#Haha Stone Slab could be Anti's pokeball
vixthefantheorist · 2 years
Was Anti formed from the Stone Slab?
Not quite a theory but a thought to chew on a bit.
You guys recall Arin talking about a stone slab to Chase in order to try to gain his trust, in Anomaly Found - Chase Brody? From that, Arin speaks of the effects the stone slab had on the residents of a small town the tablet was found in. Nose bleeds, headaches, hearing voices... and damages it can do if exposed to it for too long. People dying from it, those who were unresponsive (either mentally checked out or their brains kind of broke to the point of being a vegetable state); and those... who turned to a darker path. He doesn't quite clarify on what he means by that since 'darker path' could mean a variety of things. But it made me start thinking for a bit...
What if Anti was formed by that? Like he was just a normal resident of that town and was exposed to the influence of that stone slab like everyone else living there. While everyone else was rejecting the voices and going mad, or just dropping like flies because the power was too great... what if he was able to endure it? And in enduring it while having no one else to talk to, began to trust those voices... and embraced them? And in accepting them... he was given power from that tablet. Which is how he became the way he is? Now there's a lot of holes in this. One, kind of seems overdone and doesn't seem to fit Anti's persona in this universe. Second, we don't know if that's how the Stone Slab works... since IRIS doesn't know what voices could be saying or anything or if that's how the exposure works. And other things that could be named but eh. Hmm... wow I guess this really is gonna be a theory huh? lol I could present the exact same thought but Anti not living in the town but was of the IRIS team that went to go get the damn rock. And was exposed that way to it. And the reason I say that (for fun really, not seriously) is how well Anti seems to navigate that IRIS facility. Like he's been there before. And in the beginning of the stream of The IRIS Project that there's a terminal we're hacking through that has the password of iamhere. WHY is that the password? Could it be Anti's old terminal we're using when he worked there? Possibly. (Honestly, I doubt it that's deep... more likely than anything its just a fun a little easter egg to show that 'Ayo, Anti's here guys!' Rather than anything deeper than that. Again this version is more of a fun 'what if' than serious mode theory.) BUT still... there's a connection there (maybe)... I mean WHY would Arin bother to tell him about a funky rock when it has 'nothing' (haha I don't buy that it's nothing) to do with ALTR 114209 Arin keeps harassing Chase about? Could it be that Anti may in fact be from that tablet? Like a being that was trapped in it or formed after consuming the braincells of the residents there? (Like is he Hexxus from FernGully: The Last Rainforest? Some tar like thing/tulpa that crawled out of there?) Maybe the stone tablet was meant to be a prison that The Magic Circle (and AIMC) used to trap Anti in? But the spell holding him in there wore off and he escaped? The actual manifestation of the funky magic rock? Is there actually a connection between them? Or just a connection because both are ALTRs? (Fuck if I know, but its still a fun little thing to chew on for fun) Or could the Stone slab be a sort of gateway? Then again, if it was, you'd think Anti would focus on getting the rock rather hunt down Chase. And even if Anti and the stone pokeball were connected... what does that have anything to do with local sad dad, Chase Brody? (Probably nothing here either but hey, we don't know what Sean's got cooking up in his noggin.)
Wow. It did turn into a theory... or several theories? Sorry, I rambled there. But uh... what do you guys think on them? I'm curious to read your thoughts on the Stone Slab Arin talked about.
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