#HE'S SOOOOOOO in another life I think ghirahim and sksw link would get along
thebleedingeffect · 1 year
so in one of the tobey macguire spiderman games [bear with me here] theres this cutscene where spiderman saves a lady on a rooftop and is like "heyy dont worry about it maam! i gotta go :)" and then the ladys lile "wait! before you go... i left my purse on one of these rooftops--" and spidey goes "on a different rooftop? different from this one??? are you serious? whats wrong with you? are you taking some kind of tour of city rooftops????" and the lady goes "yes!" and hes like "okay! whatever ill find your purse for you 🙄"
anyways. thats sksw link to me
Okay but that's a genuinely hilarious scene, lady why the fuck are you touring rooftops? Do you know how annoying this is to me personally? I'm not going to throw you off this ledge because I don't want to kill you but I will be very Obnoxious and Complain about it!
But yeah that's totally 100% sksw Link to me, he's not nice but he *is* kind and genuinely wants to help people. It's just that it doesn't stop him from tossing the shit whenever someone is personally annoying him or is just difficult, or really just whenever he's in the Mood. He'll help you! It's just that he NEEDS to be a little bitch at times, it's literally like enrichment for him. There's gods and goddesses and whatever the FUCK running around and also he's forced to deal with all that AS WELL as being bullied by damn near everyone who first meets him.
(In a way I think sksw Link and Ghirahim are similar in the way that they gotta be lil assholes for their health, Ghirahim is just more theatrical about it. Sksw Link is too exhausted for dramatics)
Also playing this game and learning more about him is gen fun cause oooohhhhh you're not at all the fandom's perception of you huh? C’mon let's go get some ice cream and bitch about something totally pointless king
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