#Homeschooling isn't even a legal option where I live
edenthepanman · 2 years
I wrote this late at night and half dead from a headache so it might sound like I'm on drugs. Also, sorry for the awkward layout and lack of punctuation.
I think Sniper doesn't have a birth certificate. And I will explain why and how he dealt with it until the present.
He landed out of nowhere into the middle of the outback as we know from the comics. Living in the outskirts of (possibly) a small village means that maybe only a handful of people knew about him. I don't really see why they would bother making the documents. His parents perhaps feared that they'll get asked where they got the baby or something.
There isn't much about his school life so I'm going more on hc here. The most plausible option to me is the town's church held classes, something like church school or sunday school. I don't think the local pastor and nuns would ask you about your papers. Being accepted in there with the "I know your father" mentality. Or maybe he was homeschooled idk.
Getting out of Australia without any kind of passport surely was a challenge but not impossible. Latter in life I think he decided to not get a certificate as to stay off grid even further. He saw it as not existing in the eye of society. Basically, he doesn't legally exist.
Now you can disagree and stuff and most probably I'm completely wrong and there's something in the comics to make this theory fall apart. It would be kinda funny tho if Spy searched his files and absolutely nothing came up about him.
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