#I already talked about Knuckle's morality stance before and his thought on giving chances before here
fastfists · 1 year
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Been thinking...and as much as Knuckles values Sonic's advice and morals, he probably would've sided more with Shadow (and Espio). NOT that he'd be okay with killing Mr. Tinker since to him even if he's technically Dr.Eggman this new personality or being isn't the same...however, he would have advised someway to keep a close eye on him so if there was a chance he'd regain those memories or Dr.Eggman returned, he could be swiftly dealt with or it could be prevented. After all...the only reason he hasn't killed Eggman is because he is trying to honor Sonic's wishes of no killing...but that doesn't mean he wouldn't if he has to. To him, at this point, Eggman has forfeited any chances he may have had to change and he doesn't see him ever truly.
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lunasblipsandblurbs · 4 years
hi darlin! if youre able, could you maybe write somethin about the boys getting a call from the reader where theyre crying and they want their man to come get them? how would the boys react? who would go into panic mode and who would go into protector mode? hope you are doin well! happy holidays!!
ohhh loving the ~drama~ of this one. Also I am def the bitch to call someone crying so self indulgence lets gooooo
Gender Neutral
Also happy holidays bbys! Sorry im a bit slow with requests latley, tis the holiday season so Im a busy bee rn.
Din Djarin
PROTECTOR MODE ACTIVATED, for real the fact you called him CRYING, something Din is not accustomed to just sent a death wish on the person who upset you. Din is immediately giving you instructions on where to seperate yourself from the situation upsetting you as he is already landing the crest and leaving the ramp, stalking off to find you, and he will it will only take like 20 minites max with this bounty hunter.
Javier Peña
He's up and out of his office ripping his keys from his desk drawer. He didn't even really hear what was upsetting you but he knows your location and hes already bolted out the door. Javi's learned the hardest way to not let that bad feeling in your stomach be, especially regarding people he cares for. He's not taking any more chances as he busts through your apartment to find out you're so upset because your pet fish, flounder, passed. He's honestly gonna release a huge sigh of relief when he hugs you. Its just the fucking fish making you sad...he will just go get you another one if you want? But its NOT THE SAME JAVI
Frankie Morales
Panic this man is fucking panicing and the panic ends up morphing into being pissed. Who or what the fuck has upset you to the point of you calling Frankie from your office bathroom begging him to pick you up from your office party. As he pulls up he hits the curb graclessly in his mission to get to you ASAP. Once he finds you he instantly ushers you into his truck, it's a safe haven for you both. He doesn't make you explain anything as he drops a comforting hand to your thigh, squeezing the thickest part periodically.
Ezra (prospect)
When Ezra's headset fuzzes in your voice crying, in obvious distress he's instantly going to panic. He's already speaking a mile a minute asking you tons of questions of where you are. Once he comes upon you on your knees with some imbecile pointing a thrower to your glass he does not hesitate to whip out his blaster and kill the intruder with no second thought. He's going to call it a day then and there as you both make your way back to your pod, you sniffling quietly as Ezra has your hand locked with his, leading the way.
Max Phillips
Max is going to leave his work meeting early with no qualms upon hearing your message from his secretary. Yes, he hypnotized the old bastards to just take the deal and GTFO so he can speed off to pick you up. Once you plop yourself into his car he's gonna reach over and gently massage the back of your neck as he drives back to your place. Trying to sooth any headaches before they can even begin. You'll talk once your home and more calm anyway.
Pero Tovar
WOW so the random merchant just WANTS to die today, okay. When Pero finds you back home after he saw you on your horse rush out of the town square he instantly is mounting his own, racing after you. By the time he reaches your shared home your already inside in bed crying into Pero's pillow. When he rubs your back gently coaxing you into telling him whats so upsetting. Once he hears tho what the merchant said to you, his eyes immediately cloud with rage as he stalks across the room and grabs his sword, leaving with only a "I will be back shortly, Amor."
Marcus Pike
Oh this man is going to instantly go into protector mode. He loves you with his whole person and he cannot handle your tears. He empathizes with you on the phone and calms you down enough so you are only sniffling. He's on the phone with you the whole car ride there until hes at your work building. He's gonna find you and give you his keys, having you go to the car as he strolls off to have a 'friendly' conversation with your creepy ass co-worker and then your boss. Flashing them his F.B.I badge was an instant threat to both parties. After that there were no more crying phone calls.
Agent Whiskey
This man is like insanely protective over you as is. And the fact you call him crying instantly lights a raging fire in the pit of his stomach. He goes into secret agent mode immediately finding you and instructing you gently to go to the bronco. When he swaggers back to the car sporting some bloody knuckles you really don't need to ask what happend, Jack's smile already comfirms he got what you both wanted.
Dave York
When you call Dave crying in hystarics he's going to calmly tell you he's on his way and to "don't worry baby, I'll be there." And when he gets there he's instantly scanning the situation to figure out what went down without asking you to dive deep into whats upsetting you. By the time your both home he has you tucked under his chin, sitting on his lap together on the love seat. You explain to him what happened as he frowns and plays with your wedding ring. When you reveal exactly who hurt you he already has a plan on how to um...get rid of your problem? He's a murder man and the fact this asshole just harrassed his spouse? Nope they're dead.
Zach Wellison
His Marine training is going to kick right in. He wont even realize it but on the phone with you his voice changes into something commanding with no questions asked he tells you where to place yourself so he can find you as quickly as possible. He hates it when you cry and the fact hes not already there to calm you down kills him. He's going to find you and rush you out of the environment causing you stress. Once you two get home he knows how exhausting crying is so he showers with you and soothes you to nap together to try and have somewhat of a restart to the day.
Omar Assarian
He. Is. Pissed. Who the fuck just made his partner fucking cry!? He is going to puff up to a larger stance with the rage, going into his boxer mode. Serious, no nonesense, and to the point. You don't win by dancing around your opponent. So he's going to ask you right away what the issue is and what you need him to do right now. HE wants to just go off and start beating up whoever upset you but this is about YOU, what do you need from him right now? Hes gonna get you back to your place asap so you can calm down and be as comfortable as possible. You two are gonna end your day cuddled up binging trash tv as you sport Omar's hoodie.
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xlits · 6 years
Santa Claus
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Pairing: Captain Boomerang x Male Reader
Summary: You and Boomerang wanted to give gifts.
Word Count: 757
A/N: Day 10 is hereeeee. I’m so excited to share this one with you guys. I love Boomerang, and I was so happy you guys picked him. I mean just look at him. He’s perfect.
The bearded Aussi always had a knack of making you laugh even at most inconvenient times. Especially now that you’re both inside of a toy store trying to stay quiet as you two throw different toys into bags. However, it’s failing as you’re clutching your stomach trying to hold in your laugh as Capt continues to be goofy.
“Stop, we have to get this done,” you said while laughing. He smiles and throws a plushie at you. You give him the finger and continue to shove toys into your bag. You didn’t notice it, but the world did when Boomerang was getting less and less into trouble after meeting you. His borderline sociopathic personality seems to be more stable, and his respect for other people’s feelings have grown.
You once tease him about how he has gone soft, and that didn’t end up well for people when he went on an attack and robbery rampage throughout the city to prove a point to you.
You tie your bag up and look at the register to see Capt trying to pry it open with his boomerang before throwing it at the wall smashing it to pieces.
“So much for being quiet,” you said as you’re walking over to him and watch him grab bills.
“We might as well get a little something for us while we’re here mate,” he said with a mischievous smirk. You roll your eyes and cross your arms as he stood up in front of you with a stance that towers over you. You always felt the tension between you two. Not the bad tension. The one that makes you want to say something to the other, but afraid of how they’d react. His cocky smirk is still on his face, and it was attractive, but you couldn’t admit that to him. Especially since he already has such a big ego.
“We’re supposed to be doing something for other people right now, not us you man baby.” Boomerang opens his mouth to say something, but you shut him up with a glare and walk away to retrieve the bags.
“You know, outside you’re amazing. But inside, you’re ugly,” he shouts after you playfully. The compliment made you feel things you weren’t going to admit to him. The walk to the children’s hospital was quiet as you and Boomerang were closely beside each other each holding four bags filled with a variety of toys. The snow and cold made you two a bit slower, but you didn’t mind if it meant spending more time with him.
“You know you can tell me.” He looks at you with his brows furrowed as he’s figuring out what you mean. You raise your eyebrows at him to give him an indication of what you’re talking about before realization sets on his face.
He looks down at his shoes as he walks in deep thought. It was a rare sight since the world only sees him as a sociopathic burglar with no morals. You know different though. The children hospital was within view with a variety of Christmas decorations on the windows, and the lobby looked empty. You drop a bag and grab Boomerang’s wrist to look at the gold watch that he stole while he was in the Suicide Squad.
“1 AM... Do you think someone will be in there?”
He shrugs his shoulders and grabs all of his bags into one hand before swinging his arm around your shoulders.
“I guess we’ll find out.”
You two walk into the hospital and the woman behind the counter quickly stands up in panic as she recognizes the two of you.
“Don’t call the police! We bought gifts!” You slide the bags towards the counter, and Capt. slowly moves in front of you protectively. He drops his bags and pulls you out the door.
“Why in such a hurry,” you question him. He looks at you with a small smirk.
“I’d rather not take the chance of you getting arrested.” You look down at your entwined hands and smile at him.
“Santa Claus usually leaves another way once he’s done delivering presents,” you said as you continue to follow him.
“Does that make you Mrs. Claus then?” You smack his arm as he laughs.
“You mean MR. Claus,” you said adding emphasis. He laughs at your response and rubs your knuckles with his thumb trying to keep your hand warm.
“Let’s go home. That sounds good, eh?”
You nod at him and you two run down the street holding hands.
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wakandan-flowerz · 6 years
Forget His Name
A/N: This is kinda late but, here y’all go. This might be like super long too. The reader is Black and Plus size. Thanks for the support y’all have shown me so far even though I think some of this is trash.
Summary: M’Baku has gotten quite jealous of your relationship with T’Challa after a council meeting. You express your emotions...then expresses his.
Warnings: Smut, smut, and more smut. A sprinkle of some body worship in there, swearing
You stormed into the bedroom with M’Baku following behind you. Your fists clenched, his nostrils flared. His heavy stomping, the vein in your forehead bulging. Both of you matching each other’s anger.
“Why did you have to do that? Eh?” you asked, whirling around to face M’Baku.
“I see the way T’Challa looks at you.” He growled. You threw your hands up in desperation. “Glances up and down at you, seeking to make eye contact with you each second he gets. Speaking to you before and after council acting as if I am not there! Always putting his hands on you!”
You and T’Challa had been childhood friends at one point due to Nakia being your cousin. Since moving to Jabariland and falling in love with M’Baku, you had been separated from him. It wasn’t until M’Baku and the Jabari tribe aided in T’Challa’s efforts that you two saw each other again. T’Challa extended an invitation to M’Baku to join the council. With you being abreast of how Wakanda as a kingdom operates, M’Baku asks you to be a liaison of sorts. You thought everything would be fine until M’Baku became increasingly jealous as T’Challa would give you extra attention.
“M'Baku, T’Challa is my friend.” You hummed smoothly hoping the softness of your voice would aid in your efforts to calm M’Baku, as it usually did. If you matched his anger, things might get worse. You had to calm yourself down and try to be soft to appease M’Baku. But it only made it worse.
“Why do you say his name like that?” He growled pointing a finger at you, rage taking over his eyes. “The way it rolled off your tongue. Sweetly, like you had feelings for him! Did he have you before me?”
“M’Baku, you are being irrational!” you said. Jealous could send this man into the most blindest of rages. Sometimes, you could reason with him, but other times, you just had to let him go off on his tangents. “T’Challa and I were nothing more than friends. We were close long ago but, that was it.”
“Close, eh?” M’Baku said tilting his head up at you in a curious manner. His eyes studied your softened stance. Fists no longer clenched, soft eyes, your shoulders came forward as they relaxed.
“You nearly shed tears when our fisherman brought him to us, broken and bloodied.” He said glaring over at you watching your movements.
“How am I supposed to act when a friend pops up on your doorstep having barely survived death?” you asked growing defensive. It may have been true that you were somewhat distraught to see T’Challa in such a state but, only because he was such a strong figure to you.
“You convinced me to go fight for him.” He said with his fists balling up and turning away from you.
“It was the morally and ethically sound thing to do in such a situation!” you fired back. T’Challa needed help. What friend would you be if you turned away one of your closest friends and your cousin just because of a rivalry that has lasted for way too long?
“You jumped at the chance to have the Jabari and the Kingdom of Wakanda in unity,” M’Baku said.
“I preached to you about joining with the rest of Wakanda when we first met.” You said, your voice growing with annoyance. “You dismissed it and called it foolish. Yet, here we are.”
“The way you hug him, the way you allow him to touch you…” M’Baku said, growing angry glaring at you in disgust from over your shoulder. “The long glances at each other, the way you smile at him, you laugh with him at his horrible jokes and quips, telling me I’m paranoid and jealous where there is clearly something there!”
“Stop it!” you cried. You had heard enough of M’Baku’s ranting. You weren’t going to be subject to his anger and his insecurities. You loved M’Baku and he was the only man you let have dominion you’re your life. “T’Challa was my friend! Is my friend! He is taken with my cousin so what would I need him for!”
“But, if you could have him?” M’Baku growled rushing over to you. You met him halfway, with just as much anger now built up in you.
“I have you!” you said running your fists into his chest which barely even moved him. Your knuckles ached from the force you put it, making you shake your hands but, you kept your eyes on him. “I have the man I love in front of me. Yet, even while he has my heart, he still questions whether I would take up with a man who has had eyes for my cousin since we were young. I’ve never wanted T’Challa. I’ve never wanted any man, as much as I’ve wanted you!”
M’Baku opened his mouth to speak and you knew by the upturn of the corners of his mouth he was going to yell at you. “No!” you screamed first. “You aren’t going to stand here and talk to me like this! I won’t allow you to paint something that isn’t there! I’ve never looked at T’Challa as anything more than a friend. There was no one before you. So while you stand here to berate me about a man who doesn’t hold a candle to you, know that I love you! And while I love you, I hate coming back here after sitting down for a meeting with him only to fight with you.” You looked up to M’Baku, standing your ground and backing away from the snarl that would usually send others running.
“M’Baku, I tell you time and time again that you are the only man in my life and will remain such until we are graced with a son. But, you are so bull-headed that it’s clear you don’t get it. You’ve never gotten it after all this time. Maybe you will never get it. And I cannot decide what is the worst part, the fact that I have to keep telling you or a part of me feels that…you don’t believe me.” You said ending in a weak whisper, fighting the tears of your passion.
Your words seemed to soften M’Baku. He gave out a heavy sigh as he placed his fingers on his temple. You were sure he was still unconvinced, so you moved to the side of him, looking to exit the room you and he shared. You felt M’Baku’s heavy arm against you, preventing you from taking another step. His arm snaked around you, pulling him into you. M’Baku set himself down on the bed bench, making it creak under both you and his weight. You found yourself in his lap with his arms around you, needy, his body begging you not to leave. He placed a soft kiss behind your ear.
“I’m sorry,” M’Baku said, holding you close and resting his chin on your shoulder. He kept his arms around your thick waist as if he was afraid you’d still get up and walk away.
“Aye, I know.” You said. “I forgive you but, sometimes you really can act like a gorilla.”
M’Baku chuckled against you. He trailed kisses from your ear to your neck. “Sometimes, I worry that you will find favor with others. I’m ready for anything…just not that.”
“I would never leave you for another man.  For T’Challa? Haha.” You said, reaching back to cup his cheek. “Besides, he’s never been attracted to more plump women.”
M’Baku chuckled against you. “He wouldn’t know what to do with one much less you. The poor man isn’t built for it.” He said his voice growing deep. “Me on the other hand…” You moaned at the feel of M’Baku’s lips on your neck, nipping and licking at your sensitive skin. You lost all focus because you had no idea M’Baku had unclipped your fur shawl from the leather bodice and tossed it across the room. You felt his fingertips graze the skin of your shoulder blades. You gripped his coarse curls, leaning back and bringing him into a passionate kiss. You moaned his mouth as in a swift movement, M’Baku was carrying you bridal style. He broke the kiss to look into your captivating eyes.
“The only name that shall leave your lips tonight is mine.” He said. M’Baku tossed you on the bed, making you squeal. “You, my love, are going to forget his name.” M’Baku shed his fur and the leather chest piece that it was connected too. You pull on his belt, bringing him in for another kiss. You got on your knees to even the gap of height between you two as M’Baku searched for the straps that fastened your chestpiece. You felt each one loosen and as you undid his arm guards, tossing them behind him. M’Baku took your bodice off, letting the cool air hit your breasts.
M’Baku broke the kiss to lay you down on the bed. He took a minute to admire your beauty. He traced his fingers over the stretch marks that decorated the soft skin of your stomach. He leaned over you, planting a kiss on your neck while massaging your heavy breasts. He captured both of your wrists in his massive hands, pinning them over your head. M’Baku lowered himself even further, planting a kiss in the cave between your breasts. You moaned as you felt his tongue came in contact with one of your nipples. Your toes curled and dug into the softness of the comforter. “Oh, M’Baku, please.” You moaned.
“Let me pleasure you, my love.” He groaned. “Let me be good to you.” You whimpered at the slight pinch of M’Baku’s teeth on your sensitive skin. You arched your back and squirmed under him as he moved to pay attention to your other breast. You whined in pleasure, moving your wrists around in his hand. You didn’t understand why you felt as if you were already on the verge on an orgasm and he had barely done any real damage. You clenched your thighs underneath him as you felt yourself throbbing.
“Are you yearning for me?” M’Baku asked, looking up at you. “Do you need to feel me?” You nodded, your heart pounding in your chest with excitement. You felt M’Baku lift off you. You kept your wrists above your head, watching him. He removed your skirt, letting it hit the floor. He grabbed onto your ankles, kissing the tops on your feet. You bit your lip in anticipation and his lips traveled up to the inside of your thighs. He yanked you closer to him so that his mouth could be square with your womanhood. Your hand, as if a reflex, grabbed onto his hair, not pulling just bracing yourself.
M’Baku’s eyes locked with yours as his tongue made contact with your clit. You shuddered and gasped. M’Baku kept your thighs on his bulky shoulders as he devoured you. You bucked your hips into him slightly. He laughed into you, sending vibrations into you which only made your quiver more. His tongue dipped into you and he pulled away slightly. “You taste heavenly, my love.” You tried to speak but, only a moan escaped your lips as his tongue went back into you.
M’Baku felt you tense up as your toes patted on his back as if you were tapping out of submission. He looked up at you to see you digging your nails into the comforter and arching your back slightly as you cried for him to keep going. He planted a kiss on your nub before dragging his tongue across it yet again. You felt him slipping his tongue into you again. The ball that collected in your stomach pushed itself into your core and it rippled through the rest of your body. Your thighs clenched the sides of M’Baku’s head as you writhe before in pleasure.
M’Baku rose to his feet, marveling at you. He began to undo his belt to drop the rest of his attire, saying something in Xhosa that you couldn’t quite make out. You were still trying to gather yourself but, you felt M’Baku’s hands run from your waist up to your breasts, giving them a squeeze. You whimpered as you peered down at his large member that was hard and ready to do its worst.
M’Baku gripped your hips, crawling on the bed. Your hands smoothed themselves over his shoulders and down to the tattoos on his arms. He took hold of his member, pushing it into you and pulling it out. You quivered with the teasing. “M’Baku.” You moaned. He obliged you, giving you a kiss as he plunged his large tip into you. You clenched around him, moaning in his mouth. Your legs automatically clenching around him. You broke the kiss to gasp as M’Baku eased his entire length into you. You stretched to accommodate his thickness and his length. His slight upward curve, digging into you. “Fuck.” You moaned.
“My love, you’re so wet. And all for me.” He told you. “You feel amazing.” M’Baku finally began to stroke into you. You felt his breath on your neck, warming your skin. Your moans were his motivation. M’Baku’s strokes were long and unrelenting, pulling out and crashing back into you. You were already throbbing and as much as you wanted your great release, you didn’t want this to end so quickly.
“M’Baku, please. Go faster.” You whined. M’Baku heeded your pleas, not only picking up tempo but, force. Your moans turned to yelps of pleasure as M’Baku’s hips slammed into you. You felt yourself quivering and your legs started to weaken, slacking on your man’s hips as he was driving himself into you. He grazed your G-Spot, making your orgasm even more imminent. M’Baku took a fistful of the sheets into one hand and his other hand dug his nails into your curves. You felt the slight tinge of pain from where his nails were about to pierce your skin but, the pleasure you were also feeling was greater by tenfold.
“M’Baku! I’m coming! Oh, please.” You screamed.
“Come for me, Y/N!” M’Baaku ordered. A scream ripped from your lungs to accompany your orgasm. You felt yourself weaken, your legs fall to the side, yet still bent. M’Baku took them into his hands still thrusting into you. You wanted to scream but, nothing came out by air and slight whimpers. You didn’t even realize that he hadn’t finished but, he was about to. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you buried your face into the crook of his neck, seeking to muffle your cries.
“No. I want to hear you, Y/N. Say my name.” he huffed.
“M’Baku!” you said in a shaky voice. You felt a scratch in your throat. You tried to overcome it as you called out M’Baku’s name, repeatedly, as he wanted it. M’Baku began to grunt and you felt him twitch inside you. “Come inside me, M’Baku. I want to feel it, please.” You cried, arching your back, pushing your hips into him as so soon another orgasm was coming after your last. You left his left hand claw you as he let out a roar, shooting his seed into you. You screamed with him as you released once again.
M’Baku pulled out of you and sat on his knees, catching his breath with his head thrown back. You rolled on your side, a sweaty mess. You were left throbbing and trying to come back to your senses. You smoothed your hand over your curly mess of hair that you didn’t even realize had broken from its rubber band. You squirmed felt yourself melting into the grey fur comforter. Almost sheepishly, you looked at M’Baku, holding out a hand to him. He obliged you, leaning into you.
M’Baku placed soft fleeting kisses on your cheek and on your neck. His hands grasped your shoulder and trailed down to your back. He bit his lip against you as he rubbed your butt cheek. He palmed and massaged you, making you moan slightly. He gave you a light smack, admiring the jiggle that came with it. You couldn’t help but, let out a laugh as he flicked his fingers at it, making it jiggle even more. “Do you like what you see, my love?” you asked still trying to catch your breath.
“How can I not appreciate this masterpiece laying under me?” M’Baku said. He grabbed onto it, giving it a squeeze. M’Baku’s hands may have been huge but, your ass was bigger. M’Baku admired your round thickness. The dim light of the room reflected nicely off your deep rich skin, giving your complexion gold highlights. He raised his hand to smack you once again making you moan again. “You enjoy being spanked, yes?”
You nodded tiredly, propping yourself up to watch him. You moved your leg over so he had a better view of you. M’Baku smirked at you as he continued to rub your ass. You hummed as his fingertips followed the trail that your stretch marks left. He leaned down and kissed along them before raising up again. M’Baku spread your cheeks apart and got a nice peek at your still wet entrance. You felt his thumb graze over it, making you whimper.
You took your arm from your side, taking his semi-hard member in your hand, stroking him. M’Baku let out a weak groan at the feel of your soft palm. To even the scales, he eased his thumb inside you and put his pinky finger to your clit. You were still so sensitive from the last orgasm that you shuddered. You continued stroking M’Baku but, focusing more on his tip. You couldn’t put the energy into it that you would have wanted to because you hadn’t found your bounce back yet. You watched his chest rise and fall as your strokes became quicker, bringing him to a fully hardened state. M’Baku dug his thumb into you, making you clench him.
“May I take you from behind, Y/N?” He spoke, clearly impatient with just feeling your hand.
You didn’t utter a word, simply turned on your stomach. You arched your back and kept yourself up on your knees, regardless of how weak your legs still felt. M’Baku massaged your hips as he squared himself with you. You turned your head to look back at him. You back yourself into him, feeling his tip at your entrance. M’Baku tapped himself against you before pushing you inside. Your toes curled as you felt him dive into you, this time he didn’t hesitate to give you his entire length.
“You fit me so well, Y/N.” he groaned before taking a few light strokes. You were already gripping the sheets and biting your lip to keep yourself from getting too loud. M’Baku would prove to make that difficult for you as he started to roll his hips more roughly.
“M’Baku,” you called. You don’t know how you managed it but, you started to push into him. Not quite matching his tempo but, close enough. M’Baku watched you jiggle as you bounced off him, groaning and praising Hanuman at the site. His hand traveled down your back and grasped your neck, holding you down as you beg for him. M’Baku picked up his pace, beating himself into you and watching you bounce back into him. You cried out as you felt yourself quivering. You gripped the sheets as tight as you could feel your orgasm coming. “M’Baku, I’m so close.”
M’Baku’s response was faster, more powerful strokes. You were started to slip from your position, straightening yourself out. “Where are you going?” he growled. You felt him release your neck and yank you up by your wrists. Your back collided with his torso as his hands roughly latched onto your breasts, pinching your nipples.
“Fuck, M’Baku!” you cried with you getting closer and closer to the edge.
“Louder. I want to hear my name fill the mountains.” He growled in your ear as he fondled you. “Let everyone hear you.”
“M’Baku!” you cried, throwing your head against him.
“Louder!” he said. “Let that sorry excuse of a king hear you from his throne.”
“M’Baku, damn it!” you cried, your stomach contracting with what was coming next. One of M’Baku’s hands found it’s way down to your clit. He rubbed rough circles on it, sending waves of euphoria through you. “M’Baku! M’Baku, wait I….” a deafening scream ripped through you as you felt yourself come leading to M’Baku letting himself go inside you with a scream of his own.
You both froze in that position, coming down from your highs and catching your breath. M’Baku moved his hips to pull out of you, making you drip on the comforter. He kept one arm around you as he eased you down on the mattress. He laid next to you, resting his head on your shoulder and still an arm around your waist. He placed a kiss on your neck and looked up to you. He gently moved your hair from your face and wiped the beads of sweat from your brow.
“Who were you jealous of again?” you said mustering up the last of your voice to make a joke.
M’Baku let out a laugh before kissing your knuckles. “See? You’ve already forgotten his name.”
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