xanthera · 5 months
Stop posting memes about how Joe Biden is so mediocre that he isn't even worth voting for, you're going to make people not want to vote at all and we'll have a repeat of 2016 when people were too lukewarm about Hillary to consider how bad Trump would be. I swear to god, if you actively post that shit I have to assume that you're either a psy-op account or you've been duped by them. I've seen mutuals that I KNOW are more intelligent than that posting those memes and it's making me want to tear my hair out because I really thought y'all knew better.
Yes, the Democratic party is using our legitimate fear of the GOP's fascism as a way to enforce the status quo and avoid making meaningful change. You do know that we still need to vote for them anyway, right? Like, you know that, right? It's important to me that you know that. It's called fucking harm reduction. Harm REDUCTION. Not elimination, reduction.
Y'all motherfuckers act like we're complicit in our own oppression because we're willing to make progress slowly rather than demanding instant perfection and losing to the greater evil when that inevitably fails. It sucks, but being an adult means making hard decisions. There are no good choices, only less bad choices. You still have to make a choice.
Stop encouraging people not to vote. Both sides are not the same. Leftist anti-Biden memes are counterproductive, please stop doing the work of the Russian psy-op accounts for them. I know you're angry, I'm angry too, but I want you to know the deep, soul-crushing fear of a repeat of 2016 that fills me when I see you post that shit. I legit had a flashback of election night 2016 and it sent me spiraling for like an hour, I honest to god almost threw up remembering how crushed and scared I was that night when I realized what was going to happen.
The overton window has been pushed to the right. We can't push it all the way left instantly, it got here over time, and it's going to take time to push it back. Fucking deal with it. Instant gratification is impossible in politics. Post your memes when we're no longer in active danger of a second Trump term. God damn, grow the fuck up.
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