#I assume that's where they usually spend the night so I guess they're cuddling up with the rest of the murder while it's cold
My crowfriends basically disappeared when the snow got really thick and I miss them a lot but also, I was walking past a bit of forest on the edge of town this morning which apparently is where they've been hiding these last 2 days - and they came flying out to meet me. :)
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twistedhxart · 7 months
✩ for Kyle
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Who is more likely to raise their voice? - They're both actually rather calm, talking before things escalate, but still, I can imagine Kyle doing it Who threatens to leave but never actually does? - Neither of them does Who actually keeps their word and leaves? - / Who trashes the house? - I don't think either of them wants to clean up afterwards, so they keep their house as clean as possible from the outset Do either of them get physical? - During sex? Sure ;) How often do they argue/disagree? - As already mentioned, I believe that both of them talk calmly about any problems that may arise first, so that there are hardly any arguments Who is the first to apologise? - If it actually came to a fight, it would probably be Lian, as he wouldn't be able to stand disagreements between them for long. He's also the one who would apologize when the blame doesn't even lie with him. Not really a good way to deal with problems :')
Who is on top? - Kyle Who is on the bottom? - Lian Who has the strangest desires? - They have never talked about strange desires, so I assume that what they do and how they do it pleases both of them so far Any kinks? - Kyle certainly has many, but only try the ones with Lian that he's sure he's comfortable with of course. And... does biting count? Lian loves it! Who’s dominant in bed? - I don't know if you can call it dominating, but usually Kyle is the one who suggests new things and therefore leads the way Is head ever in the equation? - Sure If so, who is better at performing it? - I'd say they're both pretty good at it, but maybe Kyle is a little bit better because he's had more experience than Lian? Ever had sex in public? - They surely had in their historical/Spartan verse! Who moans the most? - Lian bc he's the bottom bitch Who leaves the most marks? - I guess that'd be Kyle bc... you know he has the sharper teeth Who screams the loudest? - Normally, neither of them are very loud... normally... Who is the more experienced of the two? - Definitely Kyle bc he's an old as fuck vampy boy Do they ‘fuck’ or ‘make love’? - Make LOVE ♥♥♥ Rough or soft? - Mostly soft How long do they usually last? - Let me put it this way: they take their time and savor each moment together Is protection used? - No Does it ever get boring? - Never Where is the strangest place they’d have sex? - I wouldn't call it strange, but once they had sex in a bathtub, which was pretty hot, I have to be honest!
Do your muses plan on having children/or have children? - No. At least they haven't talked about it yetIf so, how many children do your muses want/have? Who is the favorite parent? Who is the authoritative parent? Who is more likely to allow the children to have a day off school? Who lets the children indulge in sweets and junk food when the other isn’t around? Who turns up to extra curricular activities to support their children? Who goes to parent teacher interviews? Who changes the diapers? Who gets up in the middle of the night to feed the baby? Who spends the most time with the children? Who packs their lunch boxes? Who gives their children ‘the talk’? Who cleans up after the kids? Who worries the most? Who are the children more likely to learn their first swear word from?
Who likes to cuddle? - BOTH. They are both very cuddly! Who is the little spoon? - Mostly Lian, but he also enjoys being the big spoon from time to time ♥ Who gets naughty in the most inappropriate of places? - Uhm... Kyle. Definitely Who struggles to keep their hands to themself? - Also Kyle? Haha How long can they cuddle until one becomes uncomfortable? - Can you ever get uncomfortable from cuddling? Who gives the most kisses? - I couldn't choose anyone because they both take almost every opportunity to kiss each other What is their favourite non-sexual activity? - Going on vacation, spending time in nature or visiting a museum. That kind of thing :3 Where is their favourite place to cuddle? - If they're comfortable with their surroundings, they could cuddle everywhere. Although they mostly enjoys it in private on the couch or in bed ♥ Who is more likely to playfully grope the other? - Kyle. He's a pervert. Haha jk! But he likes to tease! How often do they get time to themselves? - They try to spend as much time together as possible. Of course, there's nothing you can do about it if both or one of them has to work, but the missing time will then be made up
Who snores? - Lian is quiet like a dead man when he sleeps, but does Kyle snore? :D If both do, who snores the loudest? - / Do they share a bed or sleep separately? - Of course they share! If they sleep together, do they cozy up together or lay far apart? - There is not the slightest gap between them Who talks in their sleep? - I think they both does it from time to time What do they wear to bed? - Lian wears a shirt and long or short pajama pants and Kyle... well... mostly nothing at all lol Are either of your muses insomniacs? - Not that I know of Can sleeping pills be found by the bedside? - No Do they wrap their limbs around each other or just lay side by side? - They do both but wrap their limbs around each other when they're extra feelsy Who wakes up with bed hair? - They both do but I think Lian will have the worst bed hair bc they are like so long haha Who wakes up first? - Usually Kyle does Who prepares breakfast in bed for the other? - Kyle bc... yeah he doesn't eat anything solid What is their favourite sleeping position? - Face to face or spooning! ♥ Who hogs the sheets? - They try to share but since Kyle is the colder one of them I can see him wrapping himself in the sheets to also be more comfortable Do they set an alarm each night? - Not every night, but certainly when one of them has to get up early. Kyle hates it Can a television be found in their bedroom? - No Who has nightmares? - They both have :/ Who has ridiculous dreams? - Are dreams every not ridiculous? Who sprawls out and takes up most of the bed? - How funny would it be if Kyle does and Lian decides to lay on top of him then? Who makes the bed? - It depends. If one person has to go to work, the other does What time is bed time? - It also depends on whether they have to get up at a certain time the next day, but normally they both never go to bed too late Any routines/rituals before bed? - Not that I know of Who’s the grumpiest when they wake up? - Kyle. Defo
Who is the busiest? - They both are but I think Lian is a bit busier since he's working in a coffee shop Who rakes in the highest income? - I think Kyle does bc after all these years he knows how to get the highest Are any of your muses unemployed? - No Who takes the most sick days? - Although he is not sick very often, Lian does. Kyle is just never sick. Although I can also imagine that he takes sick days from time to time when he doesn't feel mentally on top of things Who is more likely to turn up late to work? - They try not to, but very rarely it happens with both of them. Due to traffic or... you know they just couldn't let go off each other haha Who sucks up to their boss? - None of them does What are their jobs? - Lian is working in a coffee shop and Kyle's a gym owner/trainer Who stresses the most? - Lian when too many people want a goddamn coffee! Do your muses enjoy or despise their careers/occupations? - They are okay with it I guess. I mean who goes to work for fun? Although I can imagine Kyle enjoys it a bit more than Lian does Are your muses financially stable? - Yup!
Who does the washing? - Kyle Who takes out the trash? - Lian Who does the ironing? - No one irons these days lol Who does the cooking? - Lian mostly and for obvious reasons Who is more likely to burn the house down just trying? - / Who is messier? - They are both very tidy and clean so I can't choose any of them being the messier one Who leaves the toilet roll empty? - Lian when he's lost in thought Who leaves their dirty clothes on the floor? - They try not to but maybe sometimes Kyle forgets after he has to get naked again lol Who forgets to flush the toilet? - / Who is the prankster around the house? - / Who loses the car keys when it comes time to go somewhere? - Kyle tries not to, but he would be the only one who could probably lose it bc he is the car owner haha Who mows the lawn? - They take turns Who answers the telephone? - Kyle Who does the vacuuming? - Also Kyle while Lian cooks Who does the groceries? - They both do! Who takes the longest to shower? - Kyle, because WARMTH. But they both definitely take the longest when they share a bath ♥ Who spends the most time in the bathroom? - They are equal bc they never take long when getting ready
Is money a problem? - It never was How many cars do they own? - I'm not sure if Kyle owns more than one but Lian doesn't bc he can't drive Do they own their home or do they rent? - I like to imagine that they have their own home ♥ Do they live near the coast or deep in the countryside? - Near the coast bc Kyle loves it or deep in the countryside bc Lian loves it? I'd say near the coast. They could have a second house in the countryside where they go for vacation? :> Do they live in the city or in the country? - ...coast? Do they enjoy their surroundings? - They do! What’s their song? - I have many songs for them in my playlist but let's just name one: "I'll Carry You" by Tommee Profitt ♥ What do they do when they’re away from each other? Where did they first meet? - In a train ♥ How did they first meet? - The train was full, so Lian asked Kyle if he could sit with him Who spends the most money when out shopping? - Since they are both very modest, neither does spend too much money Who’s more likely to flash their assets? - None Who finds it amusing when the other trips over? - They don't find it funny and are more concerned about each other, though I imagine Kyle would find it a little funny when he realizes that Lian didn't hurt himself lol Any mental issues? - Of course they have lol Who’s terrified of bugs? - / Who kills the spiders around the house? - They don't kill, they catch them and take them out :3 Their favourite place? - Just somewhere together but mostly at home or on vacation/in nature Who pays the bills? - Kyle does while Lian pays for groceries and stuff Do they have any fears for their future? - Sure they have. There is still the question of what will happen when Lian gains access to his world one day. As it is his home and his family lives there, he would have to decide where he wants to live in the future. If there was a chance to open the gate between the worlds at will, he would stay with Kyle. Moreover, it is very likely guaranteed that Lian will die before Kyle, but that is a risk Kyle is not taking for the first time <;/3 Who’s more likely to surprise the other with a fancy dinner? - Kyle when he invites Lian to visit a fancy restaurant. Although Lian is sad every time bc he can't share the food with him ;-; Who uses up all of the hot water? - Kyle bc he likes it warm and comfortable ♥ Who’s the tallest? - Kyle is a bit taller than Lian Who’s more likely to just randomly hop into the shower with the other? - Kyle haha Who wanders around in their underwear? - Kyle! Or he wears nothing at all haha. I can see Lian only doing it when it's very very hot Who sings the loudest when singing along to the radio? - If they find a very good song they both love, they could do it together ♥ What do they tease each other about? - I can see Kyle teasing Lian about being shy/getting flustered bc of something Kyle did. THE TEASE Who is more likely to cringe at the other’s fashion sense at times? - / Do they have mutual friends? - I mean Lian got to know friends of Kyle and Kyle got to know Lian's family so does this count? Who crushed first? - Lian usually crushes first but they both crushed big time Any alcohol or substance related problems? - Nope Who is more likely to stumble home, drunk, at 3am? - / Who swears the most? - They tend not to but Kyle does is rather than Lian does
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 3 years
Hii can i request a Vinnie x reader where the reader live at the hype house and shes a big tiktoker too and the reader is just soft and she spend alot time at Vinnie's room bc they're secretly dating but no one knew abt it just they're family and thomas and alex and the others kinda knew abt it bc the reader and Vinnie is kinda spending time together a lot and one day Vinnie got a cold and that same day thomas is filming a video and the reader is cutting apples(or any fruit ) for Vinnie and thomas started filming her and ask her if thats for vinnie the fruits that the reader are cutting bc they knew vinnie is sick and the reader said "no, its for me" why a little laugh at the end and she didn't know that thomas is filming her going to vinnie's room and suddenly thoms burst in to Vinnie's room and filming them and see the reader is taking care of Vinnie...you can do whatever you want at the endd just vinnie soft and cuddly thank youuu! <333
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Taking care of our boy? - Vinnie Hacker
Hey love 😘 Thank you so much for your request, I hope my story did it justice … I made a few changes, but the idea is still there 🙄 I feel like Vinnie would be such a baby when he’s sick 😆 Enjoy
Warning : None
Word Count : 1.2
Vinnie hated being sick. He had been feeling off the past couple of days and when he woke up congested, his throat burning, he groaned, rolling onto his side seeing you laying peacefully next to him. You had fallen asleep the night before, after going to Vinnie’s room to watch anime with him. You, being a newly big TikToker, had moved into the Hype House a few months ago, hitting it off quickly with him. You always got teased for it, often getting shipped online with the fact that you guys seemed to be close to each other. People weren’t totally wrong since you and Vinnie had decided to start dating a few weeks ago, hiding it to the public due to the fact that it was still new and scared of the hate you would get if his fans found out.
Not a lot of people knew about your relationship, just your closest friends and of course the other members of the Hype House. Living with them, didn’t make it easy to keep you both a secret, but they respected your decision. You had thought about coming out since people kind of assumed you were together after seeing how close you both were in Thomas and Alex’s vlogs. The responses to their videos were mostly sweet and encouraging, so you often thought about it. You had both posted a few TikToks with each other over the past couple of months and you were seen leaving places together lately, hinting to the public that something was happening between you and Vinnie
He tried getting back to sleep, closing his eyes, coughing a few times before feeling you move beside him. You got closer to him wrapping one of your arms around his torso, opening your eyes as you felt the temperature of his body.
“Baby, you’re boiling hot” you gasped, lifting your upper body to look at him, putting your hand on his forehead. He groaned again before coughing making you sight
“I’ll run you a bath so you can relax, and I’ll go to the store to buy some medicine, okay baby?” you said getting up grabbing a hoodie out of Vinnie’s closet
“You don’t have to do that, I’ll be fin-“ he got interrupted by a fit of coughs
“Sure” you chuckled lightly “Wait here, the bath should be done in a few minutes” you said, disappearing into the bathroom connected to his room, turning on the faucet for the water to start running. You took a towel putting it near the bathtub, calling him in when it got filled up
“Ok, so I’ll run to the store really quick, I’ll be back in a few, try to relax” You said leaving a kiss on his temple, before leaving his room, going downstairs towards your car.
You got back home about 30 minutes later with a bag filled with medicine for Vinnie when you phone dinged indicating a new notification. You opened your phone, seeing that Vinnie had just posted a new Tiktok. You shook your head, laughing slightly, even when sick, he always found a way to make something for his fans. The video consisted of him getting his head out of the water, his hair now being wet. Vinnie being Vinnie, didn’t write much for the caption
Sick 🤧
The comments were already flooded with a bunch of messages from girls saying how much they would kill to come take care of him and how good looking he was. You put your phone in your back pocket as you entered the house, making your way to the kitchen seeing the others sitting at the counter, sipping on their coffee, laughing at something Michael had said.
“Look who decided to join us earlier than usual” Alex said pointing his camera towards you, as showed him your middle finger, sticking out your tongue
“Ouhhh grumpy, she probably didn’t have her coffee yet guys, excuse her” he said laughing, turning the camera back towards Calvin, who was trying to do god knows what. You went to the fridge, taking out some fruits to cut while you put the teakettle on the stove, waiting for the water to boil. You prepared everything while listening to their stories and laughing at them. You took out a tray, placing a plate of freshly cut berries with two mugs and some pills on the side to bring up to Vinnie.
“Two mugs? Perhaps the tea is for Vinnie? Taking care of our boy while he’s sick, I see” Alex stated, grinning softly as he turned the camera back towards you
“Vinnie’s sick? I didn’t know” you said shrugging your shoulders “I’m just really thirsty, that’s all” you continued as you picked up the tray, the others humming, knowing well enough you were lying.
“Anyways, see you later, I have some things to take care of” you said already halfway out of the kitchen making your way up the stairs
“I bet you guys a hundred bucks that the things she needs to take care of is Vinnie” Michael said, laughing as he shook his head.
Arriving to Vinnie’s bedroom you knock on the door hearing a faint “come in” before opening the door, seeing your boyfriend lying in bed, watching anime.
“Hey baby, I brought you berries and tea” you said walking up to him while he moved to sat down “Here take these” you handed him the medicine and his cup of tea while you move to sit beside him with the plate and your own cup of coffee.
“Thank you” he sipped on his tea, the hot liquid soothing the tickled in the back of his throat. You had both finished eating and drinking, putting the plates and mugs away on the nightstand when Vinnie started coughing again
“Poor baby” you said stroking his warm cheeks “Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” you asked him, worried
“Can we just stay here and cuddle?” he said looking into your eyes, pouting as you smiled at him
“Of course, Vin” you answered as he laid his head on your chest, your hands massaging his scalp slowing, making him let out a small groan of appreciation, enjoying the comfort. A few moments later, the sound of light snoring made you smile softly, indicating Vinnie had fallen back asleep. You knew he didn’t sleep much the night before, so you were happy that he could relax for a bit. You could hear some shuffling in the hallway and soon enough the door opened, Alex and Michael entering the room, fake gasping at the sight before their eyes.
“Well, well, well what do we have here?” Alex said, capturing every moment on his camera
“Shhh! Can’t you see he’s sleeping” you whispered-yelled trying to shush them up, wavering your hands for them to go away
“I guess I was right hun?” Michael said to the camera, a wide grin on his face.
“Mhhhhh” Vinnie groaned, squeezing your body tighter “Baby, tell them to go away” he mumbled groggily, still sleepy.
“AH I TOLD YOU SO! You guys owe me 100 bucks” Michael shouted as he pointed the lenses with his index finger, before Vinnie threw a pillow at him, exhausted
“I swear if you guys don’t get out –“ he got interrupted by the two guys laughing and exiting the room, closing the door behind him. You laughed lightly as he laid back down on your chest
“They are so annoying” he sighed “Thanks for taking care of me baby”
“Anytime Vin” you responded, smiling, leaving a kiss on his forehead.
Thanks for reading
Hope you liked it, let me know what you think
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