#Green is my poor pathetic meow meow that was born in a sopping wet carboard box atp like i'm so sorry little guy
myshredda · 2 years
I'm thinking about Green's identity problems, and how angsty it all could be.
the adults hate him, but when they first start warming up to him its partially because he looks like someone he's not.
and, when he first shows up, he has to share basically everything with Yellow. his clothes, his bed, his dishes, his name. Everything
and he knows its not Yellow's fault. the clump hadn't expected the arival of another child. There had been no way for them to prepare
but, that doesn't make it hurt any less.
And, i imagine that for a while Red and Duck mistake the two a lot from behind, especially in the mornings before Green has brushed his hair down or before green gets his blanket.
it would probably frustrate him to no end
crying and screaming over this YEAH I think it would really be something that bothers Green for a long time, and it would definitely crop up in panic attacks or meltdowns long after he's been accepted as one of the clump. Like imagine Green knowing the only reason they tolerate him is because he looks just like Yellow, and they basically just consider him to be the same person as Yellow.
It's definitely that twin thing where Green feels like he's not allowed to have his own personality or identity and in the early days he'd probably throw fits over being given the wrong food or when they call him Yellow because he's NOT Yellow he's his OWN person and he'd THANK THEM VERY MUCH if they remembered that
Definitely it would cause a lot of tension in his relationships with the others at first, it's probably something he'd have to work out with Red and Duck after he starts to trust them more.
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