was there.... 
     Apollo heaved a sigh, thinking he’d probably just imagined it. He should probably just go to bed. He turned back to his desk, ready to just sign off on those last few documents and then go to sleep when,      “Justice.”
      Apollo whipped around, throwing his chair to get Kristoph back and away from him, but... Apollo could swear he saw him... but he wasn’t there....
      ...Screw this. He needed to go to bed. He obviously needed the sleep....
     Apollo turned off the light, placed a paperweight on top of the documents, so that they’d stay orderly over night as he walked across his room to go brush his teeth in the bathroom across the hall. 
     When he came back, something looked off, so he flicked the light along the wall, and.... a paper weight fell on the floor. He didn’t knock it over, did he? He certainly would have remembered, right? Surely.... Still, he opted to just pick it up and put it back. As he walked back to turn the light back off, he felt someone just inches behind him. It was uncomfortably familiar... but any time he looked over his shoulder, there was no one there. 
     He turned out the lights and--
     “Are you satisfied, Justice?!”
      He instantly flicked the lights back on, a burning sensation making itself known against his back. He ran to the bathroom and checked in the mirror, and sure enough, four bleeding scratches trailed down his back, as though he’d been attacked by some feral animal.       “D-D-Datz?!” Apollo called, needing someone else’s opinion, because he was absolutely going crazy. It couldn’t be Kristoph-- he was dead. But then why was he getting visions and flashbacks to Vera Misham passing out from Atroquinine- oh fuck Atroquinine! 
     He needed to clean this out now!! 
     He called, pounding on his bedroom door, but.... was he in the shower?! Who the hell takes a shower at midnight?!
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xmfxne · 2 years
Surprise Visit
Closed Starter for @legalbrats
Apollo stretched with a yawn as he awoke from his  less-than-comfortable mattress. He was still half asleep, and he’d love to crawl back in bed, but if he did, he wouldn’t be able to say goodnight to Klavier. He’d need some coffee at least, that should kickstart his brain, as it typically did.
Of course, he was hardly awake enough to walk, and it didn’t help that his feet were sore from being in court for about two full days straight. Another yawn as he shuffled down the hall and into the kitchen-- he was as ecstatic as an exhausted man who could barely keep his eyes open could be to smell the coffee, seeing as it meant it was freshly made, for one, and that Datz hadn’t drank it all. If he ever drank coffee... Did he? He was too tired to know or care. 
Of course, he could vaguely hear some conversation going on in the living room, and within Apollo’s dreadful squint-o-vision, he caught Nahyuta’s bright lavender hair. He figured Nahyuta decided to spend their mutual day off here or maybe he’d popped by for a visit or something, and was talking to Datz... he wasn’t awake enough to tell or ask. “Oh, there he is.” He heard Nahyuta say.  “Shut up until I get some coffee, or I’ll fall asleep.” Apollo yawned out, as polite as he could be as tired as he was.
Nahyuta silently chuckled at his brother’s response, shaking his head.  “You’ll have to excuse him, we’ve been busy these last two days.” Apollo blindly poured his creamer-- hazelnut flavored, of course, into the cup, followed by his nice, warm coffee. He yawned again before taking a sip, finally able to open his eyes a bit more, now. Datz, Nahyuta, and... “Klavier?!”
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xmfxne · 3 years
A New Pet...
It’d been a few months since Apollo’s move to Khura’in. 
While most of the cleaning was taken care of, somethings still lingered, despite their best efforts. Mice, rats, and lizards were the main problem. It never seemed to matter how many Datz seemed to kill, they always seemed to come right back, driving the neat-freak in Apollo absolutely insane, on top of the back-breaking paperwork. Honestly, between the courtroom bombing back in December and the constant slump of paperwork, he’ll be surprised if he doesn’t have back problems before he’s 28.
Moreover, he’d find himself missing things in waves. He’d miss someone, and then he’d immediately get distracted by his workload. It’d range from the old office, to Mr. Alguy, to Trucy, to his kitty back home, Mekiko. He’d remembered naming her when he first picked her up from the animal shelter. She’d been named after a manga character when Apollo thought she was a male calico, as well as pronouncing the name wrong for two whole years. It was Clay that corrected him, saying the character’s name was ‘Mikeko’ instead of ‘Mekiko.’
However, her name would stay the way it was. She seemed to like it after all. 
Apollo glanced at a photo on his desk that he asked Ms. Fey to bring him of him, Clay, and Mekiko. Poor Clay looked like he’d been scratched to hell and back but the three of them looked so happy. He couldn’t help but wonder how she was doing. Mekiko was so precious to him, even if she never really liked others. He had to wonder how she was doing under Trucy’s care. As well as vise versa.
At least until Shah’do started barking and chasing something around the office like a crazed animal. “Shah’do, no!!”  “Ah! Ahlbi! You need to train your dog!!” Apollo felt something run between his feet, and kicked his seat back with a screech. Shah’do wasn’t far behind, barking as he attempted to squeeze his way past Apollo’s chair to reach whatever he was chasing. “I-I’m sorry, Mr. Justice!! I-I don’t know what’s gotten into him-- Shah’do!! Come back!!” Ahlbi squeezed his way to reach his dog, almost knocking Apollo off his seat. ”Ah! Ahlbi, Ahlbi!” Apollo warned just before hearing a hiss. “Wait--!” However, it was too late, Ahlbi had reached past Apollo’s chair to grab his dog by the scruff of his neck and knocked the attorney’s seat over, taking him with it. 
Naturally, Apollo screamed as he fell, but luckily, his shoulder stopped his head from hitting the floor too hard. He couldn’t be too mad, either, as now that he was on the floor, he could see what it was that Shah’do was chasing.  “Aww, poor thing!” 
Apollo sat up, reaching his hand under the desk for the other to examine it. Once Apollo found it to be close enough to his hand, he grabbed it and out from under his desk he pulled out a fluffy calico kitty with mostly white fur with orange and black patches around his back, paws, face, and tail. Really, only his belly was white, and even there, tufts of orange fur could be spotted. Apollo could tell the cat was underweight, despite how young he looked. He didn’t seem like a fully grown adult, but he wasn’t a kitten either. 
The cat meowed, allowing the attorney to cradle him in his arms as Ahlbi held his dog in his hands, keeping the pup’s distance away from the cat.  “Oh, so thats’ why I’ve been finding mangled mice bodies.” “Ew?! Datz, why didn’t you say anything?!” “Because, I knew you’d go ‘ew,’ AJ.” Apollo pouted, having just proven Datz’s point. “Regardless, this poor thing looks starving.” “Aww, AJ’s adopted a new pet!” “I’m...!” Apollo looked down at the new cat, a name already coming to mind, despite not having the greatest track record with names. “...Considering it!” His tone sounded defensive, as if he was originally going to deny it. “Har har har har har!!” Datz laughed, “You know I don’t mind, AJ. If you can feed him, he can stay with us.”
Apollo really couldn’t look upset if he tried. The way that the cat had seemingly already accepted him was too adorable to him. “Ooh! He’s so cute, Mr. Justice!! What are you gonna name him?!”  “I’m thinking... Mikeko.” Mikeko immediately meowed in appreciation, grabbing Apollo’s hand by the wrist and giving him a few licks. Thus, Mikeko was accepted into Apollo’s care. 
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