#Hopefully you're not overindulging though... >:D
lacunafiction · 1 year
i just found out Mel is Latin for the endearment "honey", and now im just blushing and kicking my feet imagining my MC trying to (emphasis on the TRYING part; she gets as flustered and stumbly as me, poor thing) make some pet-name, like Mel-Mal or something more creative, work on our beloved waiter/waitress
Oh, this ask is precious, especially with what you shared about your MC becoming flustered when trying to bestow the endearment! 🥰
The contrast of the meaning of Mel with that of Mal is kind of perfect? That juxtaposition. Plus, I can see B, and possibly a few other characters, being quietly stunned that the W would allow themself to be called that, but I won't tease too much about how W can be for the MC. They're different when it's just the two of you.
Or at least they can be. 👀
Best wishes! 💚
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spotlightlowlife · 8 months
Charlie and Lucifer have a disney counterpart
Ozzie and Bee too a little
There is a beloved and happily sidelined disney ruler who dispite having the occasional moments of power, may well be a keen candidate for 'all the fun and none of the responsibility' personified.
Who is none other than......
The Sultan of Aladdin.
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Think about it and if you're not all to familiar, know that the sultan is a friendly, goofy, cute, supportive loving little dad
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who doesn't want to 'work'. By work, I mean the dirty work that goes into being a leader. Those tough decisions that will undoubtedly be unpopular among some.
This guy leads a nation, yet right from the start, the moment Jafar, the villain, his adviser, shows up with work, the jolly sultan shows the exasperation of a child being asked about their homework.
Though when it comes to going along with his teenage daughter wishes, sweet and idealistic as they are but realistically would have repercussions, he's down for it, because his daughter is his princess and her happiness is his happiness, end of story, everyone is happy.
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He was clearly born into power.
Who was born or spawned into power?
Someone who fell into his own dimension where his mysterious, probably problematic estrained wife who married into power, thrives or thrived. He is pride, the leader of 7 sins, who runs the pride ring but dies he really? He is shown to have no pride but it's OK because he's depressed.
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Lucifer is a cute, silly little dad whose daughter is the apple of his eye and ultimately, Charlie gets what she wants, because if it makes her happy, it makes him happy.
Though like sultan he's right there as his precious daughter stands by a con artist who feels entitled to her (and the lifestyle she can provide him with clearly).
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The other 6 individuals rule their sins and namesake regions, who like Lucifer are 'nice', can too be selective over what areas of their sin they choose to acknowledge.
Valentino is pretty much Ozzie's evil, very productive twin, some sinner a micro fraction of his age.
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Bee could be a spokesperson for addiction awareness, but will she do more than speak, at the loved ones to pull an intervention?
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All whilst being the one encouraging the overindulgence.
Let us not forget two small time demons who link both Ozzie of lust and Bee of gluttony together. Substance addicted Barbiewire and Verosika. We may not have seen a lot of them but like Valentino, they achieved plenty.
Barbie can travel freely to earth using one if Ozzie's crystals in order to smuggle hard d rugs. Job made easier by seducing a teenager.
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Non-con welcoming Verosika travelled to earth to influence a load of youths with her team of fellow sexdemons.
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She also bough beeljuice along with her which caused a massive scene.
Who will regulate such frowned upon actions?
Now back to new leader and leading character of her series, Charlie.
Like sultan, Charlie has help
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in the form of someone she atleast knew to be sinister when she took him on. Someone who hardly hides his much they want what their boss has. That someone ofcourse being Alastor
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who like Jafar would be of a lower social class, work hard, gain power and influence and be willing to scheme and sleaze his way into that powerful family.
Like sultan, Charlie is happy, nice, silly, dismissive to what it doesn't suit her to address, irresponsible, is being carried along in leadership
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and is quick to see everyone as wonderful and equal without stopping to think that those who sit at the top may do something about such pushes.
Aladdin gets away with it being a family film where we follow the Alastor/Aladdin character in getting what they want, but Hazbin and Helluva, hopefully time will tackle some holes.
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