#Gene ''how many dead wives can I fit into eleven episodes of a show'' Roddenbery
rjalker · 2 years
I'm literally just going to refer to him as Gene "how many dead wives can I fit into eleven episodes of a show" Roddenbery from now on.
None of you fuckers who lied to everyone about how progressive Star Trek: The Original series was and then called me stupid to my face for being pissed off and wanting to acknowledge the fucking criminal levels of misogyny in it gets to pretend this guy was a feminist.
He wrote Earth: Final Conflict after Star Trek: The Original Series.
And the misogyny just got even more fucking blatant and absurd. Fuck every single person on this site and everywhere else who insists that TOS is progressive and feminist and doesn't have any misogyny in it at all just because you think Kirk and Spock should fuck.
"it was groundbreaking back then!" there's literally movies and shows from decades earlier in black and white that treat women a million times better. If your only standard is "women exist" Then get better fucking standards and stop fucking lying to people about it not being misogynistic just because you think Kirk and Spock should fuck eachother.
I promise you, "fandom elders", I fucking promise you your fucking pattern of worshiping white men while being misogynistic as fucking shit is not going to fucking fly any more.
Stop telling people there's no fucking misogyny in Star Trek: The Original Series. Stop fucking telling people that if they think it's misogyniystic then they're just too stupid and the fucking R slur to understand Gene "how many dead wives can I fit into eleven episodes of a show" Roddenbery's fucking storytelling genius.
I promise you stupid fucking assholes, you thinking two straight white men are hot and should fuck eachother does not mean the show treats women well.
Stop telling people to watch Star Trek: The Original Series without warning them about the fucking rampant and disgusting levels of misogyny or I swear to fucking Hircine I will tear you to pieces.
Stop fucking sharing the single fucking incident where Kirk treats a woman like an equal member of the crew solely for the purpose of making him look good compared to the random fucking asshole of the week and then pretending like none of the fucking sexual assault or rape apologism pr any other form of blatant fucking misogyny and hatred towards women happens.
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