#Google Alert - Neurologist
thejudgingtrash · 1 year
Yass, time for adult!Percy!
I was wondering about life past the current Riordanverse and I really like the idea of gathering different possible jobs for Percy, for fics and for fun.
So here’s a few:
1. Teacher/Counselor
First of all, what kind of teacher? Is he an elementary teacher? Does he teach AP classes in high school? Which subjects? Public school or private school (let’s not forget, Percy spent a good chunk in his life in private schools as the token poor negro kid and was surrounded by awful arrogant rich kids like Nancy and Matt)? Montessori school?? And most importantly: no, I absolutely do not see it.
Percy’s ofc very compassionate and aware of surroundings, so he’d be on high alert with his students but with the current and former state in schools I don’t think he’s willing to get traumatized each and every single day at school.
2. Marine Biologist
Call me basic but since it’s essentially canon, Imma stick beside him (tbh I can’t remember anything past PJO lol). But marine biology is such an interesting and diverse field?? Like c’mon now!
Yes, it’s a lot more chemistry and math and physics than one might think but the possibilities? And the benefits with his powers? Let Percy get a minor in psychology and study animal behavior by actually interviewing them, IT’S A GENIUS MOVE IF YOU GET THE VISION!
3. Marketing Manager
Hehe. My field of study. Am I biased? Of course I am! Was this part of my fic Oh. It’s Them Again? Yessss, mama!
Again. Such an interesting field with many possibilities! And he’d get more than just a good check in NYC if he switches positions enough! Like… is Percy a digital marketing manager? How much does he hate Google, Meta, Amazon and co.? Is he working in strengthening brand awareness and if so, how? Is he forced to work in newsletter/email marketing? Is he a sales machine and constantly on the road? Or is he a key account manager and simply focuses on a handful of important clients?
Is he, as a disgruntled millennial, forced to work with spoiled gen z influencers he hates and has to figure out the TikTok algorithm like a grandpa on the sofa whilst unhelpful Annabeth is laughing at him (shut up Annabeth, we all know you use IG reels and occasionally YT shorts at best!!)? Does he accidentally go viral and HATES everyone calling him daddy in the comments??
Oh, the possibilities.
4. Firefighter/Paramedic
Hell yes. I saw someone else posting about this ages ago (if you can remember, feel free to @!). But this is so interesting. If you want to somewhat stick to canon and let Percy use his powers, this could be an option.
I see it, helping and saving people that way could be an option. Still, also more on the traumatizing side but I actually think this is more interesting than a teacher. And oh, the possibilities in stories are endless! Saving people and pets from burning houses. Coordinating shifts in the station, being a first responder… oof.
That said…
5. Doctor
Oof, I should really work on The Wedding Dance in the future even tho it’s hella minor plot point…
Hospital doc? Owning his own practice doc? Doing 1 first and 2 next? What type of doctor is he? Simply an internist? A gastroenterologist? Pediatrician (could be traumatizing)? A surgeon to let out his god complex? Okay, let’s note down surgeon for Annabeth… a neurologist? Endless opportunities. Where’s the PJO x Grey’s Anatomy fic we all need??
6. Hotelier
Whilst the service industry is incredibly fucked (pre- as well as post-Pandemic), this is also interesting. Let Percy and Sally own a bed and breakfast. What does it look like? How many rooms are there? How much do they hate booking.com and AirBnB for taking a good chunk of commission?
Where’s the hotel located? In Montauk? In Manhattan? In Greece?? What are the roles? Does Sally do the cooking and house keeping whilst Percy does repairs and is the receptionist/clerk?
Who are the guests?? You decide!
7. Chef/Baker
Ahhh… Chef!Percy my beloved, you will always be welcomed. So. Much. Stuff. To. Think. About. And yes, this will actually be relevant for one of my fics, IFYKY. Head chef, deputy chef, junior chef… did Percy go the Institute of Culinary Education? Did he go to Italy or France for a few years to hone his craft? Or did he purposefully say f Europe, let’s head somewhere else? What is his specialty? How much sleep does he get per week?
Also I’m never letting go of Baker!Percy and Sally who own their sweet cupcake shop and sell all kinds of sugary shit!
8. Stay at Home Dad
My fave trope, don’t get it twisted! While I think Annabeth and Percy realistically have one kid max plus two or three pets, I love the idea of Career and Business Woman!Annabeth and SAHD Percy who’s trying to make her life as easy as possible whilst tending the baby, trying to clothe the toddler and reminding their elementary school aged kid to pack their lunch.
A chaotic, yet amazing and rewarding life (which is still stressful! Just a different kind of stressful!)
What do you think? Agreements, disagreements? Anyone who’s interested/in school for/already working in any of these fields? Do you think it’s unrealistic? Is it realistic?
Mayhaps, I’ll think about other demigods and what they can do in the future 🧐🫡
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cleoselene · 1 year
well, today was another one for the medical horror story journal
I've been having this rotten neck pain that's radiating all the way down to my fingertips, just awful. So I figured I'd see an orthopedist. I had a consult Friday with a physician's assistant, today was my first meeting with the physical therapist.
Well. This fucking guy. was a real fucking asshole.
He opened by giving me a really condescending lecture about how my MS could TOTALLY be "cured" through diet (this is not a thing. Some people claim it is a thing. Some quack bitch even gave a Ted Talk about it. But it is truly, honestly, deeply, NOT A THING. YOU CANNOT CURE MS AT ALL, LET ALONE WITH DIET). I immediately am on alert because ugh, fuck someone daring to say that to me who is not even a physician, let alone a neurologist. Gritting my teeth, I was like , no, sire, please, it's not true, and he was like DO YOU THINK I AM MAKING IT UP? and I was just like, I don't even WANT to have this conversation, man!
It is so deeply offensive to tell a person who is very sick and on permanent disability that if she just went gluten-free everything would be fine. When it's my annoying aunt or a random flaky person I meet it's annoying. When it's a medical professional who is supposed to be helping me, it makes me fly into a RAGE.
Anyway, I savaged them on Google Reviews.
Of course, my mother had to add insult to injury: while I'm typing up my google review, she starts to lecture me about not posting on facebook that I hate physical therapists because my aunt is one and she's a good person!! first of all, I wasn't even thinking about facebook, second of all, my mother DRIVES ME NUTS when it comes to facebook. She has this impulse to make sure she and her kids pretend to be Stepford Wife blissful on facebook and is always trying to monitor my content and I am. not fucking here for it. I don't know why she decided to needle me when I'm in this post-panick attack state after that appointment, but as Twig says, your parents know exactly how to push your buttons because they're the ones who installed them.
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fkyumerica · 6 months
each area, circles on the map, to have their kids take care of their kids they left and the rest of them
how tall is she, how big is her head. She got to mate with all those giants then go giant. They made another big fucking everyone whore. Does she put her pussy on their hair too? Yea. Cupid area was they mated with the infants. Anyways. Kentucky ground. Wire. Blow it up.
is that carol. "my opponent" mama right im your mama. stfu and die.
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she was running around at the neurologist office
she was taller than him
holy sht
cupid guard
chop off her legs
like in the mummy
holding onto a infant to fuck it
on her back
bent knees
hahahah robo
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i googled legs chopped off the mummy
now jump
it was the group in the coliseum in the gladiator leading it, knew about it
the groups to kill
the rest was family didnt know or whoever went in it
wtf I wanna be that bitch again. him or her or who. the noroi guy. then full house after. her whole family to let out a bug. then bug houses the rest of the day. after. noam chomski.
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the water rape
to tko
dead kennedy
yea we raped them
whole group on the ground
alive still
come back the next day begging
why why why
give me something
make a punk concert
theyre in it
and push you down
wtf my ass
didnt have a kid
i know i got the biggest ass
good here too
alix said they used these
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can do it again
cheat rob steal and fuck in your house
kids take it out of it
and if they hand me it i take it in and fucking mess up with it too new mom and dad in here whoa im new and come back and hit them
got the sex
good too
kids says the got the sex good too part
and we married hah take a picture
arm around the kid
we can find the map to get her too (giant)
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and all of it
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see the blood man
after mating with 18 see his skull to crack. and they would number off. and his arms out after.
not knowing what any of it is
send it to mar ch again
it is march
once a year wtf go
see the blood man
no fear
we live
so cute her
i do her
and terror
send cuer
one alert for sex
and they all fuck
heard it
you and me
take her to, any leg surgery, i dunno i like it
i live this long
then sleep
come on
a lot of the world that stayed was just short. and whoreing parties around the world you wanna go? mating was it.
theres the noroi kid
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he had no eyes
the girl,, her head would go all the way back
isnt decapitated
like it was fabric or something cardboard cut out
a giant too
hwo to catch them
part of a litter, she was
her face was the ET
she was a giant
the grudge one
and kept inbreeding, for them to win
that was the point
have a kid throw it in the window
it is that big people go to it
they used the camera to edit their facess
of seecurity cameras
she only shows up when she is giving birth
or puts her son in her
it was her husband
any relative is
there were 44 of her with those faces
senritsu kaiki file kowasugi file 1 operation capture the slit they put face masks on them
it is like reverse bear trap
no shes alive
they will push in their molars to go in their eyes
they are shreks
they take a eye donation of a dead relative
i can draw it
cappa why
i got my hair flower in the mail today
it is big
its so pretty i love it
now i gotta sew on the collar
and moddel it
shrek and fiona
she is as big as the garage next door
the neighbor will get them to leave
chris keeps saying no let them over
and thinks they are her kids
to attack me
for anything hahaha
her leader
well fuck your bear child
WTF was that
WTF was that
these guys did fk their moms
punch her head backwards
dad would drag her
shes knocked out
i can fuck her
so her son would
and dad would hold her head and go oh no
so the whole area
would hop
and wtf i cant figure this out
woman didnt talk to her
or him
so they fucked as they wanted
and kids dump them on her she wants me to teach it
so they shit it out on her
and in too
abortion to in you
make ghost noise
see i dont go back
make the noise for me to take my kid back
and shes my kid
go walk
hits her i dunno its her
her son would
for her to get raped by everyone
even cared
kids infants toddlers in their arms
sit it on her
flip it around its her
and the sons stay short she hits them on top of the head
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she hits her son
the mom
and the dad
but super giant
dan and katie
her just born
find her
again she gave birth 8 times
funny to her not to you, his mother is the one on the right or big boy raped him got him drunk or drugged him right before he said it
lied to a whole town
tommy lee
me and my whole family
the actor
and boomers was this
midget night
edit for grease
they took all the buildings
huge skulls
wont be a dad them neither
and their moms
next to them huge too
or gay what is it
ewoks wasnt it
but hits them too to go giant
one on the ground
top of its head in
no cone head
wont set out cones either
planet of the apes said put it in the garbage, they arent even their word of the lord.
Wed 8:00 PM
they let out mass dope, empty right? the whole house
you know you live young over 400 years
and the old men who fuck no face girls
and those guys to whoreing girls
haha joke
infant what
fucked old men too wo ho ho hot
abandon house whoa.. uhhh
they will just go in and fuck
and hey who wants to live here give her a play house
and school
yea amanda bye
shes et
and no face mask
they were c ommercials so no one moves south
or out
already our family did
i was nice once
to my state no
hell yea
and go to the map area where the land, have kids again, and float, and just leave wtf ever it flooded float to mee I feel my child make a church and it ended there, we found them, and news too woo hoo tubing the kids mated. Pregnant or not. I dunno leave it. The mummy guy said it. And movie get money go. Move in college area. Why build another one no one else moved in yet.
he brings over the kid after he fucks it
party fowl
it was alawys that if you party you cant bring it with you
oh and caught, oh and caught
tale of gregor, guys caught, suicidal, kill it too. marilyn manson
him hating everyone, is him. the whole time. curtis
im gay i can be your daughter- murder that obsessed italy, i am obsessed
gwen stefani/destiny- no im not you, yea she did it, hi
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