#Holmes: Well i can't use the Edmond Dante excuse again can i?
bakerstreetdetective · 6 months
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"Perfect like always Holmes."
He missed the chance to give Mashu a Xmas gift due to being distracted and a bit under the weather. But no way is he going to miss the chance for new years as it's a couple of stuff he knows she enjoy. He put a very well decorated gift basket in front of her unit as he smirk with pride.
A Chaldea style book mark
Some of her favorite tea.
Glasses cleaner fluid and the nicest case and cloth dust can buy
and some bath bombs. God knows that girl do a lot of physical related work and can use it. Just cause she a demi servant don't mean she can't enjoy herself as Holmes about to leave.
He....still want to be a part of their lifes as their friend. Holmes complex about hurting them slowly gotten better with time and assurance from Saber. But he don't think he ready yet to face them as he head down the stairs he bump into....Mashu
Huh she sure back from the cafe early. There this silence as Holmes try to compose himself.
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Holmes take a puff of his pipe. Hmmm what should a genius detective say to get himself out of this situation since he been ghosting them (Not his fault. He have no idea how many layer of sleeper agent he in) for months and haven't REALLY had time to talked to Mashu since the whole invasion event?
Holmes put on a pair of party sun glasses on his coat pocket that say CHALDEA 2022 (his last new year with them before you know what)
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".....would it be believable if i told you i'm the assassin of Shinjuku?"
It's a poor excuse. But Holmes is glad to see Mashu look.....less stress these days. God knows she and Ritsuka need it. Not having the burden of saving the world been doing wonder for their sleep.
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