#Had a real 'My spinach puffs!' moment when I remembered this got requested on Discord almost two weeks ago.
bumblekastclips · 8 months
KYLE CROUSE: Next, Murdercide626 has a question. "How would you go about adapting Naugus into the games? What changes might you make to the character? Classic or Modern? And what kinds of interactions would he have with Eggman, if any?"
IAN FLYNN: Okay, hear me out, 'cause this is... I'm alone on this hill for this idea, okay? I freely admit that this is- this is the bonkers take, but hear me out: completely remake him as a Zeti. Okay? KYLE: Uh... y'know... y'know... IAN: He's already some weird monster man, it wouldn't take a whole lot to adjust him to still be familiar but be more Zeti-like. And instead of him being able to use his EM powers to control machines, he uses it to mess with the bio-electrical signals in your brain, so he has the mind control angle. KYLE: Hmm... okay, so he would be a modern character then, huh? IAN: Yeah. And all you gotta do is turn that 'N' sideways, and he's Zaugus. KYLE: [laughing] Zaugus! Well, I think you've done it, Ian. You have done it. Good old Zixis Zaugus. [chuckles] What kind of interactions would he have with Eggman, then? Would he manage to mind control Eggman? IAN: Yeah, like maybe Eggman's comin' in to invade and he's, y'know, EM-shielded all of his robots and gloatin' over the fact that the Deadly Six can't take control of them. Zaugus saunters on up, and is like [Ixis Naugus voice] "I may not control them, but I can control you!" Zoop! Mind-grab. KYLE: Boy, that-- IAN: [Mentok from Harvey Birdman voice] "That's taking the mind, Kyle!" KYLE: [laughing] That is horrifying! That's like... that is very- that is scary! Like, I think he might actually take over Eggman in terms of villainy in the series at that point. Hm. IAN: Like, maybe limit it to, like, it's gotta be within eye contact, it's gotta be point-to-point... maybe he can only really control one person at a time. But if you've got the keys to Eggman's Empire, or if you're using Sonic as your personal RC combatant, you can do some damage. I don't know, I think it could work. I think it could be neat. I- I also know it's a big ask of the SatAM crowd, but I don't know. I like it. KYLE: I- Someone- you could make it work! It could work. Someone's going to draw this, Ian. You know they will. IAN: Oh, go for it. KYLE: Let's see it! IAN: Even- you can keep, like, the mutant crab claw on the side as like, just extra weirdness. KYLE: Sure, sure. IAN: Give him back his old tail from SatAM that got forgotten in the Archie books. KYLE: [chuckles] Nice.
--- TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Please remember that nothing that is said on BumbleKast is canon! It's just some guys and their opinions occasionally spitballing ideas. If you don't like an answer, you don't have to take it as Word of God or anything like that. It's all just for fun! ----- This question was requested by @nintendoni-art! Do you want a specific question transcribed and posted? Send the question and the episode date to my ask box! Or if you just want questions about a certain character, send me their name and I will see what I can do!
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