#Guess I'll finally visit c1 after this
blackbird-brewster · 2 years
I have trouble at night with my hell brain. As soon as my partner goes to bed troblin (trauma goblin) starts yelling at me about all my inevitable fuck ups. And I'm nocturnal, so I'm usually up for hours and hours after my partner is asleep.
So to combat this, I decided to listen to the Critical Role campaign 2 podcasts. CR is so important to me and revisiting c2 from the beginning seemed like a good idea to keep troblin at bay.
But then! I unlocked a life hack.... Listening to it sped up. I started with 1.5x, then 1.75x, 2x, 2.5x and finally 3x speed.
All of this was to say, my casual relisten of C2 (started only THREE months ago) will be finished this week lmaaaooo
"Casual" relisten has turned I into me listening to four episodes a night 🤔🤣
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