#Hunter's Guild Sung Jin-Woo Protection Squad
laryna6 · 3 years
Hmm, Cha Hae-In... if she ran into Sung Jin-Woo at the sword school somehow and is ? that he smells good?
Sugar Mama Cha Hae-In + the Hunters’ Guild going ‘these two are adorable we are going to make this ship sail’
Also he’s adorable and her sword teacher tells her that he keeps getting injured but keeps going on hunts, people think he’s an idiot rich boy in it for the thrill but he doesn’t buy that, no defense and yet he gets wounded protecting their healer too.
Cha Hae-In using her vice guildmaster position to offer him a position on the resource gathering teams, and watching as he goes from shut down and dead inside to smiling and friendly and starting to actually talk to people. They’re like sure, he’s not the fastest/strongest worker, but he’s hard working and does his best and pays attention to instructions.
Meanwhile Sung Jin-Woo is ‘this job comes with medical insurance!’ and Jin-Ah is ‘I don’t have to worry about my brother dying anymore! The Hunter’s Guild would absolutely have like, whole guild social functions where you bring your family and Jin-Ah wanting to talk to Cha Hae-In and explaining the situation and being ‘thank you so much for saving the life of my last family.’
So Cha Hae-In is *manly tears* Such a wonderful big brother! So filial! So cute!
Sung Jin-Woo starts bringing her lunch to thank her and she’s ‘you don’t have to...’ (but it’s really good) ‘I am rich af let me pay you’ and Sung Jin-Woo is ‘sure’ because money.
... to skip ahead, shadow!Choi Jong-In continuing to do paperwork, corresponence and checking over payroll after death leaves him Not Impressed with Ashborn wanting to ditch Jin-Woo (especially after finding out Ashborn made Jin-Woo responsible for his army)
So like, the entire Hunter’s Guild is like, ‘Cha Hae-In has a boyfriend... but we already know him and he is a Good Kid not like, someone who wants to feel dominant over a powerful woman or any of that BS and oh hey this food is really good’ So Choi Jong-In goes ‘we’re going to have a cafeteria now and provide lunches for all the gate teams’ and puts Sung Jin-Woo in charge of it and people are like ‘this is why we call u a genius’
People are like ‘when are you going to ask him out’ and Cha Hae-In is ‘as vice guildmaster I’m his boss! I can’t hit on him!’ so Choi Jong-In is like ‘congratulations you own a restaurant in our guild building now with a lucrative contract with our guild’
Now it’s ‘i can’t hit on him at work! And he feels like he really owes me, I don’t want to make him feel like I was... expecting things’
They are like ah! She is such a good person for an s-rank! Ok, then they need Sung Jin-Woo to make a move! Plan 1: he seems to like watching her train even though he can’t follow a lot of her movements, so we’ll invite him along to watch a fight.
Next up is a double dungeon, but it appeared in a low rank dungeon and the measurements are still weak AF. So like, it’s a mission that the Hunter’s Guild can go on like, just to be sure! But almost certainly safe for an e-rank.
And then you have Choi Jong-In and Sung Jin-Woo scrambling to figure out the rules. Cha Hae-In carrying Sung Jin-Woo over her shoulder, someone else taking Choi Jong-In after he passes out burning up all his MP in the hopes of taking out the statue’s eye beams. 
So they’re around the altar with their unconscious boss and the e-rank up on it in the center to be safest, and they’re staring down the statues and debating ‘do we send Cha Hae-In out the door to carry the guildmaster and Sung Jin-Woo to safety, or does that door scream obvious trap because the rule is ‘prove your faith’ and wouldn’t leaving the temple be abandoning your faith?
And Cha Hae-In and Sung Jin-Woo are ‘that would leave you guys without any s-ranks against a very high a boss if not worse.’ and it’s the hunter guild’s duty to close gates first. This gate was counting down when it was reported as a double dungeon, they cannot let this boss gate breach.
The flames count down and, hmm, should the architect react like a thwarted bully or improv some new bullshit to act like everything is within his calculations? So he goes ‘to prove your faith you must now offer a sacrifice’ but instead of obviously giving up the weakling to keep the others alive they’re like yeah, fuck no (’if the porter/guest gets hurt the whole guild has failed’)
So he grabs Jin-Woo and unleashes the statues on the humans with orders to make it hurt but not finish them off, and tells him ‘get on that altar and you’ll be able to leave here with them.’
And Jin-Woo knew he was willing to die for Jin-Ah and Mom, but they’re safe now and he owes that to Cha Hae-In and everyone at the Hunter Guild’s kindness. so he’s ‘ok’ and they are ‘nonono’
He wakes up at the hospital, told he’s the only survivor and he’s been asleep for a month, which... he knew the boss was a lying bastard, monsters don’t spare humans, but he couldn’t just not even TRY/do anything.
...WTF is this? He thought seeing that screen before was some kind of pre-death brain screwery. Jin-Ah and the Hunter’s Guild b-team start coming in and he’s ?? are you guys seeing this? THey are ‘what did that thing do to poor helpless e-rank good boy?!’
Choi Jong-In measures him as an A rank, but instead of being happy Sung Jin-Woo is going through status screens on job class an abilities and...
And then he pales.
And summons the dead.
The boss said ‘he’d go home with them.’ Effing literal words... They can’t speak, but they touch his shoulder to say it’s okay.
Sung Jin-Woo ends up rejoining the Hunter’s Guild after leveling to S because without any S ranks it would have lost a lot of prestige and ability to take more valuable gates and pay for all the salary, benefits and expensive protective armor.
Doing the JeJu op and since he’s OP, replacing the Draw Sword guild as emergency call-in guild for southeast asia due to like ‘why would we charge you fees A rank gates are where the money’s at if anything we should be paying you for finding them for us’
But if Min Byong-Gyu does die and get turned into a shadow but talks to Baek Yoon-Ho re ‘hey I’m being forced to adore that guy his power is really creepy get me out of here’ and Baek is concerned about Choi Jong-In too...
Sung Jin-Woo’s reaction to the idea his friends are being FORCED to care about him/not be mad he was a useless e-rank and couldn’t save them...
Ashborn seeing Sung Jin-Woo with comrades that ~died with him, like he resurrected his fallen soldiers after did... even more ‘like me’ so earlier decision to not possess.
Ms. Selner going ‘there is great darkness in you’ and he’s ‘can you tell me anything else?’
Hunter’s Guild Shadow Squad wanting to powerlevel for Cartenon temple rematch and then they get sealed instead of getting to attack that bastard? FFFFFFFFFF
instead of ‘get necromancer class’ it’s ‘unlock a prestige class’ so he does get Igris.
He wants to get stronger so he can stop this from happening again, and making sure gates got cleared and people were safe is what they wanted... right?
More examination of using his power on humans/to preserve human souls since like, he can’t get valid consent NOW.
...Chairman Yoo going ‘those lizards killed my son, stole his equips, and made me pay them for being ‘kind’ enough to carry his body out, but I can’t do sh*t because the older brother’s an s-rank,’ and bowing his head.
So Sung Jin-Woo shadowing Jin-Ho, who gets adopted into squad happily. That way he can ask him to confirm ‘those guys did murder you, yes?’
Hunter’s Guild is guild conference rep for Korea OFC, people from guild helping Jin-Woo study up on who everyone is and the contacts they’ve got/are working on. Hwang Dong-Su kidnaps someone else.
During Ashborn meeting Choi Jong-In showing up to SHAME Ashborn for planning to sleep forever (suicide ideation) bc as a leader he should be more responsible than to ditch someone else to take care of the org he’s responsible for. If Choi Jong-In is doing paperwork from behind the grave, this guy isn’t going to get to lie around when humanity desperately needs more combatants at this level/Jin-Woo shouldn’t have to die alone.
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laryna6 · 3 years
Solo Leveling AU where some Guild person notices Sung Jin-woo is in a lot of raids, and goes ‘that guy’s very hard-working and experienced, we should probably recruit’ and goes to look him up and goes ‘HOLY SHIT THIS DUDE IS HOW WEAK AND HE’S DONE HOW MANY MISSIONS WITH SHIT EQUIPMENT WITHOUT GETTING GANKED???! You’re telling me someone who might as well not be a hunter at all has been doing missions on pure skill?!?’
And Sung Jin-woo gets immediately snapped up at a good salary with a family health plan to make it hard for anyone else to headhunt him and assigned to babysitting the newbs and teaching them his survival skills.
Because they probably lose a lot of hunters to overconfidence, overreliance on their powers, and pure inexperience, on top of untrustworthy other hunters. Inn order to git gud, people have to survive long enough to get good, and Sung Jun-woo is the master of that.
Not just the guild’s newbies: the guild person realizes what a huge opportunity for recruitment he’s got here and cuts a deal with the Hunter Association for intro dungeon runs for newbies, open to all, which gives his guild a chance to win over the new talent.
And Sung Jin-woo has such Big Brother Energy~ So you end up with a few years where every new hunter with two brain cells to rub together and a working survival instinct had a three month-long course with Sung-ssaem and his friends making them lunches and teaching them how to watch each other’s backs and leapfrog and use teamwork to leverage power synergies. With an A-rank hunter from the guild or the association along in case they need backup who defers to Sung-ssaem despite the difference in rank, helping nip delusions of high-rank godhood in the bud (the other guilds are grateful to get such well-behaved new members out of this program!).
And then near the end of one of the training courses, a safe dungeon isn’t, and organizing tactics for a group retreat leads Sung Jin-woo to realize that he specifically is being targeted when Woo Jin-chul and the baby tanks can’t hold aggro... And he’s responsible for these kids, and he knows his sister and Mom will be well looked-after...
In the aftermath it becomes clear that some force targeted the clear choice for next head of the hunter’s association for some kind of fuckery? Like, giving phenomenal cosmic power to Sung-ssaem is *nodsnods* and indicates a being with good taste, but this punishment shit??
Sung Jun-woo’s rep in hunter circles and online as ‘the kindergarten teacher of Korea.’ On the island raid at first his former students were excited to show him how badass they’d gotten and let him be the one to get learning on the job while being looked after to pay him back, but then shit went down, Sung-ssaem went ‘not my students you don’t’ and The Kindergarten Teacher Put The Boss In Time-Out (shadow army servitude). Giant effing wyvern? ‘Sung-ssaem’s newest TA’ Sung Jin-woo putting shadow army members in the shadows of all his former students is memed as ‘the buddy system~’
Korean hunters and shadow army: Sung-ssaem/Shadow Monarch Protection Squad Go! Monsters, normals, hunters from other-countries: That is a whole-ass OP eldritch necromancer.
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