#General Syed Asim Munir
tfgadgets · 15 days
Pakistan Admits Military's Direct Role In Kargil War 1999. What Its Army Chief Said
Pakistan’s General Syed Asim Munir has admitted Pakistani military’s direct role in Kargil war Islamabad: In what is being seen as a first-of-its kind confession by the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir has admitted Pakistani military’s direct role in the 1999 Kargil war against India. During his Defence Day speech on Friday, Munir…
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piyasahaberleri · 6 months
Başbakan Şehbaz Şerif Cuma günü yapmış olduğu açıklamada, Pakistan'ın yükselişinin kaderinde bulunduğunu ve silahlı kuvvetlerin ülkenin barışçıl yükselişini sağlamadaki rolünün ne kadar vurgulanabileceğini söylemiş oldu. Ordunun medya kanadına bakılırsa, başbakanın yorumları, kendisi ve yeni seçilen kabine üyelerinin Genel Karargah (GHQ) Rawalpindi'yi ziyaret etmesi ve Genelkurmay Başkanı (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir de dahil olmak suretiyle ordunun üst düzey liderleriyle görüşmesi esnasında geldi.Hizmetler Arası Halkla İlişkiler (ISPR), üst düzey ziyaret esnasında başbakan ve kabine üyelerinin ulusal güvenlik, bölgesel istikrar ve askeri hazırlık mevzularında askeri liderlerle görüşmelerde bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu. Açıklamada, "Mevcut güvenlik ortamı, tehdit yelpazesi, güvenlik tehditlerine cevap ve devam eden terörle savaşım operasyonları hakkında data verildi" denildi.Başbakan ve kabine üyeleri, Pakistan Ordusunun terörizme karşı muharebede profesyonelliğini, operasyonel hazırlığını ve fedakarlığını takdir ettiler ve ordunun ülkenin toprak bütünlüğünü koruma ve sulh ve istikrarı sağlama mevzusundaki kararlılığını övdü. Hükümeti 8 Şubat seçimlerinden sonrasında iktidara gelen Başbakan Şehbaz, hükümetin silahlı kuvvetlerin operasyonel hazırlığını sağlamak için ihtiyaç duyulan tüm kaynakları sağlayacağının güvencesini verdi.Açıklamada başbakanın "Pakistan'ın yükselişi kaderindedir ve silahlı kuvvetlerin Pakistan'ın barışçıl yükselişini sağlamadaki görevi ne kadar vurgulansa azdır" denildi.Buna cevaben genelkurmay başkanı başbakana GSA'ya yapmış olduğu ziyaret ve orduya olan itimatını tazelediği için teşekkür etti. “COAS, Pakistan Ordusunun ulusun beklentilerini karşılamaya devam edeceğini ve Pakistan'ın karşı karşıya olduğu güvenlik sorunlarının çözümünde hükümete kesin bir halde destek vereceğini doğruladı.”Açıklamada, ziyaretin sivil ve askeri liderlerin ulusal çıkarları koruma ve müreffeh ve güvenli bir Pakistan için beraber emek harcama mevzusundaki kararlılıklarını yinelemeleriyle sona erdiği açıklandı.Toplantıdan ilkin başbakan vardığında, genelkurmay başkanı kendisini kabul etmiş ve hükümet başkanına da onur kıtası takdim edilmişti. Şehitleri anmak için Başbakan Şehbaz Yadgar-e-Shuhada'ya çiçek çelengi koydu.
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morningmantra · 9 months
USA: Put a check on China : America advise toPakistan!
The US, to aid Pakistan's economy, imposes conditions including India trades, peace at Line of Control, and restricting China's military presence in Pakistan.
America is trying to prevent China from setting up military posts in Pakistan. As part of this, some conditions have been imposed on Pakistan. Islamabad: Pakistan, which is facing a severe economic crisis, is clamoring for help from the world. Pakistan’s Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir recently visited America in this order. It is reported that the United States has made it clear…
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blogynews · 1 year
"Unleashing Vengeance: Pakistan's Army Chief Swears to Annihilate Terrorism After Devastating Twin Suicide Blasts"
Pakistan’s Army chief, General Syed Asim Munir, has made a commitment to eradicate terrorism in the country through relentless military operations against militants, following the recent twin suicide attacks that claimed the lives of 65 people. The bombings occurred on Friday in two different locations. The first attack took place in Balochistan, where a suicide blast targeted a procession…
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blogynewz · 1 year
"Unleashing Vengeance: Pakistan's Army Chief Swears to Annihilate Terrorism After Devastating Twin Suicide Blasts"
Pakistan’s Army chief, General Syed Asim Munir, has made a commitment to eradicate terrorism in the country through relentless military operations against militants, following the recent twin suicide attacks that claimed the lives of 65 people. The bombings occurred on Friday in two different locations. The first attack took place in Balochistan, where a suicide blast targeted a procession…
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blogynewsz · 1 year
"Unleashing Vengeance: Pakistan's Army Chief Swears to Annihilate Terrorism After Devastating Twin Suicide Blasts"
Pakistan’s Army chief, General Syed Asim Munir, has made a commitment to eradicate terrorism in the country through relentless military operations against militants, following the recent twin suicide attacks that claimed the lives of 65 people. The bombings occurred on Friday in two different locations. The first attack took place in Balochistan, where a suicide blast targeted a procession…
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] COAS General Asim Munir speaks during an address at the Pakistan Naval Academy in Karachi on December 31, 2022. — ISPRFPCCI president calls meeting with army chief a breath of fresh air.$25bn investment discussed with Saudi Arabia, COAS Munir tells business community. Government would not go full-fledge for privatisation, he adds.KARACHI: As the country is faced with a serious economic crisis, Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir told the business community that all-out efforts will be made to bring foreign investment to the country and revive the economy, The News reported Tuesday.The army chief gave these assurances in one of his recent detailed meetings with the traders where he spoke with the business community candidly. Speaking in the Geo News programme "Aaj ShahzebKhanzada Kay Sath" on Monday, Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) President Irfan Iqbal Sheikh said that the meeting with the army chief is a breath of fresh air. He said the army chief told them that a $25 billion investment had been discussed with Saudi Arabia, which had assured Pakistan of investment in IT, minerals, agriculture and defence. COAS Munir told the business community that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammad Bin Salman had agreed that of the $25 billion, $10 billion would be kept in the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). This will be returned in the form of the Pakistani rupee or goods so that the foreign exchange could increase.The army chief said that the crown prince has identified bureaucracy obstacles to investment and called for removing them, adding that they have Special Investment Facilitation Council (SIFC) to do away with the bureaucratic hurdles. Now nobody could disturb them, nor any bureaucrats could undermine them nor would they face any problems with courts. He said the army chief told the business community that Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) had held out the assurance that each would invest $25 billion, while $25 billion each would come from Qatar and Kuwait.Sheikh said that Gen Munir had vowed that the land-grabbing mafia and the extortion mafia would be reined in to control corruption, adding that four task forces are being constituted on the Federal Board of Revenue of Pakistan (FBR), border control, smuggling and social media to improve the situation. FPCCI president also stressed that the business community had become disappointed but the army chief had given it courage and hope.Meanwhile, Business Group Chairman Zubair Motiwala said that every new chief holds meetings with traders. Welcoming the meeting, Motiwala said that the body language of the army chief was different this time as compared to the traders' meetings held with his predecessors. He added that Gen Munir went to Saudi Arabia and the UAE for the revival of the economy, and now he plans to go to Qatar and Kuwait.Motiwala said COAS Munir directed the corps commander that not a single litre of Iranian diesel should come to Karachi while he also issued directives for retaking encroached lands, ending corruption and improving law and order. The COAS also said that only registered Afghan refugees can live in Pakistan and the rest of them will have to go back to their country, adding that Saudi's crown prince complained about corruption and bureaucracy in Pakistan.Motiwala said they discussed the charter of the economy with the army chief, hoping that such a huge investment would bring improvement to the economic conditions in the country. He said they drew the attention of the army chief towards the need for investment.The business community also told Gen Munir that Rs1,300 billion is going to waste due to state-owned enterprises, stressing that political governments cannot opt for privatisation, he added. The army chief said he realised that the government would not go full-fledge for privatisation and would get rid of the burden at all costs. Originally published in The News [ad_2]
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india-times · 1 year
Imran Khan's political future now hangs by a thread
Under any of the references, if a case against Imran Khan is lodged and he is put to trial under any of the Acts, he may face life imprisonment or capital punishment.
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ISLAMABAD: Pakistan witnessed one of its worst violence, clashes and chaos on May 9 following former Prime Minister Imran Khan’s arrest at the Islamabad High Court, which prompted his followers to vandalise and damage sensitive army installations across the country.
The violence that went on for at least 72 hours saw mob attacks on General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi, Core Commander house in Lahore, Jinnah House in Lahore, Radio Pakistan’s Peshawar office, and other government and state institution offices and buildings across the country.
The chaos targeted at state institutions, and the anger among Imran Khan’s supporters against the military has now been linked to the former premier’s anti-military stance, open accusation and name-calling of senior serving military officials of being behind attempts of assassination on his life.
The Pakistan Army has now decided to show zero tolerance against the elements behind these attacks, terming them as a blatant attempt to not only target the institution but also to create a division between the people and the army.
During a special session of the Core Commanders Conference held at GHQ Rawalpindi, Chief of Army Staff General Syed Asim Munir was given a comprehensive briefing about incidents of violence and mob attacks on 9th May onwards as commanders expressed their anguish over the condemnable incidents.
The Core Commanders Conference mutually agreed to not show any restraint if such an attempt as that of 9th May is repeated in the future.
It also decided to show zero tolerance against all culprits behind the attacks, which the armed forces termed as “foreign supported and internally instigated, promoted and provoked against military installations and public/private properties”.
The army, without naming Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) and its chief Imran Khan, has hinted towards arresting all of its supporters, instigated and provoked by him, which has led to the attacks against the military installations, and initiating trial against them under the anti-terrorism laws of the country.
The army has also decided to initiate the Army Act and the Official Secret Act in some cases as well going forward.
It claimed that it has irrefutable evidence to establish that the attacks were part of a pre-planned strategy, implemented immediately after Khan’s arrest.
“The forum was briefed that a well-coordinated arson plan involving desecration of Shuhada pictures, monuments, burning down of historical buildings and vandalism of military installations was executed to malign the institution and provoke it towards giving an impulsive reaction,” the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said in a statement.
“These attacks and attempts were made to create distortions in this regard are absolutely futile,” the ISPR added.
It is a known fact that Imran Khan has been very vocal about naming and shaming the army chief as well as other senior serving army and intelligence officials.
In his statement on May 9 before leaving for Islamabad from his Zaman Park residence in Lahore, he had lashed out at the military establishment yet again warning them of being ready for the consequences if any attempts to arrest him are made.
Now, with the army geared up to not spare the narrative and respond to it with legal cases, Imran Khan’s coming days may just be numbered and he may be booked and trialled under the same references.
Under any of the references, if a case against Imran Khan is lodged and he is put to trial under any of the Acts, he may face life imprisonment or capital punishment.
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newsworld123 · 1 year
‘Spoilers’ behind attack on military installations to face trials under Army Act, vows army huddle - Pakistan
The army’s top brass on Monday vowed to bring to justice “spoilers” involved in the recent attacks on military installations through “trials under relevant laws of Pakistan including Pakistan Army Act and Official Secret Act.” According to a statement issued from the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir presided over Special Corps Commanders…
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arun-pratap-singh · 2 years
PTI has no contact with new military leadership: Imran Khan
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chairman Imran Khan on Wednesday said that currently his party has no contact with the new military leadership, Pakistan based The News International newspaper reported.Khan said that he has no links with the current Pakistan army chief, General Syed Asim Munir and claimed that the general elections will take place in April 2023.He blamed the former army…
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fanofsports · 2 years
Pakistan’s army chief visits Saudi Arabia amid economic crisis | News
Pakistan’s army chief visits Saudi Arabia amid economic crisis | News
Islamabad, Pakistan – Pakistan’s new army chief has held talks with top Saudi officials, including the defence minister, on his first official trip to the Gulf kingdom as the South Asian country faces an unprecedented economic crisis. General Syed Asim Munir, who took charge in November, has followed in the footsteps of his predecessors in visiting Saudi Arabia – a close defence and economic ally…
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piyasahaberleri · 7 months
Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral Seyyid Asım Münir. — ISPR/DosyaRAWALPINDI: Genelkurmay Başkanı (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir Cumartesi günü, siyasal liderliğin ve çalışanlarının kişisel çıkarların üstüne çıkması ve demokrasiyi işlevsel ve amaçlı kılmanın kim bilir tek yolu olan halkı yönetme ve hizmet etme çabalarında sinerji oluşturması icap ettiğini söylemiş oldu.Inter-Services Halkla İlişkiler (ISPR) tarafınca gösterilen bir açıklamaya gore General Asım Munir, ülkenin çeşitli yönetim biçimlerinin ve çoğulculuğunun, ulusal amaçlarla dolu tüm demokratik güçlerden oluşan birleşik bir hükümet tarafınca iyi bir halde temsil edileceğini söylemiş oldu. 250 milyonluk ilerici bir ülkeye yakışmayan kargaşa ve kutuplaşma siyasetinden kurtulmak için sağlam ellere ve iyileştirici bir dokunuşa ihtiyacı vardı. “Seçimler sıfır toplamlı bir kazanma ve yitirme rekabeti değil, halkın yetkilerini belirlemeye yönelik bir alıştırmadır. Ordunun medya kanadına gore, genelkurmay başkanı, "Siyasal liderlik ve onların çalışanları kişisel çıkarların üstüne çıkmalı ve demokrasiyi işlevsel ve anlamlı kılmanın kim bilir tek yolu olan halkı yönetme ve hizmet etme çabalarında sinerji oluşturmalı" dedi.Seçimlerin ve demokrasinin Pakistan halkına hizmet etmek için bir vasıta bulunduğunu ve kendi başlarına bir amaç olmadığını söylemiş oldu.COAS, tüm Pakistan ulusunu, geçici hükümeti, Pakistan Seçim Komisyonunu (ECP), siyasal partileri ve kazanan tüm adayları 2024 genel seçimlerinin başarıya ulaşmış bir halde yürütülmesinden dolayı kutlama etti.Pakistan halkının oy kullanma hakkını özgür ve engelsiz bir halde kullanmasının, Anayasada yer edinen demokrasi ve hukukun üstünlüğüne olan bağlılıklarını gösterdiğini söylemiş oldu.“Kolluk kuvvetlerinin liderleri ve çalışanı, ezici zorluklara karşın seçim süreci için güvenli ve emniyetli bir ortam yaratma mevzusunda en büyük takdirimizi hak ediyor. Ulusal medyanın, sivil toplumun, sivil yönetim mensuplarının ve yargının oynadığı yapıcı rol, ulusal tarihin en büyük seçim tatbikatının başarıya ulaşmış bir halde yürütülmesini mümkün kıldı” dedi.Kendisi, Pakistan halkının Pakistan anayasasına olan ortak itimatını sağladığından, artık tüm siyasal partilerin buna siyasal olgunluk ve birlik ile karşılık vermelerinin görevi bulunduğunu söylemiş oldu.COAS, seçimlerin siyasal ve ekonomik istikrar getirmesini ve seçimlerin en iyi seçim bulunduğunu göstermesini dileyerek, "Bu ulusal dönüm noktasından ileriye doğru ilerlerken, ülkenin bugün nerede durduğunu ve ulusların birliği içinde haklı yerimizin nerede olması icap ettiğini düşünmeliyiz" dedi. Ülke için sulh ve refahın habercisi.
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addnoral · 2 years
Centcom chief meets General Asim Munir
Centcom chief meets General Asim Munir
Commander United States Central Command (Centcom) General Michael Erik Kurilla called on Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir here at the GHQ on Thursday. The visiting dignitary laid a floral wreath at the Martyrs Monument. A smartly turned out contingent of Pakistan Army presented a guard of honour to the visiting dignitary. Later, Commander Centcom called on the COAS, followed…
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theechudar · 2 years
Pakistan Army Chief Asim Munir Vows to ‘Defend Every Inch of Motherland’ As He Visits LoC
Pakistan Army Chief Asim Munir Vows to ‘Defend Every Inch of Motherland’ As He Visits LoC
Pakistan’s new Army chief General Syed Asim Munir paid his first visit to the frontline troops in Rakhchikri Sector of Line of Control (LoC) on December 3, and was briefed on the latest situation along the border and operational preparedness of the formation, News18 has learnt. Munir interacted with the officers and soldiers, boosted their morale, appreciated their professional competence and…
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hydnews24 · 2 years
Pakistan President Arif Alvi approved the appointment of Lieutenant General Syed Asim Munir as the next Army chief.
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shahananasrin-blog · 1 year
[ad_1] In connection with the 77th Independence Day celebrations, Azadi Parade will be held at Pakistan Military Academy in Kakul tonight. Chief of Army Staff, General Syed Asim Munir will be the Chief Guest on this occasion. The Cadets will present a spectacular display of drill parade while a special tribute will be paid to the martyrs who laid their lives for the motherland. Read: Islamabad: Traffic plan unveiled for Independence Day This event is the manifestation of the fact that Pakistani nation is a live nation which celebrates its Independence Day in a befitting manner and that we are because of Pakistan. [ad_2]
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