twenty-nothing · 4 years
Middle name? Helene
Favorite color(s)? Pink, mint and dark grey
What college do you want to/or are attending? I got a degree from a community college about 2 hours away and going to be attending another community college closer to me for another degree shortly
What do you want to/are you majoring in? I have a degree in accounting and am going back for Surgical Technology
Democrat/republican/other? I’m not sure
Birthday month? July
Do you dress according to your mood? Yes and the weather lol
Tomboy/girlie girl Girlie Girl
Are you good at doing hair/make up? Yes, I went to cosmetology school
Do you wear glasses? Sometimes, I mostly wear contacts now
Can you drive? Yes
Are you shy? I’m shy and reserved when I first meet someone, but not anymore once I warm up to them
Are you always worried or stressed about something? Basically, I am always tightly wound
Tell me about your dream wedding. Simple, elegant, small, fall wedding
Do you like to sing? When I am by myself
Do you like to write poetry? I haven’t written poetry in several years. I liked doing it when I was younger
Can you swim? Yeah
Do you like the pool or the ocean? Both
Do you hate water in your face?
Eh kinda
Do you hold grudges? Yes
Are you/have you ever been in love? I have, yes
Do you/did you ever sleep with a teddy bear? If so who gave it to you? I’m sure I did, don’t really remember though.
Are you a very random person? I guess so?
What do you do when you’re nervous? I fidget and I’m generally restless and get sweaty
Do you love making new friends? It’s hard for me to make friends but yeah, I’m usually happy when I manage to get close to someone thanks to some divine miracle lmao
Do you like the twilight series? No
Favorite animal? Not sure
Do you have any pets? Yes, one
What would you name your daughter? Angela or Lily
^ your son? Paul
What length hair do you like in a guy & why? I like the short hair
Do you have friends who are shorter than you? Yeah I believe Lisa is shorter than I am
When you get mad do you cry? Sometimes
Would you ever consider modeling? No
What color eyes do you wish you had? I love my green eyes
Silver/gold jewelry? Silver
Do you always wear jewelry? Yes, when I go out I at least have my Japser necklace on
Are you afraid of needles? Eh, a little
How many kids do you want? One
Long/short nails? In the middle
Do you like wearing hats? Not at all. I got bullied over my ears in middle school and hats make them stick out more so I haven’t worn a hat on my own since middle school.
Do you love taking pics? Sure
Do you sunburn easily? Yes
Does mall Santa Clauses or Easter bunnies freak you out? Kinda
Do you prefer to call a person or wait for them to call you? Call me so I don’t feel like I am bugging them
Are you scared of crossing bridges? Not really
Do you have a short attention…oh squirrel…span? No
Do you hate sitting in silence but get irritated if someone talks too much? I’m fine with silence, unless it’s awkward. I only don’t like when people talk too much if I don’t like them lol
Has anyone ever called you baby or hun? Yeah
What’s your favorite kind of chocolate? Dark chocolate
Would you consider yourself clumsy? Not really
Do you hate using public restrooms? Not really, I just don’t think about it too much lol
Do you like when a guy picks you up in his arms? Yes
Ever bought ice cream from an ice cream truck? Hell yeah
Do you hate Chihuahuas? No
Has a teacher ever made you hate your favorite subject? No
Do you like hairless cats? Nooooooo
Did you ever cry at school?
Of course lol
Have you ever had a poem or story published? No
If you had/have a kid would you ever let them get a tattoo? Sure, if I thought they were old enough to get one
What’s your favorite thing to have for dinner? Pasta
Would you ever paint your walls red? Not red red but like a burgundy, yes
Have you ever licked a pole? No
Has your hand ever gotten slammed in a car door? Nope
Are you allergic to grass? Yes
Do you love guinea pigs? Not really lol
Do you prefer to write on chalkboards or white boards?   White board
What is the worst thing you ever did that got you grounded? I have no idea
Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?   I could really use a wish right now, wish right now, wish right now
What would you do if your best girlfriend said she was lesbian? Support her
Have you ever been chased by a snake? No. Sounds terrifying
Where do you wanna work? I’m kind of lost right now so I am not sure.
Is there something you tell yourself you’re going to do but never do? Lose the weight
Has a teacher ever called you an idiot? I don’t think so
What awards have you won? I dont know
Do you get nervous eating in front of people? Yes
Would you consider yourself good at taking care of kids? Yeah I would
How old would a guy have to be before you wouldn’t date them? About 35 right now
Be honest, have you ever tried weed? Yes, makes me sick
Has anyone ever broken up with you with a note? Yes
Have you walked into a wall? Yeah
Do you have sensitive teeth? YES, it is annoying
Do you sleep with a fan on? Yes
When you hear sirens, do you get afraid its someone you know? Nope
Do you often get nosebleeds in the winter? Eh, not lately
What’s a word you use to substitute for a cuss word? I never substitute lol
What was the worst thing you ever did to get detention/suspended? Some kid would not stop kicking my seat even after telling him to stop so I stabbed his leg with my pencil lmfao, Saturday detention
Have you ever suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder? Yes, after a car accident
Have you tried crackle nail polish? Yes, it’s pretty cool
Do you enjoy the “i love you more” argument? Eh
Do you like the color yellow? Sure
Trees are awesome! Yes? Sure
Do you suffer from nasal allergies? Yes
Marrying your cousin. Yay or nay? Nay, what the fuck
Are you distracted by anything shiny at the moment? Ooo shiny!! Nope
Has your parents ever called you names? As a joke
Have you ever seen a cat have a hairball? No, but I’ve seen cats throw up
Have you ever had a tooth pulled? Oh yeah
Do you still watch tom and jerry? No
Do you use your hairbrush as a microphone? I have before lol
What’s your usual morning routine? Get up, take Jasper out, take a shower, get dressed, get stuff together and leave
Do you ever get bored with something so you’re unable to finish it? I actually do that a lot
Do you wanna redecorate your room? Nah. 
Have you ever worn black to someone’s house & left covered in fur? Oh yeah
What would I expect to find under your bed? My scale and other random things
If i were to walk into your room, would i be able to see the floor? Yes
What is something you did when you were a kid that you still enjoy?
Has anyone ever said they would love you forever, was it true? Yes, wasn’t true. I bet he said that to his other bitches too
Do you watch America’s Got Talent? Nope
Do you ever sit and look at old photo albums & recall memories? Yeah
Do you watch onision on YouTube, if not you should he’s hilarious. No?
Don’t you just hate taking showers in the winter? Omg YESSSS, it makes me even colder no matter how hot the water is. Half your body is always cold
Do you say “epic fail” a lot? Not really, I used to
How personal does a question have to be so that you wont answer? Well, I won’t answer questions that ask me my last name, my address, the city I live in or schools I went to.
Do you ever feel like sometimes you have short term memory loss? I do know I have memory problems.
What if a stranger came up to you yelled BATMAN & ran away? I’d say what the fuck??
What’s your favorite kind of pudding? Chocolate
Did you ever run over something with a lawn mower? I’ve never used a lawn mower.
When someone says don’t look do you look? I’ll try and look with my eyes but not my head if it makes sense lol
Have you ever played spin the bottle? No
Did you ever have a cat that was obsessed with shoes? No, none of my cats growing up were
I believe i can fly! Ever jump off things & try to fly? No fucking way
What was your first Halloween costume? Bunny
Ever have chicken pox? I’m sure
Did you eat your Wheaties this morning ? What was for breakfast? Nothing was for breakfast lol
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