#I CAN’T be the only one who’s thought of Law/Luffy/Sanji before
shima-draws · 2 months
I love looking at my tags and noticing I’m the only one on the entire site that uses them lmao
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tatsumessy · 9 months
how many kids do you have? - {one piece}
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you and luffy only have one kid which happens to be a son who looks up to him. A LOT. i’m talking when your son reached his teen years he was ready to full on fight his father in gear 5 mode and because your husband is kind of slow he accidentally went to hard on him but it ended up being fine. but bless your soul, everytime they spar together you make sure to stay far away because your heart can’t take it.
one kid as well. but a girl. she aspires to be just like her father, a great swordsman. but she refuses to learn three sword style, it was so bad that zoro and her didn’t talk for a whole month because she refused, he finally gave in because he didn’t like the thought of his little princess being mad at him. she’s like his best friend in child form but one thing he does hate is that she has a little crush on Sanji. it’s a harmless crush that started because he wouldn’t make her, her favorite foods but Sanji would.
three kids with one on the way. sanji being the lover boy he is you already know how those kids came about. a little backstory, you joined the crew before the timeskip, and before you were separated you two had made love for the first time. you didn’t find out you were pregnant until afterwards. so you two had a child early on then they just wouldn’t stop coming. you’re tempted to punch him in the dick while he’s not looking to stop him for impregnating you but that sounds like too much work and whining.
you two adopt a cat then later on one kid. nami was already eh about marrying you because she knew that’d be money and with you both being girls she was cautious. but then she saw how well and happy you were and wanted to expand on your little family.
no kids. not because she doesn’t like them, we all know how she acts with chopper. but just because she wants to give all her love and attention to you and doesn’t want you to feel like you have to share. plus she likes having you all to herself.
two kids. he likes to call them his own little crew. you already know usopp and his stretching the truth ways, he tells your kids all the stories and adventures that we went on but he adds a little spice to it. the great captain usopp!
two kids. first born is a girl and second born is a boy. he didn’t think he’d have his hands full. i mean come on law they are kids, the literal definition of handful, here’s why. one day when you all docked on an island for some fresh air he was watching the two of them while you were napping and your daughter found a devil fruit and ate it. she knew what it was and was actually excited to see what ability she’d get. she could basically turn her whole body into mist, so when ever she’d want to exit a conversation she’d just disappear. law got a stern talking too by you that night.
your story started off sad. you two weren’t even trying for a kid but then you ended up pregnant and right when you two were getting used to the idea you get kidnapped and due to the stress you end up having a miscarriage. kid for a while blamed himself and refused to even touch you but you had to remind him that sometimes things happen. a few years passed and you got pregnant again. when kid found out he was so excited and literally kept you in a bubble outside of the ship, or he quite literally kept you in your room to keep you safe. he even had killer watch you sometimes.
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cozage · 1 year
Kicks door down: HELLO
I accidentally sent this request when they were closed so sorry abt that. BUT.
Can you do the water healing one where y/n almost (or does. I’m down for angst) dies because they pushed themselves too much? Bonus points if they literally had no other option
Hi friend! This took me a second to get done because WOAH it was angsty!
CW: Reader death bc i love angst (blame supernova not me), marineford spoilers :) Characters: Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Law, Ace Word Count: 2.8k
Part 1
Zoro trusted you. He did. But Luffy shouldn’t be as energetic as he is right now, even with your healing. Luffy had gone down three times. And Zoro knew you had healed him twice before you had hit your limit. Zoro had seen you vomiting from the pain before he had to go fight his own battle. He had left you curled up in a ball crying in pain, but alive. 
It didn’t make sense how Luffy was so…bouncy. He should be sleeping off the pain and exhaustion from battle, but he wasn’t. So Zoro set off to find you, afraid of what he might find. 
There was an urgency to his movement, his pace faster than normal as he made his way to the last place he saw you. But you weren’t there. Instead, he found a trail of blood, leading off into a side hallway.
It was your blood. Zoro wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did. Zoro clenched his jaw, preparing for the worst as he rounded the corner. But it was just another blood trail. 
He was running as he followed it, weaving around corners and down hallways. He finally came to a door, and the trail ended right in front of it. The doorknob had a dark red liquid on it, but Zoro hardly paid it any mind as he pulled the door open. He found you on the other side, sprawled out on the floor. He dove down to you, looking for any open wound that would need to have pressure applied. 
“Please,” he begged. “Wake up.”
He could tell by the amount of blood around you that it was too late to save you. He kneeled next to you and lifted your limp body, trying to get you to sit up. He checked for a pulse or any signs of breathing, but as he expected, there weren’t any. And so he held you, brushing away the hair that was matted on your face and whispered endless apologies. He should’ve found you sooner. You were only dead now because of his mistakes earlier. 
He held you against his chest and pressed his forehead against yours. Zoro knew he should be crying, but he hasn’t cried in years. He just sat there, softly begging you to wake up, waiting for you to show any signs of life. 
When the rest of the crew finds him, he’s as still as a statue. Nami’s wails and Chopper’s movements around your body don’t even faze him. He doesn’t even really hear them. It’s like he’s underwater, just waiting to wake up from this nightmare. Because he can’t survive the cold reality of living alone without you. 
“Don’t heal me, you won’t…”
Those had been Luffy’s last words to you before he had fallen into unconsciousness from his injuries. He had a vague memory of you giving him a soft kiss and whispering something about the king of the pirates, but Luffy wasn’t sure if that was a dream or not. 
Now, as he looked at your broken body, he only felt one emotion. 
At himself. At you. At the universe, for being so cruel. And at the man in front of him, who took you away. 
Everyone thought that your death would immobilize Luffy, in the same way that Ace’s had. But it didn’t. He screamed in rage, and even his own crewmates struggled to stay conscious from the overwhelming power Luffy unleashed. 
Luffy had struggled against his foe, but now the fight was over in a moment. It was like a beast came out of him, snarling and destroying everything in its path. The enemy hadn’t even known what had hit him before he was dead. Luffy had a no kill policy, but an eye for an eye seemed more than fair right now. 
Only after the enemy was destroyed, did Luffy mourn. He ran to your side, asking Chopper to heal you. He begged the reindeer, pulling out each piece of equipment demanding “Have you tried this?!”
Half of the stuff wouldn’t have helped even if you were alive, but he still begged Chopper to try. And Chopper indulged him, even though the little reindeer was sobbing himself. 
When everything was out of the bag, Luffy finally gave in to despair. It was this moment where he went into complete shock, inconsolable at the thought of you truly being gone. He beat on the ground next to you, screaming and sobbing. 
“Please! Please come back!” He screamed over and over again, until his voice was gone. Even when his voice was gone, he just sat there and sobbed next to you. The crew sat with him quietly, waiting for him to finish his grieving. They sat with him all day and late into the night, each of them crying in their own way with him.
Sanji had only seen this much blood one other time before. On Thriller Bark, when Zoro had taken all of Luffy’s pain. That’s what you had done too: taken all of Luffy’s pain. And Zoro’s pain. And his own. You had taken on all three of their injuries so they could keep fighting. 
“Go,” you whispered, laying on the floor. You tried to keep the sobs out of your voice, but Sanji heard them and stayed where he was. 
He held your head in his lap, gently stroking your hair. “Does this hurt, my love?”
“Sanji. You need to go fight.” You didn’t want him to see you like this. You knew it was the end. 
“I’m not leaving. You’re hurt. You need me.”
“I need you to go do your damn job,” you said. Tears were flowing out of your eyes onto his pants. “I need you to beat these guys and go find the All Blue. And make sure Luffy becomes King of the Pirates. And Zoro-” you struggled to breathe. “Zoro needs to be the greatest swordsman. Promise me?”
“Shhhh. Don’t talk,” he whispered. His voice was so soothing. You could feel your eyes getting heavier with each word. “Save your strength.”
“Sanji,” you pleaded. “Please.”
“I promise.” His voice was thick with tears. “Just stay with me. I’m here.”
You felt wet drops hit your head, but you were too tired to turn and see if he was crying. You couldn’t even offer false hope. Words were too hard to form. Perhaps just a short rest would be good for you. 
Sanji was too scared to check your pulse, but he knew when you were gone. You just felt different in his arms. He couldn’t explain why. 
He sobbed. But he didn’t beg. He knew it was useless. A part of him had been scared of this happening since the very beginning. His father always told him he was cursed. Everything he loved always died. He was foolish to think you’d be the exception. And now he was alone again. It was almost enough to convince him to throw himself into the ocean and join you in the afterlife. 
But no, he made a promise. Your dying wish. So he had to do this for you and for his friends. He would protect Luffy, he would find the All Blue, and he’d even help that stupid marimo. Not because he wanted to do it. But because his promise to you was the only thing worth living for now. 
When Law came back from the brink of death, he knew it was bad. When he came to his senses, he was laying on the ground, and you were crumpled on top of him. You had saved him again, given his energy back to keep fighting. And now you were in pain because of it. 
He could still feel his energy returning to him, slowly now. He cursed, realizing you were still struggling to help him. 
“Stop!” he hissed. He shambled you away from him, and you landed in the alleyway across the street with a sickening smack against the ground. 
“I told you not to help me!” he screamed at you. “I can fight my own battles!”
A roar came from down the street, and he remembered the reason he was so beat up in the first place. The enemy was closing in again, but with this newfound energy he would finish them off. And then he would deal with you. 
The battle was over quickly. It had been close before, but now he had the clear advantage, invigorated with energy from you and with the rage of almost losing. 
He walked back to the alley to find you, anger coursing through his veins at what you had done. You had made a promise, and you had always stuck to it. But he still hated it. 
“I told you not to help me during battle!” he yelled as he approached you. “I told you not to endanger yourself!”
You didn’t respond. You didn’t even move, and that’s when Law realized you were still in the same position you had been when he sent you away. Your chest wasn’t even rising and falling. 
Panic spiked his heart rate, and he quickly shambled over to you. He ran a scan over your body. No Life Detected. 
No. No, this couldn’t be happening. His knees grew weak, and he collapsed next to you. 
“Y/n-ya. Wake up.”
But you were still frozen in place, only a trail of blood running from the corner of your mouth. 
“Please,” he begged, tears filling his eyes. “Please don’t do this. You promised.”
Your limp body offered no response, and he switched from begging to action. He began CPR, rushing through the events that led to this. You had been alive when he woke up, and the fight had only taken a few minutes. Your body wasn’t rigid, so there was still a possibility he could breathe life back into your lungs. 
But he was the Doctor of Death, and no miracles were performed that day. Instead, his crew found him an hour later, still giving you chest compressions. They watched for thirty minutes, before Shachi finally stepped in.
“Captain,” Shachi said standing next to him. “I don’t think-”
“Shut up!” Law barked. He didn’t stop his rhythm. If he could just get your heart to beat on its own for a moment, it would all be okay.
“You can’t leave me,” Law choked out in a sob. “You promised.”
His crew let him continue to try to revive you, even though they all knew it was a fruitless endeavor. Finally, after three hours, he collapsed. 
His crew rarely saw him shed a tear, but today he sobbed into your chest with more emotion than he had ever shown. And he was never really the same afterwards, either. 
“I can fix him!” you screamed, running out towards the brothers. 
“Like hell,” Marco yelled, grabbing your wrist to hold you back. “It’s too bad. You know that. You can’t save him.”
“I can,” you sobbed. “I have to. I have to!”
You pulled yourself out of Marco’s grip, and dashed towards Luffy.
“Ace…” Luffy breathed out. “You can’t die.”
“He won’t,” you assured him, sitting down next to him. Ace’s wound looked even worse from here, and you could feel bile rising in your mouth. You had to resist the urge to vomit. You had work to do. 
“Luffy, stay with me, okay? I need you to be ready to take him to safety.”
You were prepared to die for him. You had been for a while. There was no better way to go than saving the man you loved. 
“Dont-” Ace sputtered, coughing up blood.
You pressed your lips to his cheek. “I love you, Ace. Keep living for me, okay?”
Those were fitting last words, and so you pulled out some water from your flask and placed your hands over the hole in his chest. It didn’t matter that everyone was watching you while you did this. You were the last of your kind. Your power would die with you. 
The pain came instantly, just as it had for Ace. You could feel your insides shredding apart as you used your power to repair him. His heart, his vital organs, that’s what you chose to focus on. The things he couldn’t live without had to be repaired by you. Marco could do the rest when they were safe. 
You could feel Ace fighting you, desperate to get away from your grip, but you held on tight, even as your vision became dark and blurry, even as you felt consciousness beginning to slip away, you would continue healing him until the end. 
What was only a few seconds felt like eternity, and Ace felt his body slowly begin to heal. He could breathe again.
“Luffy,” he mumbled. “Get her off of me.”
“Ace. Your wound.” Luffy pulled back to look at Ace. “It’s closing up.”
“She’s dying,” Ace sobbed, trying to push your limp body off of him. 
“I’ll be damned,” Akainu said, staring down at your work. “I thought that power was just a myth.”
“Luffy, take her away. Now!” Ace yelled, pushing you towards his little brother. 
“A shame her sacrifice will amount to nothing, though,” Akainu said from behind. Ace felt volcanic heat stir up behind him again. Another strike from Akainu was coming, but Ace was paralyzed with grief.
Jinbe jumped in front of Ace and held off the attack. “Ace, my friend. You have been given another chance. You mustn't lose it now!”
Luffy helped Ace to his feet, still staring at his chest where a hole had once been. It wasn’t completely healed, but Ace was moving. That’s all that mattered.
“We can’t leave her,” Ace said, tears flooding out of her eyes. “Luffy, we can’t-”
Ace’s body racked with a fit of coughs, and Luffy stopped. “Ace! Are you okay?! Does it hurt?!”
“We need to go get her,” Ace said, starting to turn back. But Luffy kept propelling him forward. 
His crewmates were cheering them on, not realizing what your healing had cost you. “If we get you to the ship, we win! Ace! Come on!”
But Ace kept fighting Luffy, trying to go back for you. He couldn’t leave you like this. You had sacrificed everything and now you were lying there in the dirt under Akainu. It wasn’t fair. This was his fault. 
“I’ll get her,” Marco yelled. “Keep going, Ace. You need to go! Pops put everything on the line for you! Don’t waste it now!”
When they finally made it back to the ship, Ace’s eyes scoured the horizon, waiting for Marco to return with you. People were celebrating their victory, but Ace felt like he was going to throw up. 
Finally he saw Marco, carrying your too limp body. As Marco landed on the deck, Ace could see tears in his eyes. 
“No,” Ace whimpered. “No. No! NO! Marco, fix her!”
Everyone stopped to watch the scene unfold. Even Luffy was at a loss for words. 
Marco laid your body down on the deck and wiped the tears from his eyes. “I can’t fix her, Ace. She’s gone.”
“No she’s not! You just didn’t try hard enough!” Ace bent down next to you, grabbing your body and shaking it. “Wake up, Y/N! Wake up! You told me you wouldn’t do this.”
Everyone watched as Ace collapsed against you, violently sobbing into your chest. He slammed his hands against the deck, cursing the world and cursing himself, screaming loud enough for everyone to hear. 
Marco waited a few minutes before intervening. “Ace,” he said, trying to keep his voice calm. “You need to stop.”
“I love you,” Ace sobbed into your chest, beating against the deck. His hands were starting to get bloody from the repetitive punching. “Please stay with me.”
“Ace,” Marco tried again. “If you keep acting like this, your wound will reopen.”
“Let me die, then,” Ace cried. 
“Like hell!” Marco yelled, infuriated with his fellow commander. “You will NOT make her sacrifice and everyone else's sacrifice be in vain! I won’t let you!”
“You don’t get it, Marco!” Ace yelled. He tried to stand, and staggered a bit in the process. “She was the only thing worth living for.”
“And now you have to live with the fact that your disobedience killed her,” Marco’s words were harsh, but true. “But you still have to live! Or else you’d be spitting in her face!”
Ace screamed out in rage and charged towards Marco. However, Ace’s injury made him much slower than usual, and Marco ducked beneath the attack and jumped behind him. 
Ace felt a small pinch in the back of his neck, and the world started to go dark. “I won’t let you kill yourself. She would never forgive me,” Marco whispered, catching Ace as he lost his footing.
As Ace plunged into darkness, all he wanted was to see you one more time. To apologize for all the trouble he caused.
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Reunion Post-Time Skip- Will the Romance Re-Dawn?
Monster Trio (Sanji, Zoro, Luffy) + Bonus- Law x Reader
Author's Note: So I've been listening to “Guilt as Sin?” by T. Swift on repeat and came up with this idea, based around this one lyric:
“What if he’s written “mine” on my upper thigh only in my mind?
The oneshots are not actually what’s in the song, but just an idea from. Let me know your thoughts, suggestions, or other One Piece oneshot ideas I can help bring to life. Comment down below! Thanks!
P.S. Let me know if you want me to actually write out oneshots for the pre-time skip moments instead of just summaries or if we want some NSFW from this scenarios.
Features: Monster Trio- Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and bonus- Law
You, a member of the Strawhat crew, had a romantic moment with one of your crewmates while at Sabaody. This was prior to Luffy punching a celestial dragon, the navy invading, Kuma blasting everybody to all parts of the globe, and the two year training time skip. Now, two years later, you’ve reunited with the Strawhats to continue your journey into the New World.
You’ve spent two years replaying the romantic moment you had with your crewmate. None of the other crew members know about it. You’ve daydreamed about what could have been and what could be when you reunite with them. However, you can’t help but think, two years is a long time, and maybe it was nothing, or maybe their feelings have changed. Maybe they will pretend nothing happened when you see them again.
Bonus with Law: You and Law had a moment on the polar tang before he left for Punk Hazard and sent you and the rest of the Heart Pirates to Zou. You have just learned Law has made it to Zou after the events of Dressrosa. You wonder if your captain will pretend nothing happened before he left, or if you will get to resume where you left off.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, Hints at NSFW, Hints at sexual interactions in past or in future, Accidental ass/panty flash, lap sitting, nosebleeds, pet names
General Moment Monster Trio:
You and the crew have just left Thriller Bark and are on your way to Fishman Island. Along the way you meet Cami, a mermaid and are reunited with a former enemy Hatchan. After saving these two and being fed by them to fortify your friendship, they instruct you to head to Sabaody Archipelago. Once there, you set out to find Rayleigh, a friend of Hatchan, who will hopefully coat your ship, allowing you passage to Fishman Island and, thus, the New World. Prior to the major events of this arc, you share a kiss or more with one of your favorite members of the monster trio.
Pre-time Skip Moment Summary:
You were helping Sanji prepare a meal in the kitchen. The rest of the crew were repairing the ship or searching for Rayleigh. While reaching for something that was too high on a shelf for you to grab, Sanji grabbed your waist and assisted you in retrieving it. The intimacy of the close proximity led to the two of you kissing. Unfortunately, you were interrupted by a transponder snail call. The call was from Chopper, Brook and Luffy informing you that Cami was kidnapped.
Post-time Skip Reunion:
Sanji arrived at the Sunny to drop off his gear before setting off to the market. Already on board the ship were you, Usop, Franky, and Chopper. You chose to wear a light blue sundress that was low cut in the front and hit just below your ass. The dress cinched just above your waist and accentuated your breasts. This outfit was ideal for showing off how your curves had grown and changed in the two years you had spent away from the crew. It also showed off how strong you had gotten. Sanji had been yelling back and forth discussing something with Franky as he began to walk aboard the ship. Not noticing the voice, but coming to assist Franky, you had exited the kitchen and dropped something you were carrying. As you leaned down to pick it up Sanji stepped aboard the Sunny. Thinking no one was there as you were distracted by the joy of being reunited with your crewmates, you bent down sloppily allowing your dress to rise up. Sanji’s eyes widened as he was awarded the visual of more of your ass than he ever had before and your pink underwear. Sanji’s eyes turned to hearts, his tongue fell out of his mouth, and blood shot out of his nose like a geyser.
“Y/N-Swan!!!” You heard Sanji call as you shot your head around to look at him.
You quickly grabbed the item you had dropped and stood up, readjusting the bottom of your dress as you did. Your face grew a faint pink hue at your cheeks as you stared at the curly eyebrowed man. He took in the full sight of you, cleavage and all, and the blood from his nose jetted out faster, causing him to faint. You and Chopper rushed to his side and tried to rouse him. Franky and Usop stood behind you and looked down at the fainted Sanji, attempting to cover their mouths to hide their laughter. Sanji’s eyes opened gently and looked up at him.
“I just saw a goddess… I can die happy… Y/N-Swan… is that you..? He asked as he tilted his head to look in your direction. “The goddess! Y/N-Swan it’s you!” He muttered as blood shot harder from his nose and his eyes closed again.
“Sanji!” You yelled.
“Sanji! You have to get yourself together! If you keep bleeding like this you’re going to be in big trouble fast!” Chopper begged.
Sanji took a deep breath and blinked his eyes open again. He slowly cocked his head to look at his crewmates individually. He first looked at Chopper, then Franky, Usop, then back at you. You smiled at him causing his breath to catch in his throat. He gritted his teeth and his eyes grew wide as he looked at you. The color slowly faded from his skin and a small drop of blood dribbled from his nose.
“Sanji!” Chopper yelled. “You have to keep it together!”
Sanji finally regained his ability to breathe and took a deep breath. As he did, he raised a hand to caress your cheek.
“Y/N-Swan… my beautiful Y/N-swan… I didn’t think you could get more beautiful, but here you are. I’m sorry for my behavior…” He began to speak as his hand fell from your cheek.
Sanji looked up at the sky above him, then turned and glanced back at you. You grabbed his hand in yours.
“Are you okay, Sanji?” You asked, eyes glistening with worry.
Sanji closed his eyes and returned his gaze to the sky above him.
“I was in Hell for 2 years… All… All that got me through was the thought of you… the thought of you and our kiss. You’re what got me back here today, Y/N, you’re what got me out of hell.” Sanji said, as he moved to sit up on his elbows and look deeper into your eyes.
Your eyes watered as you stared into his gray-blue orbs and pale face. Chopper wiped away the blood from his face as the two of you continued to look at one another.
“Hold on, wait a minute, did you say "kiss”?” Franky interrupted.
“Sanji… I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that day. I… was worried you’d want to pretend like it never happened..” You said as you broke eye contact with him.
“So you two kissed? When!? Where were we?” Usop urged.
“Never, Y/N.” Sanji replied, lifting your chin and pulling you into a soft kiss.
“AHHH! What is happening?!” Chopper eyes popped out of his head as he screamed.
Sanji pulled you into his chest and the two of you continued to kiss. Chopper slowly backed up into Franky and Usop’s legs. Chopper and Usop sighed and shook their heads.
“It’s okay little buddy. It’s a super thing, guess these two have been lovebirds the whole time and we didn’t know. Come on. Let’s leave them to it.” Franky said as he picked up Chopper and walked away from you and Sanji kissing.
Usop shrugged his shoulders and followed behind Franky. Once they left, you pulled away from Sanji and whispered in his ear.
“I’ve been thinking about a lot more than just kissing over the past two years… Nami is in town and Robin isn’t back yet… should we take this to my room?”
“Shopping can wait!” Sanji said shakily as blood shot out of his nose again.
You stood up and pulled him to his feet. Once on his feet, you grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind you to your bedroom. His eyes were full of hearts as you dragged him away.
Pre-time Skip Moment:
You and the crew were on your way to Sabaody Archipelago after Thriller Bark. At Thriller Bark Zoro got badly injured, due to a run in with Kuma. Chopper had asked if you would help keep an eye on Zoro because he loved to take off his dressings to train. One afternoon on your way to Sabaody Chopper and you hadn’t seen Zoro in awhile and well, that made you both nervous. You went on a hunt for the swordsman and you found him training away in the crows nest. The two of you got into a heated argument and well… one thing led to another and the two of you fucked.
Post-time Skip:
Zoro was the first to arrive at Shakky’s bar. He waited for hours for anyone else to arrive, but eventually, he grew bored of waiting, so he decided to head to the Sunny. As he opened the door, you were reaching for the doorknob to the establishment. You looked up and smiled at him as the door opened. You were wearing a dark green spaghetti strap dress. The dress was cut to highlight your curves and muscles that had grown and changed over the past two years. Zoro gasped as he saw you.
“Hey Zoro! Been awhile, good to see you!” You said as you stepped back to let the swordsman outside of the bar.
“Y/N.” He said plainly, barely making eye contact with you.
As he began to step out of the doorway, you lept at him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a hug. His body tensed as yours hit his, his eyes widened, and his teeth clenched. He inhaled deeply taking in your scent, as he exhaled, he wrapped his arms around your waist. A few moments go by as you both rest in one another's arms.
“I missed you.” You mutter. “I missed everyone. Is anyone else here yet?” You added as you pulled away from him and dropped your hands to rest upon his muscular chest.
You lift your head to gaze into his dark eye and gaze upon the scar closing his other. He loosened his grip on your waist and looked down at you, his teeth clenched harder at the intimacy of the moment.
“Damn forward as ever woman.” He said with a smirk as he directed his gaze to your arms on his chest, causing you to chuckle.
“How have you been Zoro? What did you do for these last two years?! What happened to your eye? Where are you going?” You ask as you reach a hand up to touch his cheek.
“Wow. Slow down, woman. It’s just you and me here so far to answer your first question and well, the rest is a long story.” Zoro interjected.
As he spoke you lifted your hand to touch his left cheek, below his eye, where part of his scar rested. As you did so, the door to the restaurant opened and out stepped Rayleigh. Rayleigh’s face formed a large grin when he saw Zoro holding your waist and you reaching for his cheek.
“Well what do we have here..? Rayleigh asked with a laugh.
Zoro jumped back from you and crossed his arms over his chest. His gaze averted to the ground below him, allowing him to not make eye contact with you or Rayleigh. You blushed and turned to Rayleigh with a soft smile.
“Well, you didn’t have to stop on my account… Y/N, you’re looking as lovely as ever. It’s wonderful to see you again.” Rayleigh said.
“Thanks, Rayleigh. It’s nice to see you too! How have you and Shakky been?” You questioned, with a deepening blush.
“We’ve been good. I just came out to make sure Zoro was finding his way to the Sunny. I remembered he had some issues with directions and thought it might be best if I took him myself. You should come with us, Y/N, I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to the past two years.”
“That’d be great!” you say with a nod.
“I would’ve found the way on my own. I got here on my own.” Zoro mumbled to himself.
You, Rayleigh, and Zoro made your way to the Sunny together. Rayleigh shared tales of training Luffy and you talked about what you were up to. Zoro stayed silent for the most part on your journey, but peered at you through stolen side glances along the way. He was not subtle, so you of course caught them. He occasionally smirked at what you and Rayleigh said, but not much in terms of information sharing on his adventures for the past two years.
Back at the Sunny you ran into a few more members of your crew. Franky was inspecting the ship and Nami was stopping by to drop off her things before going to meet Usop. You greeted them both with hugs and began to catch up a bit. Rayleigh took his leave of you all to go make sure other members of your crew weren’t waiting back at the bar. While you caught up with your other crewmates on deck, Zoro had found a place to nap nearby. While you conversed, you occasionally felt a gaze upon your back.
While Nami informed you about new weather phenomena and navigation techniques she had learned, you glanced over at Zoro and briefly made eye contact with him. You shyly grinned in his direction, he shook his head, smirked, then closed his eye again to return to his nap.Nami of course, noticed all of this and rolled her eyes at you.
“Y/N?” Nami angrily urged.
“Oh sorry Nami, I was just thinking about a funny part of my journey getting here. How’d you get back?”
“Sure you were.” She replied. “Well I better go meet Usop. You can tell me all about your trip when I get back.” She said with a wink.
You waved goodbye to her and she headed off the ship, toward the island. When you looked back in Zoro’s direction he was gone. You talk with Franky for a few more minutes, then finally excuse yourself to go unpack. You couldn’t wait to get settled and reunite with the rest of the crew. In the midst of unpacking you suddenly felt a presence behind you. You turned around and sure enough Zoro was standing in your doorway. His arms were crossed and his gaze directed at his arms in front of him.
“Hey.” You said as you refold a shirt and set it on your bed.
“Two years is a pretty long time…” Zoro began.
“Yeah, it is… but being back on the Sunny… it feels like we left only yesterday.”
“I couldn’t agree more, and well I seem to remember us doing an interesting workout before we left….”
Your breath caught in your throat. Zoro’s blank expression formed a cocky smirk as he noticed your body tense up. He stood tall from leaning against the doorway and pulled the door shut behind him. He walked toward you as you turned to face him head on.
“Zoro, I…” You start.
Zoro walked past you and sat down on your bed, still not looking at you. He leaned back on his hands.
“Two years, and I haven’t been able to do a workout as well as that one… Think maybe we could try it again?” He said as he glanced at you, with his one eye to see your reaction.
“Two years is a long time to go without a proper workout… Guess we have a lot to make up for.” You said as you moved to stand in front of him, your lips twisted devilishly as you stared down at him.
He reached up with one hand and grabbed you by the waist. You gasped as he pulled you to sit upon his toned lap. His chapped lips pressed against yours. Fingers danced up and down your torso. Your hands wrapped around his neck and started fingering through his hair. He pulled back from your lips a string of saliva between you. You both chuckled as you stared at one another. He was more muscular than he was two years ago and maybe a bit rougher around the edges. You weren’t sure what he had been through these past two years, but in that moment you realized he was still the same Zoro from two years ago.
“Let’s see what two years of training has done for you…” You begin with a smirk.
Pre-time skip Moment:
Luffy had ridden the ferris wheel alone with Cami, your fear of heights prevented you from joining them. After his ride with Cami, Luffy insisted on taking you. Luffy asked Chopper, Pappagu, Hatchan, and Brook if it was okay, and if they would look out for Cami while he was gone, they agreed. You rode the ride alone with him only to freak out at the ride's peak height. Luffy had no idea what to do, so he kissed you. He quickly pulled away apologizing to a stunned you. Once you had realized what had happened, you pressed your lips back against his. The two of you shared a passionate makeout session, but were interrupted by the sound of Chopper yelling about a yummy snack as the ride got close to the ground. Luffy rushed to the window to see what the ruckus was and he got too excited about food, to talk with you about what just happened. When the ride docked, he grabbed your hand and pulled you off the ride towards the food. Then while you and your crewmates were distracted by food, Cami got kidnapped and well the rest of the events of the arc occurred.
Post-Time Skip:
Luffy was the last to arrive at the Sunny, and he was being chased by the navy when he arrived. You watched him from the deck as he ran towards the ship. You couldn’t help but grin at seeing your reckless captain getting himself into trouble again. You stared on in awe as he, Zoro, and Sanji approached the ship. Your thoughts were interrupted by Nami yelling for assistance to prepare for departure. You and the rest of the crew quickly sprung into action to help prepare the Sunny for your ocean descent to Fishman Island.
Zoro and Sanji made it to the Sunny and you greeted them both with quick hugs. Luffy made it on board, but before you got the chance to hug him, cannon fire began to target Sunny. You and some of your crewmates started to panic. Zoro and Sanj prepared to begin deflecting the cannon fire. You looked out at the encroaching ships and noticed another one nearby that was not one of the marines. One of your crewmates mentioned it, because it moved into the path between your ship and the marines, causing the marines' cannon fire to stop. That’s when Luffy informed you all he had spent the past two years on or near the Island of Women with the Pirate Empress, Boa Hancock.
Usop and Sanji took turns trying to see the pirate empress with their binoculars and swooning at the idea of being stranded with her. This information and watching your other crewmates melt at the idea of Luffy’s adventure made your heart ache with jealousy. Yes, you’d been apart from Luffy and knew you hadn’t talked about your kiss, but it had meant something to you. Two years hadn’t changed your feelings, frankly seeing Luffy only rekindled them. Maybe though, two years and losing Ace had changed things for him. More gun and cannon fire awoke you from your thoughts and you helped the crew protect the Sunny. Thankfully Luffy’s friend, Boa Hancock, helped you all escape.
As you descend into the depths of the ocean, you and the crew caught up a bit. You learned more about Luffy’s adventures. You wandered towards the Sunny's figurehead. The rest of the crew chatted on the main deck or went to finish unpacking their things for the next leg of the journey. You stared into the abyss that was the ocean in front of you and thought of your dreams, and of Luffy. Your thoughts were shortly interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Y/N.” Luffy said with a large grin.
You felt his stretched arms wrap around you and pull you across the top deck into his embrace. You softly laughed at the familiarity as you turned to look into his eyes, his arms returning to normal at your waist. You wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him into a tight embrace. After a few seconds, you dropped your hands to his chest, gazing upon his new scar before returning your gaze to his onyx orbs.
“Luffy… Luffy I’m so sorry about Ace. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there.” You sais as your eyes started to glisten with tears.
Luffy pulled you back into his chest. Your smile widened at his action causing you to let out a chuckle, as a few tears dripped down your face.
“You shouldn’t be comforting me! I should be comforting you.” You added, pulling back from the hug again. “I know how important he was to you.”
“Thanks, Y/N. The past two years haven’t been easy.” Luffy said, as he still held onto your waist, but directed his gaze into the ocean. “I’m sorry I selfishly took them. A friend of mine reminded me, I still had a reason to pursue my dream… this crew… So I took two years to get stronger to make sure that could never happen again… because, Y/N… Y/N if I lost you…” Luffy looked down at his hands and he gripped your waist tighter. “My dream couldn’t come true, because my dream isn’t my dream without you by my side.” He said as he looked back up to meet your stare.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You replied as a soft smile grew upon your pink lips.
“Good. Then I’ve been waiting two years to do something.” He said, a devious smile forming across his face.
Luffy pulled your waist against his with one hand and placed the other on your cheek. He gently pulled your lips to his. His lips were warm and soft against yours. Once the initial shock wore off, you kissed him back, settling your arms around his neck to pull him deeper into you. Your lips parted slowly allowing his tongue to slip inside. Your impassioned kiss on the top deck of the ship lasted a few minutes only to be interrupted by Nami.
“Hey lovebirds! There’s something following us!” Nami yelled.
You looked past Luffy’s shoulder and noticed a ship quickly approaching the Sunny. Luffy stretched his neck to look behind him, a big toothy grin forming on his face as he looked out. He laughed.
“I can handle anything the New World throws at us, as long as you and the rest of this crew stay by my side. It’s good to be back.” Luffy said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the rear deck.
Moment before Dressrosa:
Law had just announced to you, and the rest of the Heart pirates, that he wanted you to take the Polar Tang to Zou, while he dealt with an important mission elsewhere. He left out a lot of details, but he informed you that the next day you’d be dropping him off at Punk Hazard then continue on to Zou without him. The entire crew gasped at the announcement and grew upset. Law in classic Law fashion, reminded them it was an order and as members of his crew they had to do as he instructed. The crew agreed, but reminded him they weren't happy about it. You, being especially close with your captain, as the only nurse on his crew, went to his quarters that night to demand more of an explanation. However, many of your crewmates, mainly Bepo, had the same idea. You didn’t get a chance to confront Law until the next day. You caught Law in his quarters and he allowed you to come in to talk to him. The two of you got into a heated argument about his plans, which ended with a passionate kiss initiated by him. Unfortunately, your kiss was interrupted by the Bepo knocking on the door to inform Law you’d arrived at Punk Hazard. Law stepped away from you, apologized, and exited the ship. You chased after him yelling, but you were ignored and Law exited the ship. Once on the deck, he used his room ability to teleport himself to the island. You, Penguin, Shachi, and Bepo all cried as you watched Law walk off.
Reunited at Zou:
You had gotten word via News Coo of the events at Dressrosa and were proud of your captain for his actions. He was alive and that was the most important thing. However, it had been months since he had left you and the rest of the Heart Pirates to go off on his own. You were still missing a lot of information on why he left. He didn’t explain why he had to go, where he had to go, or why he had kissed you before he left. Had he only explained that kiss, maybe you wouldn’t have been so mad. When news reached you from the Minks of the arrival of some intruders and to be on guard, you knew it was him. Your heart warmed at the thought of being reunited with your captain. Butterflies danced in your stomach and your thoughts soared into hopes of getting an explanation for that kiss. You finished tying the string around your neck of the tightfitting yellow dress one of the minks had given to you and walked outside at the sound of cheers.
Bepo, Shachi, and Penguin found him first, no surprise. You allowed the rest of the crew to swarm him when he made it to the Guardians layer. You watched from afar as your crewmates hugged Law, his body tensing with every touch. You smiled and giggled as they began asking him a million questions about the Strawhats and Dressrosa.
“That’s enough. Meet me inside and I’ll answer all of your questions. I’ll put my stuff down then meet you in the main room.” He said shortly as he tossed his sword back over his shoulder.
“So glad to have you back, Captain!” Bepo called as he headed into the Guardian’s layer.
“Yeah, Captain. Can’t wait to tell you about what we’ve been up to.” Penguin said.
“Glad you’re okay, Captain.” Shachi added.
You walked inside with Jean Bart, both of you guessing at what could be the next adventure for you and your crew. The crew had planned a surprise celebration for Law’s return once you’d received news about the events at Dressrosa. The early warning of intruders on Zou, that the minks had received that morning provided you and the crew ample time to cook and decorate. You had been the mastermind of course, and you knew Law would pretend to hate it, but he’d actually appreciate it. Besides, it had been so long since you had seen him, you had started to wonder if he would come back at all. Planning this event gave you and your crewmates a glimmer of hope. Before you could go check on the final details, you noticed a blue circle form around you. Suddenly, you were in a hallway standing in front of Law.
“C-C-Captain.” You stuttered, surprised to suddenly be looking in the face of the man who crossed your mind every second of every day for the past year, since you had joined his crew.
“I didn’t see you when I first arrived.” He said flatly as he stared at you blankly.
“Yeah, well, I hung back, I thought I could catch you later. Everyone was so excited to have you back. I….” You replied, rubbing the back of your head as the butterflies in your stomach frenzied.
“You weren’t?”
He glanced down at the space between you and placed his hand in his pocket. You took a step closer to him.
“Law… I” You started, tears beginning to form in your eyes. “I just needed a minute to know that it was real… That you were real.”
He looked up at you, breath catching in his chest as he saw the tears forming in your eyes. You took a deep breath.
“I’m so happy to see you, but I’m pissed at you.” You said as you shoved his shoulder. “How could you leave like that? We saw the alliance in the papers and… I.”
“I said I’d come back.” He replied, his eyes darting to meet yours, then to study the ground before him.
You sighed and turned your head. He looked exhausted. Taking down Doflamingo couldn’t have been easy, you had just wished he had let you be there to help.
“I haven’t been on this crew long, Captain… but Law, I like to think I know you a little bit… and you didn’t mean it.” You voiced with furrowed brows.
You stared at him longingly, heart sinking as the silence grew around you in the empty hallway. You wiped a tear from your cheek and swallowed hard, stepping away from him.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Captain.” You said with a sigh. Now, the crew has planned a celebration for your return, try to be nice”. You replied as you wiped your cheeks and began to walk away from him.
A hand caught your wrist causing you to gasp. The hand whirled you around and moved to your chin, where suddenly, soft chapped lips were against yours. Your chest tightened and heart soared as his other hand moved to rest upon your waist. You blinked your eyes a few times, letting them soften closed as you tilted your head into his kiss. The rise and fall of your chest accelerated as you parted your lips open and began pressing back against his. Your hands wrapped around his neck and pulled him deeper into your embrace. A few minutes passed before the two of you broke apart gasping for air. A string of saliva still connected your lips.
He dropped his hands to your waist and watched the rise and fall of your chest. You stared at his lips, desperately wanting them back against yours, but you knew you had to return to your crew. Law’s teeth clenched and he tightened his grip on your waist.
“I just needed you safe. It was my mission. I was willing to die for it, but I wasn’t willing to take you down with me.” He spoke between pants.
“Captain, don’t I get to decide who and what I live or die for?” You responded as you rested your forehead against Law’s.
“I thought… I told you to call me Law in private.” He said with a smirk.
“Don’t think that…one kiss gets you off the hook. You better behave yourself at this celebration and tell us everything.” You raised your eyebrows at him sternly as you spoke.
“I thought I was the one who gave the orders around here.” He replied as his hands began roaming your waist and torso.
“You’ve been gone a long time and someone had to take charge. Maybe I don’t want to give it up?” You replied with a laugh. “Well behave and after the celebration, I’ll let you order me around back in your quarters. You are the only person I take orders from.”
You deviously smirked at Law and walked down the hallway.
“Y/N, nice dress by the way. Suits you… But I think it will look better on my floor.”
“As you wish, Captain.” You replied, turning around to salute him as you did.
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nina-ya · 8 months
hi! i love your work, is it okay if we can get shanks for your wound care series? thank you!
Patching up Shanks' Wounds
Zoro Law Sanji Shanks Ace Luffy Sabo Doflamingo A/N: HI NONNIE! Thank you so much for your request of course you can have the lovely Shanks for the wound care series! Pairing: Shanks x GN!Reader CW: None WC: 887
You thought the whole world had collapsed when you had heard the trembling voice of Shanks over the Den Den Mushi pleading for your help. You dropped what you were doing and sprinted to his location. A million thoughts raced in your head: how could the Shanks get injured like this? What kind of enemy could he possibly have encountered? Just how bad are his injuries?
As you round the corner, your eyes locked onto Shanks, and your heart pounded in your chest. Your gaze scanned him, assessing for any signs of injuries, but wait… where were his injuries? Your panic increased, and adrenaline coursed through your body, your mind in turmoil. He seemed just fine? Shanks let out a hearty laugh at your reaction and extended his pointer finger to you.
“I think I’ve gotten a splinter,” he declared, a grin stretching across his face.
Your jaw dropped, and you blinked in disbelief. “Red-haired Shanks, you did not just make me panic over a splinter!” you shouted, exasperation clear in your voice.
He shrugs nonchalantly, his eyes twinkling playfully. “Hey, hey, calm down. This is a very serious injury,” he says, his tone clearly teasing as he waved his hand dramatically to emphasize the importance of the splinter.
Your chest heaves as you attempt to calm down. “Shanks, you are insufferable.” You mutter out in irritation. You walk over to him and smack him across the head. He whines out dramatically even though your hit didn't actually hurt in the slightest. “Next time you call me like that you better be ten seconds away from death, you got it? Now show me your damn splinter.” You say in irritation.
“My, my, so angry, do I always get you this worked up?” He teases, with that same playfulness in his eyes.
You sigh, shaking your head at his antics. “It’s a special talent of yours, Captain. Now, let me see the splinter before I decide to make it a more serious injury.”
He chuckles, extending his finger to you to inspect. “Alright, I promise to only call for medical emergencies next time. No more splinter crises.”
You examine the splinter closely. It was barely a sliver of wood embedded in his finger. You grab a pair of tweezers and with one quick and precise motion, you remove it. Shanks winces, not from the pain, but from the exaggerated theatrics that he decided to play up for you. Once the ordeal is over, you can’t help but roll your eyes at him and smile. “There, all better,” you say, your voice laced with fond exasperation.
Shanks flexes his finger and grins at you. “You’re my savior. Now, how do you plan on rewarding me for being brave and handling the pain?”
You can’t help but laugh. “Reward you? How about I just don’t ban you from the infirmary for life for wasting my time?”
He pouts playfully, “Wasting your time? I think that's a bit harsh don't you think?”
“Well, Captain, you do have a knack for keeping me on my toes at all times and for making the simplest things an adventure.”
He flashes you a charming grin, leaning closer as if to share a secret. “It’s because I have the most excellent nurse who can turn the most mundane situations into unforgettable moments.”
Your heart skips a beat as his gaze locked onto yours, and his words carried a hint of something deeper. “Is that so?” you ask, your voice softening, unsure if you were still talking about the splinter or something entirely different.
Shanks nods, his expression turning playful once more. “Absolutely. And you know, and I still think I deserve a reward for my bravery today.”
You are brought out of your trance for just that moment and you take his hand in yours, your fingers lightly brushing against the calloused skin.. You bring his finger up to your lips and lightly plant a soft, lingering kiss on it, the delicate sensation of his roughened fingertip sending a pleasant shiver down your spine.. “There, all better. Is that what you wanted?” You ask, a playful smile gracing your lips, eyes locking with one another in an unspoken exchange of shared humor and affection.
Shanks chuckles, the sound warm and endearing. “Hey, only a kiss on my finger for all my troubles? Such a prude you are.”
A mischievous glint dances in your eyes as you lean closer, your lips just barely brushing against his ear. “Maybe if you get injured somewhere else you’ll get a kiss there too.”
He raises an eyebrow, his grin widening, and his voice dropping to a murmur.“I see… So, uh, I happen to have this splinter in my lips too, and one gnarly one right below the belt-”
You interrupt him with an exasperated huff, a playful swat to his arm and a mock glare. “Shanks, so help me, I am going to murder you right here, right now.”
The two of you shared a laugh, and in that moment as your laughter echoed in the room, it was clear that even the simplest of interactions with Shanks had a way of turning into something more, something extraordinary. It was in these moments, full of playful banter and shared laughter, that the connection between you and Shanks truly shines.
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sanjisprincesswifey · 6 months
hi! may i please request Law, Robin or Zoro with a female reader for secret santa? please and thank you
hi there! hope you enjoy this long and slightly angsty zoro piece :)
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you’ve received zoro + kissing under the mistletoe
❆: angsty, longing zoro, reader also kisses luffy, no implied gender, 1000+ words!
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zoro thought he was past your relationship. you two didn’t work out, not everyone does, and that was okay with him.
totally and completely okay…
replaying the moment from dinner, he swore he saw red. which wouldn’t have happened if he was over you, right?
some of the strawhats had joined sanji in the kitchen before dinner, maybe because of the savory scent that was hard to resist. and of course, luffy was one of those individuals.
zoro doesn’t recall paying much attention to the conversation at the table. he never really does if he’s being honest.
“guys,” you call, bursting in through the galley door.
the sound of your voice is what drew him in, his good eye flicking open to where you were standing in the entry way.
“i think its going to start to snow soon!” you beam, earning enthusiastic uproar from those in the room. zoro can’t hold back a smile when your ardor is for something so ridiculous as snow.
as usual, luffy springs from his seat, eager to see the weather change when nami interrupts him, gaining everyone’s attention.
“hey, luffy! look what’s above you two!”
as you and your captain stand in the doorway, everyone’s eyes travel to reveal the bright green mistletoe hanging above you.
zoro can now hear his thrumming heartbeat, immediately recognizing the symbolic meaning behind the plant.
“that’s mistletoe,” you inform luffy, who seemed just as confused despite the explanation. the captain proceeds to ask a bunch of questions including who did it get there and could he eat it, the standard luffy inquiry.
never had zoro been so aggravated with luffy’s clueless nature.
“that means you two have to kiss. that’s tradition anyway,” nami teases, wiggling her eyebrows at you. playful laughter fills the air while you watch luffy’s face attempt to comprehend the situation.
“well if that’s what that means,” he shrugs, turning to you with a big grin.
of course, he’s not taking this seriously.
the veins in zoro’s forehead feel like they’re about to pop, luffy gets to kiss you and he’s making a joke of it?
time feels like it’s starting to slow down as luffy leans in, going in to place a peck on your cheek. but you’re too busy laughing with nami to realize this and as soon as your head turns, your lips meet his.
your lips only brush for a couple seconds before the two of you realize what had happened, but it feels like an eternity before either of you pull away.
everyone starts to laugh, taunt and teasing the two of you like a middle school couple, but to zoro it’s like the personified version of his worst nightmare.
luffy wraps an arm around you, dragging you with him to return to his original goal of watching the fresh snow fall.
conversation continues as normal, meanwhile zoro sits at the end of the table pretending that his heart wasn’t just ripped out of his chest.
so now that he’s in the crow’s nest, supposedly watching over the ship, all he can think about is you.
did luffy notice your sweet scent as he leaned in? were your lips supple and soft as always or had you changed your chapstick? more importantly, did either of you enjoy it?
what would you have done if it was zoro who was standing there? would you have kissed him? laughed it off like it meant nothing to you?
he didn’t know, but he couldn’t help but desperately want to.
movement out of the corner of his eye snaps his attention away. the light from the galley shines through the slim crack underneath and it’s enough for him to huff and head in that direction.
“alright luffy—“
you jump at the sudden noise, but it seems the swordsman is much more surprised to see you here.
“sorry zoro, just getting some water. i’m leaving right now,” you softly smile, wiggling your glass as proof.
his throat runs dry now that you were standing in front of him. but your movements are agile, too quick for him to strategically access his next move before you’re almost out the door.
zoro reaches out for your hand, taking a tight hold on you and preventing you from leaving.
you pause, letting out a gentle sigh before turning around to face him. “need something?” you ask, staring at your connected hands rather than his face.
there was nothing running through his head as you finally glanced up at him. the light in your eyes had been replaced by foreboding sadness. and he knew why, as he was the one who caused the two of you to break up.
“you didn’t have to kiss him earlier, you know,” he says in a low, gruff tone.
you pull your hand from his, eyes slowly squinting towards him. “i know…” you wearily respond, face twisting into a frown. “…i can make my own decisions, thank you.”
zoro nods. “but you didn’t have to,” he reiterates focusing on the point that is was your decision.
“why does it matter to you? you’re the one who broke us up.” you nearly yell, almost forgetting that the rest of your crewmates were asleep.
“i shouldn’t have done that, i know that now,” he admits, reaching out to you.
your poise changes as zoro is unusually delicate when he holds your hand. “please,” he begs, thumb smoothing over your skin, “just one more chance.”
the sigh that erupts from your body is one full of pain, a heavy burn throbbing through your lungs.
that was the thing about zoro, you could read him so easily. the way his brows lift in their inner corners, how his usually tensed muscles loosened the second he touched you, he was being sincere.
you glance up to the decoration you found yourself under earlier in the day. this little plant was really what tipped him over, it’s almost funny.
“we can discuss this in the morning,” you comply, leaning up to place a light kiss on his cheek, lips hovering against the skin, “that okay with you?”
he can’t help but smile as he agrees, “yeah, that’s good.”
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likes, reblogs, and comments are always appreciated! (✿◠‿◠)
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analogwriting · 6 months
It Comes in Waves
Chapter 16: Shoaling Trafalgar Law x gn!reader word count: 2.5k first|next
“Alright, alright. That’s enough,” Law finally said. Everyone pulled away, dispersing slightly. Bepo, being his usual self, apologized for his actions. You smiled, shaking your head. “Don’t say sorry, it’s not your mistake. You were just excited.” You felt Law stare at you - as he always did when you said those words. You wondered if he remembered you saying them to him all those years ago and that’s why he always looked at you the way he did as you said them.
“We should head to Catviper’s now!” You looked to Bepo, blinking. “Who?” Bepo looked at you with a smile. “Catviper! He is one of the kings of this island. It is approaching nightfall, so he will be awake soon.” You looked to Law who only shrugged. “Let’s go then,” he said.
Soon, you were on your way. Bepo filled you both in on what happened to the island - why it looked so devastated. Such a peaceful and happy island filled with pain and suffering just because some pirates were delusional in their own beliefs. It brought your mind to your own island. How it was destroyed because of one pirate’s delusions. Even if they did turn out to be true. 
You felt a hand to the small of your back and you were yanked from your thoughts. You looked over, seeing Law. He was looking straight ahead, listening to Bepo, but it seemed as if he knew you were spiraling in your own mind and was trying to stop you. He removed his hand from you once you seemed to be back in the present but you still felt warm from where his hand had sat. 
Eventually, you heard a commotion and everyone started running. Once you broke the treeline, you saw…quite the scene. You saw a large cat along with some other minks. It seemed they were all fretting over him. You heard Chopper’s voice ring through the air and you felt a pang of guilt. You had snuck out on him when you were supposed to be in his care. You owed him an apology. 
“Traffy! Y/n!” Luffy’s voice suddenly rang through the air and you saw his figure waving at you. You smiled, returning the wave. 
“Traffy, are those your crewmates?” 
That’s right. This is my crew - twenty strong.” The rest of the crew chimed it. “Nice to make your acquaintance Strawhat!” Luffy nodded, holding a hand up in greeting. “Yo!”
Law walked over, beckoning you with him. “Strawhat, we need to talk.” 
The Heart Pirates seemed suddenly offended. “Is that all? The disrespect!” They all kept chiming. Law groaned. “It’s just an alliance - no one said you had to be friends!” You couldn’t help but laugh, looking at the crew apologetically. “I’m sure you all will get along fine.”
Bepo hugged you. “At least Y/n doesn’t disrespect us,” he said, rubbing his face on yours. You laughed, pushing him off slightly. “Okay, okay. I have to go, Bepo. But, I promise, Luffy doesn’t mean any disrespect. He doesn’t have anything to hate you for.” 
Once out of the clutches of the polar bear, you headed inside. “About time, y/n.” You narrowed your eyes at Law. “Well, someone had to comfort your crew.” He narrowed his eyes right back at you. Then you both broke out into small grins before turning your attention back to the situation at hand. 
Then Luffy dropped a bomb on you. You stood there - eyes wide in shock. Sanji was gone? You listen as he filled you in. You remember when you first met the cook. It was after Luffy had saved your life. He had offered to make you lunch and you both had a wonderful discussion about food. You remember introducing him to some of your native dishes from your island. They were recipes he had never heard of. 
Ever since then, whenever you’d meet up with them, you would teach him some new dishes and recipes. It was your little bonding moment. You had those moments with each member of the crew. 
“That’s why I think we should wait for the whole Kaido thing so I can go and get Sanji! We can’t do it without him!” Luffy frowned deeply. You knew how much he cared for his cook. He was wholly convinced that he wouldn’t be king of the pirates without him. He knew he was nothing without his crew. You respected him a lot for that. 
“Well, we’re sitting ducks here. Kaido will come after us. We would’ve been able to hold out here, but it seems that they already know that we’re here. So, what are we supposed to do? If they come back, what’ll become of this country?” Law was making some pretty solid points. You didn’t want to get the innocent citizens of this island more involved than they already were. You felt bad for them - they had been through so much.
You suddenly heard cries from right outside the house and you jumped. When had all those minks gotten there? “You guys have such good hearts for worrying about us!”, “Are you sure you’re pirates?” You snorted softly. You wondered the same sometimes. Luffy had such a big heart - he wasn’t a normal pirate, that much was for sure. It seemed that Law was more like Luffy than he would probably like to admit. A couple of oddballs for pirates, that’s for sure.
“Let’s have a feast!” Catvipe suddenly announced. You blinked as everyone started cheering all of a sudden. They really were moving fast. One moment, you were talking about Sanji; the next, cheering about a feast. Luckily, it wouldn’t be until tomorrow, so you had time to recuperate. 
You weren’t exactly sure how it happened, but you were currently in the middle of town, watching as Catviper and Dogstorm bow down to the sobbing child that you’ve been around since Punk Hazard, Momonosuke. What was happening?
He was a lord? In Wano? Your head was reeling and now you watched as Kin’emon explained very quickly. Everything happened all at once and now there was a ceasefire between the two kings and so much information was just revealed to you. Your own head was spinning.
“Momonosuke, if your father is a great lord,” you heard Nami begin, “then he must have a big castle with lots of treasure.” 
“Don’t you dare!” you found yourself yelling with Usopp and Zoro. You couldn’t believe the audacity of her sometimes, but that’s also what made her Nami.
Once that excitement was over, you were tagging along with everyone to the giant whale tree. This day had been full of events and you were absolutely wiped. Too much excitement. This is why you only spent so much time with Luffy. He attracted so much attention - way more than you were used to. You could only take so much at a time…and you were way past your limit. What was even more was that you didn’t see this ending anytime soon. You needed to help with Sanji and seemed to silently agree to take down Kaido.
You felt someone tap your head, yanking you from your thoughts. You looked over, seeing Law adjusting his sword back on his shoulder. How did he always know? You rubbed your head a little. “Was it too hard?” You looked at him, shaking your head. “Ah, no. Just startled,” you said.
Your group made its way into the whale. In its depths you saw someone tied and chained up. This was the ninja that everyone had been so excited to see. Watching Luffy and the other’s physically deflate was almost enough to make you laugh. You even noticed a little bit of disappointment in Law’s eyes.
They started demanding he do “cool ninja stuff” and you watched as he shattered their dreams - telling them it’s not a parlor trick. They deflated further only for Raizo to begin to do just that, showing off his ninja moves like a parlor trick. Everyone started cheering and overall in awe. This was honestly the cutest thing you’d ever seen. 
“Didn’t take you as a ninja fan,” you teased in a low voice, coming up next to Law. He looked at you with narrowed eyes. “Everyone is a ninja fan.” You grinned, shrugging. You weren’t going to lie - it absolutely was awesome seeing a real ninja in person. “You’re not wrong,” you mused before looking at him again. “Just didn’t expect you to be a secret nerd. Next you’re gonna tell me you collect comic books.” He was silent and hid under his hat - your eyes widened.
“YOU D-” He moved fast, his hand suddenly clamping over your mouth before you could draw too much attention to the two of you. Your eyes widened in surprise. “Don’t even,” he said in a dangerously low voice. You felt a shiver down your spine as you looked at him in those golden eyes of his. You were suddenly very aware of just how your bodies pressed together. You felt your heart race, but you pushed it all aside - letting out a giggle.
“Okay, okay,” you said, pushing his hand from your mouth. You grinned widely. “You’ll have to show me this collection of yours. What is it?” Law groaned, stepping away from you. “Not now,” he mumbled and you followed him. “Absolutely right now. You can’t just drop a bomb on me like that and expect me not to demand answers.” He turned around to glare at you once more and you just let out a wide, shit-eating grin.
You weren’t going to let him live this down and you could tell he knew that. The stoic grumpy doctor having a secret nerdy side? Charming, really. He groaned, turning his attention back to the situation at hand as you did the same. You would definitely be asking questions about it later.
You turned your attention back to the situation at hand, feeling eyes bore into the back of your head. Or the side. You looked over, noticing Nami’s face. Oh, if this wasn’t instant karma. Now, you wouldn’t hear the end of things.
Once more, information was absolutely flung at you. The history of the poneglyphs, where they were possibly located, information of Momonosuke’s father, Oden, and so much more. Your mind reeled again as you took in the information, but you had a mental note in your head when they mentioned Big Mom having one of the red poneglyphs. Looks like you’d be doing more than just saving Sanji there. You had also made the decision to go and assist Luffy in retrieving the cook.
It seemed everyone’s resolve to take down Kaido deepened as well. Everything seemed to be connected and connecting the more everyone spoke about it. 
Suddenly, Kin’emon was bowing, begging Luffy and Law to help take down their current shogun in Wano and Kaido. You watched the scene fold in front of you. Luffy declined, making his crewmates protest, but you saw the look in his eye. “Hold on guys,” you tried, but your words fell on deaf ears. Then Luffy demanded that Momonosuke ask - to take the lead like he’s supposed to. A fond smile stretches across your face. You knew exactly what Luffy was trying to do even if the others couldn’t.
He even stopped the small lord from completely bowing to beg. Then, Luffy agreed to help. And just like that - a new alliance was formed. A sweet scene had unfolded and now a new alliance was created. 
On the walk back, even more information was revealed to the group. It seemed that everyone had been more interconnected than you thought. It was insane how everything wove together almost perfectly. You were lost in thought when you heard a certain name that brought your attention back to the present.
Marco the Phoenix.
Your attention snapped back to Catviper who had mentioned going to look for him. You had been pretty close to Marco as well. He had patched you up plenty of times. He treated you like a younger sibling just as he did to most of his crew. You hadn’t seen him since the war and you’ll never forget the look he gave you that day. Your heart clenched.
You remembered hearing about the grudge war. You had been so worried about Marco since then. You wished you had went and sought him out but it just never worked out. Then they just disappeared. Hearing Catviper say he was alive and that he likely knew where he was - you felt relief in your chest. You let out a silent breath that you didn’t realize you had been holding. 
After that, plans of what to do next were talked about. Some were going to Wano, Catviper was going to go find Marco, and the rest were going to save Sanji. Nami said she was going with Luffy. Brook and Chopper said they were going to. You spoke up. “I’m going too.” Luffy looked at you and blinked, but he wasn’t about to argue with you. He knew he’d lose that battle. 
Law, however, made a noise of surprise. You looked at him. “You got something to say, doc?” you asked, narrowing your eyes. You two started your own separate conversation. “I just don’t think you need to go.” Law shrugged.
“I-” You stared at him incredulously. Was he serious right now? “The hell am I going to do in Wano? I can’t just sit around while Luffy risks his life. I need to go and help.” He shook his head. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You put your hands on your hips, not understanding what was happening right now.
“I don’t understand why you think you have any say in what I do. You’re not my captain.” He stared at you as you said those words. “You’re the one who said they’d join me if we met up again.”
“I said that I would if you asked. And as far as I know, you haven’t asked.” You glared at him and he pursed his lips for a moment. “And don’t bother asking now - that would be so unfair.” You said you’d join if he asked. The asking was a formality. If he asked, you wouldn’t have a choice but to say yes. He looked at you for a long moment. “You would lose me so fast,” you said in a low voice. “Shortest crew member time ever.” He clenched his jaw. You could tell he was pissed, but you didn’t care. You were never one who liked being told what to do and you weren’t about to let him start.
“If you think you can try to pull something - just don’t.” You warned. 
Just then, the ground underneath you shifted drastically. You yelped as you stumbled, falling right into Law and both of you falling to the ground. It was like an earthquake but at a higher caliber. What the hell was going on?
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fivedayslater · 10 months
Part 20: Talk to Law
Dinner and a Murder: A Mr. Prince Mystery Masterpost
“Let’s go talk to Law,” Sanji says as he heads for the door, “We do really need to find out who was in this room and when.”
“Okay,” Zoro says as he follows dutifully after him, “He was in the study, right?”
“That’s what Usopp said,” Sanji holds the door open for him and waves him through, “Shall we?”
Zoro slides through the doorway, right into Sanji’s personal space. When their faces are only mere inches apart, his eye darts to Sanji’s lips, and the world freezes for a moment. Sanji’s eyes fall to Zoro’s lips too, and he finds himself wanting nothing more than to close the distance between them, to find out what Zoro’s lips taste like for himself.
But then Zoro steps back, a blush high on his face, and the moment is over.
“Let’s get going,” Zoro says as he turns and heads towards the dining room.
Sanji grabs his hand before he gets too far and tugs him in the right direction, “It’s this way, lost moss.”
“I knew that,” he huffs, but his hand is warm around Sanji’s as they make their way to the study.
The study is a smaller space compared to the other rooms. There’s a bookcase taking up the entirety of the wall by the door, and a plush couch in front of large windows right across from it. A handsome wooden desk is in one corner, a comfy chair planted in front of it, with a drink cart tucked away in another, right next to the couch. An intricately patterned throw rug takes up most of the center of the floor, but the hardwood peeks out near the walls.
Law sits on the couch with a book in his hand. He looks up when they enter, and quickly shuts it, placing it down next to him, “I see you found me.”
“You didn’t make it easy,” Sanji huffs, releasing Zoro’s hand to light a cigarette, “Why did you leave the dining room?”
Law shrugs as he leans back in his seat, “Didn’t see the point in staying.”
“That’s a bullshit answer,” Zoro mumbles under his breath.
Sanji agrees, but still elbows him in the side as a cue to keep quiet. It wouldn’t do them any good to annoy Law when they needed him to answer more important questions.
On that note, “Do you mind if I ask you a few questions?”
“Sure,” he shrugs again, “That is your job, after all.”
“Right,” he glances quickly back at Zoro before pulling the prescription papers out of his pocket and handing them to Law, “Do you recognize these?”
Law frowns as he takes the papers from him, “Yes, these are from my prescription pad.” He glances back up at him and raises a brow, “Why?”
“We found them in the trashcan in the lounge,” he explains as he takes a drag from his cigarette.
“What does that-?”
“That’s where Ace was killed,” Zoro interrupts, crossing his arms as he stares down at him, “So what were you doing in there?”
A frown pinches Law's face as he answers, “I didn’t step foot in the lounge this evening.”
“Then, can you explain how your prescriptions ended up in there?” Sanji asks.
“Your guess is as good as mine,” he says with another shrug, “Luffy was bugging me when I showed up, so I wrote him out a fake prescription. It’s possible a few papers fell off the pad then, and someone picked them up and threw them out in the lounge, since that’s the closest trashcan to the entry hall.
“Seems a little convenient,” Zoro mutters, making Law’s eye twitch.
“It’s just a guess,” he says, “I don’t know how they got there. I just know that I didn’t put them there because I didn’t go into the lounge.”
“Alright then,” Sanji takes the papers from him and puts them back in his pocket, and instead takes out Nami’s ledger book, “We also happened to stumble across this during our investigation, do you recognize it.”
His brow furrows as he looks over the book, “Can’t say that I have.”
Sanji flips it to the end and points out his total, “How about now?”
“Ah, yes,” he nods in understanding as he hands back the book, “And now with Nami dead, you must be wondering if I had anything to do with it because I was so indebted to her.”
“The thought has crossed my mind,” he admits, taking another pull from his cigarette, “Your debt was quite substantial.”
“It would look that way on paper, yes,” he looks away, his fingers drumming on the cover of his book, “In addition to my normal practice, I may occasionally take on unsavory clients that have nowhere else to go. Sometimes I hear things. I pass – passed – these things on to Nami, and she would reduce my debt.”
“She was always big about knowing everyone’s secrets,” Zoro confirms with a nod.
“Exactly,” he nods in return, “She found our arrangement agreeable.”
“Of course,” Zoro continues with a glare, “Now that she’s dead, you don’t have to pay her back at all. Either in secrets or in money.”
Law returns his glare with a fierce one of his own, “I hadn’t thought about it, but yes, I suppose I don’t.”
Sanji quickly tucks the ledger book back in his pocket, hoping to finish the question before Zoro and Law start actually fighting, “We found a rope in the kitchen where Nami was killed.”
Law’s gaze slides back to him, “Okay.”
“I’m pretty sure it was the rope from the conservatory.” He puffs on his cigarette, exhaling wisps of smoke as he asks, “Do you know how it got there?”
“Because I was in the conservatory earlier, you think I brought it there?” Law chuckles and shakes his head, “For what purpose, may I ask? If you’re accusing me of killing Nami, there would’ve been no point. She wasn’t strangled, her head was bashed in.”
“I’m aware,” he nods, “But it didn’t grow legs and get there on its own, so I’d like to know how it did get there.”
“I didn’t move it,” he says as he crosses his arms and leans back, “I don’t know how it got to the kitchen. Perhaps one of the staff moved it. They are doing work in there, and maybe they realized they needed rope.”
Sanji frowns as he takes another hit from his cigarette. It’s as good an explanation as any, but it doesn’t sit well with him. When would the staff have had time to move the rope, after all, and get it in the kitchen without noticing Nami?
“Just one last thing,” he says, nodding towards the corner of the room, “Did you know there’s a secret passage in here that leads to the kitchen?”
Law turns to examine the corner, “I did not.”
“There’s one between here and the kitchen, and the lounge and the conservatory,” Zoro adds.
“Interesting,” he turns back to Sanji, “Do you think the killer utilized the passages?”
“We’re not sure,” he says as he finishes his cigarette, putting the butt in a nearby ashtray, “But it certainly adds a new layer to things.”
“Yes, I suppose it does.” Law says as he looks off in the distance, his hand clenching over his book.
“I think that’s everything,” Sanji says as he nods to the door, “Shall we continue?”
“Yeah,” Zoro nods eagerly as he follows after him.
Law’s voice stops Sanji at the door. He turns back around and raises a brow, “What?”
“I just thought of something,” Law says as his gaze locks on to Sanji’s, “About Ace’s murder.”
Sanji frowns. If he knows something, why didn’t he say something earlier? It couldn’t be very important if he’s just thinking of it now.
Then again, in a situation like this, every piece of information could be vital.
He glances over at Zoro, who’s looking at him expectantly.
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chenziee · 1 year
Wait for you (2 minutes, 20 years)
@lawluevents - Day 3: Promise/First Kiss @onepiece-bingo: Gone
Alternate summary: Luffy can be so dramatic for no reason sometimes, actually
[ Read on AO3 | series ]
A giant plate full of food in his arms, Luffy hummed to himself happily as he made his way to a quiet corner of the Yonta Maria’s deck. He wondered if maybe he should have grabbed more of the Sea King yakitori but he could always go back, he supposed.
As long as the guys who had declared themselves Luffy’s followers without his consent didn’t eat it all.
Really, what was that even about though? What did ‘son’s cups’ even mean? Wasn’t it enough to be friends… Luffy would never understand idiots.
“Look who’s talking,” a quiet voice teased.
“Torao, don’t be mean,” Luffy whined with a pout. Ugh; he really needed to get this thinking-out-loud thing under control.
“I’m just stating facts.” There was a smirk playing on Law’s lips as he said that and the sight made Luffy deflate.
How was he supposed to be upset when Torao looked at him like that? Totally unfair.
And so, Luffy simply huffed to himself, plopping down on the floor next to Law and placing the plate in front of them. “Look, Torao. I got you food. You have to try the meat buns, they’re really good!”
“Why do I feel like you got everything that you wanted to eat?” Law asked in amusement.
“Hey! I didn’t get any umeboshi sauce even though it looked great!” Luffy defended himself.
Law snorted. “Thanks.”
“Don’t make fun of me,” Luffy drew out unhappily before a wide smile spread on his lips once more. “But I can help you finish if you can’t eat it all.”
With a smirk, Law reached out with his hand to ruffle Luffy’s hair, making Luffy giggle. And when Law didn’t retreat his hand, his fingers running through the strands gently, Luffy leaned into it, enjoying the warmth that came with it. He hummed when Law scratched softly at his scalp, moving to brush some of Luffy’s hair behind his ear.
Luffy wasn’t sure at what point he had closed his eyes but when he had opened them again, he startled at how close Law’s face was to his own. Their eyes met and the way Torao was looking at him… it was like the world around them disappeared. Luffy didn’t know how to explain it but in that moment, Law was the only thing that mattered.
Leaning forward, Luffy met Torao half-way as their lips connected for the first time.
It was a strange feeling, to be kissing someone. Luffy had seen people kiss, he knew what it meant, but he had never thought about doing it himself. It wasn’t something that he’d go out of the way to try, nor something that he had wondered about. But now, sitting on this giant ship’s deck and kissing Torao now, Luffy thought that he wouldn’t be against doing it more, as long as it was with him.
Was this what meeting your soulmate was about?
No; Luffy was sure that even if he hadn’t crushed the Birdcage with his own fists and Law’s chain didn’t get broken—just like their soulmarks had said both would happen—it wouldn’t have changed anything. Even if Law weren’t his soulmate, he would still be special, he would still be the only one Luffy would ever want to be with like this.
Because Luffy didn’t need fate or anyone else to tell him what to do, thank you very much.
Finally pulling away, Luffy gasped for breath; who knew kissing would be so hard?
“Breathe through your nose next time,” Law noted with amusement, chuckling at the sight of Luffy panting as if he had just ran all over the Yonta Maria in search of the last bite of food.
Luffy shrugged, sticking his tongue out at Torao. “Eh, whatever. It’s not like you minded.”
“True. I don’t even want more than this so I guess it works,” Law replied with a small laugh.
“See?!” Luffy said proudly. After all, he was sure Law would sooner cut him and stick him to the main mast than turn this into one of those make-out sessions that Zoro and Sanji so loved to do when Luffy just wanted to grab a snack in the kitchen. It didn’t even feel like Torao would ever want anything more than a simple kiss and to be honest… Luffy was perfectly happy with that.
He never understood what the big deal about sex and such was; it all seemed like a damn chore if you asked him.
A smile still on his face, Law leaned over to press one last quick peck to Luffy’s lips before he pulled away completely. Luffy watched with slight confusion when Torao stood up then, careful of his injured right arm.
“Are you leaving me?” Luffy asked, unhappy.
Law’s eyebrows shot up as he turned to look at Luffy blankly. “I’m just going to get something to drink. You brought all this food and not a single water pitcher or a bottle of booze,” he stated matter-of-factly.
“There was a lot to carry!” Luffy said with a pout. Really, how was he supposed to carry drinks and mugs when all this tasty food mattered so much more?!
“Yeah, yeah.” Law reached out to ruffle his hair again, a smirk playing on his lips, before he turned to leave.
Luffy huffed to himself, grabbing a rice ball off the giant plate and biting into it defiantly. “Fine! I’ll eat all of this. And I will wait for you even if you leave me!”
Law froze in his tracks, turning his head around to stare at Luffy for a moment, blinking once, twice, before he spoke up slowly, “I’m literally just going to grab a drink.”
“So?” Luffy asked. “I promise to wait for you no matter how long it takes.”
“Why are you acting like I’m your boyfriend and leaving you to go off to war?”
“Hey, you never know what might happen!” Luffy cried defensively, sticking his tongue out. “Aren’t you glad I’ll be here even when you’re gone?”
“I don’t care where you go, I’m not your nanny.” Torao sighed.
Luffy gasped, nearly making himself choke on the rice in his mouth. “You’re so mean to me! Meanie! Jerk! I hate you!”
“What happened to I will wait for you no matter what?” Law asked, barely suppressed laughter in his voice as he mocked Luffy’s words.
Luffy’s cheeks puffed up. “That’s different!”
“Is it?” Law chuckled, the smirk on his lips widening minutely before he shook his head. “I’ll be back in a bit.”
And he was gone… and then Luffy couldn’t stop the giggle from bubbling out of his chest anymore. Torao was so cute. Luffy wasn’t sure if he could bear to let him go anymore.
Even if Law really decided to leave him at some point, if he was suddenly gone from Luffy’s life forever… 
Luffy would wait for him, no matter what.
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mantherrrr23 · 8 months
The Truth Bringing Vice Admiral! Sanji and Zoro’s Confessions.
Chapter 1
Two Days after Leaving Punk Hazard.
“Luffy, I swear if you flick that booger, and it lands on me again, I am going over there and hitting you,” Usopp growls.
Aboard the Sunny were the straw hat pirates along with Trafalgar Law, Kin’emon, Momonosuke, and the evil clown Luffy defeated at Punk Hazard, Ceasar. Kin’emon, Luffy, Law, Sanji, Brook, Franky, and Usopp were on the lawn deck of the ship. Usopp was sitting on the swing while the rest of them sat on the grass. Nami and Robin took Momonosuke to the bathroom to clean him up, Zoro was up in the observatory probably working out instead of keeping watch, and Chopper was in his infirmary room analyzing the drug the kids were forced to take on the island.
Ceasar was sitting upright against the side of the deck, always kept in Law’s sight. Everywhere he went, he dragged Ceasar along with him. The clown’s hands were bound together by sea prism stone handcuffs, so it wasn’t like he had a choice.
Luffy pulls his pinky out of his nose. To Usopp’s relief, it was booger-less. He wipes it on his shorts before looking back at Law, who was desperately trying to get him to follow his plan in the next step of taking down Kaido. Luffy hasn’t been the most cooperative since they made their alliance.
“Doflamingo won’t be like Ceasar, straw hat.”
“I don’t care. I’m going to kick his ass,” Luffy snaps back. “I’ll let you handle the factory and the hostage situation.”
“You can’t just barge in the kingdom demanding Doflamingo come to you,” Sanji mutters.
“And you definitely can’t walk into the castle expecting everyone to just let you through,” Law adds on. “Your crew understands, so why can’t you just go with my plans? Besides, if a fight does happen, I’m going to be the one killing Doflamingo.”
“Luffy doesn’t like to follow orders. He’ll help you, but you can’t expect him to do it your way,” Franky replies.
“I can’t be free if I’m following someone’s orders. I also don’t like giving them, which is why my crew is able to do as they please most of the time. I know enough that I can’t become King of the Pirates alone, but I don’t need a hundred men to do it. They have my back, and I have theirs. If you have my back, I will always have yours in return.”
There was silence for a moment while Law looked around at the straw hats. “Yeah.. but-”
“Look, just forget about it,” Sanji says as he stands up. “Luffy is dead set doing things his way. We have learned to just about do the same. Nine times out of ten our plans never work, and we get captured, or some thing or someone blocks our path. We’re only successful if we follow Luffy’s unpredictable path.”
Usopp sighs from the swing. “I hate to admit it, but he’s right. It’s like something lights the correct path for him in his heart, and he just follows it.”
Luffy chuckles. “Sanji, are you ready to cook lunch?”
“I can’t cook any meat. You ate the last of it last night. I can make sandwiches. Unless you want to go fishing and have an early dinner.”
“Usopp, let’s go get Chopper and see if he wants to help,” Luffy says as he gets up. Usopp gets up and follows after his captain.
“I’ll begin preparing the side dishes.”
Sanji starts walking towards the kitchen after them. He closed his eyes when he felt the knot in his stomach tighten harder with each step he took. Ever since they left Punk Hazard, memories of Zoro catching him while he was inside Nami’s body flood into his thoughts like a tsunami.
He had been stupidly watching her boobs bounce while he ran with Zoro and Brook on the snowy side of the island when he slipped. Zoro’s hand had caught his own, and for a moment, they just looked at each other. Sanji was confused, and Zoro was worried. Their facial expressions were clear as day. It didn’t last for very long though. Brook ruined the moment by saying how romantic they were being which caused Zoro to freak out and throw Sanji (still in Nami’s body) on the ground. Then he claimed the only reason he caught him was because he didn’t want Nami’s body to get a bruise even though he just body slammed it like nothing.
Back on the island, there was too much going on for Sanji to think about the look Zoro was making at the time. It didn’t really sink in until the first night back on the ship. He had a hard time falling asleep, and it was late into the morning before he finally passed out. Dreams of Zoro doing ungodly things to him had him waking up gasping only a couple of hours later. His throat was dry, and he was sweating profusely. To make matters worse for him, when he sat up to grab some water from the sink, he noticed he reacted to those dreams in a different way as well.
‘Just get it out of your head. Sanji,’ he thinks to himself as he heads to his fridge. ‘It was nothing. Just a big misunderstanding, that’s all.’
He unlocks the fridge (Luffy likes to steal food at night) and opens it. The door to Chopper’s med bay opened up. Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper skipped out into the kitchen and passed through to the other door leading to the lawn deck. They gave him smiles as they left. Sanji smiled softly before looking back into the fridge.
Meanwhile, while Sanji starts preparing the food, Zoro climbs down from the observatory. He watches Usopp run to the edge of the ship with three fishing poles before looking towards the kitchen. He didn’t see the cook anywhere out here, so he guessed he’d be in there. Before he pushed it open, he paused and bit his lip.
Just like Sanji, he’s been having a hard time sleeping because of what happened on Punk Hazard. They were even having similar dreams too. They just didn’t know that.
‘There’s no way Sanji’s given it a second thought.’ Zoro asked himself. ‘God, what is wrong with me? Get it together.’
Sanji had his back towards him chopping up a tomato when Zoro finally walked in. He took a deep breath and made his presence known.
“Is there anymore saké?” Zoro called out to him.
Sanji jumps, and the knife in his hands slips and cuts his finger a little. He hissed and grabbed some paper towels. He wrapped his finger and spun around to glare at his Zoro. He was about to say something about shoving the bottle straight up his ass, but the moment their eyes met, the air changed drastically. Zoro felt it too, and he took a step back from the pressure.
Sanji was the first to look away. He tossed the paper towel in the trash before he came around and disappears in the food storage room. Zoro noticed Sanji’s ears were slightly pink as he passed and took a mental photo of it.
‘So, does that mean he’s been thinking about it too?’ Zoro wonders. He looks up just as Sanji returns with a new bottle. He looked a little more composed now. The blush was gone too.
“This is the last one. Make it last, Marimo.”
I shiver goes through Zoro as he reaches for the bottle. He takes it and nods. “We can get more at the next island…”
“Sure, I’ll add it to my list,” the blonde agrees.
“Uh, what’s on the menu tonight?” Zoro wasn’t trying to leave yet, but if he didn’t have an excuse as to why, Sanji might suspect something. It could make things more awkward.
Sanji smirked. “I’m not telling you unless you join us.”
Zoro felt a tug in his heart but didn’t show it. He returned the smirk and said, “Why? Miss me, love cook?”
That was not what Sanji was expecting him to say. His ears turned pink again and went in defense mode instantly.
“No! I don’t miss your smelly ass at all! Why don’t you go take a bath, stupid mosshead.” Sanji pushes him out of the way and goes back to the counter.
Except, Zoro didn’t let him. He grabbed his elbow and made Sanji turn around with a tug. “Loosen up. I was only joking.”
Only.. Zoro hadn’t been joking. Sanji’s reaction had questions running through his head, and he wanted answers.
“What’s your problem?” Zoro demanded when Sanji tries pulling his arm free.
Sanji’s eyes widened. Zoro held them with his own eyes, searching for a clue. The flips Sanji’s stomach was doing made him feel like he was going to throw up.
“Nothing! Get your hand off me,” Sanji warned instead. He had no plans on telling the moss head anything. Super embarrassing!
“Not until you answer me. You blushed earlier when I scared you, and you’re blushing now. Why aren’t you throwing kicks at me?”
Sanji stood very still; his eyes changed to a glare. “Fine. You want it, you got it.”
Zoro didn’t have time to block the kick Sanji landed on his stomach. The breath was knocked out of him, and he went soaring through the kitchen door and down the stairs on the deck. He landed on the grass with a bang. Sanji followed him out, but stopped at the top.
“I told you to let me go, didn’t I? How was that kick you wanted so badly?”
Zoro laughed darkly as he sat up. “It hurt like a bitch. What happened? Did I strike a nerve, love cook?”
“Piss off! I’ll send someone to you with your dinner. I don’t want to see you for the rest of the night.”
Sanji turned and stormed back into his kitchen. Zoro sighed and stood up. He grabbed his sake and headed back to the crow’s nest. He froze when he realized a few more people were present on the deck now. They were staring at him with their jaws dropped.
“Damn Zoro, what did you do?” Usopp asked. “I have never seen Sanji like that.”
“It’s none of your business, frankly. I’m going back to working out. If Sanji asks any of you to bring me food, don’t bother. I won’t eat that crappy cook’s food until he tells me what’s up his ass.”
And with that, Zoro left.
“Damn,” Franky says.
“Brook,” Nami says, “Did something happen on Punk Hazard while y’all were together?”
Brook hums as he strums his guitar softly. “There was one time Sanji slipped on the ice. Zoro caught his hand to stop him, and they stood there just staring at each other. Sanji was still in your body Nami, and Zoro didn’t want you to get a bruise. But the way they looked at each other was almost romantic, yohohohoho.”
“Romantic?” Luffy asked making a face. “Those two? Yeah right.”
“Yeah, I’m sure that wasn’t it,” Usopp agrees. “Besides, Sanji loves the ladies too much.”
“Guys, think about it. Sanji said, “I told you to let me go, didn’t I?’ Zoro must have grabbed him in a way he didn’t like,” Chopper says.
“Or… he could have gotten flustered,” Robin adds.
Everybody was so involved in their discussion that they forgot about the fishing. They lost track of time and didn’t notice when Sanji came out to check their progress. He caught wind of what they were talking about and glared at them.
“There's no way. Zoro only likes fighting and drinking. Sanji only likes fighting, cooking, and girls may I add. They argue all the time. A little slip in the snow is not going to suddenly make them like each other,” Usopp says.
“Ahem?!” Sanji says. Everyone jumps, and the three who were supposed to be fishing suddenly remembered their jobs and went back to doing it like nothing happened. “You guys shouldn’t talk about people behind their backs. Did he say something to y’all?”
“Uh… well Usopp asked what he did to make you kick him like that, and he told us it was none of our business. Then he told us that until you tell him what’s up your ass, he’s refusing your food. I need you to go ahead and sort this out. I don’t want drama on the ship,” Nami says.
“Yeah, I agree,” Law says. “I know I’m not on your crew, but this mission is important, and we need everyone focused.”
“Sir Sanji, are you in love with Sir Zoro?” Kin’emon asked.
Sanji’s face turned red. “What? No!” he barked.
“Hmm, Robin might be right after all,” Chopper ponders.
“I do not love Zoro, okay? He makes my blood boil. How do yall even know I slip-” He looks at Brook. His eyes turned to daggers. “You told them what happened, did you?”
Brook starts sweating. “Not all of it, if you catch my drift. I left that part out for your sake.”
Nami starts smiling slowly, catching the hint. “Sanji, what were you doing in my body while you were falling?”
Everyone who wasn’t fishing made themselves scarce, even Brook. Sanji swallows.
“I was looking down at your boobs while running..” he figured it was better to tell the truth.
A vein in Nami’s head popped as she raised her hand and slammed it down hard on his head. Sanji fell to the ground while she stormed off. Luffy laughed. “Typical Nami.”
“She’s scary when she’s mad. Everyone just left,” Usopp replies.
Sanji looked at them from the floor. “Good. The discussion is over. I don’t want you talking about it anymore. Captain, I’ll speak to Zoro when I bring his dinner myself. He’s going to eat, even if I have to shove it down his throat.”
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fallensnowfan · 1 year
Been about half a year since I made my post about my thoughts on the WT100 most popular characters, and I wanted to make an update for some.
Luffy - Very impressed by him telling Pigeon Guy to watch his manners on Egghead. I would love it if he was nowhere to be found when the story returns to Egghead, and the explanation is withheld for several chapters. Build up to something like the situation in chapter 958, explain the weirdness surrounding Kiku’s story during Wano’s epilogue, then have the Grand Fleet arrive in dramatic fashion, to a similar effect as Luffy, Law, and Kidd arriving at Tokage Port.
Zoro - The more his combat prowess grows, the more brain cells he loses, naturally. It's a constant battle for him.
Nami - Shirahoshi’s and Tama's big sis, I love that she has maintained her fun and survivor sides, over 1000+ chapters into the series, and that she is still growing as a character. Her being a glass canon of sorts is so much better than her gaining abilities and powers in a more typical shonen-fashion.
Usopp - Statue lad currently, I wonder if Zoro is secretly judging him for not having struck a cool pose before being petrified. It's okay, I think he's cool either way and he achieved major and meaningful things last arc, he can take a break for now.
Sanji - Generally prefer certain fandom interpretations of his character than canon these days. He has some bright spots post-time skip here and there, but fandom Sanji can fully embrace and maintain what canon Sanji could have several hundred chapters ago.
Hancock - I'd love it if she and S-Snake reconciled and teamed up to fight against the WG.
Yamato - I get that the character is meant to be a kinda shallow and immature imitator of Oden, taking on his name because “Oden” is a figure loved by everyone and represents freedom, while “Yamato” is a lonely and isolated child, unable to escape imprisonment. Though even with that role of being a storytelling device to have the Akazaya and Momo face their pasts, and the fact that blindly following Oden is restricting them, I don't think the character was used especially well. Forcing Luffy away from reaching the Scabbards on the roof was a stupid and grossly selfish move from Yamato.
Rather than having Brush-face return after being felled, have a Kiku who is struggling with exhaustion after fighting Kaido cross paths with and feel that she needs to keep up with Yamato(”Oden,”) as a protector of Momo. Have her collapse from exhaustion not much later, after taking offence to someone saying she should take a break to rest, or to help Tama instead, showing that she’s pushing down the part of her that cares for children with the character we established her caring about during her introduction, and have Kin’emon be there to see it happen. It would be a more grounded and clearer way of showing that Kiku stubbornly committing to the role of retainer is harming her and that she feels she can’t be herself while in the role.
Smoker & Tashigi - Would love to see one or both of them turn away from the Marines at some point, maybe have a hand in disbanding Cipher Pol as an organization.
X Drake - I'm curious to see him connect back up with SWORD and inform them on his experiences in Wano, and to see how his fate being intertwined with Law's will come back up in the story.
Pudding - I really want the Fire Tank Pirates to break her out of Blackbeard's ship, a Lola and Pudding reunion would be so fun.
Kiku - "Oh no, I scraped my forehead, if only there were a tall pretty samurai lady to take care of me." Ahem, oh right... My thoughts on Kiku's character. I want her to meet the crew outside of Wano! She got along really really really well with them in an incredibly natural way, carried the arc for about 75% of it, and is the only ally who was present for every major beat of it, though did it quietly.
Luffy respects her a lot, and I find it funny that the fandom wiki still says she let her emotions get the better of her, rather than highlighting the razor focus and self-control she displayed, after being taunted by Urashima. Tell me you don't understand the character, without telling me you don't understand the character. Her role in the Samurai family is very similar to Katakuri’s for the Charlotte family. Someone who tried to take on the emotional burden of everyone she cares about.
Izo - So cool in episode 1063, Oda, give us more stylish gun users! So were those like pure haki bullets he was firing? So cool! He lived a fulfilling life outside of Wano, had new experiences, and made new friends and family, while his old comrades from Wano suffered. He wants those in Wano to have a chance to experience the happiness he did for the decades he spent at sea. Somewhat of a mirror to parts of Ashura’s story. Ashura fell back into an old way of life, while Izo found a new one with the Whitebeard Pirates.
Hiyori - Toei, if y’all read this (I know they won't but they should!) kindly add a scene of Hiyori smashing her shamisen over Snake loser's dumb head, as a treat. I hope the anime extends her performance of Moon Princess with Brook, and her reunion with Toko.
Shirahoshi - Way braver than much of fandom give her credit for, went to Mariejois as her first trip to the surface, which is probably the scariest place on the planet for her. Didn't attack Charlos herself, because it would have destroyed everything her mother worked so hard to achieve, thought still rejected his words to his dumb face. Otohime would be so proud of her. Tangentially related, I'm curious where the Sun Pirates went, after working together with Jinbei to escape from Totland.
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tatsumessy · 1 year
~ op men and their pregnant wife: she’s mad at them - series ~
Ft: Luffy, Ace, Sabo, Law
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Just op men doing what they do best but at the expense of how you feel.
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Sitting on one of the deck chairs Sanji had just brought you something cool to drink especially for you to cool you’re nerves. You love the man to death but he’s just so stubborn that you’re afraid the baby would have that same trait when he’s born.
Taking a sip from your drink you could feel someone sulking behind you and just from instincts your husband, soon to be king of the pirates knew he was in the dog house. “Y/n!!!! Stop ignoring me please!!!” Luffy whined moving himself to where he was now sitting infront of you. He raised his hands to touch your stomach but you slapped them away. “Don’t touch me Luffy. Those privileges are revoked.” You say crossing one leg over the other turning away from him.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were that hungry. If I would’ve know then I would’ve never taken from your plate.” He smiled awkwardly before scratching the back of his head. “You do this every night, did you forget I’m eating for two now! I have to each the right amount of food everyday or OUR baby might now be healthy.” I say emphasizing the our, he looked down in worry possibly reflecting on what he did.
“I’m sorry Y/n, to make it up to you and him, for dinner you can have my plate.” He tried to suggest but you shot it down, you know that the most important thing to Luffy is his food so why would you take that away? “No. Don’t worry about it. Usually I don’t care if you take from me but we’re having a baby. He’s the son of Captain Monkey D. Luffy. He NEEDS to be big and strong. So stop stealing from your son.” He laughed jumping up in excitement from being out of trouble.
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Laying in bed you had just finished taking a shower and having your heart to heart with your baby and was now resting in bed like the doctor ordered. The baby was due any day these next couple of weeks and it has everyone on the ship worried. The only person who you don’t know how they feel is Ace.
He’s been so absent this past month it’s really been bothering you, the only time you’d get to see him was when he was with white beard or if he’d come in your shared room thinking you were asleep. Tonight you wanted to stay up and wait for him to come so the two of you could talk.
The longer you stayed up the more upset you got and who knows who was going to get caught in the crossfire. An hour passed and Ace finally showed up looking very exhausted and tipsy, “Where have you been Ace.” You asked with your arms crossed while keeping your focus on the bed sheets.
“Out. Why?” He said taking his hat and shoes off, “Do you even want to start this family with me and be honest.” He looked at you like he was contemplating something before answering. “It’s not that I don’t wNt too, I’m just scared. I don’t want to talk about this right now Y/n.”
“Ace what do you think I am? Everyday? If you were too scared to have this baby then I should’ve gott-” “Don’t finish that sentence.” His head was turned towards you but you didn’t want to look at him. “I’m carrying the baby, I’m protecting the baby with my body, but I can’t be the only one caring for this baby when it comes out. Which is any day now if you knew that.” You scoffed scooting to make yourself comfortable in the bed.
“I did know, I’ve been asking everyone I know for tips on how to better take care of you and the baby. I’m scared. I should’ve talked to you about this and I know that. Just don’t ice me out Y/n, that doesn’t fit well with your personality.” He stood up and went into the bathroom leaving you alone in your thoughts.
You two were only having issues because of miscommunication and he was bold enough to admit that. Maybe the hormones were making you too stubborn to forgive him just that quick. He came back out after taking a shower getting ready to get into bed with you but you stopped him. “I don’t want you sleeping here tonight. The baby also said the same thing, they said their father needs to learn his lesson.” He smirked walking over to your side of the bed to place a kiss on your cheek then he grabbed a blanket and made himself comfortable on the couch.
“Goodnight lovely wife of mine.” He says forcing a small smile on your lips, “Goodnight Husband.”
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“Honey please tell me why you’re sulking at my desk?” Sabo asked looking up from the papers from across the room. He leaned against the table while crossing his arms waiting for you to respond. “Y/n?” You looked up at him then looked away.
“Why am so here? You could’ve left me at home.” You say playing with something that was sprawled on his desk. “I wanted you to come so that we could spend time together.” He said stepping closer to you. “I feel like I’m apart of your desk. YOUR baby and I don’t feel appreciated at all, I’m so sick and tired of you asking me to come and spend time with you at work when all you do-”
Sabo forced you to stop rambling with just a simple kiss. He sat down on his knees using his hands to rub your thighs to calm you down. “Look, I had every intention of taking you out today but plans ended up changing at the last minute.” He caressed your cheeks pulling you closer to him once again to plant an even longer kiss on your lips. He smiled into the kiss wrapping his arms around your thighs to pick you up to place you on his lap.
“You do this all the time.” You say crossing your leg over one another, he just laughed in the crook of your neck pulling you closer to him with one arm while his other hand rubbed on your stomach. “OUR baby is doing just fine. It’s his mama that’s stressed over a minor issue. Do you want to get out of here?”
You looked off to the side while wrapping your arms around his neck, you leaned your head on top of his and let out a small sigh. “No, it’s fine. Keep working.” You say and he just sits there rubbing your stomach. “Let’s go to our favorite spot, how does that sound?”
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You and Law had gotten into an argument a few days ago because of him overworking himself. He thought you were being irrational and weren’t thinking straight because of your pregnancy hormones.
So you had been staying to yourself for the bast couple of weeks because Law was too prideful to apologize. It was around one am and you can’t sleep peacefully without law by your side. But you won’t apologize first either, you’ve done it too many times even if it wasn’t your fault that you two got into an argument.
You were laying in bed as Bepo was feeding you a bowl full of fruit because you were told by the doctor to rest in bed. “Y/n I’ve got to say, your resolve is impeccable.” He said placing another strawberry in your mouth and you just sighed and gave him a small smile. “Is there a reason why you don’t want to speak with Captain Law.” You turn to your side with your back facing Bepo as he spoke.
“Law scares me.” You said fidgeting with the bed sheets, “How does the Captain scare you? He’d never do anything to hurt you.” “Everything he does scares me. He doesn’t even want a baby and when I threatened to break up with him he seemed relieved.” Bepo gasped and ran to the other side of the bed to see your face. Tears were sliding down your cheeks, “I was an idiot…” Bepo looked up at something then started rubbing your back to calm you down.
“Bepo I don’t care what happens to me I just want my daughter to be safe, even if you throw the both of us off of the Tang I won’t be bad.” Bepo continued to rub your back as more tears fell down your face, “So this is where you’ve been hiding.” Bepo flinched and stood up apologizing for not saying anything to the both of you and then running out the room.
Law closed the door behind him and locked it, you still didn’t want to speak to him so you covered yourself with the blanket so that he wouldn’t see you crying. “Y/n, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset.” You rolled your eyes because it didn’t seem like a sincere apology.
The blanket started to move and you thought he was trying to see your face but he moved it to where he could see your stomach. He placed his hands on them and the gave your stomach peppering many kisses while saying things that couldn’t hear. Moving the blanket you looked down at him and he glanced your way turning slightly so that you couldn’t hear whatever secret he was telling your daughter.
After a couple of minutes he stood up and grabbed the bowl Bepo had and started to feed you the fruit. You looked off to the side not accepting it but he forced you to look at him and eat the fruit. “Our daughter and I just had a conversation right now and we both agreed that I was in the wrong. And I’m sorry for not looking at the situation from your point of view.” He kept his head down not expecting you to forgive him, a small smile appeared on your face watching pout towards your stomach.
“You may look dumb but you can be smart sometimes.” You cover your mouth trying to hide the blushing smile appearing as he looked at you with an annoyed expression. He kissed your stomach before standing up and placing one on your cheek, then your other cheek then finally one on your lips. He held himself there for a moment longer before pulling away and smiling.
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iocity · 30 minutes
ASL ‘Merica AU where Ace is the only one who can make coffee. Sabo can cook (mediocrely, Ace is much better) and usually does due to Ace being so “free-spirited” (a whore). But Ace is usually back in the morning to make the coffee because if anyone else makes it, it tastes like hot dooky water. One time Luffy tried to make it and they all feared for their credit scores (he almost burned their rented home down). Luffy, despite being very knowledgeable in food, cannot cook for shit. Sure he knows what is healthy and what plants grow where, but applying them in the kitchen?? Danger and destruction to everyone involved. Usually Luffy just ends up backseat cooking (standing next to them, wrapped up in a blanket and telling them how he wants it cooked). Sabo doesn’t mind it much, since he is quite particular with his food too. But Ace?? Oh he is pissed. If there is one thing that will start an argument in the ASL household, it’s questioning his culinary prowess. Sure he’s no Sanji, but he’ll be damned if the only person in the house who can’t cook tells him how to. Usually when Ace is cooking, Luffy is a) keeping his peace and deciding to yap about his day or b) in the time out chair while Ace curses with every movement he makes.
Despite that, cooking and eating together is very important for all of the brothers. When Ace moves away for school, both of the brothers feel that the empty space on the couch is overwhelming. No more arguments, no more specially Ace-made meals on birthdays and holidays, and no more brotherly bonding time (till summer of course). Sure when they can they’ll call during mealtimes, but it isn’t like him being there. It wasn’t the same rushing home to eat because Ace insisted their food be hot. Luffy is affected the most by his absence. Sabo had gotten used to eating alone as a child, so it was a familiar concept that he could (unfortunately) go back to handling; Luffy on the other hand had always had someone to eat with. When it wasn’t Garp or Garp’s “old people” friends, it was Dadan and the boys. He felt childish and immature for feeling so sad when Ace left, especially since he knows Ace would never have left if he could help it.
It’s on one particularly bad day that Luffy feels the gap in their house the most. After a long exhausting day of running from the cops (for vandalism) all he wants to do is be around the people he loves most. So he calls up his friends, wanting to just hang around them, maybe play a video game or go outside and wander. He is met instead met with a chorus of no’s to which he complains about GREATLY. Nami has to go out and handle “some business” (whatever that means), Sanji has to cut Zoro’s and Ussop’s hair (Sanji is very particular about noise since he isn’t professionally trained), Chopper and Franky are working on a big project (something about mechanical blah blah blah) and can’t be distracted, Brook has a gig in another state, Robin has classes to teach, and Jimbei is babysittting for a friend. Law didn’t answer which usually meant he was at the hospital, and Luffy hated that place. They wouldn’t be free till later, and Luffy was bored now. So, he came home hoping to see Sabo but was met with a note on the counter about how he had to finish a project and wouldn’t be home till later. Luffy felt exceedingly lonely, and he HATES feeling lonely more than anything else. When he is alone, his boredom makes way for thought, and thought makes way for headaches. So, he calls Ace. It rings once, then twice before…
“What’s up ya lil’ crybaby?” Ace’s voice rings out flatly despite his happiness that his little brother called.
“I’m borrreed. And hungry. I’m hungry and bored and no one is around.” Luffy whines miserably, head on the kitchen table as he kicks his feet.
“WOMP WOMP wah wah wah get over it loser.”
“That’s basically the exact same thing I just said dumbass. Why don’t you just go hang out with one of your delinquent friends?” Ace queries with a chuckle before a crashing sound clangs out loudly and a slew of colorful curses leave his mouth.
“They are all busy…” Luffy mumbles through a pout, his hands drumming a soft beat into the table to distract him from the fact that one of his brother’s is halfway across the country, one is a workaholic (he actually has a very average work schedule; Luffy is just dramatic), and none of his friends can hang. Ace is silent for a while, before a video call notification is popping up on Luffy’s phone, a wide smile replacing his pout as he picks up.
“So we meet again foul fiend,” Ace grins, his teeth and nose only visible as he shuffles with his phone, “I’m super fucking busy by the way, you should be glad I’m taking this precious and majestic time to call my dumbass brother.”
Luffy laughs gleefully, ignoring the insult in favor of grabbing his phone and tossing it on the couch, yelling out a quick, “I’ll be back!”
“Don’t throw your dearest brother!” Ace yells from the mic as Luffy cackles his way down the hallway and back, game in hand. He sets the phone up to where he won’t have to touch it but him and Ace are still visible when he returns; he laughs again with a stupid grin as he settles into the couch. Ace has adjusted the phone in his absence, now his face and torso are showing, his hands and eyes focusing on something out of frame as his hat hangs loosely on the back of his neck.
“So you’re just gonna sit here while I’m workin’ and taunt me with freedom?? Didn’t you say you were hungry?? Why aren’t you eating?? You should eat go eat. Matter fact, go learn to cook for once,” Ace blabbers worriedly, his concern thinly veiled by his teasing.
“Keep distracting me and I will. Besides, I want your cooking right now, so I don’t wanna eat anything else.”
Ace’s face contorts in horror at his threat, before softening slightly and sighing, his lips pursing into an almost motherly glare.
“Look Luffy, you know I would be home all the time, but I have to do this. We’ll have enough money to move out and pay for college. It’s somethin’ I gotta do for all of us to live freely. Even if I’m not there, ya gotta eat and take care of yourself,” Ace lectures, his hands still working on something out of frame, his eyes focusing on the task despite the frown he adorned on his face, “And-“
“Don’t lecture me, I know already. I don’t care about any of that. I miss you guys,” Luffy is obstinate about it, crossing his arms and regarding the screen of his phone with deep displeasure, “I don’t wanna miss anyone, ever.”
“We know you don’t care, that’s why we do it instead, ya crybaby,” Ace says simply, cursing again as he leans into whatever he is working on, his head leaving the frame, “Life ain’t perfect.”
Luffy is silent for a moment, his frown deepening as he puts his game to the side. Groaning in displeasure, he gets up, grabs his phone, and walks to the kitchen to eat. He snags a random frozen meal, albeit begrudgingly, and waits for it to cook while looking at the phone boredly, “Let’s all just be pirates.”
“Fix your face; pirates don’t even exist anymore. Besides, who knows who could appear within the next week.” Ace’s mischievous tone soars over Luffy’s head as he lets out a loud, “Huh?”
“Semester is over next week asshat.”
“Yeah. I got finals, so what…” Luffy pauses, racking his brain for insults but coming up short, “welder…”
“That sucked assss bro. I did not raise you like this,” Ace laughs, a thumbs down entering the frame before continuing with its work.
Luffy grins, grabbing his meal quickly before sitting down and starting to devour it, pausing only to say, “Oh yeah, that necklace you left?? I stole it, it’s mine now.”
“I’m gonna go steal plants from the big ass garden down the street again! Bye!”
Ace is about to yell as the line clicks, his precious necklace that he accidentally left last visit and dumbass brother only fueling his annoyance. He shakes his head, his hair falling over his face as his eyes refocus on the orange, red, and blue stones he is trying to link into a pendant with gold wire, his hands tired from the work.
“He better run me my shit back when I give him this, fucking criminal.”
Tags >:D: @porschethemermaid
ASL AU Masterlist!
0 notes
Reader x Law: Wano-Pre-Raid on Onigashima
Authors note: Been watching Wano and these characters just inspire lots during this arc. Feel free to comment! Criticism is accepted in order to help my writing. Feel free to offer suggestions or more fic ideas! Next I’m working on some monster trio and Law drabbles I think, but other ideas are accepted and appreciated. Let me know your thoughts below. I know I want just 5 minutes alone with this man, as I know others feel the same, here it is. Thanks! I watch the English version where the Starwhats call Law, Traffy.
Law isn’t Traffy to you.
Features: Law
Summary: Law has just returned from being captured by Drake and Hawkins. Luffy sends you to see if Law and his crew are still down for the raid on the night of the Fire Festival. Law is interested in more than just the raid…
Warnings: Minors DNI, NSFW, Smut, fluff, Vaginal sex, fingering, ass/pussy slapping, pet names, “good girl”, Dom Law, teasing, I don’t own these characters
You and your crewmates, the Strawhats, are preparing outfits and hanging out at Kuri beach the night before the raid on Onigashima. Law, having escaped imprisonment by Hawkins and Drake, has rounded up his crew and is camping on his submarine nearby. You and your crewmates knew Law had been captured and had heard from some of the Heart Pirates he had come back in rough shape. You and the rest of the crew were now discussing who was going to touch base with the Heart pirates and reiterate the new plan to them.
“I’m going to go check in with Traffy and make sure he and his crew are still ready for tomorrow. Sanji, can I have a snack when I get back?” Luffy asks as he begins to walk toward the Polar Tang.
“You just ate! No you can’t have a snack!” Sanji yells.
Luffy’s stomach growls. You look over at the Polar Tang, knowing Law was back safely with his crew caused a soft smile to form across your face. You had only known him briefly as a result of the alliance formed between your crews. You couldn’t help, but like the mysteriously passionate and jaded captain of the Heart Pirates. Your crew had driven him insane during your partnership, but you knew what you accomplished at Dressrosa had made it worth it to him. You couldn’t believe that the raid tomorrow could mean the end of it, the end of seeing him. You frowned slightly and shook your head, as you returned to examine the outfit you had picked out.
“Luffy if you go you’ll just make Traffy angry! He’s been through a lot, let someone else go.” Nami urged.
“What do you mean? Traffy and I are friends!” Luffy yelled back, stopping in his tracks.
“Send Y/N. Traffy has rarely gotten annoyed with her our whole journey together. He’ll be honest with her.” Robin says, looking at you with a soft chuckle.
“But I wanted to see Traffy!” Luffy yells.
“You’ll see him tomorrow. He needs his rest, Let Y/N go.” Robin reinstructs.
“Fine. Y/N. Go check in on Traffy and his crew, make sure they are still ready for tomorrow.” Luffy says to you sternly.
You finish the twirl you started to do in the yellow, kunichi dress you had picked out for the battle tomorrow. You turned your head and looked at your captain with furrowed eyebrows.
“Why me?” You asked.
“That’s an order.” Luffy said with a commanding look.
Nami and Robin look at one another devilishly, then look back at you. You raise an eyebrow at them, then roll your eyes and begin walking towards the Polar Tang. At the polar tang you find Bepo, Shachi and Penguin outside on the submarine's deck.
“Hey, my crew sent me over to check on Law. They wanted to make sure you all were still good for the raid tomorrow?” You asked as you rubbed the back of your head nervously.
“Yes, we are still in! We want to find out who ruined the original plan, everyone keeps blaming us and our captain! We aren’t going to let him down like that ever again! ” Bepo says as he clenches his fists and takes a step forward.
“Yeah!” Penguin and Shachi say in unison after Bepo’s words.
“I’m glad to hear it.” You reply to them with a soft supportive smile. “Where’s Law? How is he?”
“He’s in his quarters tending to his..” His voice breaks a moment as he looks down in shame. “To his wounds and getting cleaned up.” Penguin says.
“My Captain asked me to check in with him, do you think that would be okay?” You ask, biting your lip.
You knew from how passionate his crew was, he must have been through something tough while captured.
“I’ll take you to him, this way.” Bepo replies.
“Thank you!” You say with a large grin.
You follow Bepo through the door of the Polar Tang. Shachi and Penguin swoon at you in your kunichi outfit as you walk away from them. Bepo leads you down a long hallway and eventually stops at a door on the right side of the hall.
“This is it.” Bepo says as he raises his paw to start to knock on the door. “Ugh… Captain…”
“What is it?” You hear a muffled deep, gravely voice speak from the other side of the door.
You gasp as you notice the anger in his voice. You knew you shouldn’t have come. Bepo nervously rubs the fur behind his ears.
“You have a visitor. One of the Strawhats is here to check in on you.”
“Tell Strawhat to go away.” Law replies sternly through the closed door again.
“Umm… it’s not Strawhat, just one of his crew.”
You swallow hard and decide to try to help Bepo out. Bepo sighs beside you.
“Law, it’s Y/N.” You say after taking a deep breath.
“Fine. Come in.”
You were shocked at his quick willingness to allow you to enter his private quarters. You turn the door handle and look over at Bepo, nodding at him as you push the door open. You walk in and shut the door behind you. Law sits on the floor, leaning against his bed in his kimono. He rests his arms across his knees bent in front of him. He’s covered in dried blood and staring at the wall. You blink a few times as you look at him. Taking a deep breath, you move to kneel down next to him.
“Law… Are you okay?” You ask shakily as you stare at him.
His eyes darted toward you, then returned to looking at the wall in front of him. You and Law had grown somewhat close during his alliance with the Strawhat crew. You liked talking medicine with him, since you were a former nurse. You hadn’t seen him since Zou as you had gone with Luffy to get Sanji back from Whole Cake Island. Meanwhile, he had gone straight to Wano with the rest of your crew.
You knew you cared about him more than the rest of your crew did and in a different way. You couldn’t imagine him ever feeling the same way, but you had feelings for him. You knew it was crazy, having a crush on the captain of another crew, but you couldn’t help how he made you feel. He made you feel safe, smart, and valuable. Not that your crew didn’t, but he did so in a different way and you enjoyed his company. You’d never leave your crew, but you knew when this alliance was over, you’d miss Law. All you could do was help him with his wounds now and do as your captain ordered, make sure he was still onboard for the raid tomorrow.
“Y/N.” He gives you a side glance then crosses his arms and looks at the floor in front of him. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine.” You say with a soft smile. You gently lean forward to touch his bloodied cheek. “You on the other hand…” You start to say as you reach for the basin of water he had prepared beside him and one of the clean folded towels.
You dip the folded towel in the water and ring it out. Gently, you press the warmed cloth to a cut on his forehead. He winces a bit as you apply some pressure to it. He sighs at the heat from the cloth and the tenderness of your care.
“I’m fine.” He says. “Just a few bumps and bruises. I’ll be ready for tomorrow.” He adds as he reaches up for your hand holding the cloth.
The sensation of his hand touching yours sent a jolt through your body. Your heart began to beat faster and a warmth began to grow inside your chest. Law took the cloth from your hand and used it to wipe the rest of the dried blood from his face. You reached for another cloth and prepared it to hand to him. He sat quietly focused on his task, then his eyes fell back upon your face. His eyebrows were furrowed as he stared at you with an intensity that only made the heat in your chest rise.
“Law.” You reply as you furrow your eyebrows back at him in confusion. “What is it?”
He grunts and clenches his teeth, directing his gaze back to his hands. He takes a deep breath, then looks at you with a side glance again. He tosses the cloth in his hand back into the basin, then he reaches for the cloth in yours. He takes the cloth in from your hand and tosses it in the basin as well. He stands up and sits at the edge of his bed, returning his gaze to you with a sigh.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Law. When I heard you had gone to rescue your crew… and gave yourself up for them… I was…” Your eyes begin to water as you speak. “Bepo was so worried.” You say as you shake your head and look down at your hands, to hide your watering eyes.
“Why do you call me Law while the rest of your crew calls me that stupid nickname?” Law urges as he looks at you without turning his head.
You look up at Law in confusion and twist your lips as you think of a response to the sudden subject change.
“Oh. Um. I guess it’s well, I know you hate the nickname,I ’d rather call you something else, something you like. You say, placing your palms on your thighs, tucking your head down, so Law can’t see your blush.
“Like what?” He asks, giving you another side glance, then looking back in front of him.
“I don’t know, Traf?” You say looking up with a surprised grin.
“Okay.” He says not to make eye contact with you.
“I’m glad you’re okay. I was worried about you.” He says with a blush he doesn’t try to hide.“But, this alliance ends after the battle with Kaido tomorrow.” he adds with his earlier sternness returning to his voice.
His blush makes your blush grow, but your eyes begin to glisten at the idea of the two of your parting ways. Your thoughts begin to flood with panic, had Law just blushed at you, had he just flirted with you? The man sitting before you had just risked his life for his crew, and after tomorrow night, you may never see him again. You decided it was now or never. You look at him and take a deep breath.
You lunge forward and wrap your arms around his neck, pulling yourself towards him in a tight embrace. His eyes widen, his breath catches in his throat, and his hat falls from his head at your jarring lunge. You bury your head into his neck and breathe him in. It takes a moment due to shock, but his chest relaxes against yours and his arms wrap around your waist, pulling you in closer to him. You sit there for a few seconds, wrapped in one anothers embrace. After a bit, he pushes away from you and his eyes meet yours. Your hands sink down his muscular, tattooed chest as you try to guess what could be going through his mind. Your eyes flicker to his lips a moment, then returns to his gray orbs, you hoped he would realize the permission you were giving him.
Suddenly, his soft, dry lips are hitting yours. Law is rough at first like he thinks the moment is fleeting and you’ll realize you’ve made a mistake. Your hands slither back up to embrace his neck to which his body relaxes against yours, pulling you in closer to him. Your fingers begin to rifle through his dark messy hair. Gently his tongue pushes against your lips, asking for permission to enter. As you grant it, your left hand falls to feel his chest, catching on the lining of his kimono, pulling it to hang loose off his chest. Your hand caresses his naked, tattooed pec.
Law slowly drags away from your lips and begins meticulously kissing down your neck. At your collarbone, you feel his teeth dig into you, forcing a moan from your lips.
He pulls away and looks at you devilishly, raising his eyebrow in question. You nod back. His tattooed hands wrap around your waist and lift you to straddle his right leg. His warm chapped lips return to press against your plump red ones. You push the kimono off his shoulders, and move to twirl your fingers in his messy dark locks. He begins to pull at the tie of your kimono. Your lips separate as his gaze falls upon your chest. Your lips begin to caress at and nibble his pierced ear. As the kimono falls off your skin, Law stares in awe at your well endowed chest. A moan escapes his lips as you bite and suck harder near his piercings. He moves his right hand from your waist to caress your breasts, gently twisting your right bud. You moan in his ear and move your chest closer to his, seeking out more friction on your sensitive buds. He drops his hand from your breasts back to your waist and begins sucking and nipping at your nipples. Your hips begin to rock against his thigh in delight, while he licks away at your sensitive buds. He chuckles with pleasure against your breast as your hands fall from hair to his back. Your fingertips curl into his toned shoulders, leaving scratch marks as he bites again at your nipple.
“Traf… need you.” you whine.
He smirks, pulling away from his feast on your breasts to look you in the eye. He slides his hands down your waist to your folds. You lean forward, connecting your chests, hoping to find some friction like he had just been giving you with his tongue. He chuckles as his tattooed hand runs through your folds, causing you to throw your head back.
“No underwear. Thought so…and so wet. You’re such a slut for me.” He says with a wider smirk.
Your hands slide across his toned back to his chest. Tracing the lines of his large heart tattoo, you find his hardened length beginning to twitch beneath his kimono. Your fingers grasp at it above the fabric as your gaze falls back on his.
He stares at you blankly with his half lidded eyes, fingers circling your clit. Your hips rock faster against his thigh. His grip tightens on your waist as his lips fall upon your ear. Pulling him closer by grabbing his shoulders, your head falls back with a moan. His thumb drops to trace your entrance while two of his other fingers continue to circle your clit.
“You move when you’re told, make noise when you’re told, and cum when you’re told, got it, princess?”
His hand moves faster against your clit as he finishes his instructions. You bite your lip, trying to restrain a moan and look him in the eye. He wraps his arms back around you and lifts you from his lap, to lay flat on the bed behind you. Your kimono falls to the floor at the foot of the bed as Law moves you. You now rest on his bed completely naked and he looks on at you with a satisfied gaze. You raise your knees and begin rubbing your hands up and down your thighs. Law moves to sit between them. He places his left hand on your hip and his right on your clit. His kimono still rests at his waist.
He slaps your folds. You stifle a moan.
“I thought you were going to be a good girl and do as you were told?”
He begins tracing your entrance with his left hand and using his right thumb to trace the alphabet on your clit. Your toes lift off the ground as he dips his tattooed fingers “E” and “A” into you.
“Say my name.”
“All of it.”
“Trafalgar Law” you say, still trying to stifle a moan as his fingers begin to pound in and out of you.
His fingers begin curling to hit your spot. His hand moves from your clit to bring one of your breasts and nipples to his mouth. Heat begins to build in your stomach.
“Traf I’m going to.”
“Not until I say.” He says sternly, licking at your bud.
He begins quickly slamming your spot faster with his curled fingers. You grip at his hair and grit your teeth. You feel a smile form on his lips against your breast.
“Now.” He says as he bites your breast and moves his thumb back down to play with your clit. His thumb returning to circle your clit sends you over the edge.
“LAAAWWW.” You call in ecstasy as your juices spill out all over his Death tattooed fingers.
You breathe heavily and hear the whoosh of his kimono as he pulls it off and strips his briefs. You sit up on your elbows to get a better look, a smile growing across your lips.
“Now, prove to me you’re a good girl and take me.”
You nod. He gets back on the ground and lays on top of you. Your arms wrap around his back and pull him closer to you. His lips press against yours as his hardened length pushes against your abdomen. Your hand begins to caress his length, but he slaps it away, grabbing it himself to line it up with your entrance.
He begins moving his length up and down your entrance, causing your hips to buck with need. His mouth drops from your lips to bite at your nipples. You moan in response.
“Remember who is in charge here. Otherwise I’ll have to tease you longer.” He says with a smug grin.
You nod and as your hips begin to buck against his. One of your hands wrapped in his dark locks while the other scratches at his back with need.
“You look so tight. Can’t wait to feel you around me. Are you ready to be a good girl and take me?”
You nod, pulling his lips back to yours. He gently begins to enter you with just his tip at first. You moan and clench around him. He grunts. As you relax with him beginning to inch inside you, he slowly begins to push more into you. Once in, he stops moving to let you adjust. Your head falls back and you pant at the feeling of fullness within you. Law kisses your neck and begins to slowly pull his length in and out of you, using your waist as a guide.
“So tight. Look how well you’re taking me. Now be a good girl and handle your pounding.” He says sternly.
You nod against his cheek. His grip tightens and he begins thrusting harder to slam against your cervix. After seeing you tolerate this, he gradually picks up his pace. His lips fall back against yours, while one of his hands dances from your hip to your clit, where it starts moving in circles again. As he starts working your clit with his fingers you feel the heat beginning to rise again in your abdomen.
“I’m close. You’ve been such a good girl for me, so I’ll let you decide, where should I cum?”
“I’---in-inside… Want to feel you finish in me.”
“Good girl.” He says moving his hands back to your hips, so he can slam into you harder.
His gaze falls upon your face where your eyes are beginning to cross and water. You lift your legs to wrap around him to take him deeper. His balls are slapping against your entrance.
Law reaches a hand up and twists one of your swollen nipples, that combined with another deep slam and your juices are pouring out all over his hard length.
“TRAFALGAR.” You moan as your body shakes around his length.
He moves in and out through your ecstasy and after a few more thrusts you feel his length quiver inside you. His juices begin to drip out your core and down your thighs. You pant as Law moans quietly. His eyes fall back upon yours as he raises a hand to move your hair out of your face. His lips gently press against yours once more before he falls down to lay beside you. After a few seconds of panting he puts his arm around you and pulls you into his chest. You tuck your head into his shoulder and wrap your arms around his torso.
“If we die fighting Kaido, at least I can die happy now.” You say breathily.
“We can’t die. I have some other things I would like to try… with you…” Law says between pants.
“Whatever you say, Traffy.” You reply with a soft smile as you lift your lips to his.
The two of you lay there for a bit chatting and laughing.
“I should probably head back soon.” The crew may be wondering where I am.
You roll off his chest and begin crawling out of his bed. You reach for your dress at the base of his bed, but before you can pick it up, arms are wrapped around your waist pulling you back in.
“Let them wonder.”
“Thank goodness my dress isn’t ruined.” You start to say as he kisses down your neck. “Maybe I can stay for a bit longer, but only if you show me your outfit for tomorrow.”
You knew Law cared about what he looked like, so after trying clothes on with your own crew, you were curious what he would choose for the big battle. He rolled his eyes at you, then got out of bed. He rifles through his closet and grabs a shirt and some pants then steps into his bathroom to pee and change. You talk to him about his future plans while he changes. When he steps out, you visibly gasp and you can’t speak. His signature spotted pants and a yellow dress shirt. Who knew such a simple outfit could leave you speechless. Maybe it was the fact it highlighted his lean build or that he only wore two buttons of his shirt buttoned to show off his tattoos. Maybe it was the fact you knew now what lay underneath. You jump to your knees and begin reaching for the shirt buttons.
“Okay, I’m glad I had some warning. I know we should rest because tomorrow is a big day, but I’m now going to need you the rest of the night… maybe well into the morning.” You nervously spit out as you finish the last button and push the shirt from his shoulders, heading for the buttons of his jeans next.
Law’s smug grin returns as he grabs your hands in one of his. He uses his free hand to lift your chin and bring your lips to his.
“Slow down, tiger. Remember who is in charge here. It’s nice to see you needy for me this quickly. May have to find a way to drag this battle out, so we can get some more time together.”
You nod against his lips and pull him back on top of you on the bed.
“Or just join our crew, they already think of you as a member.” You say laughing mildly against his lips.
“You’ve seen what I do for a good girl, seems like it’s time to show you what I do for a bad one…” Law says as he slaps your ass.
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One Piece Men X Reader
Summary: Short thoughts on how I think the One Piece boys show affection to their s/o. Gender neutral.
Relationship: Romantic, fluff!
Characters: Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ace, Marco, Law, Sabo
LUFFY: Hugs Luffy shows affection by hugging his s/o and honestly feels most loved by them when they're the ones to initiate a hug. Luffy's never felt a hint of embarrassment before and PDA sure ain't about to change that now. It doesn't matter if you're on the opposite end of the ship to him, he will stretch his arms all the way across, grab you away from whatever you're doing and pull you into a heartfelt hug with an adorable giggle that you just can't say no to. Doesn't matter where you are or who you're with, he will always love you and show affection just the same. That said, if you've uncomfortable with doing something like that, he knows what a boundary is, you just need to show him where you've drawn it.
ZORO: Head Pats Give this man a break... he honestly isn’t all that great at showing his affection. That’s not to say that he doesn’t love it when you show affection in literally any type of way, he’s just not very good at initiating it. He’s also not a huge fan of PDA. So, if he ever feels like he wants your attention or that he hasn’t shown that he loves you in a while, then he’ll come up and sit beside you and start stroking your hair. Or he’ll literally just start petting you. One time, when he thought you were asleep, he just put his hand on your head and left it there... he’s trying his best y’all.
SANJI: Kisses Butterfly kisses, kisses on the cheek, kisses on the lips, nose, eyes, forehead, it really doesn't matter to him. A kiss is a kiss and he absolutely adores it when you're the one to initiate it, it makes him feel wanted and loved. And he is not afraid to kiss you whenever he needs affection. Sometimes he'll just spontaneously walk up behind you and kiss your head, or your cheek or whatever he can. At first you would be surprised by this, but you've just learned to continue your conversation and add him in. He tends to do it a lot more in front of Zoro because he knows it grosses him out. But seriously, in his opinion, a kiss is the ultimate confession of love and he feels as though he has to do it a lot to prove that he still loves you as much as the moment he first knew.
ACE: Words Ace loves to hear from you how much you love a care for him. Tell him how much you missed him, tell him that his hair feels soft, that you love how warm he is, that you enjoy spending time with him. Shower him in compliments and you'll leave him in a blushing mess, but it's only when you do it. Like sure, he knows that he looks good and that he's strong and that he did well in that last battle, but when you say it it just adds a whole new meaning to it. And especially after a long, hard day when he's questioning his worth, hearing you tell him that he's everything to you and all that you'll ever need etc, is just so impactful, especially when it's coming from his absolute favourite person in the world. He just loves when you tell him why you love him.
MARCO: Cuddles This man absolutely adores his cuddles. The intimacy of being so close and in such a vulnerable place and position. He loves it when he gets to lay down on top of you with his head on your stomach whilst you run a hand through his hair. He could fall asleep in that position. He feels so soft whenever you fall asleep in his arms, you're so innocent, sweet, vulnerable, pure, peaceful and all that good stuff. He could watch you for days without getting bored. He almost did once, you had taken a hit to the head that kept you unconscious for over 48 hours (nothing you couldn't recover from) and Ace had to come in to check if he was still alive. It even took Ace several callings of Marco's name to get the division commander to acknowledge his presence.
LAW: Actions Law isn’t a big fan of PDA and lovey-dovey affection. He feels that if someone truly loved him, then saying it isn’t enough, they have to show it as well. To him, actions speak far louder than words. And I don’t mean physical affection like hugs and kisses and stuff, I mean helping out in little ways that lighten his load. Like doing his laundry and leaving it neatly folded in his draw. Or after a long day of him working, you either lay him down in bed or puts a blanket on him after he falls asleep at his desk. Or cooking him breakfast in the morning. Or leaving some coffee on his desk. Those kinds of little things that show him someone is constantly thinking about him and cares enough to notice what they can do to help him out without expecting any praise for completing these small tasks. However, that's not to say he doesn't try and return it in his own way. He'd be the kind of person to leave out little notes and letters in the place of your completed task with a different 'thank you' each time.
SABO: Soft Touches He likes the little touches of reassurance, like holding his hand or brushing his cheek, even just linking pinkies. He's not exactly against PDA, but he isn't going to show off with excessive amounts either. Rubbing shoulder, standing close enough that your arms are touching, a hand on the thigh. It gives him butterflies every time. The amount of times that he's been in a meeting, your hand has touched his knee and he's burst into a shade of red that's had other people looking on with concern [except for Koala, she knows what's up ;) ] measured in kilograms it could sink a battleship. This man is honestly such a simp for those little moments of pure adoration between the two of you.
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mimi-ya · 3 years
set up ~ trafalgar law x monkey d. luffy
2,000 words | lawlu & zosan
a/n: my first character x character for one piece! @ithinkabout-onepiece-alot​ i hope i did your request justice!! 
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He should be elated. He should be relieved. He should be a lot of things, but Trafalgar Law is only one; confused.
Kadio was defeated. Big Mama was out of the picture. Yes, they had lost many good men, but the Land of Wano was free and he could finally return to his voyage across the Grand Line.
So why was he not as happy as everyone else?
“I’m hungryyyyyy!”
Oh right. That’s why.
Law never expected to join an alliance, let alone with the idiot he watched punch the shit out of a Celestial Dragon. But here he was months later, celebrating the liberation of a country and simultaneous defeat of two Yonkos.
Law will be honest, he only planned to use Straw Hat for his own gain.
Mugiwara-ya was foolish enough to start a war with the World Government, which made him an easy target to rope into Law’s personal conflict with Doflamingo. A fight Law hadn’t expected himself to even come out of alive. But Luffy had helped him defy all odds and bring justice for the man who saved him all those years ago.
And it was as if he was saved again.
Law was ready to die, throw away everything even for the smallest chance to avenge Rosinante. He truly had no self-preservation, not a care that his crew would be captain-less, that he wouldn’t find a cure for Amber Lead Syndrome, that he would never see the One Piece.
But Luffy gave him that back, the chance to do and see any of those things through the end. The strangest part was that Law didn’t feel any excitement because of it. Yeah, they were dreams of his, but they were always so intangible, always fell below something else. Like he knew they wouldn’t actually be achieved, but now that he has the chance?
He still couldn’t say they were his top priority. It was like something else had taken that spot.
Or someone.
“You know, I could put in a good word for you.”
Law is pulled from his thought, searching for the voice he was unsure that was even directed to him. But sure enough, there was Zoro smirking in Law’s direction.
Law feels himself flush slightly, having been caught so openly starring at the fellow captain. Pulling the brim of his hat down slightly and turns away, “What are you talking about, Zoro-ya?”
“I’m just saying.” Zoro shrugs, “I’m his first mate, he trusts my word.”
Law doesn’t answer, can’t answer. Because he wouldn’t even know what to ask for. Instead he scoffs and goes to see if Tony-ya needs any assistance.
“You’re too blunt.”
“Excuse me?” Zoro snaps, glaring at the cook who is leaning against the deck’s railing.
“That’ll work for Luffy, but Trafalgar needs a more complex approach.”
Zoro crosses his arms, “Worked for you, didn’t it?” And he enjoys the way Sanji flushes under his gaze, stammering about needing to start dinner and that marimo doesn’t even know what he’s talking about.
“Yamato, you’re going to love being on the crew!”
Law watches the man fawn over Luffy’s offer, clear joy on his face to be invited to join such a family.
It makes Law angry. No.
Sanji falls into the seat beside him, glass of wine in hand, “Not often someone willing chooses to join up.” Law looks at him in interest but says nothing and Sanji shrugs, “It’s more of an unacceptable fate. Once he decides you’re in, that’s it.”
Law glances back at Luffy who’s now trying to get Yamato to imitate his expression with Nose-ya and Tony-ya, all of who have chopsticks shoved up their noses.
“I’d doubt that he’ll even let you and Eustass go.”
Law doesn’t even get a chance to respond before Blackleg-ya wanders off. Interestingly enough, to be followed by Zoro-ya.
Law frowns.
“A feast?” Luffy’s eyes widen and mouth water at the thought of Sanji’s cooking.
“Of course.” Sanji lights the cigarette between his lips, quickly meeting the stare of the swordsman across the deck, “With everyone, tonight.”
“I can’t wait!” Luffy bounds on his feet, “Will you make the fish thing from that one time? Not the one with the bread though! Tora-o doesn’t like bread.”
Sanji smiles knowingly, “Whatever you want, captain.”
Luffy runs off, excited and looking forward to a feast with all of his favorite people.
“Think you can still handle the rest?” Sanji asks, so in tune with Zoro’s presence that he doesn’t even need to look over his shoulder to know he’s there.
He hears a scoff, “Think you can handle cooking dinner?”
Sanji turns with a fond smile on his face, “You’re lucky you’re cute, because your comebacks are shit.” And he revels in the blush that dusts across Zoro’s cheeks. Neither of them is good at accepting the other’s flirting.
Sanji presses a kiss to Zoro’s cheek who grumbles but accepts it, lacing their fingers together, “Let me cook you something since you won’t be eating dinner, yeah?”
Law is annoyed.
He couldn’t find his crew anywhere. Not on the beach. Not in the Polar Tang. Even his powers couldn’t sense them in the immediate area. So now he’s searching the Sunny, but it doesn’t seem to be with any luck.
“Tora-o! Up here! Tora-ooo!” Luffy is waving at him from the upper deck, a chunk of meat in his hand.
“Mugiwara-ya, have you seen-”
“Hurry up Tora-o! Before it gets cold!” Luffy yells, head disappearing back behind the railing.
Law rolls his eyes, but still makes his way to the upper deck. The smell of fine cooking wafts through the air, which could only mean Blackleg-ya had prepared dinner.
“Tora-o! You’re the first one here!” Luffy is sitting at a small table, piled high with enough food to feed the alliance three times over. There’s only one open chair across from where Luffy is already devouring an entire platter, “Sanji already set out all the food!”
One by one the gears click in Law’s head.
The missing crew.
The table for two.
The cook and swordsman.
He’s been set up.
But it’s obvious Mugiwara-ya can’t see that.
Law can feel his fist clench into fists and he’s sure a vein is prominent on his forehead, but he’s more focused on finding his sword and hunting down-
“I asked Sanji to make fish without the breading!” Luffy says between bites, “I know how much you don’t like bread.”
He’s a doctor, so he knows it’s impossible, but Law really thinks for a moment his heart might burst from the wide smile that’s on Mugiwara-ya’s face.
“Well? Are you gonna eat with me?”
Law awkwardly takes a seat, unsure what to do with himself. It’s for the first time he realizes he hasn’t actually spent that much time alone with Luffy.
Luckily Luffy is good at filling the silence. And all Law needs to do is nod along at the right place, pass the food when asked, and hope he doesn’t make too much of a fool of himself.
“Ahh!” Luffy sighs, falling back against his chair with a full stomach, “It’s too bad no one else showed up.”
“But then you would have had to share the food.” Law says, eyeing the empty plates.
“Shi shi shi! You’re funny Tora-o. But still,” Luffy leans against his hand with a pout on his lips, “I thought this was gonna be our goodbye feast.”
A chill runs down Law’s spine, “Goodbye feast?”
“Well yeah! Sanji always makes a big feast before we leave an island. But I guess this means he’ll just have to make another for everyone else! Shi shi shi!”
“Right.” Law trails off, staring at the ocean so he doesn’t have to see how casual Luffy is thinking about them parting ways.
“What’s wrong, Tora-o? Do you not like Sanji’s cooking?”
“What if I don’t want to say goodbye?” Law rushes out in a single breath, eyes flicking nervously to Luffy.
Luffy cocks his head, “Well you can’t come with me. We can’t have two captains.”
Law refrains from pinching his nose but can’t help the irritated sigh that leaves his lips, “I just- I like you, Luffy.”
“Shi shi shi! I don’t think I’ve ever heard you say my name! I like you too, Law.”
Law feels his breath catch in his throat. Luffy is looking at him with that grin so wide he has to squint his eyes and it’s making Law feel all warm inside. God, if Corazon could see him now.
“Why else would I join your alliance?”
And just as suddenly it’s ripped out from under him. He’s just able to hide the crestfallen look that settles on his face by jumping to his feet, turning away, and is ready to shambles straight to the Polar Tang and never come out again.
“Tora-o!” Arms wrap around his shoulders and almost falls face first when Luffy collides into his back, “Where you off to?”
“Let go of me Mugiwara-ya.” He grits out between clenched teeth.
“Aww, I liked when you called me Luffy.” He smushes his face against Law’s cheek, “Say it again, Tora-o.”
Law feels his stomach swoop again, and he’s too confused with his thoughts and Luffy’s body pressed against him to think straight.
“Shambles.” Law replaces himself with a chair that Luffy is now clutching too.
“Do you even know what I mean when I say I like you?”
Luffy shrugs, “Well sure, that you like me.”
“For fuck’s sake, Mugiwara-ya.” Law hisses, rubbing a hand down his face, “You drive me crazy with everything you do, but I can’t stop thinking about you.” He stomps up to Luffy, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him to face level, “And I don’t want this alliance to end if it means I won’t be able to see you anymore.”
And with that he harshly presses his lips to Luffy’s, eyes screwed shut. Luffy’s lips are dry, and he can taste the food from dinner. But it’s perfect, everything Law imagined and more.
Law pulls back, panting harshly from having spilled his guts and the dramatic kiss. And then it hits him what the hell he just did, horror dawning on his face. Law’s fingers loosen and he drops Luffy back to his feet, “I- I didn’t, I’m-”
“Shi shi shi!” Luffy clutches his stomach with laughter, “Tora-o, if you wanted a kiss, all you had to do is ask.” Luffy wraps his arms several times around Law, slamming his body to against Law’s chest.
Luffy looks up at him with a smile, “What did you think I meant when I said I like you?”
“Was the rope necessary?”
Zoro looks over his shoulder, “I told you I would handle it, it’s handled.”
Sanji sighs, feeling sorry for the Heart Pirates and Straw Hats that were all knocked out and tied up on the floor of the crow’s nest. He had given Zoro the simple task of distracting everyone for a few hours to allow their captains time to enjoy dinner.
But this is definitely not what he had in mind.
“And look, it worked.” Zoro says smugly, looking down at the two figures leaning against each other near the ship’s railing.
Sanji joins Zoro at the window, “Huh, I suppose it did.”
“What, you didn’t think we could do it?”
Sanji pulls a cigarette out from his pocket, “Didn’t think it would be this quick.”
“Well not everyone is as dense as you were.” Zoro plucks the cigarette from his lips before it can be lit, “You know I don’t like when you do that.”
Sanji scoffs, “As if you were any better.” Trying to reach for the cigarette Zoro holds above his head, who uses the opportunity to pull Sanji flush against his body with a smirk on his lips.
Sanji rolls his eyes, leaning his head in the crook of Zoro’s neck, knowing defeat when he sees it.
However, their moment is broken when the sound of groaning fills the room.
“You gonna deal with that?” Sanji mumbles against Zoro’s skin. But Zoro just shushes Sanji, engulfing him in a hug and basking in the moonlight that shines down on both couples.
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