#I also don't mind if people copy/paste portions of it for use in other communities
ts3creatorscave · 1 year
Creator Community Good Faith Practices
Here at the Creator’s Cave, our mission is to create a ‘safe space’ for people to learn how to create new content and mods for The Sims 3, and share their knowledge of how to create new content and mods for the Sims 3.
Frequently, new custom content (CC) is generated by making edits to existing CC. As part of the above mission, we feel it is required of us to encourage ‘Good Faith’ practices, and to discourage ‘Bad Faith’ practices when utilizing content from other creators in your CC or mods.
We've made a  list of ‘Good Faith’ and ‘Bad Faith’, and ‘Grey Area’ practices to serve as guidelines for both existing and aspiring creators.
We asked those in the discord to help distill and tweak it, and will continue to make alterations based on feedback from the creator community. These guidelines are primarily enforced by the community itself, and other creators may decline to provide assistance to someone who is using ‘Bad Faith’ practices.
Here’s a link to the doc for any interested: TS3 Creator Good Faith Practices
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twst-discourse-bot · 2 years
It’s becoming more and more obvious that Yuuna may be part of a system/headspace/DID due to her many identities and numerous attempts of arguing with herself online. I’m not sure it’s for clout anymore but a genuine sign she may have multiple personalities all fighting in her mind at once.
I’m no doctor but the observations I’ve made on her possibly having a system/headspace/DID is becoming more and more clear, but of course, that doesn’t excuse poor online behavior. Yuuna seems to age herself differently depending on which role she’s trying to portray.
Think of Yuuna’s multiple personalities like this… It’s like the Anna Delvy situation, she took on the role of a rich German heiress and scammed a good portion of New York’s elite. Because of her taking such a role, and pulling it off well, they were all fooled. However, with Yuuna, hers is a little different. While she takes on multiple roles, she is, like Anna, very consistent with her goal and her agendas.
As seen, Yuuna has had 9 accounts, 9. 9 accounts just to wreak havoc in a fandom that’s already an unruly hive for drama and messes so slippery it makes a cartoon banana peel left on the floor look solid and not dangerous. I’m 100% convinced that Yuuna is just a child around the range of 13-15 years old, she’s already been following NSFW blogs before she deactivated. I checked her “likes” and some were NSFW and not suitable for her age.
Have you considered making a Twitter or Instagram to spread the word? Maybe even a Google docs? This mess needs to be seen, she’s probably on other platforms right now making the exact same posts and spamming the tags. She’s probably on discord spamming the OC chats.
Hello anon, I needed to give my response to this ask a bit of time because I both needed to organize my thoughts and wanted to give such a sensitive topic the respect it deserves.
I will start off by saying that I don't believe she has DID/is part of a system and classifying it by her erratic, trolling behavior does a disservice to people who do have the condition. I am friends with several systems and while alters can share interests, it does not happen to the extent that Ray's "identities" do. There is no differentiation between Yuuna/Ray/Lumine/Jordan, they all write, act, respond, and apparently think the exact same why, which just doesn't happen.
To continue, if they were all different alters in a system, why has none of them come out and stated they were part of a system? Each account pretends like they have no idea who the previous iteration was, which only added to people's suspicions that they were all run by the same person. Sure, they could be undiagnosed, but that circles back to my previous point. An alter is a completely different person with their own thoughts, feelings, interests, and memories who just occupies the same body as the host. They are not just the same host copy-pasted several times.
I am not completely familiar with the Anna Delvy situation, but from what I read and saw, there was no mention of her having DID. She was just a manipulator who got away with it for a long time by using fake personas, which is very, very different from having dissociative identity disorder. One is a conscious action, and one is a mental illness caused by severe trauma during one's earliest formative years.
I am ready to believe that Ray/Jordan is just some stubborn, dumbass 14-year-old who has no worldly experience and got in way over her head after being given unmonitored internet access too early in life, but that's no excuse. She needs to be taught that she cannot act however she wants in fandom spaces.
I also do not want to spread this outside of Tumblr, first of all because that is not my responsibility, and second of all because Twitter is already a cesspool that is beyond repair. On Instagram, she would gain zero traction anyway because of how competitive the fandom art community is, so I wouldn't waste my breath there either. This blog is the extent of my efforts, and I don't encourage anyone to take it further. This is enough.
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