#Get Your Ex Back Long Distance Relationsh
georgies-boat · 7 years
Your angsty stenbrough hcs upset me. Would you be willing to write happy endings for the scenerios?
i kinda got sick of headcanons for the night, made minifics instead.. I hope it’s okay!
Bill wasn’t happy; he knew he wasn’t. He wasn’t the only one. His new partner knew it too. They pretended for a few days that they were happy together, but they both, and everyone around them, could see how uninterested Bill was. It was quite pathetic, really. Bill knew it was pathetic, and it was selfish.
Still, Bill found himself unable to break up with them. He couldn’t bring himself to do it, because he knew if he did, he would have to accept the truth; he was utterly in love with his best friend. His best friend whom he hadn’t talked to in 3 days, and it was killing him inside. As his partner tugged gently on his arm, Bill’s eyes were trained on the curly haired boy that consumed his thoughts. Stan wouldn’t even look at him. He wasn’t sure why Stan created the sudden distance between them, but he knew it hurt like hell.
Bill hadn’t noticed his partner pulling him in the other direction; they were no longer heading to the cafeteria, but to the main entrance. Once they were outside, Bill noticed where they were and furrowed his brows in confusion. “Bill.. I can’t do this anymore. I know you’re in love with someone else; If we stay together, it’s not fair to me, you, or him. I’m sorry, but it’s for the best.” Bill only swallowed, and looked down at his feet. “I’m so-sor-sorry.” He managed, and his now ex-partner smiled. “It’s okay. And Bill?” He looked up, locking his blue eyes with theirs. “Tell him.”
With that, his ex left, and Bill was left alone to his thoughts. He thought a breakup would hurt more, but he knew he wasn’t really in a relationship. He may have been considered a boyfriend, but his heart wasn’t in it. He knew now he couldn’t pretend these feelings weren’t there. He had to tell Stan. He was nervous as hell, but he wasn’t chickening out. Not this time.
Determination washed over him, and Bill entered the building, not thinking clearly as he headed directly for Stan. “Stanley!” He called, gaining the boy’s attention, as well as a good size crowd of the kids in the halls. “Bill?” Stan asked, hesitantly, and he looked like he was going to take off at any given moment. “I-I’m sorry for this.” Bill said, and before Stan could fully process the words, Bill grabbed Stanley by the waist and pulled him into a kiss.
A chorus of gasps followed by an “oH SHIT, HE ACTUALLY DID IT!” (we all know who that was cOUGH TRASHMOUTH). Bill pulled away, looked at Stan with flushed cheeks. Stan didn’t look much better, in fact, his entire face was flushed. Bill thought it was adorable. “I-I-It’s always been yo-you, Stan-nley.” Bill whispered, pressing his forehead to Stan’s. A smile lit up Stan’s face, one brighter than Bill had ever seen. “It’s always been you too, Bill.”
Bill can’t take it anymore. He needs to at least know why Stan did it. Just the other day, the two were wrapped up in each other’s arms and smiling happily; laughing and rolling their eyes at Richie’s comments. It was the two of them against the world; it had been for as long as he could remember. Bill spent the entire night sleepless, he stayed up trying to work out a reason for Stan to end things. He couldn’t come up with a single one; not one that would make logical sense, anyways.
Biking to school the next morning, the only powering the tired boy was the determination to get his boyfriend back. He was willing to do anything. It hadn’t even been a full 24 hours yet, and Bill already had completely lost it. He wanted his boyfriend. He needed his boyfriend.
Finding Stan wasn’t easy; he’d been avoiding bill the entire day. Unfortunately for Bill, neither of the two shared many classes, and the three periods they did, Stan switched seats. After school, Bill wouldn’t have it, and he knew Stan would have to go to his locker. He had a schedule, and he couldn’t break it for long. As planned, Stan was exactly where he always was at this time, putting away his books from his last period class. Bill walked over, his face showing no emotions, but in his eyes, anyone could see how hurt and broken he was.
Stan hadn’t looked up, and noticed Bill’s presence. “W-why di-di-did you do it, s-st-stan-l-ley?” He hiccuped, his voice cracking. Stan jumped, surprised, and dropped all of his books. Stan wanted to leave as soon as he heard Bill’s voice, but he looked into his eyes and saw how hurt Bill was, and Stan’s heart cracked even more. He didn’t think it was possible, but somehow, it hurt even more than leaving him the first time with his tear stained cheeks. “Wh-why?” Bill repeated, and Stanley sighed. “Not here, Bill.”
“Stan, tell me. Now.” He said, not a single stutter leaving his mouth. Stan faltered slightly, but simply sighed again. “Bill, you’re causing a scene.” “I don’t care, Stan! Tell me!” He demanded, a tear slipping from his eye. Stan gave up, and looked him in the eye. “I don’t deserve you, okay? You’re everything, and I’m nothing! Why should someone like me, deserve someone like you?” He whispered, his voice cracking, and reflecting the overwhelming feel he felt in his heart. Bill froze, and looked at Stan, ludicrously.
“That’s why you broke up with me?” Bill asked, sadly. Stan looked down, refusing to meet his eyes. Bill stepped forward, and grabbed Stanley’s chin, pulling it gently upwards, his gaze meeting Bill’s. “You’re not nothing, and if anything, I don’t deserve you, Stan. You’re MY everything.” With that, Stan began to sob, and clung onto Bill with a death grip. Bill squeezed back just as tight, and they stood in each other’s embrace, quietly crying into each other. “Never break up with my again.” Bill mumbled, sniffling. Stan pulled back, smiling at him weakly. “Never.”
It was 4am. Both boys lied awake, unable to bring themselves to sleep. They didn’t want to sleep. Not without the other. All stan wanted was to wake up, wrapped in Bill’s arms, and have it all be a dream; that Bill cheating was simply nothing but a nightmare. All Bill wanted was to have Stan in his arms, telling him how sorry he was and that it was a misunderstanding. But this was reality. And neither of those things were happening.
Bill was done. He couldn’t stay lying in his bed any longer, knowing the boy he loves is suffering because of him. He’d waited long enough. He didn’t even care that it was 4am, he knew the chance of Stan being asleep was slim. He slid out of bed, sliding on some proper clothes, his socks then shoes, and climbed out the window. He grabbed his bike and took the quickest route to the Uris household. Bill was all about romance, he grabbed a pebble off the lawn, and chucked it at Stan’s window.
Stan jumped at the sudden noise, his eyes blowing wide. Maybe it was just the wind. But then he heard it again; not as loud, but still a small thud hitting the window. Crawling out of bed, he shuffled over to the window, seeing none other than the boy he loved outside his window. He debated closing his blinds and telling Bill to go away, but Stan knew he didn’t have it in him. Instead, he opened the window. He crawled out of the room, sitting on the roof outside his window. Looking down at Bill, he frowned. “What’s the sorry excuse you’ve come up with?” He asked, bitterly.
“I di-di-didn’t.” Bill said, stepping forward. This deepened Stan’s frown, and Bill sighed. “Stan, I do-don’t lik-ke Gr-Gr-Gret-t-ta. I-It was a misunderst-st-stand-d-ding.” He said, his eyes filling with tears. He could see the hurt flooding Stan’s eyes, even from the distance of the ground to the roof. “How was it a misunderstanding, Bill?” Stan rolled his eyes, unbelieving.
“I did it for you, for us!” Bill yelled, silencing Stan. He hadn’t stuttered, which was uncommon, but when Bill meant something, he rarely stuttered. “You didn’t want anyone to know ab-about u-us. I pa-pa-panicked! Sh-she c-came ont-to me, and I wa-was scared to expose our relationsh-ship. I didn’t want to d-do that t-to y-you.” He admitted, swallowing the lump in his throat. Stan was speechless.
“You kissed a girl, for me?” Stan whispered, chuckling a bit at the statement, but his heart was swelling. “Y-Yeah. N-Not the most ro-romantic gesture, b-but I tr-try.” Bill teased, making the two boys laugh. They fell silent, just gazing at each other in the darkness of the night. “Come cuddle with me?” Stan asked, his voice cracking. Bill smiled, “I never thought you’d ask.”
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