#Good God. I'm just.... Uhhhg
flameblessed · 1 year
/// spoilers
// seeing gifs of that scene with Clive and Joshua makes me get teary eyed
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asunsetgrace16 · 4 months
...Hey Dad, Fancy Seeing You Here ⎥ CB98
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Pairing: Connor Bedard x fem!Crosby!reader
Warnings: swearing
Summary: Connor and Y/N Crosby, Sidney's daughter, are in a secret relationship and are outed when she goes to the All Stars with her dad
Notes: The italics section is the flashback to how Connor and Y/N met. This is my new longest fic, and man I got carried away writing how Y/N and Connor met. Not really proofread, so hope for the best. Requested by anonymous.
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Word Count: 2.3k
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It’s not exactly unexpected, for Connor Bedard and Y/N Crosby to be dating. His childhood idol, her father. Their lives are interconnected by a web of hockey players, former teammates, and friendships a mile deep. But, the caveat is, no one actually knows they are together. 
Y/N knew her dad would lose his mind when he found out who exactly her boyfriend is. From the time she was old enough to date, the rule was no hockey players, absolutely no teammates, and especially no rookies. Will he find out? Eventually, but not any time soon if Y/N has anything to say about it.
“I have tickets to most of the Canadian games, and I want to watch them win gold, in person. I was planning on going to the condo. No Dad, I'm fine. No, you don’t need to have Auntie Taylor come with me. I’m absolutely taking advantage of the fact that we have a place right where the World Juniors are happening. I’m seventeen for God’s sake, and I’ve been fairly independent for years. I’ll be fine.” Y/N says, on the phone with her dad. 
“I know, but you’re still my little girl. I’ll always want to protect you, no matter how old you get.” her dad, Sidney, says.
“I know dad, but this will be good practice for when I’m away at university.” She tells him teasingly.
“Uhhhg, don’t remind me.” he groans, “I trust you not to burn the place down, and try not to go overboard, with anything. The credit card for food and stuff is in the safe, and you have your own for anything else. Call me, if you need anything.”
“Thanks dad, I will.”
“Love you honey.”
Love you too, dad. Bye.”
There, that’s settled, Y/N thinks to herself. She is already in Cole Harbour, staying with her grandparents for Christmas. They already know her plans, and she convinced –not that she needed any convincing– her aunt Taylor to come with her for a girls trip. She flips her laptop open, hits play on Downton Abbey, and finishes her packing. 
“Tay, are you ready yet?” Y/N calls a few hours later. She hefts her suitcase down the stairs, shouldering a backpack.
“Yeah bug, just put my bags in the car. Bring yours out here too.” Taylor replies, “We can be on the road in twenty if we hurry.”
“Make it fifteen.” Y/N challenges with a grin.
The preliminary round of the tournament passes fast. After the shocking Game 1 loss, Canada bounces back and plows through every game afterwards. An exciting quarterfinals win against Slovakia has Canada set to play USA in the semifinals. A match up that always promises an electric game.
After the quarterfinal game, Y/N and Taylor head back to the dressing rooms and player’s entrance for a shortcut to the parking lot. They both have access, thanks to Sid. They talk excitedly about Bedard’s OT winner, a wicked 3-on-1 goal. 
“That was incredible.” Y/N exclaims. She’s no stranger to good hockey, but seeing a player that young, one her own age, to have such amazing talent is unreal to see. 
“Yes it was-” Taylor starts, but is cut off by a man in a suit stalking towards them.
“Hey! You two aren’t allowed back here. Players and staff only. Who do you think you are? Waltzing around here like you own the place? No respect anymore.” He rants before someone grabs him, pulling him away from Y/N and Taylor.
“I am so sorry about Randy. I’m Jim, by the way.” Jim apologizes, “I’m assuming that since you’re back here, you have permission. Is there something I can do to make it up to you? Wait, you’re Crosby’s daughter, aren't you? This makes a lot more sense now.”
“Yes I am, and we have permission. I can’t think of anything, it’s not necessary.” Y/N says. But Jim is determined, knowing who she is now. He offers to introduce the women to the team. They agree, and after Jim explains the situation to Randy, they all head back towards Canada’s dressing room. Talking the whole way, Jim explains that the team has a place rented for the tournament where the boys can hang out and relax. 
“If you’d like to join us, you are more than welcome. I won’t tell them who you are, I’ll let that happen naturally.” Jim says with a wink. “I want to see the look on their faces. It’s too bad your dad couldn't make it. That would really blow their socks off.” The group laughs and waits for Randy to make sure all the guys are decent, and beacons them in with a sheepish look, apologizing once again. The introduction is basic, no announcement or anything. Taylor and Y/N meet the rest of the staff first, quickly becoming engrossed in conversation. 
“So,” the head coach says, “Crosby’s daughter. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”
“And you.” Y/N replies.
“Coach, did you just say Crosby's daughter? She's here? Holy shit!” one of the players exclaims, joining their little group. “I’m Brandt, nice to meet you. Is your dad here, by chance?” He says, very quickly. The energy rolls right off of him.
“No, he’s not, unfortunately. West Coast road trip.” Y/N says, failing to hide a giggle. 
“Wanna mess with the guys with me?” Brandt asks, a scheming look on his face.
“Ok, I’m going to introduce you around, but not mention your last name. I want to see how long it takes the guys to figure out who you are.”
“Oh I like that.” They grin at each other, and make their way around the room. Before long, the whole team is standing or sitting close together, chatting with Y/N. The adrenaline can still be felt in the dressing room. 
“So how long are you in town for?” Dylan asks, “Hopefully long enough to watch us win gold.”
Y/N and Brandt exchange a look, “I’m planning on it. I don’t have to be back in Pittsburgh until the tenth.”
“Pittsburgh? You came all the way up here, to watch a Canadian team win? That makes no sense.” Logan wonders, looking confused.
“Oh I’m Canadian, I just live in Pittsburg with my dad. I was up visiting my grandparents for Christmas.” Y/N says. It is getting awfully difficult to keep a straight face. 
“Where do your grandparents live?” That comes from Olen.
“Cole Harbour.”
“Does that mean you've met Sidney Crosby?” Ethan asks. 
“Yup, see him all the time.” She bites back a smile. Brandt has to turn around and take a deep, shuddering breath so he doesn’t give them away. Connor sees him out of the corner of his eye. 
“Wait, you’re Y/N Crosby!” Connor says, standing up just as Y/N and Brandt burst out laughing. The rest of the boys look shocked as the two struggle to stop laughing. Connor grins, chuckling as Y/N wipes honest-to-goodness tears from her eyes. The staff and Taylor laugh amongst themselves, watching the young folks. 
“Guilty as charged.” She says breathlessly, silently wondering if Brandt is going to die of oxygen deprivation at this point. His face is pretty red. Now the questions are really flowing by the time Brandt finally regains some composure. The excited chatter doesn’t stop at the restaurant, either. Y/N and Taylor are invited to stay. As the evening winds down, Y/N finds herself with Connor, conversation flowing easily. 
“Nice goal, by the way. Dad was impressed.” Y/N says, nudging his shoulder with hers.
“Really?” Connor flushes. Cute.
“Yeah, he sees a lot in you.”
“That is…I have no words.” He admits. “Do you, um, do you think you’d want to sit with my family for the rest of the games? I want to talk to you more, and um…I’m just going to stop talking before I make a fool out of myself.”
“I’d love to.”
Connor and Y/N spend a lot of time together in the following days. She sits with his family during the final, and celebrates with them after they win gold.
“We did it!” Connor shouts, picking Y/N up and spinning her around. There is a moment when he sets her down where her arms are still on his shoulders and his hands are on her waist. The noise fades away, just the two of them in a little bubble. “Can I have your number? I’d like to keep talking to you, and take you out sometime.”
“Yeah, I’d like that.” She replies.
Now, over a year and 10 months into dating later, Connor and Y/N are both in Toronto for the All Stars. 
“Hey baby.” Connor says, putting his phone away when Y/N slips into the empty visitors dressing room.
“Hey Con.” She goes to him easily, settling comfortably into his open arms. He puts his chin on her head and tightens his hold on her. “I miss you.”
“I miss you too. I’m glad you decided to come.”
“Me too.” She tips her head up, meeting Connor in the middle for a sweet kiss. They go back to their hug, Y/N tucked against his chest, feeling warm again in the cold arena. They simply stand like that, swaying gently and soaking up the moment. They get so wrapped up in each other that they fail to hear voices outside the door. Connor goes to kiss Y/N again, but is interrupted by the door slamming open. Their heads snap to the door, wide eyed and scared.
“Y/N ANNA CROSBY. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?” Sidney yells furiously, steam practically shooting from his ears like a cartoon character. Nate is standing close behind him, and Cale, Mathew Barzal, and Brady Tkachuk stand in the doorway. Connor and Y/N take a step back from each other, but keep their hands tightly clasped.
“How dare you not tell me about this. You know the rules, I expect you to follow them.”
“I-” She begins.
“And you,” Sid says, pointing at Connor, “I expected better from you. You’re a good kid, but I have rules for a reason.” Y/N grips Connor’s hand, squeezing three times. 
“You can’t control me like this, Dad. I’ve never had a real relationship because of you. So much of my life is wrapped up in hockey that it was easy to find my person there, and if it wasn’t a hockey-playing boyfriend, it was a hockey fan boyfriend which is worse. All they ever wanted to talk about was you, they never wanted me for who I am. Or you just plain scared them off because ‘no one is good enough for my daughter so why should she even bother’.” Y/N says back to him. Her chest is heaving and she is fighting off tears. 
“I can’t believe that you didn’t tell me this. How long have you two been together anyways?” Sid asks, still pissed off.
“Ten months.” Connor replies, voice strong and true despite the situation. He is nervous, of course, but he loves Y/N too much to let his childhood idol have much of an impact.
“TEN MONTHS!” Sid exclaims, incredulous that his daughter kept this secret, “Bloody hell. What possessed you to keep this from me?”
“This exact reaction that I knew would happen. I knew that if I told you when Connor first asked me out, you would flat-out forbid me to see him, and that wouldn’t have ended the way you wanted anyway. At least this way the two of us can act as a united front and you can see that this isn’t bad. We are both 18, legal adults. You can’t tell me what to do anymore.”
Sid stays silent. He is still angry, but the figurative steam has gone away. Nate and the others hover around the door.
Y/N continues, “I get it, Dad. You just want to protect me, and I love you for it. But I’m not a little kid anymore, I can’t be sheltered forever. And Connor’s good to me. You know he would be.” She takes a deep breath, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, but I knew that if I did, you would react exactly the way you are. I wanted to be able to figure out my relationship without my dad looking over my shoulder the whole time.”
Sid’s face falls at her monologue. He can finally understand what Y/N was trying to say for years. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I had no intention for it to go that far. It is hard to watch you grow up, but I need to grow up some too and understand that you are an adult now. In my attempts to protect you, I drove you straight into what I always knew would happen. Thankfully, you picked a good one.” Sid pulls his daughter into a hug, tears threatening to fall. “I’m sorry. Please forgive me, it wasn’t fair of me.”
“Thanks dad, for apologizing. I know you meant well, but I don’t think this wasn’t the best way to get you to see my side of it” Y/N quips, a wry smile on her face. 
“I’m still pissed that you didn’t tell me, but I’d rather it was you than a lot of other guys” Sid states, reaching out to shake Connor’s hand, “but if you hurt her, I have a lot of power in this game.”
“I know,” Connor says, eyes focused on Y/N. A look so full of love even Sidney can’t deny it, “I wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Awwww.” The trio looks up to see the other four guys with their hands clasped over their hearts, cute pouts on their lips. 
“The babies are in love.” Cale says with a grin.
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tragically-broken · 10 months
honestly, I'm just irritated with my gf and need somewhere to put this so here I go. sometimes she goes out of the country and when this happens there is a 24hr time difference which makes communicating really hard. surprisingly this time wasn't as bad as others have been but ever since the trip we've been out of sync. she often goes through these bouts of depression periods where she sleeps all day and I mean that literally. like she will actually literally be asleep for more than 24hrs. she's going through one of these periods rn and I thought tonight we would finally get to talk and catch up but we only chatted for like 30 min and then she decided not to eat dinner and just go to sleep instead. i don't want to make her feel bad about this bc lord knows that will prob just make her depression worse but also how is this fair to me? shes applying for jobs rn which I think is really contributing to the issue for sure. a few months ago she got fired which was secretly such a blessing bc that job was making her miserable and her boss was a nightmare. for about 4ish months she was doing the depression sleeping SO much and everyday she would tell me how miserable she was which as someone who loves her is really hard to hear. i kept gently nudging her to quit but it never took but she got fired thank god. anyway all this to say is that ever since then she's been sooooooo much better! She's not telling me she wants to off herself all the time and she wasn't sleeping nearly as much. however now that she's getting a full-time job again I fear this is going to happen again. I can already feel the emotional distance, her misery, and how much she's sleeping and skipping meals. i truly can't live this way and that scares me bc I love her so much and can't imagine life without her. and maybe most people would say just talk to her but how am I supposed to have this conversation without making her situation/depression even worse? but then at the same time, what am I just never gonna say anything ever? i don't really know what to do. then there are the everyday issues that are really starting to annoy me such as her being in NY during the winter yet refusing to wear a sweater or turn the heat on despite the fact that she's terribly cold! she hates sweaters for whatever reason and she won't turn the heat on bc of "money". btw she's not in a poor demographic to where she would actually have to worry about this but she grew up poor. i get old habits die hard but it's like stop constantly telling me how miserable you are when the solution is so simple you just refuse to do it!!!!!!!!!!!! i will never understand. now that I've gotten all this out I feel a bit better. i prob just need to chill. i know relationships ebb and flow and things will most likely get back to being okay again and eventually good again. i think im just feeling neglected. like maybe I have needs!!!! maybe I need to feel connected and spend time with my gf when shes not miserable!!! imagine that!!! uhhhg! i feel kinda mean but also valid in what I'm saying. i can love her and be frustrated with her at the same time. im just tired and want to be happy and id like her to be part of that happiness.
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