#I absolute do not want to draw this blorblo like he's from Eroica With Love
oh-yes-i-did-not · 3 months
It feels like it's been ages since I've drawn shit so when I tried to draw Albert blorbo
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Okay that is a valid sketch but also, THAT IS NOT MY STYLE??? LIKE AT ALL????????
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Second attempt made it cleaner but also worse, so much worse. Like, what the fuck is this and who drew it?? It's sure AF is not ME.
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So then I just gave up on trying to draw my idea and just tried to doodle the character itself and now here, this is more like it. Like, this looks like a. Albert the blorbo and b. like I drew it.
Like, I can still draw like myself but apparently I also now mainly draw as a character designer for some web-series or an 80's shoujo mangaka, wtf?
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