#Hunter x5 fanfiction
sidmjkgc · 11 months
Ok but, real talk about Loki for a minute.
I love Loki in every version, every universe: from Marvel comics to movies, netflix tv show, when he's barely there in a viking show, in Norse mythology, in every single one of your fanart and fanfiction.
Loki is a character that cannot be contained in a single box. Both as fictional character and Norse God, he has so many layers, so many completely different characteristics that sometimes are in direct contrast between each other. Tom Hiddleston said it better: "What I like about playing Loki is he plays all the keys on the piano. He could be fun comedic but also volatile and angry."
Loki is a trickster God, playful and mischievous, mean at times and loving at other, always out of the box. Every portrait of Loki, every version, it's the same Loki from a different angle, under a different light. This is what a I love the most about him, that he's chaos, he's a rebel, he's a weirdo, he's the God of the Outcasts.
I read "Thor and Loki, Blood Brothers" a couple of years priors the Marvel movies. I fell in love with that Loki, the old one, the one so in love with his brother he wanted to kill him because Thor wasn't loving him back. Loki the loser, Loki the person everybody hates, Loki the mean one, Loki that will never win or be loved no matter what. I felt it so deeply in my soul, I was scared to watch the movies, scared they would treat him wrong, they would make a caricature. I trusted Tom Hiddleston, and I was right. He knew the character, he loved the character, he understood Loki. And in the end, he played a version of Loki that has been so loved by everyone they kept calling him back.
It's been fourteen years of his life. Fourteen years is a lot. He played him in six different movies and a tv show, various different writers and directors, various different stories and layers. Going into the last episode of season 02 the other night, I knew it was going to be the last time I would see this Loki, the Tom Hiddleston Loki. I was prepared to see him die, again. "Worst case scenarios, the last shot he is in Valhalla, dead and gone" I thought.
You see, Loki is multi faced, he cannot be contained, he is a trickster after all. But every version of Loki has a couple of key elements that are sadly stuck with him and his destiny: everybody thinks of him as the villain, he's going to start Ragnarok and destruction, he is destined to lose or die in the process.
But this is not true for the God of Stories.
Loki God of Stories originated in the comic Agent of Asgard, at the very end of the comic, after many adventures and a bit of death. It's the Loki that says "fuck it, I won't follow your fate anymore, I'll create my own". And he does. And he's not a loser anymore, he's the one creating stories, his own and everyone else's. Other Gods included.
The series is heavily inspired by this comic, especially the second season, but I think we got it wrong. Or maybe this is one version of seeing it, one Loki under a different light.
We have Mobius, He Who Remains and Hunter X5 all saying to Loki that he's a villain, he will always be a villain, he was born to create suffering and pain, that his destiny is to lose and so that others can achieve the best versions of themselves. Even Sylvie asks him if Lokis are destined to lose and die, that's all they have ever known. Loki is destined to lose so that others will have a bright future:
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It's what the All Mothers do to Loki in the comic as well: they lied to him, told him he had a chance, a possibility to change, but in reality he was already stuck in the same loop, being a villain again and again. That's what King Loki (or Future Loki) thinks of himself: no matter how many times he tries to change, he will always be the same.
And then we have Sylvie, stating right away that she's not a Loki anymore. Sylvie is determined to have her own life, her own choices, her own story. She wants free will, for everyone, brake the chains of destiny.
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She is not the Goddess of Stories, though, but she is definitely done playing that game. In a way, she's far ahead of Loki in his own story.
Back to the Loki we are more familiar with. In the tv show he learns to control his time slipping, learns to control time itself. Now he can rewrite the story, he can write his own: he has now become the God of Stories, he has now become the most powerful being.
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So powerful he can literally hold life and time of the entire universe in his hands, branches that turn into Yggdrasill, the Tree of Life, the tree that holds the worlds, and at the centre of it there's Loki.
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It's bittersweet, yes. It's sad to think that this is the last time will probably see Tom Hiddleston playing Loki. Let's face it, it was going to happen, and I'd rather see this than see him die, again. Because "That's the thing about story... They have to end to mean anything" and he "can't be Loki forever".
And what a powerful end, anyway. Loki, the god of lies, god of chaos, god of mischief, god of the outcasts, god of everything that's weird, the god that was destined to start Ragnarok, to bring death and destruction everywhere he goes, the god who's only fate was to destroy the world and end it... He's now the Tree of Life, he is the one sitting in the middle of Yggdrasill looking over all of us.
And as for Sylvie, where is she gonna go?
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Anywhere, really. Her story is open ended. She can open a time door, or maybe grab a sharpie and draw a door with "next" written over, and finally write her own story, while Loki watches over her. In a way, she has become the Goddess of Stories herself, she's just gonna start writing her own.
I don't think we will see her again. The series was meant to have only two seasons. Maybe Marvel will pick her up once again, give it a shot at a third season, maybe have her in a movie somewhere, maybe a comic? I doubt it given how much hate she had to face thanks to a fanbase that truly hates all the female characters. But who knows?
What I do know is that fandom exists. Maybe we won't see them on our screen anytime soon or ever again, but we can write about them, create as many stories as possibile and make the God and Goddess of Stories proud of us.
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stag-garden · 8 years
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[An Introduction:]
[Secondary Moderator, just call me Mary Sue Hunter Zero, back again this time with a pretty big catch. An OC/Fanfic that's pretty long, drawn out, boring, canon breaking and shitty. And from DeviantArt. Let's get started my dudes. As always, anything not in brackets is the OC info taken from the author.]
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[Anyway, let’s get this show on the road. Since my cohort Sonico isn’t too versed in the Mega Man series, I’ll take over for this round.]
(S: Though I will be here for some history lessons and further torture.)
MMX fancharacter: Solid - Complete Character Sheet
[Solid. Not the worst name, I suppose.]
[There gonna be a test at the end?]
There is a distinction between consciousness-copying and brain-uploading. Brain-uploading means uploading the entire person; consciousness, memories, etc. Consciousness-copying is merely harnessing the consciousness and nothing more. [That’s not in the X series, my dude, what?]
MMX Command Mission and the Elf Wars (Consequently, MMZ) do not take place within the same timeline. MMX Command Mission leads to a pseudo-ZX where human-reploid equality is slowly reached without the chaos that was the Elf Wars and MMZ. In this timeline, the Elf Wars and consequently, MMZ onwards never happened. [ZX literally cannot happen with the Zero series, excuse me? Also, a human Reploid cannot exist because the idea behind Reploids is to make them human like. There’s no point to combine them. There are humans with altered DNA, ala Ciel, but continue.]
In regards to the pseudo-ZX ending, the equality between both species were achieved using the human robotization experiment (To make robotic parts for humans) and the data the professors got from Solid, enabling them to create reploids who will live for as long as the average human. [Calm down Eggman, this ain’t the Archie comics. Reploids are robots so they’d last as well as they were built. And maybe tell us about Solid first, yeah?]
According to headcanon, MMX4 is at least 20 years after X3, X7 is 10 years after X6, and the time between X7 and X8 is 7 years. According to canon, X5 is several months after X4, and X6 is three weeks after X5. [How is this info relevant?]
As for MMX4, it proceeded differently. [Oh boy changing canon gets you no sympathy for me.] Repliforce disarmed and then united with the Maverick Hunters who defeated Sigma. [THE ENTIRE PLOT OF X4 REVOLVES AROUND THE OPPOSITE OF THIS] But they came back to be greeted by the humans announcing that after the Sky Lagoon incident, the number of reploids will be reduced, starting from retiring the whole of Repliforce. [That’s fucking stupid, Magma Dragoon, who caused the Sky Lagoon colony to crash, was working for Sigma, he was clearly acting separate of Repliforce and was classified as Maverick.] Repliforce itself rebelled, and decided to create a world of only reploids through genocide. [REPLIFORCE DOESN’T EVEN HATE HUMANS. And that’s fucking edgy, really? Genocide?] Horrified by this, Iris defects to the Hunters and survives X4. However, Colonel and General do not. [The Colonel and General were nice people who were wrongly accused of the Sky Lagoon incident. They left Earth to from a colony of only Reploids so they could live in PEACE.]
In regards to Sigma's progression in this universe:
[Here we fuckin’ go.]
Sigma used the chaos caused by the virus to kickstart his own agenda in MHX. [Maverick Hunter X (PSP) was intended to restart the series canon alongside Mega Man Powered Up. MHX has too many inconsistencies with the original X series.] But over time, the virus consumes him. [The only correct statement so far.] Sigma didn't get infected at first, but eventually he got infected. However, instead of succumbing to Wily's possession or outright shooing him out of his body, the two decided to cooperate. [What.] This is why Sigma kept coming back; Wily kept rebuilding him. [Wily is fucking dead.]
However, after cooperating in X2 and X3 (Wily rebuilt Sigma after X1, X2, and X3), Sigma shooed Wily away because his cooperation with Wily wasn't giving him what he wanted. Wily left him anyways because he wasn't satisfied with Sigma losing to the Hunters twice after their cooperation, and decided to go convince Zero to obey him, believing that Zero will lead him to victory. [WILY WAS AN OLD MAN WHO WAS ALIVE OVER 100 YEARS AGO HE’S DEAD] That's why Zero got his nightmares prior to X4, and not, say, in X2 or something. And as for X4, Sigma masterminded it all on his own. [That’s not how Zero’s nightmares worked you hack and he didn’t suddenly decide to fight X in X4, either.]
Sigma was completely destroyed in X5 (Sigma was rebuilt before X5 by some remnants of the Repliforce), along with all semblance of his personality. [Repliforce was long gone by X5.]
Gate found Zero's remains (Which had absorbed the virus, but Zero didn't end up awakening), and Wily convinced Gate to work with him like what happened with Sigma. [HE’S. DEAD.] But Wily didn't mutate Gate's electronic brain into a virus, unlike what he did to Sigma, instead convincing Gate to build him a physical body, hence Isoc's existence. [This is shit. All of it.] This results in Gate developing the Nightmare virus, which is basically a variation of the Maverick/Sigma virus with a different name and a physical "syringe" to infect reploids with. [THE NIGHTMARE VIRUS WAS A MUTATION OF THE MAVERICK VIRUS AND THAT’S IT. Matter of fact the “Nightmare Virus” doesn’t exist, the Maverick Virus mutated into the Zero Virus. “The Nightmare” was a series of unnatural anomalies on the planet. The Nightmare Virus is from the Battle Network series, you hack.] Isoc/Wily convinced Gate to rebuild Sigma's body for Wily's purposes, but Sigma/Wily's new body was unfinished by the time X and Zero confront Gate. [D.E.A.D.]
After X6, Wily, in a copy of Sigma's body, started calling himself "the Professor", content to be able to have his own body and his own identity instead of sharing a body with Sigma, or inhabiting the less-powerful body that was Isoc. At this point, he was free to get X's data to destroy him and "finally defeat Thomas Light", and get Zero's data to reclaim him. [All of this is based on the fact that a DEAD character from 100 years ago is alive, what does that tell you?]
In X7, Wily's "Sigma" body was completely destroyed, and Wily's consciousness left to wander around to infect any infect-able reploids. [Wily was a human, he literally cannot do any of this.] However, between X7 and X8 (MMXP), [There is no in between ‘Mega Man X-Treme’ game and I will not acknowledge your hack fanfiction.] Wily's distant relative, Rosa "Rho" Wily meets up with Zero. [Adding family members to canon characters, get fucked.] Given that the (currently-passive, which means not infectious) core is inside Zero's electronic brain, she communicated with Dr. Albert Wily and convinced him to move on to the afterlife, effectively eradicating the Maverick virus out of existence. [What the actual fuck.]
Then, if Sigma was completely dead after X5 and Wily had moved on to the afterlife before X8, why did the X8 reploids go maverick? Where did Sigma come from in X8? [None of the Boss characters in X8 were Maverick.]
Sigma, in X8, was simply a puppet leader rebuilt by Lumine, and manipulated into believing that the New-Gens are his "children", so that Lumine can use him as a puppet leader to mask his true role in the rebellion. [The can technically be called Sigma’s children as he himself reveals all of the X8 New Generation Reploids have his DNA within them and can literally become Sigma; Hence: Copy Sigma.]
The Maverick virus is Wily's consciousness, digitized. This is why every robot infected with the virus goes insane; it was the result of the struggle to keep their body and get Wily's will off them. [NO IT’S NOT FUCK OFF] It was inside Zero, because Wily wanted to use Zero as his manservant to continue his purpose of "defeating Thomas Light". [Second correct statement] But Zero was so uncontrollable that Wily decided to use Zero as a "robot body" instead. [He sealed him in a capsule, not to transfer his consciousness.] The virus left Zero when Sigma knocked his head crystal, giving Zero a chance to live as himself. [Third correct statement.] Zero "awakened" in X5 after too much exposure to the virus because Wily finally got to him and convinced him of his true purpose. [In canon, this is the noncanon route to the bad ending. So it’s wrong.]
NAME: Solid [Not bad, like I said before.]
SERIAL NUMBER: WLC μ-x-0 (Wily Light Collaboration Mu-x-0) [Wily and Light haven’t collaborated IN YEARS. BEFORE THE ORIGINAL MEGA MAN. And Light especially wouldn’t make a broken robot.]
SPECIES: Brain-uploaded reploid with broken limiters. [The fuck?] As a result, her body is built to accommodate the massive energy from the human consciousness and therefore more durable than most reploids. [I’m sorry, what the fuck?] The energy, coupled with the broken limiters grants her high defenses and massive raw power. However, fighting eats away at her lifespan. [So she’s Ray from Mighty Number 9.]
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Neutral [FUCK Here we go.]
WEAPON/S: Claws (main), [Ugh.] martial arts (other main, used when claws don’t work as well in the situation) [Mainly Chinese], Chinese dao (backup). [The Fuck, martial Arts?]
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(S: This is a Chinese Dao. It is technically a broadsword, but it is considered one of the four traditional weapons of China. The other three are the qiang (spear), jian (sword), and the gun (staff). Records of its existence date back to the Shang Dynasty, China’s bronze age. Essentially, Solid is using a single-edged antique sword in a world where her enemies are not only covered in metal, but weapons made from lasers are common. Long story short, she’s an idiot.)
Main weapons are backed with brute strength coming from the energy originating from human consciousness. [WHAT DOES THAT MEAN] She lacks a variable copying system or a copy chip, [The only OP ability she SHOULD’VE had.] and can only utilize the elements upon gaining new weapons from defeated Mavericks (Same/similar moves, different element). [So you DID play the Zero series.]
She can't gain any other powers/be upgraded by the Maverick Hunters because her body is different; it's her robotized human body, [Fuck off with that Sonic shit, the Archie comic crossovers already sucked shit.] with a few twists to accommodate her human consciousness energy, and therefore, her biology is too different to be upgraded; they can repair her fully, but can't upgrade her. [IF THEY CAN REPAIR HER FULLY THEY MUST BE ABLE TO UPGRADE HER] Therefore, she is stuck with her brute strength and had to figure out how to utilize it to a maximum and think of creative ways to use and control it.
CREATOR: Two professors from the Light and Wily families [THE REASON LIGHT AND WILY CREATED THEIR ROBO FAMILIES IS BECAUSE THEY COULDN’T HAVE REGULAR FAMILIES. On Wily’s side, Bass was a combat robot, but he created Reggae because he was lonely. And that didn’t work out.]
BIRTHDAY: 21 September (Human), uploading process began a few weeks before Lambda's success is verified, at 20 years old (Sometime in the beginning of December), date of completion unspecified [Are you telling me no one logged whatever procedure she went through?]
HEIGHT: 150 cm (4' 11")
PERSONAL THEME SONG: BORN (Okuda Miwako) [This song does not fit with X’s music style.]
Armour: Black Devil armour, [Crawling in my armor. These malfunctions, they will not repair.] a dark blue-and-black set of heavy armour meant to accommodate her fighting style and missions. It will later be modified to make the Genbu/Black Tortoise Armour (It looks the same, though), that controls her energy output capabilities; decreasing her offense and increasing her defense to slow the deterioriation of her body. [I THOUGHT SHE COULDN’T BE UPGRADED]
Rank: Special A (Member of the 9th Special Forces Unit) before retirement [What happened to chaotic neutral? And fuck off, X is classified as a B-Class Hunter, what has this character done to earn A Rank?]
Social status:
A person of few associates outside of her unit, due to her introversion and shyness; [Mar Rei Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue] most of the time, she wouldn’t talk unless talked to, and she tends to keep conversations short.
People know her name due to her position, but they don't know anything much outside of that. [Mysterious, amirite?]
She is regarded highly by her superiors as an officer due to her near-unquestioning obedience and compliance to the law; they have no problems assigning her to jobs no one would willingly take. [That is literally what X, Zero and Axl do. The tough jobs. And Green Biker Dude. Rip that guy.]
Current Character State – Opinions on Story-Related Issues
The opinions stated below are kept to herself and people close to her, due to their controversial nature in-universe.
(Assuming the mavericks aren’t infected, instead being “freedom fighters” [The ‘Freedom Fighters’ were still threats to humanity and Reploids, thus, Maverick.] with a cause (See: Repliforce (X4), Lumine (X8), The Rebellion (XCM))
Solid knows what she's doing is "heartless" because she's maintaining the flawed status quo because it benefits her. [Protecting the innocent?] However, her whole life is at stake, being a long-time maverick hunter. [Maverick Hunters aren’t the fucking Mafia.] So she knows it is, in a way, morally wrong, but it's for the sake of survival... The Mavericks are doing morally wrong things (Endangering citizens in their fight for freedom) [EXACTLY] for their own sake too, so she feels they have no place to call her out, like she has no place to call them out. It’s a struggle between government task forces who keep the peace for better and for worse and freedom fighters who cause chaos, endangering civilians for the sake of the greater good. [Their ‘Greater Good’ 9 times out of 10 is Sigma’s agenda.]
In the end, to her it's just a struggle between elephants who don't want to lose their feeding grounds, with the helpless smaller animals caught in the middle. [The fuck?]
She doesn’t think that maverick hunters are warriors of justice, instead thinking of them as “government-sanctioned murderers” in order to cope with the fact that she’s killing people (Referring to uninfected mavericks). [It’s another “My character is cynical and sees the world for how it really is” Episode.]
Maverick hunters are not all bad; they're protecting the civilians and their daily lives, human and reploid. But they're not entirely heroes of justice either; they're the government's over-glorified executioners… [MAVERICKS ARE LITERALLY TERRORISTS WHO KILL PEOPLE. SEE: SKY LAGOON] with a reasonable reason to exist. They keep the peace for civilians who can’t fight, but as government task forces, they are restricted to their jobs and can’t listen to what the freedom fighters have to say or help in other ways… [MAVERICK HUNTERS HELP WITH RECREATION AND OTHER THINGS YOU DUMB BASTARD] And these freedom fighters have a point on occasion, due to the existing human-reploid racism. [THAT WAS NEVER IN ANY OF THE GAMES YOU HACK.]
Ultimately, she acknowledges both sides of the coin to cope with the truth. However, she constantly reminds herself that her job allows her to protect civilians, who just want to live another day. But she also reminds herself that from the start, she joined the Maverick Hunters for whatever she’d get from it; board and paycheck. [MY CHARACTER IS TOTALLY CYNICAL GUYS]
She would like to retire if possible—she doesn’t want to have to kill people [MAVERICKS ARE INSANE MURDERERS AND ALSO ROBOTS] just to make a living, even though it’s technically legal for her to do so, because she’s working for a government task force. [Stop calling them that you Edge lord.] However, as the Black Devil, [FUCK That’s Edgy.] she was already too important to leave. [Unwarranted Self Importance.] But she just tries to do a good job, and hope there will be an opportunity for her to retire without the crime rate skyrocketing like what happened with X. [Excuse me, what?]
The world is packed with lies and half-truths, and there’s no way to escape them. Humanity can be disgusting as a whole, but individuals and their daily lives are beautiful and worth protecting.
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“Is the world so cruel because its beauty is soiled by cruelty, or is it so beautiful because its beauty perseveres in spite of the cruelty?” She does acknowledge both, but she does not have much of an attachment to the world.
[Fuck. Off. This is painful.]
The world is composed of the people living in it and whatever they have made. It is impossible for a single person to change the world, because for the world to change, it must accept the change. [X. LITERALLY. CHANGED. THE. WORLD. BY. EXISTING.] Usually, for the world to change without much chaos, evolution is required instead of revolution, but it appears Maverick freedom fighters are mistaking revolution for evolution: Evolution is a slow change without much chaos, while revolution is a fast, chaotic change.
[What philosophy book did you rip this from?]
Current Character State – Core Aspects of Personality
“There will be misery, but whose? Not mine.” [Hello Darkness, my old friend.]
Solid knows that whatever she does or chooses there will be someone who is impacted. When she takes chances (Like promotions), she is taking a chance that would have belonged to someone else. Whoever she kills on the job, someone somewhere may be mourning over the death. Even if no one does, the retired reploid was still “miserable”, in a way. Therefore, she decides to do whatever she wants and achieve whatever she wants. [Ugh. This is fucking awful. The Internet is for people over 18.]
“The law is created for a reason….” [And Mavericks break this law, so blow ‘em up and get their power.]
…therefore, if there is no need for the law to fulfill the reason, or the law no longer accommodates the reason, there is no need for compliance. But she does understand the value of the law. In accordance to this statement, Solid complies with the law without questioning. She never really breaks the law or does anything risky, due to her fear of getting into trouble. [Again. What does any of this mean.]
Introversion. [What’s up Tsun-Chan?]
She was always an introvert, and her introversion gets even more prominent after outliving her friends. These parts of her also play a part of her being left out by the hunters in social circles; she’s not willing to step in. However, this means that once she forms a relationship, it is a close one. [A cold Tsundere waiting for the perfect guy to melt her icy heart.]
Tendency to hide things.
Her tendency to hide things gets in the way of relationships on occasion.
Unwillingness to live a life as long as a reploid’s. [Then what was the bit about outliving her friends?]
After a conga line of misery, [2EDGY4ME] she has a low threshold of increase in long-term suffering; therefore, she doesn’t want to live a long life, because everything, good things or bad things, will pass. Even though misery will disappear and joy will come to take its place, she can only take the rollercoaster that is life for so long.
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A peaceful person…. Who isn’t afraid to fight if necessary. [Get it? Because her power is brute strength? Irony.]
Her troubled past life as a human taught her how valuable peace is, and thus she is a gentle person who would rather finish confrontations civilly, or outright avoid them. She doesn’t like hurting people, nor does she like getting hurt either, so she is used to negotiating. However, there are confrontations that can’t be solved peacefully and she isn’t afraid to fight when such occasions occur. In accordance to being a peaceful person, she tries her best to make peace with whatever is around her, which leads to…..
Understanding and forgiving.
She acknowledges that everyone has a reason to do something, and tries her best to understand whatever it is for the sake of her own inner peace. She understands how painful guilt can be, and consequently she grows into a forgiving person, although she does make exceptions.
[This is fine, I guess.]
She does whatever she can to solve her problems in order to make sure things get better for her. She does her best to never give up, unless she’s dealing with problems that are too minor that solving them is more troublesome than it is worth. Even if she does feel down, she will pick herself up and solve the problem.
“Whatever I do consciously, I do for a reason.”
She acknowledges that people have good reasons to make their decisions, and tries to understand them as well as she could. Consequently, she makes sure she can back up her decisions to at least herself whenever she does make one.
“Soil your hands now to survive so you can live on to redeem yourself later.”
She is willing to perform unsavoury acts (Example: Lying) to survive unforgiving environments and live on to become a better person in the future. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t feel guilty; she does. But she represses it and confronts it when she has the room to do so. However, she doesn’t open up easily, therefore most people misunderstands her actions…. Although it’s her fault for not bothering to communicate it well.
Lively and fun-loving.
…At least, in private. Because being happy feels good, and it’s even better to be able to spread it. Of course, she does recognize the limits in regards to acting out on this trait. But this is a double-edged trait since she doesn't like to continue living if a long life becomes agonizing.
[Like Batman’s Two Face. Ready to die in one second, loving life in another.]
For a long time, she is used to being the only one to “cover her back”. Therefore, she rarely does favours for people who aren’t close enough to her unless she has too much to give. She does like helping people, but is selective in regards to who she helps; either because they might bite her hand and/or there are other people already helping them and/or because they can’t/don’t want to be saved. Therefore, she takes care of herself and her loved ones…. And nothing much else. Consequently, she minds her own business most of the time. However….
Has much to give when she does give.
When she opens her heart to someone, she pours as much of it as she could. When she does care about someone, she cares deeply about them, wanting them to be happy. She would do anything in her power to protect what’s precious to her, and it includes certain people. To her, happiness includes having the people she cares about happy, too.
A loving person.
In spite of her brutality on-duty, she is more of a lover than a fighter, although she can fight when the situation calls for it. In private, she is caring and affectionate. That said, she isn’t afraid of dishing out pain towards people she really cares about if it will improve the situation in the long run, and will communicate the purpose as clearly as she can when she does it to make sure her behaviour is understood.
[It’s just run of the mill Mary Sue shit, what can I say, lads?]
Overestimates how much her body can take. [Goku she ain’t.]
She grew up as a human, and getting a reploid body slightly warps her perception of the severity of injuries as she gets used to having a reploid body, albeit one closer to a human body…. And more durable than the average reploid body.
“A man chooses…a slave obeys. Then what is someone who chooses to obey? Personally, I think that person is still a man. The obedience is their choice.”
[Oh hey, it’s Andrew Ryan from Bioshock.]
“Some things are too precious for the world. Too precious for our sinful minds to handle.”
[“Precious Cinnamon Roll”]
“Everyone is equally precious, but only a few people actually matter to us. Therefore, I’ll just protect what matters to me.”
"You see, everyone wants to be a hero. Everyone wants to be able to be strong enough to save the world. But not everyone gets to be. In fact, no one gets to be the single most powerful person who can change the world. [X and Zero. :^)] Me included. But I want to save anyone I can, and want to save, when it is within my power to do so.”
"We can influence someone's decision... But in the end, it's theirs to make. And we can't veto it unless they allow us to."
“We live in a world full of lies and half-truths. There's no escaping it. If I go into another way to make ends meet, I'd have to dive into lies and half-truths either.”
“There will be misery, but whose? Not mine, that’s for sure. At least, that’s what I’d like to think.”
“I just want to live and die with a big grin plastered on my face. I just want to be happy. It’s hard enough to achieve, so that’s all the desires I can carry with me at all times.” [A quote by Son D. Naruto.]
“Soil your hands now to survive so you can live on to redeem yourself later.”
“No one can change the world alone, no matter who they are. Because the world is the people, and the systems that those people created, accepted, and used, even though they might not be reasonable. The world changes itself, because we are all part of the world, even agents of change. Eventually, the world will have to accept that change in order to change. If they don't accept it, however good the change sounds, things stay as it is. The hard part is that we can't force them to."
“I’m not the agent of change that people’s looking for. I’m too selfish to sacrifice what I want, and what I already have, to tackle, or become a spearhead for a cause. But I don’t care. Someone, somewhere, is gonna do it. Meanwhile, I’ll be here doing my best, as always.”
“One lesson I learned after spending so much time being the only one covering my own ass… There are always two choices: Either you get up, fight, get hurt and win, or lie down and die. When there’s no one there to support you while you’re crying and vulnerable, turn all the sorrow into pure unadulterated rage so you can prop yourself up and kill the problem. Then cry your heart out when it’s all over. Problem is, I never got around to crying my heart out. Told myself I didn’t have to. I regret that last part.”
“Some people say you become a different person at work. Maverick hunting is one of those jobs where you definitely have to do so.”
“Aren't we all just ghosts possessing a body?” [What]
“I like myself enough, but it doesn’t mean I can force someone else to… And vice versa.”
"I won't pretend that I'm a saint, or the kindest person in the world. I won't even pretend that I'm kinder and holier than I actually am. I may be unique because I'm a person, but because I am a person, just like everybody else, I am imperfect and flawed, just like everybody else."
After MMX3, many people had proposed their solutions on the Maverick problem, among other things such as proposal on improvements. The government and private investors had supported the first attempts, but they gradually stopped the support as more and more people try and fail, and consequently spent the funds in vain. From that point on, the government required people to register their attempts in accordance to the law, but funding will not be given, and the parties registering will only be compensated upon success.
A pair of scientists from the Light and Wily families, White Light and Rosa "Rho" Wily, [Fuck. Off.] respectively decided to do long-term research after that point in order to remove bad blood between the families and lift the stigma off their own families (Wily for the whole MMC conga line [Again with the conga lines?] of crises and Light for being suspected of incompetence in regards to the Maverick problem), [DR. LIGHT LITERALLY CREATED THE PRECURSOR TO REPLOIDS] solve the Maverick problem and improve existing reploids/solve existing problems in regards to the current models.
The main problem besides the Maverick problem is that there are so many functions that a robot can have, but one reploid can only serve a fraction of it, thus if reploids are to be a "race of humanity helpers", much effort has to be made to design and make many models. This is VERY costly. [Reploids can do a number of jobs. Mechaniloids are the specialized robots for the stuff like construction.]
In order to solve the aforementioned problem, both scientists decided to remake and improve the Copy Robot. Meanwhile, for the Maverick problem, they came up with the idea of uploading/replicating the human consciousness. [No. They. Did. Not.] As a side research, they decided to attempt to robotize the human body.
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The robotization was the first to be completed, and the profits and government compensation helped raise funds for the other two experiments, along with their shares and other patents.
Rho and White decided to prioritize the Copy Robot experiment. They tried several things in regards to developing the right anatomy, but the tries all failed until λ-x-1. In regards to failed reploids, they decided to approach the situation as humanely as possible; retire them quickly. They only have so much resources, and they can’t spend them on failed reploids that are of no use to them.
SUCCESSFUL PROTOTYPES FROM THIS EXPERIMENT (All of their numbers are preceded with WLC; short for Wily Light Collaboration):
One prototype before Lambda; a successful result of full human robotization. Was released by the professors at their own request in order to live their own life. Ends up deceased after MMX5; either after going Maverick, infected by the Nightmare virus during MMX6, being killed by a Maverick or due to the Eurasia crash. [I… I think this a character from a completely different fanfiction…]
λ-x-1/Lambda-x-1 (Axl) Finished on November 11. His new name is his serial number misread by Red. [NO. YOU WILL NOT RETCON A CANON CHARACTER’S BACKSTORY YOU HACK.] Snipe Anteator corrects him that the first character is the Greek letter lambda instead of a fancy capital "A”, but Axl insisted on the misread name, because he liked it better. Was able to tap on the ability to partial-shift (Changing only part of his body instead of the whole body) after joining the Maverick Hunters and attempting to come up with new ways to utilize his limited shapeshifting ability. This ability was deemed a key finding by the professors when they rediscovered him. [Ugh.]
μ-x-0/Mu-x-0 (Solid) Robotized at 20 years old, a few weeks after Lambda's success is verified. She gets “0” as her number because she has no experiments attached to her creation. [Right. Whatever.]
(S:Take 10, Zero.)
ν-z-4/Nu-z-4 (Lumine. Initially supposed to be ν-x-1, a perfect replica of Lambda made to replace Lambda after Lambda’s disappearance. Was not finished by the time Lambda was found, in which case the professors were able to move onto another experiment after acquiring the successful copy chip result.) [More shit retconning.]
Her family economy was thrown into jeopardy after the attack on Sky Lagoon and the riots related to it in X4, Solid decided to apply for the experimentation in order to prevent her family’s standard of living from falling significantly. Her payments are similar to payments received by human pharmaceutical lab rats; a huge fee per month.
She complied with the first method, which didn’t work. The attempt to copy her consciousness safely worked; however, only the original copy remained potent. Its derivatives lose its potency. The original copy was lost after it was uploaded inside a reploid body, which was destroyed due to the consciousness energy giving it too much power than it can handle. This discovery made the professors conclude that the human consciousness is a massive energy that has to be restrained with internal limiters.
Meanwhile, Rho and White made it known to Solid that she can’t be attached to any of the prototypes she sees—because the professors can’t, too, because they might turn out to be a failed attempt, and have to be retired. And so, Solid keeps to herself most of the time. She does treat the prototypes nicely like Rho and White do, but she never gets too close to them.
Shortly before the revised method for consciousness-copying was to be tested, it was found out that the consciousness-copying had taken a toll on her body, and she would die soon, so she requested to be uploaded instead. The upload took a long time, and so she remained in stasis for some time.
Before her stasis was completed, however, Rho and White were invited to a personal meeting with an investor interested with funding their experiments, leaving some of their assistants who maintain the facility and some mechaniloids to assist them and secure the area, the first successful Copy Robot experiment subject (λ-x-1) and messages for both Lambda and Solid (Mu). Both Lambda and Mu are locked in a special chamber.
[All that buildup for uninteresting shit.]
During the professors' absence, Red Alert was hired by a saboteur--the "investor" who called both Rho and White--to steal the technology and ransack the laboratory. [Red Alert are like Repliforce in that they’re unofficial Maverick Hunters.] After killing the assistants, sabotaging the laboratory (Consequently causing a power cut) and the mechaniloids, Red Alert began the search for whatever they can find and give to their benefactor. [They aren’t the Chaotix.] Lambda heard the chaos, Mu was still in stasis. Lambda decided to wait it out in fear and accordance to Rho and White's instructions: Never leave the chamber unless the solar panels are busted and you need to restart them because for some reason, the assistants aren’t available to do it.
After waiting it out until there is only 25% of the power left and hearing nothing from outside, Lambda decided to restart the solar panels after donning the armour the professors created to accommodate prototypes with copy chips, armed with the DNA data the professors loaded into him as part of the experiment, locking the chamber door behind him. However, after successfully restarting the power, he was discovered by Red Alert on his way back to the chamber, and was captured; however, he put up a big fight, scarring Red’s face and getting himself scarred in the process.
Red brought Lambda to his client, who intends to overwrite Lambda’s personal data and mess with his memories, to make it as if Lambda was created by said client. Shortly after, the Eurasia disaster strikes, causing a power cut that interrupts the erasure, which caused Lambda's memory erasure to become imperfect; upon being triggered, the memories will return. After leaving the place, the client and some Red Alert members were killed shortly after by some Nightmare viruses. Red and the remaining members managed to escape and save Lambda.
[Did. Not. Happen.]
Meanwhile, Mu was successfully created and the consciousness safely uploaded. However, she woke up alone; Lambda was missing, and the door appears to have been opened. Looking around at the remaining files and the professors’ final messages before departing, she leaves the chamber to find the mechaniloids broken, the professors’ assistants dead and the laboratory in bad condition. However, there is no danger to be found. Not knowing what to do and hoping the professors might come back, Mu waits it out, living on the backup power that was fully charged as a result of Lambda successfully restarting the power.
After the backup power was spent and there are no signs of the professors, Mu decided to leave the lab, donning the backup set of armour in order to look for a place to accommodate her. She leaves the laboratory to find a polluted wasteland and finds the Maverick Hunters some days before X6, and agrees to volunteer in exchange for board and all that entails.
In order to blend in with the reploids, Mu identifies herself as “Solid”. Because the slots for non-combatants are full, she had to become a field operative, doing relatively mundane things to facilitate the higher-ranked hunters, such as location mapping.
Meanwhile, after finding out the state of the world and what happened to it, she was struck with grief upon knowing that almost all of her family and friends are dead. She spent her off-time grieving alone in her room.
Sometime after X6 when communication signals have been restored, she was able to contact Rho and White, [I don’t think this author realizes the Implications of X and Zero living in a world with surviving relatives of Dr. Light and Dr. Wily.] who fortunately survived the Eurasia crash due to being somewhere underground when it happened. They apologized to her for not being able to return when they’re needed the most. They can’t blame her leaving the power-cut laboratory after waking up alone and afraid. They also apologized because the companies whom they were shareholders of were destroyed by Eurasia, so they don’t have anything much and they can’t provide for her anymore; she’s on her own.
She replied that she’s with the Maverick Hunters and that she’ll help them by sending part of her monthly pay check when/if she can. The professors told her that she doesn’t have to and that they can manage, but Solid replied that because her family are already dead, she can’t send her pay checks to her parents, and she’s always wanted to do that when she’s all grown up, and they were already close from the time they spent working together and helping each other with their problems, and she cares for them nevertheless.
After the Nightmare crisis’ first stage was over (Hunting down Gate and retiring the resurrected Sigma), the second stage started after Gate’s laboratory was destroyed, causing the remnants of the Nightmare virus to break loose and infect many reploids, forcing Gate and the Maverick Hunters to fix the consequent riots. Besides the Nightmare causing a maverick outbreak, other reploids took advantage of the power vacuum in the world after most countries were destroyed and started misbehaving; starting riots, uprisings and the like. Others performed criminal acts, taking advantage of the chaos to get away with them.
Consequently, the Maverick Hunters needed all the labour they could get, and other organizations found it hard to even stand. As a result, Solid stayed with the Maverick Hunters during the time after X6 because the Maverick Hunters are the biggest standing, and most secure organization she can affiliate with.
During these riots, Solid had many near-death-experiences, and her limiters would break one by one to support her during those experiences to make sure she survives. As more of her limiters are broken as she survives near-death experiences, her raw power was increased by the consciousness energy, due to the fact that she can use more power regularly after more limiters are destroyed. The gradual increase of her brute strength, experience and skill cause her performance to increase and over time, she climbs up the career ladder. However, the near-death-experiences made her choose a brutal fighting style.
Over time, she was assigned to more dangerous missions after getting higher ranks. Her initial armour was scrapped in favour of a heavier, more protective armour to accommodate her better. Her massive raw power, brutal fighting style and black armour were what gave her the status of one of the Maverick Hunters' bogeymen, and the name of “Black Devil”.
At some point she was examined by Rho and White in the underground lab, and it was revealed that the limiters breaking and her using the powers to fight (Which means dispensing a lot of power and damaging her body slowly) eats away at her lifespan. Solid approved of it because she doesn’t want to live as long as a reploid, but a human. The three of them decided to tell the Maverick Hunters anyways, because she can be repaired regularly, even with such a corrosive power. [An edgy as fuck Proto Man.] However, Solid secretly planned on never getting repaired so she can live as long as a human. Being in a reploid body also warped her perceptions of vulnerability, especially after growing up a human, so she doesn't bother to change her fighting style.
X's retirement left the Maverick Hunters [He never really left, he just didn’t fight for a little while.] with a gaping hole and more workload as more criminal organizations rise and start causing trouble after news of X's retirement spread. Red Alert stands out in particular. Solid is one of the hunters tasked with eradicating Red Alert. [No, Zero and Ex Red Alert member Axl were tasked with taking down Red Alert.] However, they do not interact much during X7, even when Axl entered HQ. [Half of the exposition for that game took place in the command center. Where X, Zero and Axl were.]
This is because Solid was tasked with a mission to destroy one of Red Alert's major warehouses, which Axl was guarding with his squad, pre-X7. Red Alert was tricked by a Maverick Hunter personnel pretending to be on Red Alert's side--the personnel had sold them night vision eye mods that was supposed to override cloaking devices. However, that eye mod specifically whitelisted the cloaking device Solid was supposed to wear for that mission. [What the fuck is this James Bond shit.] Being an invisible enemy, she dealt great damage to Axl and his squad, but because of the cloaking device, he didn't know it was her. Red's arrival interrupted the killing, and the mission failed. [Funny how Axl didn’t mention any of this when questioned by Zero.]
Axl survived to join the Maverick Hunters, and Solid is filled with guilt for having done that to him. However, she keeps it a secret, and avoids him for the whole of X7.
[X Posi-Who? That’s not a game nor is it an OVA.]
After Axl was integrated into the Maverick Hunters and placed into the Special Forces unit, they become squadmates. The Special Forces is the mixed bag unit, filled with people positioned in niche jobs/jobs that other hunters normally do not do--that's why Solid wasn't in the 14th Grapple Unit, she can go into virus-filled areas and it would be like going anywhere else. Axl is assigned to the Special Forces because he’s unaffected by the Maverick virus, a stealth operative AND spy, not to mention that he was in a high position in Red Alert, and he would know a lot about the criminal underworld than anybody else, that’s why he’s not assigned to the 0th Shinobi Unit; [Just the Zero unit you Weeaboo.] he is useful for more than just stealth.
They were deployed together because the Maverick virus doesn’t affect them (It didn't hurt them like X, or make them invincible (and maybe corrupting them) like Zero)in any form--Axl because of his copy chip, Solid because of her human consciousness programming. [She’s still a Reploid, human or not, the virus should still affect her.]
Before Axl joined the 9th Special Forces, Solid was the only one they could send to areas brimming with the Maverick virus (X would get hurt by the virus, and no one wants to risk Zero being corrupted by the virus, even though he becomes invincible--Lifesaver had a point, Zero "awakening" [Non canon bad ending scenarios.] was probably due to so much exposure to the virus) for either fetch quests (Digging pre-Eurasia relics or something) or to clear the area of Mavericks and the virus.
They decided (after an argument) to "stay alive for each other" and to "trust the other to be strong", because both of them are protective towards their co-workers after so much loss. Working with each other over the years built up camaraderie.
Over time, they got close, to the point that when Axl expressed his desire to be a bogeyman out of guilt caused by being an assassin in Red Alert, Solid revealed that she was the one who massacred his squad that day, just to convince him that both Maverick Hunters and Red Alert are murderers either way--so that if he doesn't hate himself as a hunter, he shouldn't hate himself as a Red Alert member either.
In order to settle the old score, both of them had a duel to put it behind them and return to being partners again. Axl won the fight because Solid forfeited [“My character can’t be beaten”]--the fight dragged on for too long and it corroded her body a lot, putting it into emergency mode. She was forced to surrender, lest she dies. And because of that, Axl found out about the true nature of her powers. [An everyday Kirito.]
He kept on convincing her to return to Rho and White to get it fixed, but due to their busy maverick hunting schedules, she kept postponing it until it almost got her killed in a transmission-less mission. If it wasn't for Axl's quick thinking (Transferring part of the energy overload to him and firing it using his guns), she would've died. After that mission, they went to Rho and White...and when Axl entered the laboratory, he saw the door of the secret chamber where he was once kept before Red Alert captured him, and his memories return. Consequently, Axl, Solid, Rho and White found out that Axl was the prototype that was taken from Rho and White 15 years ago. [Axl always knew he was a Next Generation Reploid, idiot.]
Meanwhile, Solid's checkup reveals that she only has 60 years to live if she keeps on hunting Mavericks, so due to her promise to Axl, she asked Rho and White to repair her limiters and make them stricter, and modify her armour. Her armour is modified to synchronize with her body, controlling energy output to slow the corrosion of her body. It decreases her offense capabilities, but increases defense and recovery capabilities. Upon return, Solid asks for a demotion to a less active position as well, to start her transition to retirement. [A certain someone didn’t collect the Heart or Energy Tanks.]
Shortly after their reunion with Solid and Axl, Rho and White announced their project to create New-Generation Reploids; reploids with human consciousness and the ability to shapeshift. [Mar-Ray Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue] The New-Gens won't have the full consciousness energy to prevent incidents like Solid's, and most of it will be extracted away from them while still keeping the consciousness data. The extracted energy were used to make MAME-Q/Bulbrites.
Given the success of Axl/Lambda and Solid/Mu, their project was approved and funded by the government. As a result, Lumine was created as the very first official New-Gen. Axl's shapeshifting abilities was improved shortly after Lumine's creation. The New-Gens are immune to the Maverick virus because of both the human consciousness (Different programming) and the copy chip (The biology of a reploid with copy chip is too different from the First-Gen reploid. Without a similar body to assist in the infection, the virus can't get in.). Both of these factors can make a reploid immune even if only one of them is present, meaning that even the prototypes are immune.
The Special Forces is the mixed bag unit, filled with people positioned in niche jobs/jobs that other hunters normally do not do. So their job is usually their own job--their jobs don't usually intersect. That doesn't mean that it's every man for himself. The unit leader, Mortis "Jackass" Jackal keeps everyone together. Jackass had been around since before Eurasia. [A NEW OC HAS ENTERED THE FANFIC]
Originally built for forensics examination to assist in human murders, his job scope expanded after X6 as he had to fill slots that were empty due to personnel death/infection during those chaotic times, which got him promoted to leader in due time.
There's a tradition in the 9th, started by Jackass [Swearing in a Mega Man story.] himself; every new member is to be nicknamed "Protagonist" [Mar-Ray Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuue] until everyone knows them better enough to give them an "official" nickname. Jackass is well... Jackass. Sometimes that nickname is self-given, sometimes it's given by others. Jackass chose his nickname himself. It helps people see him as more than just the "unit leader" and to remove the formality off-duty so everyone’s like family. The family spirit had been fostered since X1 (Sting Chameleon joined Sigma because “there are hostages and there’s nothing we can do” (According to his hard mode/free play dialogue), [True, but again, Maverick Hunter X has no bearing on the original series.] he joined so that his unit could survive another day. The hostages from his unit who were spared due to him joining decided to carry on his legacy.), but Jackass started the nicknaming tradition.
Axl’s nickname is “Joker” [No it’s not.] (Referencing his “wild card” physics... He can look like anyone, and sometimes he’s invisible. Also referencing his demeanour--he makes everybody smile with him.), Solid’s nickname is “Cat” (Referencing her main fighting style (Claws) and the fact that she doesn’t socialize as much as the other members). [Tell that pussy to get fucked.]
Due to the nature of the Special Forces unit, the members are almost never deployed together (at least, until Axl was assigned there), but Jackass keeps everyone bonding, or at least fosters teamwork spirit in a unit that doesn't need teamwork spirit as much as other units.
She can be deployed on occasion, and is part of a research team investigating the New-Gen case as the New-Gens *are* immune to the Maverick virus, and therefore their revolt is not due to infection. Most of the maverick hunters suspect that it was a result of human mistreatment and prejudice, and some of them decide to form an unofficial research team to investigate if the hypothesis is right.
The hypothesis proves to be right, coupled with Lumine’s final message (The fragment that was embedded into Axl’s head is his method to transfer his electronic brain for the purpose of transmitting the last message upon defeat) that they were rebelling due to the fact that they are fed up with being mistreated and looked down upon as machines instead of people, and they lied about Sigma’s DNA provoking them into violence against humans in order to prevent the other reploids, New-Gens or not, from being reprogrammed into constant compliance (“lobotomized”, so to speak) [Gimme an E, gimme a D, Gimme a G and Y. What’s it spell?] or outright exterminated because they can rebel like humans do; instead, given the lie, the copy chips would simply be replaced. Lumine also revealed that the New-Gens' plan in MMX8 is to take over Jakob, transport them and everyone who sides with them to the Moon and live there before destroying the elevator, leaving the humans, the old reploids and whoever sides with them in the desolate and polluted Earth.
However, Lumine leaves it to Axl to do whatever he feels is the best: To tell the truth, or go along with the lie. After the Maverick Hunters have a discussion among themselves in regards to the whole truth, they decided to tell the truth to the world.
Lumine's rebellion and its impact on society had made Solid realize that, even though one person cannot change the world, one person still has power. And she realizes that she has that power, given that she is the only known reploid who was explicitly formerly human, and she participates as one of the spokespeople supporting the belief that the New-Gens rebelled because of human mistreatment, therefore humans have to stop mistreating reploids for the sake of both parties; the humans don't want the rebellions, the reploids don't want to have to rebel to be heard. She realized that, if she had acted sooner, Lumine probably wouldn't have to rebel, fight and die. At this point, it is where Solid finally decides to act for what she believes in.
A negotiation, both for the short-term and long term, between reploids and humans was reached:
Short-term: Production of New-Gens are halted due to the fact that the humans need compliant tools to continue with the Jakob Project, but existing New-Gens will not be exterminated and will be allowed to live their lives normally as long as they comply with the law and bear with stricter regulations following the uprising, at least until the humans manage to leave for the Moon.
Long-term: The laws concerning reploids will be given a complete overhaul. They will be treated similarly to humans, with some differences related to physical builds (For example: Reploids can't die outside of unnatural causes given access to proper maintenance; the closest to a natural cause is when their technology becomes obsolete as the years pass, and it might take too long). Suggestions will be made to overcome or eliminate their differences, but peace will be slowly and surely established.
After the negotiation was reached, Lumine was pardoned and rebuilt at Axl and Solid's request. The reconciliation scene between Axl and Lumine was crushing, with both brothers bickering at first and Solid being the middleman, and they end up admitting that it hurt to play the role they're supposed to, because they had to hurt each other, and that both brothers were simply doing what they think is right.
[The X series stopped at X8, disregarded.]
Shortly after the peace agreement between humans and reploids, a few disgruntled reploids who had wanted Lumine to succeed or continue his vision decided to start riots. Those were just small-time riots at first, until a single reploid calling herself Luminis started claiming to be "the revolutionary that can deliver what Lumine couldn't" and united the rioters under her banner, organizing them and making them dangerous enough to be a global threat.
The Maverick Hunters, having marked the start of the establishment of the way of peace, decided to take a less militaristic stand for this crisis. X was assigned to investigate and solve the mystery of the riots. Zero was assigned to arrest the rioters. [Good Lord, where have you two been in this fanfic.] Iris was assigned to calm and pacify the arrested rioters. [Dead character, disregarded.] Axl was assigned to head the protection of HQ, and Solid was assigned to rescue the citizens.
In the end, all the hunters faced Luminis and found out that she was a human pretending to be a reploid, who made the riots more dangerous in order to cause global hatred of reploids and create a human-only world. However, unlike previous crises, the Hunters decided to arrest her and make sure she lives to face the consequences of her crimes...and repent.
After X9, an organization called Nurse of World/NOW was created. X joined it as a reploid representative, along with Iris. Solid left the Maverick Hunters and joined as the interracial bridge, and worked as a noncombatant in NOW.
[Literal fanfiction trash, disre fuckin’ garded.]
[That’s a shitty ass song, first of all and second- YOU’RE REPLACING A CANON GAME?! Fuck off, Todd Howard, your writing has sucked this hard, you think I’m gonna trust you to replace a canon game? After you already said it leads to the future of your crack fanfic?]
A few months after the end of Megaman X9: Impact, X, Zero, Axl/Lambda, Iris, Lumine/Nu, and Solid worked together, along with human government leaders in the organization Nurse of World, to remake the world in a way that makes sure reploids and humans can live as equals. [Disregarded. Shit that didn’t happen.]
To meet that end, laws were made. Laws to make sure that reploids are paid living wages and are not forced to work for an inhumanly long time--as they used to, because of racism; [RACISM?!] and to go hand in hand with that law, as the yin to that yang, is the law that mandates reploids to have limited lifespans like humans. [That’s even more horse shit. Granted, there was something similar in Classic Mega Man, but Reploids can actually think on their own, they’re different from robots.]
Solid was the one to come up with the latter rule based on her deep desire to live a human's life when she found out that reploids can live for so, so long, and based on X and Zero's long lives of suffering. [SO SHE HANDICAPPED OTHER REPLOIDS BECAUSE SHE WAS SUICIDAL???]
Naturally, more than a few reploids hated the notion of having their life cut short to accommodate humans after living to work for humans anyway. In time, the mob turned into an army. [NO. SHIT.]
The leaders of the army (Nymph Sakurai, Romulus, Remus and Valencia) caused riots around NOW HQ, and Zero and Axl were the one to quell them, while X and Solid assisted them in the background.
[The twin founders of Rome headed up this rebellion? Yeah, put the Title character in the background, you’re on your way to getting a job at Archie Comics.]
In the climax of the story, she confronted the four leaders of the army with X, Zero, Axl, Lumine and Iris and helped them in the final battle. She, along with Iris, would later attempt (but fail) to rehabilitate Nymph Sakurai, who was later memory-wiped by her companions, who also failed to rehabilitate her. [Shit.]
As her role changed from combatant to interracial diplomat, her reputation as the "Black Devil" slowly disappeared. [Good.] She was finally able to retire from the Maverick Hunters (She couldn’t retire in X6; she needed the shelter and money. She couldn’t retire around X7; she’s the Black Devil, and X7 taught her just what would happen when an important hunter retires suddenly.) to join Nurse of World. [X DIDN’T RETIRE.]
When Nurse of World's workload had shrunk as the world grows to be more peaceful, Solid decided to step down to get a less stressful job in NOW, and lives the rest of her life as a civilian, but she does keep a backup armour in case she needs to defend herself. Upon retirement from her diplomat position, she goes by her real name/human name once more.
On occasion, she helps some hunters to attune to civilian life as peace develops, particularly her former colleagues who get in touch with her closely from time to time. She dies peacefully, many years after her retirement. [This was a chore to read. I literally ran out of comedic steam, it wouldn’t STOP]
In line with her brutality, Solid is a melee fighter who fights using claws, [Hey X2 Sigma.] due to the fact that she personally prefers it, and her powers further facilitate the fighting style. She used to use a gun in her X6 days, given to her by HQ, until she broke enough limiters and gained enough promotions to be able to change her fighting style to something she prefers. Over time, she forgot how to use a gun because of that.
Solid’s fighting style is “feral”, [Hi Wolverine] so to speak. She becomes an unpredictable beast to throw the enemy off and give them little room to think. When she is able to reach the enemy, she always focuses on disarming the enemy before killing them; either by taking their weapons away from them or by mutilating them. [Edge, my dude.] She usually starts with the arms, then after that it’s either the legs or the head. On special occasions when the claws aren’t really suitable, she resorts to martial arts or her dao. She chooses a dao because it’s easy for her to slice and dice quickly and without much finesse, unlike katana (Which requires finesse) or most straight-bladed swords (Which is better for thrusting). [Note how the weeb said katana instead of something more pratical in this universe like a Z-Saber.]
She chooses such a fighting style that allows for quick killing, yet brutal and unsightly, because she just wants to finish the mission and get it over with. This is the mentality of a civilian; not a warrior. Solid started a civilian, and is a civilian at heart until the end. She tries her best to be accustomed to it, but in the end can't deny that she's still killing people and she might get killed herself; it's a kill-or-die world. Warriors aren't afraid of that reality. Civilians are. So she fights like a scared animal. Animals do not live for battle, but when they are threatened, they hit hard.
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Solid also chooses the fighting style in order to finish the mission quickly and minimize casualties and collateral damage. In order to finish the mission quickly and effectively, she fights dirty (“With maverick hunting, it’s either live or die”) and discards the concept of honour in the battlefield. Again, this is the mentality of a civilian, not a warrior.
She focuses on whatever she chooses to focus on, but having little skills on other sectors (Specialization). However, her specialization doesn’t allow much room for little else.
She improvises on the battlefield, using whatever was available in the situation on occasion; for example, if she snatches a weapon, she might use it against the enemy, unless attempting to do so would do her more harm than good. She isn’t good with a big arsenal; it would just make her think too much in regards of which one to use, so she sticks with only a few things.
Solid is highly deterred by stealth and stealth missions; hiding in the shadows makes her feel afraid and small. She will always be afraid of tripping alarms or making sounds. She will not participate in such missions unless given a cloaking device.
Solid is mostly shy, quiet and introverted. [Tsun. De. Re.] She doesn’t speak unless spoken to or if she needs to initiate a conversation, most of the time. She’s the type of person who can’t handle a big group of friends better, so she prefers keeping a close, small circle. In a relationship, she wants to have a situation of mutual need; the other party values her as much as she values them. If she can’t have that, she will not really take the relationship seriously, because she feels that they can, and will leave her any day for someone they like better.
She has a “love is letting go” approach in relationships. No matter how much she likes someone, she can’t force them to like her as much as she likes them. She doesn’t feel she has the right to force someone to stay with her, and doing so wouldn’t make her feel good either. She wants someone to associate with her because they choose to.
One of her more defining features is her tendency to hide things; mostly because she thinks she can handle her problems on her own without the assistance of others. This stems from her past life and is reinforced by her life with the Maverick Hunters. She had been mostly alone, and coupled with her distrust to other people, prefers to solve all her problems mostly single-handedly. As a result, it drives her to hide things from other people because she thinks they don’t need to know or hear it, and also because she doesn’t want them to know something that they might use against her later.
However, this doesn’t mean she is prickly outside. She treats people nicely and with decency, because if she mistreats them, she will feel guilty and she doesn’t want further backlash from others either. She hides the more unsavoury bits of herself. She truly wants to be nice and friendly, and tries her best to do so. Her mistrust and tendency to hide things are part of her self-defense mechanism. But as a result, it also keeps her away from other people, preventing herself from being someone actively forming relationships. She is brutal on duty, due to the fact that she wants to do a good job, and gentle and timid off-duty.
Despite being timid, it doesn’t mean that is all to her demeanour. Because she is used to spending time alone without a “foil” to reinforce certain aspects of her personality, she is used to juggling multiple personas and keeping it all together inside one person, accepting them all as herself. For example, she is truly shy and timid, but when faced with someone shier than her, she will automatically become a “foil” for that person, being the confident, more upbeat one.
That said, her usual demeanour is the gentle, friendly side that doesn’t look shy. But she can switch personas whenever it’s suitable: The brutal, boisterous Black Devil in battle, the shy affectionate little girl in private, the friendly “normal person” in public, the upbeat joke-cracking wise guy with friends, the gruff sink-or-swim mentor, the nurturing mentor, and her least emotional persona.
She doesn’t interact much socially, which doesn’t help her bad communication skills. But she does try to improve. She tries her best to communicate well, but she makes slips from time to time, but she keeps trying nevertheless.
She is absolutely afraid of being yelled at, afraid of showing emotion, has guilt issues and can’t bring herself to get angry or yell at people (Unless it’s for encouragement). As a result, she mostly speaks gently and avoids confrontations. When confrontations come her way, she shuts off her emotions and braves through it, and will be shaken afterwards. Her guilt issues cause her to avoid hurting people as much as possible, and avoid making mistakes as often as possible.
However, she has a good dose of self-esteem. She keeps herself from becoming narcissistic or becoming a self-deprecating wreck. She isn’t afraid of admitting her mistakes, and will take credit when it’s appropriate. She tries her best to become humble, to avoid being a prideful prick, giving credit where it's due, acknowledging the efforts of other people as well as herself. She likes herself as it is, and that’s part of why she doesn’t change much. To her, self-improvement is merely picking a flaw she can live with, because no one is, and will ever be perfect.
Her self-esteem extends to how she approaches her past selves or “dark sides”. She accepts her past selves and embraces the more unsavoury side of hers. When she looks at the past, she feels some regret, but acknowledges that at that point in time, she had done her best and thus, she doesn’t remain in regret for long, and is at peace with her past selves. She embraces her flaws and acknowledges it as a part of her, along with unsavoury personas like the Black Devil. [Literally any female Tsundere OC. NO joke.]
The Black Devil persona isn’t fake or a lie; it is something she constructed out of parts of her own personality, her wants and fears and how she likes to do something given a situation. Even though the Black Devil is brutal, she accepts it as a part of her and doesn’t hate the persona. She accepts her “Black Devil” persona, which has been put to rest after her retirement as part of herself, and accepts that her experiences as the Black Devil has enriched her and she can’t undo it, showing that she is at peace with what she had done to make do.
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Solid is associated with the raven, and strictly the raven, not ravens and crows. [Teen Titaaaaaaaans: NO!]
Ravens are traditionally known to be birds of death and bad omen, due to the fact that they feed on carrion, including human corpses. That said, ravens have big feasts at the end of battles, feeding on fallen soldiers. However, ravens later acquired a reputation of being smart tricksters. Recent research sheds new light on the raven, showing them to be highly intelligent birds who know how to have fun and solve complex puzzles. [Ok then.]
Solid is associated with the raven due to various reasons. Her colour scheme is similar to a raven’s; being born an Asian, she has black hair and eyes. [LITERALLY A JAP. LITERALLY A WEEB.] And her armour is dark blue and black, because that’s the colour combination that appeals to her the most. Like ravens, Solid “feed on conflict and misery” because that’s how the Maverick Hunters work; [NO THEY DON’T THAT’S WHAT VILE DID. VILE WAS A BAD GUY.] without maverick incidents, they wouldn’t be deployed or even needed; that’s how maverick hunters like Solid earn their pay. Solid recognizes it, and doesn’t care much, just like ravens that don’t care that they’re feeding on slain soldiers. One difference is that Solid does care and doesn’t really like what she’s doing, [SHUT UP YOU WANNABE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.] but she suppresses it and accepts it because she has nowhere else to go. Hence, “there will be misery, but whose? Not mine.” As a result of this, both are avoided by people.
And the way Solid solves puzzles in spite of having nothing special other than brute strength is similar to how ravens would solve puzzles using only their wings, beak and feet. Like the raven, Solid has no qualms with lying and hiding things from people, [Bitch.] albeit with some guilt, if it will allow her to survive and redeem herself another day. She also enjoys teasing people and making people laugh, and is a fun-loving person.
The words “ravenous” and “ravening” can be applied to Solid and her brutal fighting style.
In another side, she is also associated with the phoenix, specifically, the Chinese fenghuang. However, the association is not very strict and links to the phoenix in general can be made to her. She was reborn from the human body to the reploid body, and she was also "reborn" when her body was fixed pre-X8. Lastly, she was reborn when she left the Maverick Hunters for NOW, and the phoenix is a bird that constantly dies to be reborn again. The Chinese fenghuang does not do this, however, but they do appear in times of peace.
Solid can be interpreted as appearing in times of peace, even if it's more like "marking the start of an era of peace" (along with X, Zero, Iris and Axl), since she only stepped out into the spotlight after X8 when she felt she had to act, after keeping to herself for 17 years.
[More bullshit. More edgy shit. It’s awful. Stoppu.]
Solid is a static character; [That’s a bad thing you hack.] she does change, but not so much. However, her character in its current state is deep and complex [Bull shit.]—hard to completely grasp and understand. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to do so. During the course of the story, her personality will not change (much), instead it will be slowly revealed, like peeling an onion. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bMcXVe8zIs]
Her character stays the same from pre-X5 until X7. She develops only a few times, once after crossing paths with Axl and once more after X8. He convinced her to have more faith in people and be more social, but the change is slow and gradual, and even then the change is not complete. At the end of her story, she is still a shy introvert who generally keeps to herself and still wary of people, and prefers working alone. [An unevolving Tsun is a shit Tsun.] Lumine's rebellion made her change her stance on the impact one person can have in the world, giving her the confidence she needed to finally speak up for what she believes in, without fear of being ignored.
However, her social standing markedly changes over time. She started off as a rookie with nothing much to her name, to the SA-rank Black Devil, [BULL. FUCKING. SHIT. EVEN ZERO CANONICALLY ISN’T A SA RANK HUNTER. Hell I’m suprised you didn’t make your Mary Sue GA Rank.] and to a more sociable diplomat figure until she retires, ending up a no-name civilian. [Started from the bottom now you were always at the bottom.]
[FUCK. IT’S OVER. As a Mega Man and more specifically, X fan, this appalled me. I hoped you could stomach this with me, but I can’t blame you if you quit or skimmed it. Special thanks to Sonico for letting me on and a special thanks to you, the Reader.]
[Final Rating:]
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