#Husk is just a big grumpy and very fluffy cat
ladyravenblack · 5 months
The hotels walls where a wine red with gold accents, wooden floors creaked beneath my feet as I followed the princess of hell into what I assumed would be the main lounge. A very tall, fluffy, white spider looking demon sat at the bar, a pink and white striped sweater with a black short skirt adorned his body, tall black boots on his feet. Behind the bar was a grumpy, tired looking cat with wings. A girl with a tall spear, long grey hair, and a big red X over one eye stood to the side; she wore a bright red shirt and black skirt. Everyone seemed as if they were in their own worlds before we walked in.
“Charlie?” The long haired girl seemed to straighten up, her spear clasped in her hand.
“Oh don’t worry Vaggie! They are brand new! They just fell to Hell! Can you believe I practically caught them!?” The princess babbles on as I stand to the side, my eyes constantly glancing around, avoiding looking at anyone too long. It was true she had caught me, but I wasn’t sold on this hotel. From the moment I landed in her arms she had been going on and on about redemption and how I would be perfect. She didn’t even know me or why I was in Hell.
A twitch of a shadow caught my eye, drawing me to look at a spot just to the side of the bar where a seven foot demon dressed in red had appeared seemingly from nothing. He had startling red eyes, an atrocious red bob with black tips at the ends, and ears? Were those deer ears? And antlers? I caught myself staring and quickly looked back, barely listening as Charlie introduced me to Angel; the spider. Husk; the bartender. Vaggie; her girlfriend, how sweet. Then Alastor; the demon that had been conjured from the depths just moments before. He stared at me with, down at me? His smile never wavering to the point I began to worry.
Breaking my eyes from his I wave to everyone “Hello, my name is Salem. I- well like the princess said” she cut me off to say I could and should just call her Charlie “um as Charlie said she caught me. I’m not really sure I have much more to say”
Everyone seemed disinterested; sipping on drinks, shining the glass ware, even picking their nails. The only one seemingly listening was Charlie. I kept the small, polite smile as I turned to Charlie, asking for the room key so I could settle in. It had been quite the day for me after all. She nodded and handed over a small key with a brown coffin like tag on it that read ‘room 13’. What an unlucky number I think as I trot off in search of it.
The room was up the stairs, down the hall, and to the left. Next to a brightly lit up pink door with pictures of some of the hotel inhabitants. My smile faltered at how happy everyone looked. I probably wouldn’t fit in here either.
My doorknob rattles as I twist it, to the point I think it may fall off if I twist too hard. It is a simple room; a queen bed with white sheets and a red comforter takes up the far wall, a dark wood vanity and slightly crooked chair sit to the left of the door, next to it is another door that seems to lead into a small bathroom that thankfully has a tub. It isn’t much but at least it isn’t the streets.
I slide my door closed with my…hooves? I let out a bark of laughter as I realize I really am not who I used to be.
“Of all the things, hooves?” I walk to the vanity and admire my grey skin, the mousy brown hair with the soft looking deer ears positioned to the sides of my head, and my now practically black eyes “I don’t even have whites to my eyes?.” My fingers graze the mirror, touching the reflection of my inhuman form, before I bring my hand to my ears.
“I look a damned doe” I mutter dropping my hand to my side and shuffling to the bed. As I flop down I hear a soft tap on my door.
“I really need some sleep!” I shout out, nothing happening again. Perhaps I imagined it? Do demons sleep? I am tired so we must right? Will I need to eat? Bathe? There’s a tub- my mind spins with questions I should have asked before taking off for my room.
“Who is it?” Tap tap tap. I march over to the door and swing it open to see no one? My eyes drift down a little to see a small woman with red hair and one eye.
“Clean” her voice was maniacal and I just stepped to the side to let her in. She rushed in and proceeded to poke and stab into the corners of my room. Before she leaves she turns to me and says ‘clean’ once more before skittering down the hall. My eyes stay glued to her frantically disappearing body, confused and potentially terrified of the little thing.
“That is Niffty” a deep, static filled voice speaks from behind me, sending me straight into the air as I turn to face the tall, red demon from the bar. He cocked his head far to the left and I yelped.
“Dude are you ok!?” He brought his head back up to normal and kept his smile but his eyes looked almost annoyed.
“It’s a way to address someone? Dude? Bro?” He looks more bored than anything now.
“I do not deal with that nonsense” he speaks low, static still in the air.
“Hey why do you talk like that? With all the static and shit?” He raises his eyebrows at my curse but keeps on smiling “and it’s weird to smile like that all the time” his eye twitches.
“Pardon?” Definitely giving me a chance to take it back.
“Why do you talk like that and it’s weird to smile like you want to devour a town”
“Perhaps I do want to devour a town” his hands come to rest on a red microphone shaped cane. I blink slowly, registering what he said as he looks at me.
“Right well…goodnight” I push past him to go to my room, the static intensifies as I brush his arms in passing. As soon as I reach my room I shut and lock the door.
What’s that guys problem? I flop on the bed, eyes tracing the ceilings cracks. I’ll have to watch out for him.
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