#Gosh its been so long since I've done ask blogging :D!
Prologue - Introduction
The journey through the depths of the dark forest have brought a wave of disquietude and regret. Taking a form of realization that it wasn't the most pleasant of ideas to simply wonder through the mysterious woods without a sort of map. Albeit, the conscious of understanding came by rather late. Alas, the only bright side to this circumstance is the moon's shimmering light, seeping through the bustling leaves. As its moonlight decently assists on providing enough, to be able to see through the trees and take sight of the surroundings. Well… It is sorta something good. It is at least better than to be stranded in complete darkness.
Unfortunately, there is still no sign of a clearing, nor a path that would aide to leaving from this vexatious of an area. Before you could sigh in sheer defeat, a voice ahead could be heard. Or, moreso to speak, the tone of a multitude of voices can be heard nearby. It sounded as if a group of Pokémon were up ahead.  Mayhaps a search party? After all, it has been long since one has departed into the forest. One could assume that the group could be campers. But… Why would anyone choose to pitch a camp so deep into the forest? It isn't ideally safe.
Curious… Without a second thought, you've begun walking down the grassy path, scattered with twisted twigs and bundled leaves. Each step leading to a sort of 'CRUNCH' sound. While it may not be the most difficult to avoid these little "obstacles", it does provide such inconveniences when needing to take slower steps. After all, it may be best to not cause any sort of noise that would bring a sudden alarm to whomever is speaking up ahead.
As you have journeyed furthered in, it was then you were able to hear the voices more clearly. Not only that, but finally you could see who these group of Pokémon may be. It was then you've decided to inch closer in. Yet, also creating a sort of distance, as one does not wish to intrude into the group's conversation. In a way, someone may assume that you could be hiding, simply to eavesdrop onto whatever topic is being spoken about. Whether this may be true or not, it simply depends.
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"Grrrrr… I am sick of these dud forests!", The Flareon growled in sheer frustration, seemingly having enough with whatever circumstance he may be in. The emerald blades from beneath the creature's paws would spark into trickle of flames. "This is the SEVENTH-- I repeat SEVENTH fucking forest we've been to! There is not a damn sight of them!".
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Then, a four-tailed Espeon had made an approach to the clearly enraged Flareon. Calmly and gently, they would softly nudge the Flareon's paw away from the ignited grass. Then, they would stomp onto it, to cease the flames. This is to prevent the fire from spreading and potentially causing the forest from going into a blazing mess. "Oh dearest younger brother. There is no need to let such anger consume you.", The Espeon grant a faint smile, as their tone spoke with serenity. The Espeon hummed, letting their head brush against the Flareon's mane. Although they quickly recoil, after feeling the intense heat emitting from the fur. Unfortunate that an embrace couldn't be an option, as the flare of the Flareon's anger had cause his body to increase in heat. "--We wouldn't want such incident to happen again, Susu~."
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It was then the Flareon would snap their neck, full attention set to the Espeon. He didn't seem the utmost please with that last sentence. "That is NOT my name!". He says as he huff out a puff of smoke through his nostrils. "And you fucking know this, Shinichiro! So quit acting like you are mightier than the rest, asshole.".
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The Espeon would have their ears flick up in shock. A paw would be lifted up, setting it near their mouth as they release an exasperated gasp. "Ah, but I hold no ill-intent, dearest little brother! I only wish to ice your flames, as you needeth to know that neither of us wish to temper the residents! Must I bring mention to last time?". Their brow would furrow, undelighted at the memory. They hope to avoid such similar situation from happening again."I only ask that, for once, you quail your anger for a change."
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The Flareon sigh, both in defeat and annoyance. He would open his mouth to speak, unsuccessfully so, as a darken Vaporeon would grumpily utter these words. "Yaketsuku, just shut up and piss off already. Some of us just want to sleep and not hear your raging rants for the billionth time.". His words was rather bold and venomous in tone. Seeming to have quite enough with this Flareon's outburst. Mayhaps not the first instance of such reaction. "I've grown sick of the shit you spew all the time. For once just shut up."
Seems like it wasn't the right choice words for this Vaporeon, as it set off a fuse at the Flareon. Already grabbing his full attention and being barked at with quite a plentiful of choice words. Much to the annoyance of the Vaporeon, as all he wanted was for the yelling to be brought to an immediate halt. But alas, the Vaporeon now has to argue back with a screaming bomb.
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Amidst through the chaos of back and forth arguing, the Eevee would slowly approach their way towards the Leafeon and Glaceon duo. Both of which are doing their darnest to ignore the bickering. The monochromic Eevee would raise up a paw and tap on the Glaceon's shoulder, as if trying to catch their attention. "Hey, um…"
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As the Glaceon's attention would face towards the Eevee, the Leafeon would follow suit. Neither of which spoke. The Leafeon seem to quiver a bit in fright, while the other would stare at the Eevee with a questionable look. There would be a nod and then an ear would twitched from the Glaceon, as if giving a sign that they have heard. And yet, choose not to grant a respond via vocal communication. 
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Without hesitation, his scarlet orbs would adjust themselves to gaze at your direction. To even make it more apparent, the Eevee would point a paw towards you. "There is someone there… They're--"…
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As nosy as they appear, the Jolteon would sprung from behind the Eevee. "Friend? Friend!", He borked in flourishing excitement. Without a moment to lose, the Jolteon would bolt towards your direction, all thanks to the Eevee directing their paw to your location. Without a moment to lose, the Jolteon would pounce onto you, beaming in the most joyous of manner! As nosy as they appear, the Jolteon would sprung from behind the Eevee. "Friend? Friend!", He borked in flourishing excitement. Without a moment to lose, the Jolteon would bolt towards your direction, all thanks to the Eevee directing their paw to your location. Without a moment to lose, the Jolteon would pounce onto you, beaming in the most joyous of manner!
And, well… Thanks to the Jolteon's loud and very sudden outburst, it had managed to attract the attention of the rest. Almost all seem to have their eyes set onto you. A few staring with neutrality, a couple annoyed with your presence, two who have not spoken seem to not be intrigued with you being here, and one seemingly interested yet also curious of your existence.
< Now that you have been noticed, what will you do? >
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metalbvcky · 3 years
for fanfiction author ask game: 2, 14, 15 for your wonderful bloom!verse? or, if you want a specific title Rose Blue <3
OOOH, HEY BREE! Just when I thought I'm following everyone in the Shrunky Discord lolol. (having a dash with 300+ blogs since 2014 is a lot) Anyway, thanks for sending this!! :3 I'm so obsessed with Bloom, oml, it's pretty much all I've been writing this year XD
Ima do the series as a whole and RB :)
2: What scene did you first put down?
Series: A random smutfic with Bucky surprising Steve when he came home, or a '3k oneshot' as I called it, quickly turned into RB with its own universe. I even dragged @appleschloss into it and we've been expanding the lore like crazy, from an OT3 to StarkTech (appliance company) bots :D
RB: I always write in chrono order, so the initial scene (before it changed a lil during editing) was when Bucky's walking down the hall right as Steve's about to leave for his work trip. Later on, I decided to change it to Bucky laying in bed/Steve hopping out of the shower as I thought it worked out better that way
14: Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
Series: Oh gosh, this series is huge, you can learn a lot from it honestly. And I'm posting/writing it out of order lolol. I'm just now starting to work on Year 1 when Steve and Bucky met, currently writing a meetcute, so at some point, the series will have up to 8 Years (meeting, relationship progression, wedding, moving to their brownstone, life after marriage, rose blue, and then the OT3 portion).
I hope people not only enjoy the smutty oneshots, but also the universe's lore that Kaitlyn and I have created. We have a timeline and lore doc and it just keeps getting bigger and bigger lol
RB: 24/7 Dom/Sub relationships can be loving, like any normal relationship, only the dynamic is always on and outside of the bedroom. I've read similar fics in the past, specifically the spn fandom, but some portrayed 24/7 lifestyles as 'alwaysalwaysalways, no matter what' and that's just not true. Now, I don't have any experience in the matter lol but I've done an ungodly amount of research for this series, and I still do. It's always good to educate yourself and learn!
15: What did you learn from writing this fic?
Series: That I can write smut and enjoy what I've written! I really love writing Steve/Bucky's dynamic in this series, especially the emotions and the power exchange. I sit down to write in the evenings/night and I don't have it! It's amazing, honestly ;___;
RB: That I do not like writing multichapter fics loooool. So many words, so much editing, and just, connecting each chapter. I much prefer oneshots, twoshots, and ficlets. The wedding and house renovation fics will probably end up being a multichapter, but I hope they won't be as long as Rose Blue. (I say as I've cursed myself with a 3k oneshot before...)
Aaaand that's the Bloom!Verse :) Again, thanks for sending this <3 It means a lot!
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