#Hello i need some more active blogs to follow!! thankyou
Anonymous said: "No disrespect, Dad, but if you'd leave out the posting of your sex life, everyone would be all the more friendly. I could be your best friend. And I'd never discuss my personal hetero sex life. And I'd expect you to respect same."
Thankyou for the good laugh - the idea that someone could feel disturbed by me posting about my own personal sex life is pretty funny!
I can add some more of those saucy, saucy details about it right here: My favorite sexual position is the one where I am fully clothed and my partner is fully clothed and we are not having sex or thinking about sex or doing anything sexual at all. In fact, I'm so into that position that it's the only one I have been doing for most of my life.
I am asexual. I do not have sex at all. I do not want sex. I only date people who do not want sex. And yes, I post about that pretty openly. This is a blog aimed at young teenagers and I am perfectly confident and comfortable in my decision to openly share with them that I am not sexually active. It's one of the many possible ways adults can live their life and I think it's important to teach teenagers about that, so that they can later on find the way that works best for them.
And this may be a shocker for you but this is also why I would probably tell my followers just as openly if I was sexually active with my partner. Would I share a in-depth describtion of our latest lovemaking session with them? Obviously not. But just being open about the fact that some men have sex with men and that I am one of them won't emotionally disturb or overwhelm teenagers - especially not teenagers who willingly read a blog about lgbt+ topics. Knowledge is empowering and teenagers need sexual knowledge to make happy, healthy decisions for their own sex life - which may be homosexual, heterosexual or asexual! I want them to know that all of that is perfectly fine as long as you are happy with it. But again, that's hypothetical since I am not sexually active.
But if I'm allowed to make a guess: You were not actually concerned about me sharing that I do not have sex, were you? You probably knew nothing about that - you just noticed that I am a queer adult creating content for teenagers and your mind immeditaly went to "Oh no, he must be oversharing explicit details of his gay sex life". Did I get it right?
If so, then I suggest looking into that. Do you have any other misconceptions about gay men? Do you usually assume that they are acting inappropriate or even that they are predatory or a danger to kids? It's a great idea to educate yourself on lgbt+ topics or talk to us (you know, as an actual conversation, not in a condescending tone!). Maybe then we could actually be best friends (I will respect that you don't like to talk about your sex life, I promise!). Until then: I'm already perfectly content with the people who ARE friendly to me - thanks for your concern!
With all my love,
Your Tumblr Dad
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