#Ghost Love Score is still my all time fav Nightwish song go listen to it yall
thatiswhy · 5 years
1. Most frequently played song rn
O’Hooley & Tidow - Gentleman Jack
2. Favorite 2000s era song
Nightwish - Ghost love score
3. Go-to sad song
Eeeeeeeehhh… It’s bound to be something by Placebo for purely historical reasons alone, but I don’t think I actually have a song to listen to when sad, not to mention the cause of sadness may vary wildly and thus calls for wildly different songs.
4. Favorite movie soundtrack
Non-compilation? LotR is the only one I really ever listen to by itself.
5. Number one artist/band you wanna see live
Ffhhhhhhh LedZep, Deep Purple, Sabbath et al. circa ‘72. Nightwish in 2004. MCR in 2010. Mary Bergin is still alive, I’m ready whenever she is.
6. Artist you’d love to sit down and have a conversation with
I’m rather convinced most people who make music I like are self-absorbed, pretentious and /or otherwise dicks, but I think there’s a conversation to be had about obscure Silmarillion headcanons with Tuomas Holopainen.
7. Give one controversial music-related opinion
Nick Cave gives me heebie jeebies just looking at him and I can’t stand his music. :(
8. Do you like having physical copies of music?
It’s 2019, I live in a rented flat, and nothing I own has an optical drive, let alone anything more hipstery.
9. Fave 90s era song
I’m sure I’m meant to say something like Everybody or Wannabe, but since Without you I’m nothing came out in 1998 I feel perfectly within my rights to say Pure morning.
10. Go-to happy song
Fireball? That’s what hyperfocus sounds like anyway.
11. Most played playlist
I just usually put my whole library on shuffle and wear a hole into the screen over the skip button. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Specific playlist’s got to be Celtic folk though.
12. A song that you have a very specific memory attached to- explain
Hah. Let’s go with the one time I technically proposed to my high school bff one-sided pal (yea Like That, in retrospect) without actually realising I wasn’t just recommending a nice love song. I remember it so vividly because the night previous I dreamt she got married to her then-crush and I was still inexplicably miserable about it, so told her the dream and I framed it like “haha if I ever got married despite the facts that I’m clearly never gonna lol I’d want to set it to this song whaddaya think?” and wrote out the lyrics to her.
13. Fav 80s era song
Sisters of Mercy, Queen, Iron Maiden, The Cure, AC/DC, Guns ‘N Roses, Springsteen, U2, Warlock, fucking… Depeche Mode and you’re expecting me to pick one song?
14. A song that youd get the lyrics to tattooed on your body
It’s in your reach… Concentrate. was the one I was turning over in my head for years.
15. A good song to blow your car speakers out to
I don’t have a car, it’s nice cycling to Stargazer.
16. A song from your childhood
Does it count if it wasn’t released in my childhood, but nevertheless an integral part of it due to Dad’s vinyls?
17. Artist with the most angelic voice
The friendliest reminder that an angelic voice can and should put the fear of God into you, but at the same time remind you of the infinite beauty of creation.
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18. Fav 70s era song
Please refer to my reply to the 80’s question, but more.
19. A song that reminds you of your best friend
Iron Maiden - Rainmaker
20. Songs you use to fall asleep
I don’t do that anymore, but it used to be I could fall asleep to Deathstars and Guano Apes as well as to Enya, so…
21. Song you wanna get laid to
Placebo’s cover of I feel you in particular, but a good chunk of Depeche Mode’s songs put me in mind of intimacy. (In contrast, but not opposed to sex.)
22. A song that’s lyrics are engrained in your mind forever
My head is full of lyrics, I think I could flawlessly lipsynch like 99% of old Nightwish for example.
23. A song you cannot stand
Ketchup song (Asereje).
24. Top 3 most listened to music genre
Classic rock, metal, Celtic folk.
25. Songs you’d fight to
Doesn’t matter, just get Edgar Wright to direct the scene. Also I’m a fucking wuss so I wouldn’t fight.
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