intergalacticxthief · 6 years
(( @hopelessviolinist​ ))
New York, una ciudad que no cambiaba sin importar la dimensión, tenía a un montón de gente que iba por las calles como hormigas, autos por todas partes. En todo caso, amaba ese lugar, no podía imaginarse vivir en otra ciudad, hacer las cosas diferentes, simplemente, amaba ese lugar, sin importar todas las cosas negativas que hubiera ahí.
      Tal vez, esa New York no se trataba de su ciudad, pero tenia tantas cosas parecidas que la consideraba como si lo fuera. Incluso, aprovechaba todos los momentos libres para poder salir a ver lo que había alrededor, tal como ahora, claro, lo hacia bajo el disfraz de Spider-Man.
       Tomaba un descanso lejos del barullo de las grandes e importantes calles, solo estaba sentado en el borde de uno de los edificios mientras admiraba el pasar de los autos, de la gente. Además de disfrutar la vista, tomaba algunos cuantos alimentos que estaban a su lado, bien afianzados por telarañas para evitar que el viento le hiciera una mala pasada.
       Tranquilamente miraba el lugar hasta que algo, o más bien alguien, paso delante suyo, una persona, pero esta no parecía común y corriente, esta se columpiaba. Junto a la vista, también se activo aquel sentido aracnido, no porque se trataba de alguien peligroso,más bien, se trataba de una persona como el. 
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       Sin tardar, tiro, dejo de lado su comida y se columpio a una buena velocidad para ir cerca de aquella persona  —  “ Hey hey, espera ”  — Bien pudo haber hecho el ruido de una sirena y hubiera sido más efectivo, solo esperaba que el viento no se llevará esas palabras, necesitaba que le hicieran caso y que se detuvieran para poder hablar y saber un poco de que se trataba o de quien. 
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lxnedigger · 6 years
     Como rutina semanal Averus se preparo con una guía y su canasta en búsqueda de hierbas básicas para aceites base, algunos los vendía a alquimista y los otros los usaba para experimentar con pociones el mismo. A medida que se fue adentrando en el bosque húmedo, sintió algo distinto por lo que detuvo su caminata un momento para observar su entorno por un momento.
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     -- Seguramente es otro herborista, no debería preocuparme tanto --
     Murmuro para si mismo, luego siguió su camino.
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sparkadreama · 6 years
@hopelessviolinist con. [x]
Monika hummed softly before allowing a soft sigh to leave her. “Oh, alright just one more.” She agrees placing her notebook and pencil down on the other side of her. “But after that you’re getting some rest no matter what.” Hana had been working on this project of his for the past week. Some times Monika had to remind him to eat too. Not that she could completely blame him, she tended to get absorbed into her own projects the same way as well. It was just another way that they balanced each other out. “After all, you don’t want to risk your tired mind making you pick out the wrong shot and messing up your entire project.” Not that that was very likely with how much of an amazing photographer Hana was, but still best not to chance it no matter what.
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blxckmasquerade · 6 years
hopelessviolinist ha respondido a tu publicación “SÁLVENME DE LAS CANCIONES DE CHAYANNE”
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nullcfied-moved · 6 years
@hopelessviolinist ( Hachimenroppi )
   --- Vaya un bonito día, en el que cierto detective tenía pensado una única cosa: suicidarse. Sí, tan sencillo como ir a buscar el puente más cercano y tirarse desde lo más alto. Aunque, con el camino éste se detuvo al ver a alguien sentado en el suelo, ¿estaba durmiendo? Él parpadeó y se agachó delante de él.
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    ❝ Hey, ¿estás vivo? ❞
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floofymuses-archive · 6 years
"I am not lying, I would never lie to you, Bridgette! I actually recorded it because he did it again, here," quickly retrieving his phone from his pocket, Adrien unlocked the screen and searched through his gallery, soon enough finding the video due being one of the most recent ones and pressing 'play' as he handed it to the older female.
Bridgette couldn’t believe her eyes and ears. Her hands reaching out for the phone, just to hold it for a moment to observe the video carefully. These details were important to her - Felix never spoke about her in such a manner, in front of anyone! And Adrien caught it on video - today was a victory, to say the least!
❝Adrien, you’re the best! I have no idea how to thank you – but – thank you, regardless! I’ll have to have Marinette bake you some treats or something for this-❞
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The bluenette hummed gently at the sight, soon handing the device back to the younger male. She soon bowed in respect, to appreciate the deed he had done for her. Straightening herself back up, Bridgette smiled at him, her little hair curl turning into it’s usual heart shape.
❝It’s hard to get Felix to talk about me… In any manner, really. He’s so… Quiet, he doesn’t like to talk to people unless he’s actually friends with them. I don’t really know what I am to Felix - so this… Really helps me, Adrien.❞
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sinbongja · 6 years
what would completely break your character?
{About Ray}
Breaking Ray is pretty easy...likely the easiest thing ever. It doesn’t take much to cause him to become overwhelmed and feel like hes doing nothing to help you and that he is absolutely useless. As much as he wants to be useful being told that hes not only adds points in the direction of breaking him further.
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Amai baked cupcakes for Ayano and brought a present as well, but she stopped at the mistletoe and chuckled before kissing her cheek in a friendly greeting. "Merry Christmas!" ( amame-x-mucho )
Christmas Mistletoe ll No Longer Accepting 
❥ She hadn’t really taken much notice of where she had chosen to sit by the fireplace, Ayano being her usual anti-social self and avoiding most social interactions in a party such as this one. Amai, however…she was welcome. Something about being with her was warmer to the girl’s heart than the fireplace she was sitting next to. 
Even if she hadn’t gotten over her jealousy and the occasional intrusive thought around her when she saw her getting a bit too close to Taeko for comfort….she was beginning to appreciate the type of person she was. 
She knew most of these cupcakes were going to remain uneaten before they spoiled, but she could still appreciate the sentiment and work she knew was put behind them.
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“You too, Amai-chan.” she replied, gently rubbing the side of her own cheek- as if trying to hold onto the moment. “You…you really didn’t have to get me anything, though.”
Still, it’d be rude to simply let this present sit on her lap, so she began to open it with tentative fingers…
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pxssymxtsu · 6 years
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There had been a few rumors around the small sleepy fishing town he resided in. Something lurking in the darkness. Something lurked in the surrounding forests that were on the mountains that cut the sleepy town from the rest of the hyper world. 
❝ U-um, are you lost? Didn’t you know it’s dangerous out here at night?❞
@hopelessviolinist || starter call oo2
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a-mcnarchparty · 6 years
// You won't get rid of me that easily with the spam!!! I love Hijack B)
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pacianx-blog · 6 years
— 🌿 / our muses catch themselves under a mistletoe ( With Kuro? From amame-x-mucho )
awkward first kisses |  @hopelessviolinist / @amame-x-mucho
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“Ah- ?!”
The brunette was in a bit shock, how the hell, especially in all places, it had to be here with Kuro. She didn’t know what to do in this mistletoe-isque situation, even she wasn’t.. an experience person per-say, particular in the romance category.
Either she suddenly; in hesitation, know what she had to do.. she had to quickly kiss him and run away from Kuro as possible. Naoko simply sighed under her breath, not even an minute has passed in the party that she was invited and here she was.. under a mistletoe with a guy that her friend who know since long ago who had spoken in short amount time.
“Um-, what convenient to have us under a mistletoe - huh, K-kuro-san?”
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intergalacticxthief · 6 years
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—  “ Estas hamburguesas son lo mejor, ¿no crees ? ”  —  Scott Lang, super héroe conocido alrededor del mundo como Ant-man, quien estaba como si nada en un food truck de hamburguesas muy lejos de donde normalmente se esperaba a alguien como él.
¿El motivo detrás de eso? Sencillo, no había mejor lugar de hamburguesas que en el que se encontraba, o por lo menos, no había encontrado algo tan bueno y esperaba que con aquel encuentro, conociera a otra persona que valoraba también esas hamburguesas.
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lxnedigger · 6 years
     Cuando rebloggeas un ask meme de sin y Lazy no te traiciona en el ask box(?)
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starxchosen · 6 years
|| Hit that ♥ for a starter ||
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Sometimes, Héctor found that visiting the Land of the Living was not only inspiring, but also very interesting. Being dead for so long, struggling to catch up with current times, left him feeling completely lost. Even so, he enjoyed seeing the changes that the world had gone through, though technology was at a complete unknown level with him. The idea of music, however, remained ever present in the world, no matter which places he decided to visit.
Each visit was intentionally meant to lead him somewhere new, his ever curious mind yearning for more than the last visit. The Land of the Living was such a blessing, he wondered how souls often took it for granted- how people like Ernesto had failed to cross over and visit each year. Héctor was vibrant and glowing with death’s gentle blessing of crossing; he was whistling between his teeth, a melody drifting between gaps of his jaw bones.
“Ay... aver aver. I came from... that way?” Skull tilted as he tried to retrace his steps back to the bridge, only to find he wasn’t sure where his steps were taking him. “Híjole. Are you serious? Pero I don’t even know what time it is...”
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floofymuses-archive · 6 years
‘ close your eyes and try to get some rest. ’ / Chat Noir @ Marinette
🐾 love ♥ starters || ACCEPTING || 【MEME】 🐾
❝But… Chaton… Can’t you stay for a little bit? Just… Just until I fall asleep?❞
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Marinette asked, her face flushed, though faintly, and her eyes diverting away. It was clear that she was tired - she doesn’t normally ask for these kind of things with Chat Noir. But.. The thought of just someone, other than Tikki, being there? Felt nice. And besides, there’s no harm, right? He’d be gone as soon as she’d fall asleep.
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sinbongja · 6 years
how does the image your character tries to project differ from the image they actually project?
{About Ray}
--What He Thinks--
He tries to project himself as a sweet man who only means to help. That’s all he really wants to do after all is be liked and useful! Unfortunately that fails a majority of the time as he has a lot of work to do on that front.
--How It Really Is--
God he’s a mess. He’s a big mess and he sometimes if not all the time knows that. The smallest things can set him off into a tailspin of negativity which makes those around him sometimes uncomfortable or it leads him into situations unfavorable for himself.
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