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1970 days ago Aggravating the "Devil"
I usually don’t like thinking about the future. I mean let’s face it, you can’t predict what’s going to happen. But sometimes, the thing you didn’t expect is what you really wanted after all. Maybe the best thing to do is stop trying to figure out where you’re going and just enjoy where you’re at.” I’ve been thinking a lot lately about taking chances, and how it’s really just about overcoming your fears. Because the truth is, every time you take a big risk in your life, no matter how it ends up, you’re always glad you took it. ” “I guess in the end, things seldom work out the way you expect. sometimes, fate is on your side. other times, well, you’ve kind of sealed your own fate. either way you have to trust that whatever’s supposed to happen, will happen. “ (J.D from Scrubs {my favorite show about a daydreaming intern who admired his mentor Dr. Cox...who didn't want to be his mentor or idol)
Hairart says:
1967 days ago
ps if ya believe in the devil you must beleive in God spirit demons working thru spirit mediums can fortell events too so certainley God can & its all written in his word, i wud'nt worry about what the devil can do the Almighty is far more supremely powerful & will crush him the head no trouble when that time arrives.
Hairart says:
1967 days ago
I know plenty that wud disagree they prefer to have guidence such as from our maker the manual bible & it has proved to work for millions becoz they recognize their limitations in this life full of probs how many times do people let themselves down & live with regrets i dont buy all that random all this life is anyway we have that choice up to each individual what they believe.
augusts says:
1967 days ago
..hehe, you look awesome by the way;) ..you made me curious, so I browsed a link With a dozen pics or so ..very good, even the one you smiled on;)
BanDirectEner... says:
1970 days ago
“I guess it comes down to how we want to be seen by other people. Some people want to be seen as the rebel. Some people just want to be seen, period. Some people have limits on how far they’ll go to protect their image. For me, it was when I stopped worrying about how other people saw me that I finally started to look better.” J.D from Scrubs
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