hyunmintae · 6 years
Accidents Happen
A/N: Requested by Anon :)
Stray Kidsssss
Guess whooo!!
Pairing: Felix (Obvi .. ) x Reader 
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, a very sad Felix ;( and sad Hyunjin and hurt Y/N!
“No!! Get away from me!” Y/N’s voice rang out through the practice room in a high pitched squeal, her giggle following as she ran away from Hyunjin.
“Come back here, you Minx!” Hyunjin yelled after her, his laughter filling the room as well.
Felix and the others watched the two run around the practice room with smiles on their faces. Hyunjin and Y/N had been super close ever since they were younger, growing up together was the result of that. Hyunjin and Y/N were joined at the hip even with Felix, her boyfriend, around her. Hyunjin was like Y/N’s older brother, he cared for her as such and was always there to protect her when Felix wasn’t there, of course all the other boys were as well.
“Hyujinnie Oppa! Stop!” Y/N squealed as she jumped on the couch behind Felix and hid behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist the best she could.
“Hiding behind Felix won’t help you!” Hyunjin laughed as he went to grab her from behind her boyfriend. 
At this point Felix was laughing so hard he just leaned forward giving Hyunjin easy access to Y/N instantly. The look on her face when Hyunjin grabbed her and lifted her up from behind her boyfriend began to carry her was one of betrayal and shock.
“He just-What is this? FELIX?!” Y/N yelled as she beat on Hyunjin’s back with her fists, not doing much damage.
“Wha- I’m sorry baby!” Felix yelled as he doubled over again in laughter, Chan and the others following suit at Y/N’s face.
“Put me down you over grown....MONKEY!” Y/N said, trying to find the right word before screaming the name.
“Overgrown money? Why I outta..” Hyunjin teased, dropping her easily on the floor.
Y/N curled away from Hyunjin and easily got up and sprinted away from him before he had the chance to grab her. Hyunjin turned to the boys with a shocked expression. 
“Told you she was fast.” Felix said, laughing as he looked from Hyunjin to Y/N.
Felix held his arms out to Y/N and she instantly ran into his arms sitting on his lap. She was breathing hard from all the running as she wrapped her arms around Felix’s shoulders and hid her face in the crook of his neck. 
Hyunjin sighed as he sat down beside them sprawling out and blowing out some air to move his hair from his eyes. 
“I’m tired.” Y/N whined as she nuzzled herself further into Felix’s embrace. Felix smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around her, leaning back into the couch cushions.
“Big baby..” Hyunjin teased pinching her thigh. 
“Yah!” Y/N yelled, shooting up and looking at the older boy with a glare.
“Oh, don’t you glare at me!” Hyunjin scolded her, which only made her glare harder.
“You little...” Hyunjin started to lean toward her but she had already bolted from Felix’s lap and was running toward the other end of the room with Chan and Jisung.
“Jisungie!! Save me!” Y/N yelled as she ran into Jisung’s arms.
Jisung caught her and held her away from Hyunjin, protectively cradling her head. 
“I just want a hug.” Hyunjin said, holding his arms out to her.
Y/N looked at him suspiciously before looking up at Jisung to which Jisung shrugged. Y/N eyed Hyunjin cautiously as she slowly walked toward and just as she was almost in his arms Hyunjin reached out and grabbed her throwing her over his shoulder again and began to sprint off with her. 
“Hyunjin!” Y/N whined as he jostled her around while running.
Hyunjin just laughed as she smacked his butt several times in a weak attempt to get him to let her go.
“How come none of you help me? You just let him- AH!” Y/N began but her sentence ended with a scream as Hyunjin’s grip on her legs slipped and she crashing to the ground. With how tall Hyunjin was and how small Y/N was it was a pretty far drop.
Y/N cried out in pain as she went face first into the practice room floor, a sickening cracking sound sounding through the room. Felix was on his feet and at her side before Hyunjin could even realize what had happened.
Y/N was crying as she covered her face with her hands, blood was seeping down under her hands. Felix tried to pull her hands away from her face but she held them there. Felix helped her sit up as Chan ran to get some tissues and a first aid kit.
“Baby, let me see your face. Move your hands, I can’t help if you don’t let me see.” Felix pleaded as she tried to gently pull her hands away.
Y/N let out a quiet sob as she moved her hands the boys eyes widening at her bleed nose and already purple and black bruised cheek.
“I think she might have broken her cheek, Felix.” Changbin said as he looked closer at Y/N’s face.
This made Y/N tear up again as Felix leaned forward to bring her into his arms hugging her gently not to push her face into his chest and cause more pain.
“We need to get her to the hospital.” Felix said as he picked Y/N up, carrying her bridal style through the room.
“Here, use this to stop the bleeding.” Minho said as he handed Y/N a few tissues to hold to her nose. She took them gently from his grasp and held them gently to her nose, leaning her head on Felix’s shoulder as he carried her.
Hyunjin still stood in the same spot staring down at the blood on the floor, his eyes as wide as they could be. Jeongin walked over to him and shook him by his shoulders.
“Hyung! We got to go to the hospital.” Jeongin told him, Hyunjin shaking his head to nod quickly.
They followed the others out of the room and asked the lady at the front guest to get the car ready to go.
Once they arrived at the hospital Felix rushed inside with Y/N. A nurse quickly ran up to them and asked what happened. Felix explained he best he could as he carried Y/N on the gurney they brought over for her to lay on.
Y/N held on tighter to Felix not letting him put her down, the nurse tried to coax her out of his arms but Y/N only held onto his shirt tighter.
“Can I carry her in?” Felix asked the nurse, a sad expression taking over his face.
The nurse nodded softly to him as she understood the pain that Y/N was going through. Felix smiled at the nurse and readjusted Y/N in his arms, her legs now wrapping around his waist and her head on his shoulder. 
Felix followed the nurse into the x-ray room and after Felix had managed to get Y/N to let him go in order to lay on the bed the nurse put a vest on him to protect him from the radiation from the x-ray machine.
“Felix..” Y/N mumbled, reaching for him again. Felix smiled at her and he leaned down to press a soft kiss to her forehead.
“Let them do the x-ray baby and then I’ll hold you again. I promise.” Felix told her as he pulled away from her and smiled gently.
Y/N only nodded the throbbing pain in her cheek was unbearable and all she wanted to was for Felix to hold her and make it go away. After a while the x-ray was over with and Y/n was back in Felix’s arms, being carried like a baby.
Normally Y/N wasn’t like this when she got hurt but for some reason she just wanted to be held, whether it was just being scared or her just being overdramatic and a baby, she didn’t really know, but Felix didn’t seem to mind or if he did he hadn’t said anything.
“It looks like you’ve broken your cheek bone. Your nose is fine, but a little bruised up. Your cheek should heal itself, we’ll just patch it up and cover it with a bandage as to protect it from any further harm.” The doctor told Y/N as he showed her the x-ray pictures.
Felix sat with Y/N on his lap in the hospital room as they waited to the nurse to come back and patch up Y/N’s cheek and give them the discharge papers.
Y/N sighed as she rested her head on Felix’s shoulder, soon voices could be heard nearing the room.
“She should be ashamed really, making that poor boy carry her around like that. She’s grown, she has perfectly working legs, all she did was fall and bruise up her face.” A nurse spoke as she neared the room Y/N and Felix sat in.
Y/N started to move from Felix’s lap after hearing the nurses words, Felix on the other hand kept her in place. He held onto her tighter when the nurse walked in.
“Hi! I’m here to bandage up your cheek. Could you turn to face me?” The nurse said as she stood in front of Felix.
“I want a different nurse.” Felix said, looking up at the nurse.
“A different nurse? But sir you aren’t-” The Nurse began.
“Another nurse. I don’t really like the fact that before you walked in here you stated how my girlfriend should be ashamed for having me carry her. I’m carrying her because I want too, not that it should even matter. If you haven’t noticed sometimes this happens and being that my babygirl doesn’t do well in great amounts of pain, I’m fine with carrying her around.” Felix told the nurse, a scowl on his face.
The nurse stared at him for a few seconds before walking out of the room. A new nurse walked into the room a few minutes after that a soft, sad smile on her face.
“I’m sorry about the last nurse. She tends to do that quite frequently. I find it adorable that you take such good care of your girlfriend here.” The nurse spoke quietly with a smile on her face.
Felix smiled at her and she walked around to stand behind Felix but facing Y/N now.
“Hi Sweets. Mind if I bandage your cheek?” She asked nicely. 
Y/N nodded and turned so she sat in Felix’s lap side ways, the nurse smiled and walked around so she sat in the chair in front of them.
After the nurse bandaged Y/N’s cheek, she and Felix were headed toward the waiting room to collect the boys.
“Guys. We’re good to go.” Felix whispered as he walked into the waiting room.
“Is she okay?” Hyunjin asked, looking at Y/N in Felix’s arms.
“Yeah. She’ll be okay, she’s asleep now.” Felix said, a small smile on his face.
Hyunjin nodded and looked back at the ground. Y/N turned her head to look at Hyunjin and got down from Felix’s arms. She walked over to Hyunjin and stood in front of him quietly. 
Hyunjin raised his head up enough to look at Y/N, seeing her bandaged cheek and bruising nose made him tear up, Y/N shook her head and pulled him into a hug.
“Stop crying you overgrown monkey. I’m okay. It wasn’t your fault.” Y/N told him as he hugged her back.
Hyunjin sighed into her shoulder and nodded, “I know. I just feel bad.”
Y/N nodded and smiled at him before patting his back and running over to Felix and jumping on his back for a piggy back ride.
“Let’s go! We got stuff to do! People to see and Hyujinnie owes me a new stuffed penguin!”  Y/N said as she hugged Felix’s neck.
All of the boys laughed at Y/N as her cheerful spirit seemed to be back in action. Felix turned and went out the door all of them headed toward the shopping and carnival strip down the road from the hospital.
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