#House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis
theculturedmarxist · 1 year
Public and Racket have just published a pair of stories about a scientific cover-up and the manufacture of a major media deception, respectively, in the Covid-19 crisis. Both stories rely upon newly released documents from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which is investigating communications between the authors of the influential Nature article from March, 2020, The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2, and health officials like Drs. Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, and Jeremy Farrar.
You can read the backstory involving these documents in the two pieces linked above. The key characters are Proximal Origin co-authors Dr. Kristian Andersen, Dr. Robert Garry, Dr. Andrew Rambaut, Dr. Edward Holmes, and Dr. Ian Lipkin. Here, I thought Racket readers might benefit from a simple list of illustrations showing key exchanges. You can draw your own conclusions:
Jeremy Farrar, now of the WHO, not only edited the Nature draft, he made a key change to its most quoted line:
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Proximal Origin Co-Author Kristian Andersen makes reference to a draft being ready to “go up the chain”:
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Dr. Garry mentions that some may not like an early draft because it “allows… the nCoV may have arisen during cell culture passage in a lab (their labs).”
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Farrar will “push Nature” to get the article out “ASAP”:
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Andersen gets rejection letter from Nature, with concern about “whether such a piece would feed or quash the conspiracy theories”:
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Andersen laments that a draft doesn’t “refute a lab origin” which “must be considered as a serious scientific theory” and “not dismissed out of hand as a conspiracy theory”:
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Co-author Ian Lipkin is not only “very worried about the furin cleavage site,” but “high ups are as well, inc. intel”:
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“Close enough?” Co-authors propose cartoon image of EcoHealth Alliance’s Peter Daszak:
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Dr. Holmes: “Good idea not to mention all the other anomalies as this will make us look like loons.”
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Garry roots for Trump to “say more dumb stuff about the origins of the China virus, possibly poisoning Sino-American relations for decades,” then asks, “Does this make me a bad person?”
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Holmes on news that Lipkin has contracted Covid-19: “Well, that’s made my day.”
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Andersen “still leaning towards” cell culture hypothesis:
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“The furin would be the first thing to add for sure.”
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“Whatever has happened here, the virus has become very quickly loaded for human transition.”
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Andersen: “The presence of furin moves me a posteriori slightly more towards accidental release..”
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tearsinthemist · 2 years
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usnewsper-politics · 6 months
Trump Administration's COVID-19 Failures Exposed: Incompetence, Corruption, and Delay #delayindeclaringnationalemergency #failuresincontainingthevirus #HouseSelectSubcommitteereport #incompetenceandcorruption #TrumpAdministrationCOVID19handling
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andronetalks · 1 year
"In Their Labs": Fifteen Illuminating Passages In The Proximal Origin Chats And Emails
Zero Hedge By Tyler Durden – July 19, 2023 Authored by Matt Taibbi via Racket News, Public and Racket have just published a pair of stories about a scientific cover-up and the manufacture of a major media deception, respectively, in the Covid-19 crisis. Both stories rely upon newly released documents from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, which is investigating…
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trmpt · 2 years
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truck-fump · 2 years
Final House Covid Report Slams 'Reckless' <b>Trump</b> Administration Pandemic Response
New Post has been published on https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.yahoo.com/now/final-house-covid-report-slams-001834412.html&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjUzM2UwMTY5ZmFhZTIwMGQ6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AOvVaw2b9tfEK-8gZ7nVOZ4anR0s
Final House Covid Report Slams 'Reckless' Trump Administration Pandemic Response
After more than two years of investigation, the Democratic-led House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis released its final report …
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insideusnet · 2 years
House Panel Says Lax Screening Helped Facilitate PPP Fraud : Inside US
House Panel Says Lax Screening Helped Facilitate PPP Fraud : Inside US
WASHINGTON (AP) — Financial technology firms abdicated their responsibility to screen out fraud in applications for a federal program designed to help small businesses stay open and keep workers employed during the pandemic, a report by a House investigations panel said Thursday. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis launched its investigation of the firms in May 2021 after…
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365store · 2 years
Workers lacking paid leave quit at higher rates during pandemic, report shows
Workers lacking paid leave quit at higher rates during pandemic, report shows
Employees at some of the nation’s biggest companies who lacked sick pay or family leave quit at significantly higher rates than other workers during the pandemic, according to a congressional report released Tuesday — the latest indication of how the absence of social safety net policies in the United States affected the labor force. The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis issued…
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gwydionmisha · 2 years
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meandmybigmouth · 2 years
And you wonder why so many “SUICIDE” by covide like  patriotic duty!. crazy!
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mizelaneus · 2 years
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
Donald Trump’s response to the pandemic was not just a matter of gross incompetence but a deliberate attempt to undermine the national effort to fight COVID-19.
The preliminary report from the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis is here.
We all know how Trump tried to play down the seriousness of the pandemic from Day One.
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Trump never had it “totally under control”. Though Trump did manage to make the US #1 in COVID infections and #1 in COVID deaths.
Like Boris Johnson and some other dingbats he initially favored the discredited “herd immunity” approach.
But something that often gets overlooked is the degree of fraud and waste in the Trump Administration’s EIDL (Economic Injury Disaster Loan) program which was part of its response.
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We all remember how some people claim they voted for Trump in 2016 because he was supposedly a great businessman. 😛🤡💰 Well, Trump ran government the same way he ran Trump University, Trump Vitamins, or Trump Steaks – POORLY.
The investigation continues.
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In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Mehmet Oz—aka Dr. Oz—repeatedly emailed top-level Trump administration officials, urging them to push the ineffective malaria drug, hydroxychloroquine, to treat COVID-19 based on scant, sketchy data from a now-disgraced French researcher.
Emails from the notorious celebrity doctor were revealed for the first time Wednesday in a report from the House Select Subcommittee on the coronavirus crisis. The report, titled "A 'Knife Fight' with the FDA," delved into how the Trump administration worked to undermine, pressure, and bully the Food and Drug Administration during the pandemic.
Specifically, it unearthed how the Trump White House pressured the FDA to bend safety standards so that COVID-19 vaccines could be released before election day. It also revealed the tenacious efforts and subterfuge by top Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro and adviser Steven Hatfill to pressure the FDA into supporting the use of the debunked malaria drug. The report's title stems from a direct quote from Hatfill that the White House had a "knife fight scheduled with the FDA" over hydroxychloroquine.
Both efforts were ultimately unsuccessful—the FDA did not authorize vaccines before the election, nor did it re-authorize hydroxychloroquine after it was clear it was not effective. But the administration's actions caused lasting damage to the FDA, the country's pandemic response, and public trust, the report concludes.
"As today's report makes clear, senior Trump Administration officials undermined public health experts because they believed doing so would benefit the former President politically—plotting covertly with known conspiracy theorists to dangerously push a disproven coronavirus treatment, bullying FDA to change its vaccine guidance, and advocating for federal investigations into those who stood in their way," Select Subcommittee chair Rep. James Clyburn (D-S.C.) said in a press statement. "These assaults on our nation's public health institutions undermined the nation's coronavirus response—and are precisely why we must never again settle for leaders who prioritize politics over keeping Americans safe."
But before Navarro and Hatfill spearheaded efforts and "work from the shadows" to champion a junk COVID-19 remedy, there was Dr. Oz, who was equally eager to promote the unproven treatment.
Oz, who has a long history of peddling unproven treatments and health scams, was quick to jump on the hydroxychloroquine train. Days after the small, dubious French study—led by a now-disgraced microbiologist—suggested that hydroxychloroquine was 100% effective at treating COVID-19, Oz sent emails to Trump White House Coronavirus Response Coordinator Deborah Birx and Trump's son-in-law and White House senior adviser, Jared Kushner, pushing for hydroxychloroquine.
On March 22, Oz sent Birx a series of emails complaining about a "coronavirus drug shortage" and prodding her to help expand access to hydroxychloroquine. He also claimed that the drug had "confirmed clinical benefits." The next day, Oz emailed Kushner, saying that Trump should "push academic centers to move more expeditiously" on hydroxychloroquine trials. Kushner responded, "What do u[sic] recommend to speed it up?"
In those emails, Oz mentioned plans to run a clinical trial of hydroxychloroquine with his own money. Earlier this year, a representative for Oz confirmed to the New York Post that Oz spent nearly $9,000 of his money to buy more than 2,000 hydroxychloroquine tablets in 2020. And he was reportedly prepared to spend $250,000 to fund a clinical trial at Columbia University.
On March 28, Oz emailed Birx again about the French study. Birx forwarded his message to then-FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn with the note, "We should talk." That same day, the FDA granted a controversial emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, allowing use against COVID-19.
In June, the FDA reversed the decision, sending Navarro and Hatfill on an unsuccessful mission to get hydroxychloroquine reauthorized. And numerous studies have subsequently found the drug ineffective and potentially harmful for treating COVID-19 patients.
Oz, a crudité aficionado who is now running as a Republican Senate candidate for Pennsylvania, ultimately scrapped the hydroxychloroquine clinical trial idea and reportedly donated the pills to an unnamed hospital.
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bighermie · 2 years
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trmpt · 2 years
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truck-fump · 2 years
House Report Exposes Trump's Efforts To Politicize The CDC, COVID-19 Guidance
New Post has been published on https://truckfump.life/2022/10/18/house-covid-report-cdc-trump-white-house_n_634e8886e4b0b7f89f5a7feb/
House Report Exposes Trump's Efforts To Politicize The CDC, COVID-19 Guidance
The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis said Donald Trump’s administration tried to “compromise the scientific integrity” of the health agency.
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