#Galacta can affect the local deity and how he feels even if he isn't whole
starlytenight · 2 years
Glad to see you're taking time to get better! Got a question if you're interested in answering- If Galacta Knight gets an opportunity to actually have a decent conversation with Morpho, what would they talk about?
Oh, this one is too good not to do a small off-canon comic for because let's just say such an encounter would uh completely derail everything at the moment, even if it's just a moment of conversation hahaha. >:)c But it's too juicy not to think about. Enjoy~♫
The only way this would technically be possible would be Galacta wandering in into Morpho's domain through the Dreamscape, which could absolutely happen actually. Though between them... simple small talk won't exactly fly.
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Feeling conflicted is pretty alien to a god.
As is questioning one's purpose.
Happy Belated Valentine's Day✨💖
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