miscelunaaa · 1 year
I know you’re less active on here nowadays but I hope you’re doing well, esp since I think I saw you mention at some point you were in the middle of a very busy holiday season while getting back to a more regular work schedule, among other things. While I’m always looking forward to Large Joon Fic updates (seriously, my favorite name for it, even though Sacrificial is also lovely and becoming even more meaningful as the story wraps up), I hope you’re taking care of yourself, doing whatever makes you happy in the meantime and finding a better balance of all the things.
Ah, my goodness. I've been thinking about this a lot lately. When I'd started posting it, my goal was to have it done posting before the end of the year, and yet, here we are, in 2023, and I still have four chapters to go. Shit happens, to be honest.
When I started doing freelance editing, I had multiple existential crises because for months, I couldn't get anyone to take a chance on me. And like, y'all know how much I beta read. It's something I'm confident in doing. But know one wants to hire a person with zero paid experience. And then suddenly, a person did. And then another, and another, and suddenly I have a handful of repeat clients who not only like how I do my job but actually give a shit and pay me for my opinions on writing. Like what the fuck right?? I'm still in shock tbh.
I started posting Sacrificial around the same time I started looking for work, so watching these two parts of my life work together in tandem like this has been really strange, but also like, so important. Even when I'm like swamped in deadlines (like I am this week), getting a comment on Sacrificial, or any other fic, for that matter, reminds me that I can only do what I'm doing right now because of what this community has given me. And that shit started with me drafting Sacrificial in 2021.
idk I've been thinking about it a lot, mostly because fuuuuuck I need to get ch 17 out soon because I'm anxious to hear people's thoughts on what happens during it. I'm just so bad at managing my time alksjdhflaksjdh
BUT. I'm learning!! I'm so so thankful that I've got folks like you, who are patient and gracious about my slowness. Truly, it means the world to me. I know I'm a broken record about that shit but like I don't feel like I can say it enough tbh. This community, for all the times that it makes me want to rip my hair out, is made infinitely richer by having folks like you in it :) folks like you are why I'm still here at all.
Anyway that's enough feelings for a Friday. I appreciate you so much, Sim!!!!!! Thank you so much for writing in! I'm figuring my shit out slowly, and I'm so thankful for you <3
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