dumdumdrawstumtums · 7 years
I just remembered that the single-greatest idea I've ever had ever actually came to me in a dream, just like in the movies! It was essentially Skyrim..... but in SPIRA~~ Takes place as sort of an AU to FFX, still during the cycle of Sin and Yevon going strong. I think it was like.. you wake up imprisoned in one of the villages/cities (a la every Elder Scrolls game). Then Sin attacks, devastating the place - including the jail holding you. Its toxins also give you amnesia for the obligatory story lecturing from NCPs through the game. You could've been knocked out in the attack and wake up somehow within the temple, and badabing badaboom you become a summoner through shenanigans. Then the rest is exploring Spira with the Skyrim mechanics, where your base ability is summoning but any other skills are open for character building. The main questline is of course the pilgrimage to defeat Sin, probably along with finding alternate solutions, uncovering the corruptions of Yevon, yadda yadda the whole FFX story. But y'know you'd also have all sorts of side quests and such to do, with thousand-year old ruins aplenty to explore. And choosing from available NCPs around the world who should be your guardians (probably with number limit where you can trade out and such). So.. yeah bottom line is I've played both games too many times and my dumb subconscious cried "pen-pineapple-apple-pen!"
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