#He has the least regrets and worries about Edmure
a-libra-writes · 4 years
Imagine Dating the GoT Characters in Modern Times
okay im still working on that confession request, but this sucker just got away from me lol. couldnt help meself. this is a bit more casual than the others
if i missed any of ya favs, send my ask box a mail pigeon and ill add em!
In this preference, you'll be dating: Ned Stark, Robb Stark, Sansa Stark, Jon Snow, Benjen Stark, Jory Cassel, Dolorous Edd, Tormund Giantsbane, Theon Greyjoy, Yara Greyjoy, Daenerys Targaryen, Jorah Mormont, Missandei, Grey Worm, Tywin Lannister, Tyrion Lannister, Jamie Lannister, Sandor Clegane, Bronn, Petyr Baelish, Stannis Baratheon, Davos Seaworth, Margaery Tyrell, Brynden Tully, Edmure Tully, Brienne of Tarth, Ramsay Bolton, Roose Bolton, Oberyn Martell, Beric Dondarrion
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He always worries so much after you, like if you’re unusually late getting home or you don’t call him back for some time. He won’t bother you about it because knows he worries, and he’s always ready to give you a warm hug when you finally get home. He’s very considerate of how you like things in the home and will fix anything immediately - although, you’re convinced he’s going to drop the AC in a lake if it acts up one more time. He has a picture of your wedding day that he absolutely loves and keeps in a safe spot in his wallet. The same picture is in frame on his desk, along with pictures of the kids. It’s the only decorations he has on the desk.
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He’s convinced Grey Wind is starting to like you more because you’re the one who gives the goodnight treats. His favorite memories are the times when you both were able to get away to the lake or beach for a few days; he has a picture of you both on his desk at work. If you get him something you’d think he’d like, such as a scarf, he’ll absolutely wear it until it falls apart. Before you two moved in together, he really enjoyed calling you in the evening to hear about your day. Before you started dating, he’d send you pics of Grey Wind because you had the cutest reactions to them - soooo many emojis.
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She loooves trying new things and hobbies with you, even if it doesn’t always end up so hot. The baking fiasco of 2018 shall not be spoken of, the pictures have been erased, it didn’t happen. She likes doing your make-up if you’ll let her, and she loves it when you two clothes shop together, mostly so she can dress you up. Lady is the most spoiled princess in the Stark family; you and Sansa have an instagram for her, she has her own rhinestone collar and custom bowl, it’s a whole thing. Sansa likes to brush her in the evening while she listens to you about your day or you both catch up with your fav TV shows. You two are way too invested in some of them and sometimes you stay up too late angry tweeting about it.
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You two were mutual friends for a while before you started hanging out exclusively more and more and finally someone asked if you were dating... At that point, you basically were. He really likes going hiking in the woods with you and Ghost, and some of his favorite pictures of you are from these trips - obvs they’re his phone background, and he gets shy if someone looks over his shoulder and asks if you’re his girlfriend. You both have gotten Ghost a nice dog bed and couch but he still likes to sleep at the foot of the bed, then promptly wake you both up at 6am for a walk. Jon was nervous but excited to introduce you to his family; he enjoys holidays with them much more because of you. He loves it when you text him cute things about your day or say you miss him.
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He caught your attention when you two began casually dating and he absolutely lit up when he talked about his nieces and nephews, and he showed you lots of pictures. It was just so cute. He absolutely loves it when you wear his shirts, especially the morning after - he will pull you back into the bed. He’s a total night owl but is very considerate of being quiet when you’re asleep. If you end up falling asleep after trying to stay up with him, he’ll carefully carry you back to bed. He works evenings too, so when he comes home early in the morning, he’ll cook you breakfast before staggering to bed (obviously he wants a good morning/night kiss as you get up and get ready).
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He’s an absolute sweetheart who will adopt all the dogs and fill up the house with them if you don’t stop him. When he’s playing with them or holding them, you like to take sneaky pictures because it’s just so cute and set it as your phone background. He always has the sweetest compliments for you, regardless if you’re dressing up or you just got out of the shower. The easiest way to fluster him is throw your legs over his lap while you’re wearing shorts or a skirt and just casually snuggle up. One day one of your dogs got out and you two were so beside yourself with worry, calling all the shelters and making posters and just stressing out together. The pup showed up a few hours later covered in mud and you both ran to hug her at the same time.
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You’d actually been hanging out with him for a while because of your mutual friends, mostly Jon. You two had such an obvious crush on each other but wouldn’t make a move, so he and Sam did the trick where they invited you both out, then made an excuse and left you two alone. He’s the master of sending a meme in response to a text you sent two hours ago. He won’t admit how much he really likes it when you wear his shirts, either to bed or out on a date. They’re almost exclusively black metal band shirts with really weird art. You both tend to go to a lot of outdoor music festivals; he always wants to hold your hand so he doesn’t lose you in a crowd.
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His beard and hair are still wild, don’t you worry, and he’s endlessly amused when it tickles you when he kisses you. His clothes are kind of a mess so you always try to straighten them out or iron them, which he really appreciates. Whenever he sees something cool, he has to immediately take a picture and send it to you. Sometimes he’s too excited about something, he just calls you or comes over. He’d totally want to go to nature reserves, zoos and parks for dates; he loves being outdoors and thinks you look best when the sunlight is on you. He’ll take so many pics on these dates but he’s a pretty bad cameraman (he tries!). He’ll go for the tallest rollercoaster at an amusement park and immediately regret it once the drop starts; he’s secretly relieved if you don’t want to go on one. 
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Let’s be honest, he’s kind of a fuckboy so you don’t date him too seriously. He’s the one who gets attached first and starts exclusively dating you. He really likes collecting guitars and would be stoked if you’d play or sing along with him. He prefers outdoor dates, but sports bars and music clubs are fun, too. No matter what, he’d be giving lots of PDA and wouldn’t take kindly to guys hitting on you. He always finds the most bizarre food or drink recipes online that he wants to try, usually resulting in your kitchen being a warzone afterward. Yara totally bullies him on his insta, no matter how much he blocks her. 
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She’s the definition of the types of girls your parents really didn’t want you to bring home but Here We Are. She has the most badass boots that she wears with an eyeliner with a wing so sharp it could kill a man. She loves pulling you close and being touchy with you in bars and clubs, especially when men are bothering you. Her diet 80% microwave so you have to cook actual food for her and make sure she eats. Family gatherings or phone calls always bother her, so you have to help calm her down afterward, usually with lots of making out. She’d like you to go with her when she gets tattoos so she has someone to chat and laugh with, and she’d subtly suggest you’d look cute with a piercing. She’ll kill the bugs in the relationship as long as you give her a thank you kiss, no matter what you’re in the middle of.
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She absolutely LOVES Christmastime and wants to decorate the whole house, send a Christmas card with you and her three bearded dragons and wear matching Christmas sweaters (she can be surprisingly stubborn about that). Cuddling on the sofa and watching movies usually ends her falling asleep on you, and if you try to move her she grumbles and hugs you closer. The background for her phone is you looking very worried, holding her three bearded dragons after she posed them on you. She’d much rather wear your hoodies and shirts than her own, sometimes only that if she’s lounging at home with you. She tries to plan a really nice date at least once a month, preferably you two going on a little weekend trip to a musical festival or a beach.
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He texts he loves you at least twice throughout the day. When you go out on dates, he’s always worried if you need a jacket or if you’ve had enough to eat. Heel is digging into your ankle and giving you a blister? This guy has band-aids. When he gets home early, he likes to cook a quick dinner that’ll be ready when you’re home. Watching kdramas with Jorah is great because he gets so baffled and ask you if this is what kids watch nowadays, but then he gets surprisingly emotional over the big confessions and love triangles. Walking through a park or boardwalk at sunset while holding your hand is maximum serotonin for him.
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Her absolute favorite part of the day is the chat you two have in the evening while you take off make-up, wash your faces and fix your hair before bed. Sometimes you talk about your day, sometimes you listen to music or have a show on. She really doesn’t like phones or laptops in bed because she just wants to cuddle or be intimate. You introduced her to theme parks, and now she absolutely loves them. Missandei will find the biggest coaster and pull you toward it, she also would like you to win her one of those stuffed animals at the shooting games. She’ll put them on a shelf in your room. Sometimes she reads a book that bothers her so much, she has to stop everything, march in the living room and tell you all about it.
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You asked him out by writing your number on his cup at the cafe you worked out. You never got a text or call, but he suddenly showed up a few days later, totally blushing and asking you out. It was kind of adorable. He really likes keeping the apartment tidy and totally loves your baking. You didn’t think he had a sweet tooth, and he's been trying out different recipes to share with you. He can be pretty shy around your friends, so you hang with him solo. He has surprisingly strong opinions on movies, so movie dates always spiral into film theory discussions. He's so baffled by social media but he follows and likes everything you because your posts and pics are cute.
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You two met at your company’s expensive party, he interested you right away and you had fun flirting and trading verbal spars. You weren’t sure how he got your number, but he’d end up calling you up for dinners and dates and so on. That ended up turning into trips and long stays at his manor and basically you ended up living there. Tywin enjoys giving you all sorts of expensive gifts and clothes, which he of course doesn’t see as a big deal because you deserve it. Eventually you’d bother him about what you mean to him, and that’s when he’d just outright ask if you’d rather be married. Quite frankly, he doesn’t care about his children’s thoughts on the matter. He really prefers the dates and vacations that are more relaxing, especially when he gets to see you smile at something you haven’t seen. 
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You and Tyrion discuss books like some people discuss politics. Actually, you both tend to have a lot of long discussions, but you both are so opinionated on books. He actually writes quite a bit and dedicates a lot of it to you. His favorite thing to do is make you laugh in public while you’re drinking something; he knows it drives you nuts and it’s adorable how much you sputter and look for a napkin. He blames you for Jamie’s love of ironic emojis, and he likes to send you screenshots of Cersei’s weird facebook rants. When he’s stressing over a writing deadline, he adores it when you give him a massage and help him calm down.
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He’d often tease you about using so many cutest emojis in your text messages, so he started ironically using them. You’re positive he just picks them at random but he figured out that eggplant and peach REAL quick. When you first started dating, he tried to impress you with expensive gifts and dates, but he vastly prefers the lowkey cuddles at your apartment. His head in your lap, your pet curled around his legs and him reading off ridiculous shit Cersei posts on facebook … That’s the ideal. He was a nervous wreck when you met Tywin, although he was trying to play it off and be cool. 
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He’s such a grumpy bear that a lot of people wonder how the heck you two got together. You both like to hang out at music bars and clubs, and he’s always got a protective arm around you, and as the evening winds down he likes to nuzzle your hair and receive any kisses you give. He sleeps in really late and grumbles when you pull him out of bed to get his ass outside. He’ll always take care of the yard work and grills the best barbecue. He actually really likes when you ask him what he thinks about an outfit, even if he just says it’s fine, because he likes the way you twirl and show off your backside. There’s probably a football team he’s obsessed with and he WILL text you angrily about someone getting a red card or missing a goal. 
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When you asked for his number, you were shook that he still had a goddamn flip phone. Even after dating for forever, he still has that damn thing. Your favorite date spot is live music bars, even if he starts to get overly affectionate and pull you in his lap. He has leather jackets and sometimes wears black cowboy boots with them and it just … works? He also probably rides a motorcycle but makes sure you have the proper clothes and helmet and actually obeys traffic laws when you’re riding with him. He’ll still flip off drivers, though. He doesn’t go to the doctor, his sick ass shows up on your doorstep half-dead and you force cold medicine down his throat while scolding him. He just likes being looked after, not that he’ll ever admit it.
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You’re kind of surprised he asked you out, he seemed like a very wealthy, prominent person and you were a little worried. But on all your dates he’s nothing but a gentleman and he wants to go places you enjoy to know you better. Even if you both go somewhere more lowkey like a cafe or an art museum, he just has to impress you by picking you up in a nice car. He’s much more genuine in evenings at your apartment when you cuddle with him, or when you send sweet texts that he has trouble responding to right away because they’re just so nice. He likes to follow your social media just to see what you’re up to, and he has a picture of you on his desk, probably one where you’re wearing something he got you.
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He’s on top of anything that needs to be fixed or dealt with around the house, sometimes without you even noticing they were broken. He’s very grateful when you plan dates for fun or for anniversaries, because he has trouble with such things. He also totally melts when you bring him coffee in the morning with a kiss, or take his coat when he comes home. Holidays are an absolute mess; last year he was THIS close to throttling Renly with a string of holly. You like changing his phone background to saucy pictures of yourself, because he already sucks at phones and now he’s bright red and it’s taking him five minutes to figure out how to change it. You were pretty bummed when he finally figured out how to set up a phone lock, so now you just text the pictures while he’s at home. It takes a few seconds before you hear him sputter and drop his phone in the other room.
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Admittedly, Davos is a little insecure about the age difference between you two, but he’s always very comforted when you hold his hand and kiss him in public. He always has interesting places to take you, and somehow he seems to know at least one person there. He always has a new story about how he lost his fingers and now it’s just an inside joke between you two. You think its hilarious how worked up he gets about his sports teams, and he cracks up when you yell at competitive cooking shows. Sometimes he needs your help deciphering Stannis’ weird, cryptic texts. He’s very weak when you’re dressing up to go out, especially when you slip on pantyhose and heels.
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You didn’t realize how big of an influencer she was until she innocently asked for a selfie of the two of you. You were on a beach date and you kissed her cheek while she made a cute pose. Much later she showed you the pic on her instagram and holy shit is that’s 20k likes what in the seven hells. If it’s a sunny day, she absolutely wants to go out to the beach or an outdoor mall or anything. She likes to show you pics of outfits, ask your opinion, and buy it as a surprise if you really love it. If you both got a pet together, she’d basically treat it like your kid. She loves taking you with her on her family’s expensive vacations, and she can’t stop holding your hand and grinning the whole time.
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Brynden is also worried about the age gap between you two, and it often bothers him when people mistake him for your father while you two are out. He loves talking about you to his nieces and nephew. He held off on telling his brother out of spite, because he knew Hoster was going to bug him about proposing. His favorite thing to do with you is go boating on the family’s lake, especially when you’re laughing as you try to keep your hat on. His absolute favorite picture is a selfie you took while you were in his lap, you’re making a silly face while he’s kissing your cheek.
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He loves doing the silliest, most domestic stuff with you. Doing laundry together while joking around, picking out furniture to match in the living room, even adopting a dog or a kitten who would end up spoiled rotten. He’d actually fall for you quickly while you were dating and already think of your wedding and a family, but he wouldn’t want to pressure you at all. He has the worst bedhead and you have to grab him before he runs out to work and try to tame it. You both have the most ridiculous in-jokes and when you watch dramas, you both get way too emotionally invested and try not to cry in front of each other.
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She’s very shy about taking selfies with you until you encourage her and insist she’s adorable. She takes good care of her health and works out a lot, and she’s definitely want you to join her for the latter. She’s great with motivating and praising you! She likes dates where you two just wander around outdoor malls or museums, you just walk and chat about all sorts of things. You’re absolutely her phone background and lock screen, and when her dad calls to check on her she ends up talking about you a lot. You both like to put on cooking shows while you fold laundry or clean and you end up getting so distracted.
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You weren’t totally keen on introducing him to your parents, then they suddenly came over while he was hanging out with you and he was such a Perfect Gentleman™ you almost got whiplash. He’s the reason stray dogs always hang around your backyard and porch, he leaves food out for them. He always frowns when you cover up his hickeys with concealer. He’s not the least bit phased by horror or slasher movies, but puts them on TV anyway so you can cling to him and hide your face. He’s absolutely the sort to threaten any male friends he thinks are too close to you, then play innocent when you confront him. He likes date spots that are a little more secluded, so he can grab your body and give you a deep kiss anytime he’s wanting you.
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In the morning, he always has to kiss you when he wakes up and before he leaves for work, no exceptions. He’s very private so those he works with are surprised to learn he’s married, but once you two are together at some company party it’s obvious he dotes on you. His kinks are even more pronounced now and he loves buying you things he wants to see you wear. He’d like to have a family with you once you’re ready. He’d be super into you sending him sexy pictures during the day, but he won’t respond right away or pretend the picture didn’t load just to mess with you. 
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He looooves surprising you with thoughtful gifts, weekend trips or even just flowers sent to your work with a loveydovey note that has all your coworkers teasing you. He hangs around at your apartment so much, you wonder why he just doesn’t move in. He will absolutely love any flirty texts or sexy pictures you send him over the phone, and he’ll respond in kind. When your relationship started getting more serious, he introduced you to his family and daughters, and fell even more in love with you because you were so kind to everyone. He always wants to take you places because he thinks you’re the cutest when you’re amazed by new things.
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A mutual friend hooked you both up for a blind date, which bothered you a lot, but Beric was so nice, genuine and apologetic that you decided to go through with it anyway. You’re grateful you live in a cold climate because he looooves the fireplace and snuggling with you in front of it. He’s not the best at cooking and would appreciate you teaching him, also you look super cute in an apron so that’s a bonus. Expect a ton of different outdoors and camping trips from him, also he’s the worst about getting injured and insisting he’s fine, even when there’s blood all over the bathroom sink.
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jackoshadows · 4 years
Unpopular opinion.
Out of all the character endings on Game of Throne’s final season, the one character ending that I had the least problem with is one which the majority of fans intensely disliked – Jaime Lannister.
Jaime Lannister critique under the cut
Maybe it is because I am tired of hearing about Jaime’s non-existent ‘redemption’ arc in the books. Maybe it is because I am yet to see any genuine remorse and regret from him for his actions that has resulted in the loss of countless lives and destruction in Westeros.
Jaime Lannister is the one character in the books that I find hard to sympathize with in any form and whose motivations don’t really resonate with me in any way. I can understand a Cersei – an ambitious woman born in a man’s word and restricted by her gender – better than I can understand a Jaime. The one thing I appreciated the show doing until the last season was fleshing out and writing more for Cersei than for Jaime. I am not a fan of GRRM turning Cersei into a cartoon, crazy lady villain in the later books, while trying to ‘redeem’ Jaime – considering that in the very first book, it was Jaime who tries to murder a child to cover up his incestuous adultery and Cersei who tries to stop him.
I can understand a Tyrion Lannister – abused by his family for being disabled and ugly . Cersei – who can only have power on the whims of men and endures marital rape. This does not excuse their actions – but it explains their bitterness. Theon Greyjoy – a child torn from his loving mother and siblings and brought up with his enemies living with the threat of death if his father misbehaved. Hell, we can even see why Ramsay Bolton turned out the way he did.  Ramsay and Jon Snow are supposed to contrast as  bastards – because of who Ned Stark and Roose Bolton are as fathers.
Jaime Lannister is Tywin’s golden child. A privileged man born into everything – good looks, wealth, power. And yet his motivation for every single one of his actions can be narrowed down to his incestuous love for his twin sister. I often hear about how Jaime was disenchanted with the Kings guard. Not really. Jaime joins this celibate organization in the first place to be close to his sister and have sex with her – so he was already breaking their oaths and had no high regard for them even at the very beginning when he joins them.
He stabs the fleeing mad king in the back only after Tywin and his men enter KL and he knows he is safe. And then he sits on the throne waiting for Ned to get there, while Elia and her babies are being raped and murdered by the Mountain – even though his KG oaths mean that he has to protect them. Then he blames Ned for not being grateful to him – despite not explaining anything to Ned. Then wallows in self pity about how no one recognizes what he did.
He engages in adultery with the king’s wife when they are guests at WF – and attempts to kill a child to cover up this adultery. And no, he did not do this because he cared about his children – he equated Joffrey to sperm at one point. He then tries to hunt down and kill Arya on Cersei’s orders for the incident at the Trident. If Ned had not found Arya first, Jaime would have killed her. He is nonchalant about killing children.
Then Jaime spends considerable time as a prisoner and loses a hand. We get the Jaime-Brienne saga where Jaime verbally abuses Brienne and mocks her ugliness while she falls in love with him. He saves her from the bear pit  - points for Jaime! – and then returns home. Does Jaime have moments of kindness – like, when he helps Brienne and Pia? Yes. But so does every other character with the exception of Ramsay Bolton who is one dimensionally evil.
So this is where Jaime’s redemption supposedly starts …. And I am sorry, but I just don’t see it. He is still busy making sure Tully lands go back to the Freys who betrayed and murdered Robb, even threatening to trebuchet and murder poor imprisoned Edmure’s baby to defeat the Blackfish. And through the Blackfish, GRRM points out how farcical Jaime’s ‘excuses’ and justifications for his actions always are.
"Are there any terms you will accept? he demanded of the Blackfish.
 "From you?" Ser Brynden shrugged. "No."
 "Why did you even come to treat with me?"
 "A siege is deadly dull. I wanted to see this stump of yours and hear whatever excuses you cared to offer up for your latest enormities. They were feebler than I'd hoped. You always disappoint, Kingslayer."
Jaime then proceeds to hang some hungry outlaws – outlaws that were created by his war (A war that started because of his casual adultery with the King’s wife, his twin sister) – and boasts about being Goldenhand the Just. Never stopping to thing about why there are hungry desperate men in the riverlands in the first place. Catelyn Stark asks him to save her daughters in return for his freedom – he hands that task over to Brienne and continues  to push Lannister agenda by seeing off Jeyne Poole as she leaves to marry Ramsay Bolton.
A groom led a fine grey mare out the stable door. On her back was mounted a skinny hollow-eyed girl wrapped in a heavy cloak. The girl’s long brown hair blew wild in the wind. She had a pretty face, he thought, but her eyes were sad and wary.
When she saw him, she inclined her head. “Ser Jaime,” she said in a thin anxious voice. “You are kind to see me off.”
Jaime had never paid much attention to Arya Stark, but it seemed to him that this girl was older. “I understand you’re to be married.” “I am to wed Lord Bolton’s son, Ramsay. He used to be a Snow, but His Grace has made him a Bolton. They say he’s very brave. I am so happy.”
Then why do you sound so frightened? “I wish you joy, my lady.”
“Good speed,” he told Steelshanks. Nage raised his peace banner, and the northmen formed a column as ragged as their fur cloaks and trotted out the castle gate. The thin girl on the grey mare looked small and forlorn in their midst.
He has no issues sending off this small, frightened girl to marry someone like Ramsay Bolton.
Ultimately Jaime only refuses to help Cersei because he learns about her other affairs and that she was sleeping with other men. He disposes of her because she was not faithful to him. Not because of any great revelation about good and evil.
And honestly, more than Jaime becoming a better person through his relationship with Brienne, I am worried about Brienne getting corrupted by someone like Jaime. Lady Stoneheart has every right to hang Jaime Lannister – after everything Jaime has inflicted on both house Stark and Tully. If Brienne tries to intervene on his behalf, I am going to be displeased.
So ultimately, considering book Jaime’s story so far, I really don’t have an issue with the show ending. Mainly because I am tired of years and years of Jaime apologists (from hanging out on book forums) justifying and excusing all his actions – including attempted child murder. I personally think Brienne deserves better than him.
I really don’t think Jaime is getting a happily ever after ending with Brienne in the books – and the show just fast tracked to his ending. He is most probably going to kill Cersei and die in the process as his final act.
Ultimately, I think it’s Theon who is more sympathetic and has an actual redemption arc in the books – despite having done far worse. While Jaime sends offs a nobody like Jeyne Poole to get raped and tortured by Ramsay Bolton, Theon Greyoy– despite his own rape and torture at Ramsay’s hands – risks his own life and worse to save hers. We see Theon’s genuine regret and remorse for his actions and a desire to right them. I don’t think Theon is going to survive either, but I see him having the same ending in the books – dying while protecting/saving Bran Stark.
So in a way I do think we got Jaime and Theon’s book endings on the show. The show just took the wrong way to get there.
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dykedteach · 5 years
okay so, a liveblog.
i know i haven’t done one of these in a while but it’s the last opportunity i had so, a pure as-i-watch-it liveblog for my own future enjoyment? horror? who knows
(also - last night i dreamt that jaime was still alive after all, and that he and brienne made up but then he poisoned sansa? anyway)
“I’ll find you later.” bitch........no
greyworm don’t you fucking dare babe
please don’t turn greyworm into a villain right at the end just to spite him i will be so mad
i’m so so nervous about tyrion walking through the rubble of the keep because if the twins are dead i absolutely do not want to see visual representation of the fact
the book of the kingsguards deeds im....asdjaskda
they’re going to make me see the fucking bodies aren’t they
okay that scene was so powerful and genuinely one of the saddest i’ve seen on the show and peter dinklage is incredible but i honestly struggled to watch it and i am crying A Lot
they, separately, have been two of my favourites since i started watching and this fucking hurts, i have honestly spent the last week kinda forgetting that they’re dead? and now it’s like. there they are.
also, jaime lannister clown club, my apologies, i so wanted to believe you
if tyrion does something like gives brienne his gold hand i s2g
i miss when jon used to look like he had life in him
 he’s going to have to kill greyworm isn’t he
maybe davos will, actually, he’s never had a big kill
ooooooooooooooh the cinematography of the dragon rising behind her
imagine a regent that actually had wings how cool would that be
repeating her promises to/from the dothraki from like s1 is...a Move
“the queens master of war” ohhhhhh fuck me
god he really does need to die doesn’t he
literally what is she going to do?? march on every fucking city and kill them all? HOW are they “suffering under the wheel” the monarchy is the wheel and you? killed it??
arya use a face
aRyA uSe A fAcE
despite the fact i’ve seen leaks saying otherwise i’m so worried tyrion is gonna die
“I freed my brother” god the regret in his voice im dying
why is jon just chilling
JON BEING A TENDER BIG BROTHER why wasn’t 80% of his screentime this season doing exactly this
i love this version of arya that’s serious but not cold
“did you bring any wine?” oh babe
oof the whole afterlife discussion
oh for fucks sake what is it with the lannister men and laying out their bad deeds at the worst time
jon and tyrion arguing is just the two different halves of twitter arguing all this week
“why does it matter what i do” because you’re a good boy, jon snow!!!
god the acting in this episode so far is phenomenal
am i going to cry every time my dumbass golden idiot is mentioned from now on? bitch i might!
is he REALLY a member of the nights watch anymore? do the nights watch exist anymore? there’s no fucking WALL
is he really gonna just be like.....byeeeeee!!
also, just his sisters?? there’s a bran also
i know we kinda forget about him (which will be hilarious by the end of this episode, if the spoilers i’ve seen are right) but
ooooh snowy dragon
shit, i forget, ashy dragon
god the score is gorgeous
she’s literally queen of the ashes, fuck
“i imagined a mountain of swords too high to climb” so, like, the book throne then
oh god my upset puppy
this is it oh fuck
oh god
oh i feel so sorry for emilia clarke
oh jon 
oh no drogon!! oh no
god that was quick
oh god when he’s nudging her body i’m so sad
why.....why the throne and not jon....
how does he know the throne is bad i’m?
god the VISUALS
but also....”mom died i’m DESTROYING the CHAIR” feels like a weird jump
god i fucking hate that her story ended like her father’s
we’re halfway through and no brienne, i’m disappointed
how many times now has tyrion had to contemplate his imminent death? bless him
ok so now she’s dead we can please let greyworm go safely to naath or something yeah? he doesn’t have to die or be evil this is fine just user him away
how the fuck did they get down to KL so quick
hold um im pausing and rewinding
sam, ?, edmure, starks, WIFE, davos, LORD GENDRY LOOKING FINE, ?, a nights watch i guess? MY LESBIAN, a dornish prince i guess? 
oh okay so obviously this is a little while later, and jon and tyrion have been imprisoned while they wait right?
god sansa looks stunning
edmure tully gets to do something! yay!
oh my god robin is huge now
“a veteran of two wars” where have you BEEN THOUGH BUDDY
“Uncle, please sit” GOD IMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
robin and royce trying not to laugh, sam trying not to laugh, sansa trying not to laugh, this is too much
oh fuck off the lot of you
“who then?” well, brienne obviously
make her queen
i want it
give her a crown of sapphires
“bran the broken” that seems....reductive?
“who has a better story than-” well, you see, lots of people.
“and he can’t father children” i mean, he absolutely probably can?
where’s pod, i miss him
i love my diplomatic daughter
bran being firm with greyworm i LOVE IT
he will be a good king, i agree with that. some emotion would be nice also.
oh god my poor baby 
“there’s still a nights watch?” MOOD
“no one is very happy.” also a mood
he truly is ned’s boy, isn’t he.
show him saying goodbye to his family you FUCKING COWARDS
he’s sailing for naath after all i’m!! emotional!
where the fuck does arya think she’s going
i hope she has like, a few years travelling and then comes back
oh god arya crying is just
i’m so emotional
oh fuck
oh no i hoped and predicted for this scene weeks ago and wanted it to be in better circumstances but
why isn’t she wearing her blue armour
i can’t count the number of times i’ve paused this scene already to just solidly cry
“Escaped imprisonment and rode south in an attempt to save the capital from destruction. Died protecting his Queen.”
brienne baby i’m so sorry
okay i’m going to distract myself by questioning how the fuck they rebuilt so quickly
fuckin bronn
oh wow i’m so down for bran occasionally warging during meetings and everyone else just being like.......um....excuse us...
“you’re master of grammar now too?” somewhere, in purgatory, a baratheon smiles.
i swear to god, if brienne’s last line is a comment about brothels
(at least she’s not pregnant)
my crack ship came out of this better than my hardcore otp
where’s GHOST
a king, a queen, an explorer, and a pariah.
god but i do love the starks
OH god arya’s ship is gorgeous
sansa’s crown is nice but a little too cersei reminiscent for me
i’m just happy tormund is here
okay so actually. overall. and maybe it’s because i saw the leaks for most stuff weeks ago and had time to process it.
i kind of.....enjoyed that for the most part?
certainly the second half.
anyway. that’s it.
fuck me.
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godemperor307 · 6 years
Conqueror and the Red Wolf Chapter 2
Sansa sent letters to all the lords of Westeros that she had retained independence, but managed to negotiate an alliance with Daenerys Targaryen, as well as the existence and grave threat of the Dead beyond the Wall, which was quickly approaching. She had Jon leave a strong rearguard at Eastwatch, and the castle nearest to it, Last Hearth. The Umbers took to this task with earnestness, commanding a full garrison there. Token garrisons were placed in the surrounding castles, all armed with Dragonglass weapons.
The relationship between the Red Stark and the Silver Dragon deepened in secret. Many began to wonder why exactly it was that the silver haired queen chose to keep such close companionship with whom logically should have been her rival. But Sansa put aside such thoughts and enjoyed her cute girlfriend’s kisses. Their campaign in the south was bringing Euron and Cersei to heel. Dragons proved unstoppable to any army she fielded and were instrumental in the Siege of Pyke, along with Theon who led the first vanguard through the breach. Sure enough, southern Westerosi lords all flocked back to the side of the Dragon Banner, as it was before the days of the Mad King. Any Ironborn who bent the knee were also allowed to live, under Queen Yara, who executed Euron herself and pledged to join Daenerys with fresh reinforcements after the last Euron loyalists had been defeated.
Suddenly Sansa heard something in the distance. Horns of the North blowing proudly and wolf banners flapping in the cool wind. Prince Edmure kneeled before her. “My queen, Prince Jon’s host is approaching.” Sansa nodded. She would finally reunite with Arya and Bran. Sure enough, they arrived and Sansa flung herself into Arya’s arms. Arya was wearing a Northern-style coat and most of the baby-fat was gone, leaving a tough, fierce warrior. “Missed you, sis.” She whispered into Arya’s hair. “You better tell me everything. How exactly did you convince the Dragon Bitch?” “Don’t talk- I’ll explain later.” Arya looked at her curiously but let it pass. “How did you survive? You disappeared from King’s landing after Father….” “Long story. I came back after you and Jon beat the Boltons. I almost didn’t come back home. I went to kill Cersei.” Sansa smirked. “I’m working on it. How would you-” Arya grinned back. “You’re not the selfish stupid little girl I used to know.” “No……I suppose life forced me to grow up. Where did you go? After Father died, you disappeared.” ”I was in the company of the Hound, and then I sailed to Braavos. But I never could have survived what you survived. I would have tried to kill the Lannisters every day since Father….” Arya embraced her again. “I’m sorry I wasn’t there to protect you, Sansa. Please accept me into your Queensguard. I can handle myself.” “It’s quite alright. You’re here now. You sure you want to-” “I’ve never been suited to be a princess, Sansa. As much as you are suited to being queen, that’s never been the life for me.” “Very well, sister. I will find a place for you in my guard. Say your Queensguard vows within the week.” Finally, Bran spoke up. “Hello, sister.” Sansa flung herself onto Bran, and the three siblings engaged in a group hug. “Hi, Bran. I missed you so much.” “I am truly sorry”, Bran said, barely above a whisper. “I saw your wedding. I saw what the Boltons and Lannisters did. I wish I could have prevented it.” “I’m just happy you’re here now.” Sansa said, pained. The lone wolves died but the pack had managed to reunite. Arya spoke up again. “So why have you joined the North to the Dragon Bitch?” “Actually, Arya…we’re in love.” “WHAT?” Arya screeched. “I went on a diplomatic mission to negotiate an alliance against Cersei. Things happened. She courted me.” “But….you were so boy-crazy…Remember Joffrey-“ “Never say that name in my presence. I was a foolish young girl with dreams and fantasies, I admit it, but I am sure of my feelings. It never mattered that we were both women. There are far stranger traditions in her family.” “No kidding…” “You should not speak of this to the public. It could destroy everything we’ve built, the entire alliance. I am only telling you and Bran because you are family and deserve to know.” “I understand,” said Bran. “Ugh…fine, sis. I still don’t trust her. If she ever hurts you…” “I will warn her, Arya,” Sansa giggled.
A horn sounded at that moment, announcing the arrival of the rest of Jon’s united host to join the Targaryens waiting outside the city. All told, over a hundred thousand men, awaiting the signal to begin the final assault up the walls of the capital. Many among Daenerys had initially wanted to simply attack the Red Keep with Drogon, now that nearly all of Westeros had rallied to their side. but the Queen in the North advised against it. Neither her nor her girlfriend had any wish to harm innocents unnecessarily.
She could not get enough of her sexy dragon, savoring the taste of Daenerys’ skin, her soft lips, the mounds of her soft breasts pressing up against Sansa’s own. They pulled apart however when they heard someone coming. Prince Jon burst in, furious. “They lied to me! Father lied to me.” “What is going on, Jon?” Sansa asked softly. “I am Aegon Targaryen, the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark!” he shouted. “Howland Reed, Sam and Bran told me everything. Father should have told me this before I first left Winterfell. He sent me to the Wall, knowing what it was, who I really was, when I could have avenged my true family and killed Gregor Clegane.” Daenerys eyed him sympathetically. “if this is true, then I am not as alone as I once thought. It is a pain beyond what anyone should suffer through, to think you are the last remaining member of your family.” “Yet Mother and Father foolishly started a civil war, all based on a lie apparently. Rhaegar did not rape her. She went with him willingly. Thousands died for it.” Jon snarled. “How many millions might live because of the love I have for your cousin, Jon? We united Westeros and are currently marching to save it. Love is much more powerful than you think.” “We need you, Jon. I don’t care what Bran says. We were raised together. You’re my brother and heir. You are a Stark, and a Targaryen. You embody the most admirable traits of both. I need you….” Sansa finished softly. Jon broke down in tears and launched himself into his sister’s arms. “Jon, I will never lie to you. I love you. I always will. If I fall…..you need to lead Westeros to victory, as the rightful prince of our kingdom.” Jon sniffled. “I could never lead as well as you. I don’t want power. Never did. You need not worry about me pressing my claim. You are my queen, Your Grace.” “Thank you, Jon. There is something else you must know about me. Queen Daenerys and I have fallen in love. We just told Arya. I hope I have your support.” Jon did not hesitate. “It goes without saying, Your Grace, as long as she makes you happy.” At that moment, Jaime Lannister cautiously stepped inside the tent. He was stopped by the Lady Commander, who hissed “Back, Lannister, or we will kill you. Why did the guards let you pass?” “I only seek to serve the queen, Brienne. They know that.” “Bloody terrible job you did of that. She’s surrounded and soon to be dead.” “Not Cersei. Sansa. I once promised her mother I would protect her, remember? Cersei is dead to me.” He hissed hauntingly. Clearly there had been a falling out, or he was simply abandoning a lost cause. “It’s ok, Brienne.” Sansa turned away from her brother. “Let him pass.” “As you wish, Your Grace.” “Now, Ser Jaime…..why do you wish to join us? Why should we trust you?” Jaime chuckled darkly. “Half your army is savages, eunuchs, and former enemies of yours. One more won’t hurt. If you’ll have me, I’ll help lead your armies against the dead – Yes, I believe you - kill your enemies, and do whatever it takes to earn at least a small part of redemption for myself and my family.” Sansa stayed quiet, weighing her options. “Very well. Kneel, pledge you shall be loyal to me, and it shall be so. I will even grant you the Rock, should we both survive this.” “I humbly pledge my loyalty, Queen Sansa. You shall not regret this. I am humbled by your offer, and I agree to lead my people. I will take command of the Westerlanders on your flank, and lead foraging parties for food.” “See that you do, Ser Jaime.” With that, Jaime rode off to the other side of the encampment. Brienne stiffened. “Is it really wise to trust a bloody Lannister? Mere hours ago, you would have had his head on a spike, Your Grace.” “If this war has taught me anything, Brienne, it’s to forgive but never forget. Jaime Lannister tried to kill my brother. You think I don’t want to make him suffer? It is the right of a queen to punish her enemies. However, that is not the kind of queen I want to be. We’ll never get through this if I or my bannermen act out every last grudge or battle amongst ourselves.” “But-“ Prince Edmure snarled “Question your queen again, woman.” “It’s quite alright, Uncle.” He growled disapprovingly. The next morning, Sansa sent a messenger, intending to give Cersei one last chance to work out the terms of her surrender. Daenerys disagreed. “I can send Drogon to do one passover and it is likely they all will simply throw down their weapons and surrender. It’s mostly sellswords, Sansa.” “That is not the queen I wish to be, ruling through fear. If they fight for gold, they won’t want to die against nearly one hundred thousand men. I do not believe that Cersei is ready to die either. She will do whatever it takes to keep her power. I believe that means bending the knee. Even Balon Greyjoy bent his knee before Robert Baratheon.” “Yes, and then he betrayed the Baratheons.” “I know. However, has Queen Yara not reformed the ironborn and made them staunch allies of ours? I feel that the same can be done for the Lannisters.” “Very well, my love. However, if negotiations go south, we do this my way.” “Your Graces….” Arya interrupted. She eyed Daenerys warily, having never truly trusted her. “Arya? We’re about to begin the parley. Go back to your post.” “Forgive me, Your Graces. Perhaps the men could do with a speech. Last night, half the army were drunken fools, Jon included. The new arrivals also seem to have doubts about you two.” “I see. Thank you, sister. Rally the Queensguard. I will speak to them.” Sansa declared fiercely. Arya bowed and left. Before Sansa could leave, Daenerys muttered something. “D?” “I said…I love you, my wolf.” Sansa’s heart soared, and pounded in her chest. Daenerys had never said that before to her. This drop dead gorgeous bombshell loved her? It almost defied her imagination. “Oh D, I love you too, my dragon. From the moment I met you, I did.” Daenerys grinned genuinely, and gave her one last peck. Sansa then rode out to the head of her gigantic army, which had gathered outside.
Her messenger had returned and reported that there would soon be a parley from the leadership of the city’s defenders. A dozen riders came from the gate, carrying a flag of truce. Including……
“False Queen Sansa, Daenerys the Usurper, I present to you, Queen Cersei of the Iron Throne, rightful ruler of the Seven Kingdoms.” The Lannister knight snarled. “Little dove” Cersei Lannister sneered mockingly. You rose high, didn’t you? But a weakling is still a weakling. I see you brought my brother. Pity…...” “Cersei, the game is up! You must see that! Three Dragons would be difficult enough to fight, let alone Dothraki, Ironborn and Unsullied. Your sellswords and ballistas won’t stop them.” Jaime pleaded. “Qyburn assures me they are able to pierce through solid stone-“ “And It won’t stop them!” “Sansa…” Cersei sighed, ignoring her brother she had now given up for dead. “Did you really think I rode out here to issue a surrender? I did not. I only did to get a final look at my enemies, before burning them to the ground. Do you really think I would bend my knee before eunuch scum and flea bitten horselords? Before the man who murdered Father?” Sansa smiled “No, honestly I was not expecting a surrender from you. However, it does me good to see you again. You taught me much about ruling. Thank you for your lessons, Queen Cersei. I wanted you to see what those lessons have made me become.” “You can skulk back home, you little cunt!” Cersei screeched. “You can take this city, over my dead body-“(“Actually, that’s more or less the idea,” quipped Edmure)- and a pile of burning ash and stone. You think because you put a crown on your silly little murderous head, that you have become better than me? You are even more arrogant than I thought. It would be depressing, really, if it wasn’t so hilariously pathetic. Send your armies, then. I will burn them!” With that, she turned and rode off back inside. Sansa smirked, and turned to her mighty host. “I look around and much of you know me. I am Sansa Stark, rightful Queen in the North, Vale and Trident, and I fight with the rightful Queen of the South, Daenerys Stormborn. Many years ago, the Vale, North, Trident and Stormlands all rose in rebellion against a mad monarch. The Trident couldn’t have defeated the Mad King by themselves, but heroes like my father rode with them. Now, another fire obsessed monarch would have us all on our knees! We won at the Rock. We won at the Blackwater Rush. We won at Pyke. I mean to destroy once and for all, those who have favored power and greed over honor and loyalty, who slaughtered my family and gave my home to murdering, flaying cowards. One last legion of foolish men lies awaiting us inside those walls. The Golden Company.
“They fight for Cersei’s lies, trinkets and bribes. You fight for your homes, your families, your very future that will be wrested free of tyranny and slaughter. Every second we let them keep control over Queen Daenery’s lands is an abomination I cannot tolerate. Today, none of us belong to any one house or culture. Dothraki, Unsullied or Westerosi. We belong to the cause of justice, freedom and courage. To those still trapped in that city under Cersei’s tyranny, I say only this: hold on, we’re coming. I declare that on this day, madness has seen its final sunrise!” A massive cheer erupted. “RED WOLF! RED WOLF! RED WOLF!” Daenerys quickly landed beside her girlfriend. “That was one Seven Hells of a speech, Sans. You are ten times the queen I will ever be.” Sansa smiled lovingly and proudly. Daenerys took this as her signal and mounted Drogon to provide air support for the oncoming rush of artillery pounding the walls, before the first wave rushed in.
If the Lannisters feared Stannis’s attempt to do the same, they were soiling their trousers at this sight. Cersei herself stared out from the Red Keep at the seemingly endless hordes approaching her without mercy, seemingly still confident she could burn them. Sansa watched the battle with interest. Sure enough, sellswords had no reason to die for nothing and began surrendering to Sansa and Daenerys’ mighty scaled sons. Suddenly, she felt rumbling. Was the Earth itself trying to deny them victory? She felt only burning before her sister and Brienne pulled her away in time. She stared aghast at the destruction. You really did it, you mad bitch. Cersei had decided to let Sansa be queen after all, over ash, fire and dust. The wildfire ignited, swallowing the Red Keep and everything within the walls. However, none of the Dragons had been hurt, safe as they were flying overhead, and they had more than enough men for the war against the Night King “Are you alright, honey?” Sansa’s girlfriend whispered with tender care and concern, once she landed in the camp. “I am fine, D. I can’t believe she did that. But this is not over. We need to get our remaining forces to Winterfell.” “One thing at a time, honey. You got burnt a little.” She softly caressed Sansa’s cheek. “I am okay. Check for survivors. Leave a garrison behind to protect the Crownlands. Then get the men in formation, to start marching north.” Daenerys, Jon and Arya all stood before her, refusing to move, and then kneeled. What was this? “What are you doing? Stand up, please.” Daenerys then declared “Sansa Stark, our Alliance is over.” Sansa almost sobbed. They were rebelling? Leaving? Breaking up? Did Daenerys not love her? But why? They had just defeated Cersei once and for all. Cold sadness and despair was quickly replaced with burning rage for this vicious and cruel betrayal. “I formally bend the knee to you, Queen Sansa of the Seven Kingdoms, First of Her Name.” This was beyond anything Sansa ever expected. She continued sniffling and crying. “B-Bu-“ “I could think of no one better. I have made some foolish mistakes, yet you can rally together a continent. Look at them. You’re my queen, from this day until my last day.” “W-what about your dragons-” “They shall be in your Queensguard, no?” Ssnsa nodded, laughing in spite of herself. “I will never doubt you again, Daenerys. Today, in the name of freedom and humanity, we shall take our world back from the Night King!” She was truly queen of nearly everything now, with a doting sexy wife in all but name, loyally supporting her. Sure enough, the men began gathering around, a song in their hearts and fire in their bellies. They unfurled the wolf banner, letting it flow in the wind.
Their voices only cried one name. “RED WOLF! RED WOLF! RED WOLF!”
10 years later. “Did you beat the dead people, Mummy?” asked 7 year old Lyanna Stark, whom Sansa and Daenerys had adopted together into the royal court, and legitimized, alongside 6 year old Rhaenys Stark. “Yes, Mummy did, with a lot of help, especially from Mama.” Sansa wistfully explained to her daughters.
However, hurt and pain flashed across her eyes. In truth, it was a nearly hopeless battle and they only barely won at the last second before being completely overrun inside Winterfell. When the dead breached the walls, Prince Jon died on the back of Rhaegal in his final duel against the Night King, saving Sansa’s life but destroying the Night King once and for all in the process, using Longclaw which he had set on fire. Only 5000 of their original host had survived in fighting condition. The Northern fighting men were almost obliterated. Davos, Tyrion, Samwell, Thoros, Beric, Robin Arryn, Arya, Gendry and many others also didn’t make it out alive. Entire houses were lost. But she did not have the heart to admit this yet to her children. “We lost a lot of people. But we recovered and rebuilt slowly over these last 10 years. A hard-won peace, led by your mama and I.” Sansa said. “But people still want to hurt you, Mummy.” “I won’t let them, sweetling.” Daenerys took that opportunity to walk into the room. “MAMA!” the girls squealed, hugging her tightly. “Hello girls.” Daenerys smiled fondly. “How did it go, honey?” Sansa asked, regarding the two-week diplomatic mission with the Free Cities.
Over the past 10 years since the Battle of Dawn, they had taken the opportunity to slave-raid and bully the weakened houses of Westeros. The absence of Dothraki caused a massive continent-wide war between the Free Cities, Slaver’s Bay and Yi Ti, all of which attempting to reform Valyria and conquer the vacant Targaryen Sea, as it was now known. Daenerys took her dragons and routinely crushed them, however she hoped with this new landmark peace deal, they would cease their slave raids and gradually phase slavery out. “Well enough, I believe. The Essosi slavers will not trouble us for some time.” “Very well. I’m glad your home safe, wife.” Sansa smirked at her. The silverhead laughed and kissed her. Their daughters squealed in delight. “So cute! Mummy, will you tell us about the time you rode your direwolf and killed a Bolton in single combat?” Sansa laughed “What have you been telling them, D?”
They had won the war for the future of their people, Sansa thought nostalgically. They were finally safe, or as safe as they would be for a long time. Her wife, who married her shortly after Sansa changed the laws to allow it, would be her only love. She thought back to when they had first met, young and inexperienced queens desperately fighting for survival. Their alliance ultimately was the only thing that could have won the Battle of Dawn. A victory eclipsing all others and Sansa owed it all to the thousands of brave heroes who fought with her that day, for their Red Wolf, for freedom, for love, for the future of their children to come. She wondered briefly how the tales might be told a hundred, or a thousand years after her death. How would she herself be remembered? The slaughter of the Westerlanders, Karstarks and Umbers still haunted her, wishing there was another way. Tyrant? Conqueror? Hero? Failure for allowing the deaths of nearly her entire family? Just another vengeance-obsessed noble? She decided that she wanted only to be remembered as someone who loved her wife and children. The Red Wolf was never real. She was only Sansa Stark, the whole time.
The End.
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